When is it okay to hit a chick?

When is it okay to hit a chick?

Other urls found in this thread:


when she hits you


when she's being a bitch


this old thing again?
It's not okay, ever. Never ever, under any circumstances. The only way you can ever "harm" a woman is to hold her so she won't hit you. If you can't stop her, you deserve to get hit for whatever fuck you did to her.
Turn in your man card if you've ever touched a lady with a closed fist, you're not a man anymore and nobody will consider you worthy.

When you're bored, or horny.

The same time as when it is okay to hit men, when you have to defend yourself.

He put up with that a lot longer than I would have

I believe it is ok to hit anybody in self defense regardless of gender

HAHAHAHAHA stupid cunt.


Equal rights equal fights you cuck.

Whenever you want

How many Internet maidens have rewarded you with sex

im sure you got laid plenty of times during college

When the mood strikes you, you strike her. Think about it and do it. Just because she hasn't fucked up noticeably lately doesn't mean she hasn't fucked up at all. Keep her on her toes, she shouldn't know when you're going to do it.


Youre a pyssy and id love to see you beaten do death with a sturdy stick



mom i told you to get off /b


When you're less privileged than her, as a trans identity being, I'm less privileged than everyone but for Joe Cred Forums let's go over this.
Are you male and you both white? that's oppression, unless you're an immigrant then you're both on equal ground.
Are you transgendered, black, gay, nonwhite, islamic, or an immigrant? If you're any two of these you can do whatever you want to a white woman in her home country. it's just an oppressed minority lashing out at the privileged oppressors.

When it's necessary to do so in order to defend your self or someone else or an animal from harm, be it physical or financial. Even if it is just the treat of harm. You have a right to defend yourself. This never hit a woman idea predates feminism


Lucky enough my wife and I got together back in a time where it was okay to slap a woman that acted up. She respects me and I respect her, it's been that way for many many years.

1) whenever you want
2) whenever your friend asks you to

toy words




You're an unrealistic idiot narcissist with a fucking white knight complex and obviously have lived the safe and calm life only a rich and overprivileged asshat could have lived to come up with such a unicorn fart and rainbow dust version of the real world. You are indeed a master moron.


I'd expect you to say that, you're probably a cisgendered white male. Those with privilege can't see it.

>using the word "master"
This is highly offensive; mods, you know what to do.

come in S E eu with this thinking faggot, u are gonna be hospitalized in less than 24 h


>white knight
Don't hit women you fucking neanderthal. Women are much more emotional than you and it is your fault for how they behave. If you're "protecting yourself" that just means you were a goddamn retard and deserved whatever happens. If you can't shrug off a girl hit, you don't deserve to live.

Can't you gender politicians turn that oppression pyramid into a card game and leave the regular world out of it?
>"censor stuff I don't like."


there an ending to this? i wanna see some titties fly

projecting won't end your self-hatred

I'm vegan, just so you know.

when you're a slav

Right you're fucking mental man...Take it down a notch from there.

This kind of hatespeech is exactly what needs to be banned. I hope someone arrests you for saying this you shitlord.

When she's not made my food

Sometimes the cunt deserves it




It's OK if you done told her once.

>women are more emotional
>your fault for how they behave
That's like saying It's a child's fault for being a male.


>Women are much more emotional than you and it is your fault for how they behave.
How enlightened of you to think that women have no control or culpability over their actions or choices. I bet you think they shouldn't vote or decide who they marry either.

It's not necessarily his fault he's identifying as male but with that identification comes privilege so it is his fault.


When she's not wearing her hijab

If shes attacking you and you are unable to defend yourself by restraining her.

They're of course deserve equal rights, but they also deserve special privileges. Their brains are just different than ours, they have periods, they have so many circumstances that we need to look out for. It's unrealistic to expect them to behave like us.
Didn't your mother teach you anything? Girls are delicate, treat them better.

look user found the core assumption of all american L thought

Ginger hulk smash

When she consensus or tries to kick you without yours. Woman's leg power=man's arm power.


troll harder m8

Whats the story behind this?

On the third date. That's usually when it happens, from what I've been told.

You hit her when WHY DOES SHE SLAP


Once upon a time the end

As a trans identity elf and a victim of online harassment, I find your post offensive.

Hey Oppression patroller, go after this guy He's actually making women out to be emotional children with no sense of responsibility who needs to be controlled.
When I say I'd hit a woman in self defense it is because I'd consider her an equal opponent if she attacked me.

But muh equal rightz

Lol you're a troll or an idiot. You will never convince anyone of your point of view. If a woman hits me, she is going to get hit. If she doesn't want to get hit, then she should not hit me. There is a price to pay for your actions.

>Physical qualities
The only time those go together is when you are identifying the physical qualities someone has.

>equal rights
>special privileges
you can literally choose one.

more like the 18th century thought that social conservatives seem to be stuck in.

Whenever you want, but only on their ass

>girls are delicate
>they should be treated fairly
which side are you on? Pick one

>hold your hand on truck, win truck
>last one holding on wins
>she got tired of wearing her slut stilts
>was bothering many contestants
>touching them, poking them, touching with her shoes
>he told her to stop it
>she didn't
>she got her face broke for being a dumb whore who thought she was above consequences


Thank you user.


>nobody will consider you worthy.
kinda like when a white girl fucks a nigger

I have depression and anxiety, just so you know!

What kind of stupid cucks just sit and watch this.

If your feeble minds can't entertain both ideas, you don't get to have a say in this. It's possible for them to have EQUAL RIGHTS as humans like voting (what someone else brought up) and for us to still give them more leeway in other things. You're not going to find a blanket black and white way. Women should get to hit and punch and attack you for what you fucking did. A man should not, he knows better, he knows he risks going to jail or getting his ass kicked.

Please don't mansplain to me, as a trans retarded Czechoslovakian immigrant who does not speak English, it offends me.

Fat ugly female detected

Whoa, slow down edgecunt

>have EQUAL RIGHTS as humans like voting (what someone else brought up) and for us to still give them more leeway in other things
Equal rights means you don't get special treatment. If you give one group special treatment over another, then you no longer have equal rights.

I like how one of the whiteknights calls him pussy... right after he and 20 other whiteknight fags begin to punch him (not shown in gif video)

Women are physically weaker than men, so in that regards, it's similar to fighting a 13 year old.

>It's a little embarrassing for you if you're unable to resolve the situation without resorting to violence.
>it's more embarrassing for you if you're unable to restrain them without hitting them.
>but it's most embarrassing if you lose a fight to them.

Sure. The burqa must be worn at all times. If not, then consequences are known.

"Men are disposable, women are not. Female violence against men is acceptable because they are the protected class. Male violence against women, even in self defense, is not acceptable because women are not considered disposable."

>when you're a slav
slavic mating ritual

When she tell u to get off Cred Forums

>i'm dumb and don't understand what was said
get some reading comprehension

>Women should get to hit and punch and attack you for what you fucking did. A man should not, he knows better, he knows he risks going to jail or getting his ass kicked.
You are a legit misogynist if you think someone shouldn't be legally or morally culpable for their actions because they do/don't have a pair of testicles.

When I was younger, I dated a much older woman for a while. Did you use to grab my arm and pinch real hard it hurt like a bitch. She would grab the flesh and twisted it. One day I got sick of that shit and decided to show her what it felt like. So she pinched me like that, and then I grabbed the skin on her arm through her leather jacket And twisted as hard as I could. her knees buckled and she almost hit the floor. She was like holy fuck that hurt!! She never did it again

Keked the fuck out

Allow me to play doubles advocate.
She grew up not knowing she could get in trouble. She didn't know any better. Women, retards, kids, cripples. They're all dumb and get one free shot on you. After they see how ineffective their one chance was, and they go for it again? Feel free to take them down

Get off Cred Forums you hideous, fat fucking bitch.

Mansplain is a rather sexist way of calling me condescending. I admit I was condescending. The difference between you and me, is that I would call you a condescending idiot and not a transplaining idiot if you were condescending to me.

>doesn't understand what equality is
>decides to mansplain anyway
typical cisgender misogynist shitlord, nothing to see here.

and men shouldn't be able to fight back? Just because they have a penis doesn't mean they're invincible.
Also, even though this may blow your fucking mind, I'm a femanon.

Women are weaker and not built for fighting physically or emotionally you shouldnt hit someone much smaller and weaker than you in general because its bad form, but if you can't restrain them or walk away then ok. I just think it's cowardly if a woman is a real bitch then there are other ways to hurt or get revenge on someone.

He said "we should have equal rights except not." I said "then that's not equal rights." What part of that seems like I didn't understand? Do you not know what the word "equal" means?

Ok, how about treating them equally and instead of a gendered rule, we say
>it's not ok to hit someone who is noticeably weaker than you.
That's not special treatment towards women is it?

At least 45 mins after you eat.

>gate crash a party
>expect free drinks
>get pissed when they don't want to give their alcohol to dumb slut
>toss her ass out the way she came

Wooooow I JUST told you I identify as a Czechoslovakian retarded immigrant who does not speak English and you reply...IN ENGLISH!
#triggered #PTSD

Has anyone here ever actually hit a chick? It's pretty awful and hilarious
>be bearmode 6'10
>be at bar
>get in fight
>throw flawless hook
>guys girlfriend jumps in at worst possible second
>end up in cuffs
>somehow not arrested
Thanks, military ID

Also I bounced at a club when I was around 19, didn't hit her but I was pulling a black chick off another in a fight. She bit my hand and drew blood. When I put her in the cop car, he said "I would have put that cunts teeth down her throat.

I gotta correct the record here. It's devil's advocate.

Go fuck a bottle of Slivovice and call back in the morning, you'll feel much better.

>I think women are equal and should therefore have the same rights and responsibilites as men, and vice-versa
Define "noticeably weaker than you". Does that include scrawny people? Would that protect a small man from a stronger woman?

story? i loved my grandma, i know age and wisdom doesnt stop being people from being a cunt

But what if the food sucked?

>women aren't capable of fighting
>they shouldn't be hit in any circumstances
Pick a side already, faggot.

In the same situation you would have hit a similar sized man.

The best is when she's so extra pissed about some dumb shit and you have the ability to draw it out. You keep escalating it, never actually touching her until she goes for the swing, and you grab her arm. Then she does the other swing, you grab that one, and she either tries to kick so you step back a little or you can quickly tug her around and hold her on the ground, and say over her scream "you are insane and you need professional help"

When you're a republican

Sean Connery says it's okay to smack a bitch, and that's good enough for me

Okay the troll had its fun, now let's just leave it alone.

Only when you need to, or feel like it

I guess they're just a snagglecunt.

Educate yourselves, idiots. It's 2016. Women are being more and more equal as days pass.


Holy fuck. That bitch out cold.

>you're trolling when you don't think women should be hit
nah. I'm a normal fucking person you pscyho.

Literally this is the mindset that gets women fuckes up. If you instead told women that yea a man will fuck you up when You get physical there would probably be a lot less ass whoopings to get that point across

strange how its always a man at fault

because nope there are no crazy women out there at all, might as well release all the women in prison because it was a man who was at fault

It's "devil's avocado" isn't it?

But you are when you claim they are emotional infantile and then say you're for equality.

Wow, you're xenophobic.
If a white Swedish woman is flaunting her privilege and attacking an innocent black Islamic refugee while he's raping her he has every right to fight back against his oppressors.

Haven't you heard?
Sending women to prison is too harsh on them, they shouldn't go there at all, even if they commit the same crimes as men.
They should just go through some treatment sessions, prison is for men anyway.
At least if the sjw lobbyists get their way.

I diddn't say not in any cirumstances its a very complicated issue and there has to be acceptions, some women can fight some guys are small and get abused,I just think your average man should avoid hitting your average woman if he has other options.

Lolololololololololololololol no. Abuse is abuse, regardless of gender. People are allowed to defend themselves.

I already told your dumb ass you can't have blanket equality across all things and all people. In this circumstance, like you would a wheelchair person or a mentally retarded person or a child, women get more leeway. How hard is that? In this specific circumstance, you don't get to just fuck a woman up because she slapped you.

>men know better
>women don't

Sure thing captain pander.


So I'm guessing your idea of a "perfect world" is a feministic hell? That's really fucking nice.
Go back to your tumblr account like the waste of oxygen you are.

dat guard/10

So I have a neighbor who behaved exactly as you said he should. This is a little old man who has had a pretty rough life. He was living with a woman who beat the absolute shit out of him one day. And he did not raise a finger to defend himself. She almost killed him. Luckily the cops came and arrested her. But she was too much of a pussy to even come out of the house; they had to bust the door down and go drag her out. The reason I know about it is because I heard them smashing through the fucking door one morning when I was trying to sleep. Anyway he spent some time in the hospital because of that. That was a few years ago and his door still isn't fixed. There's just plywood up there.

Girls can be hit just with flowers' stems.
Good thing that God gave us bamboo.

>but they should have equal rights as military combatants

So youre an abuser. How do you feel knowing the world hates you?

Finding women guilty of crimes is oppression.
We should remove juries and have the judge be a feminist in all cases involving women.

So normally functioning women are on par with mentally challenged people and children?
And I'm the misogynist for defending myself if a woman attacks.

just like any one else. when they hit you first. but strive to be the better man and don't hit anyone. cause an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Fucking priceless

My girlfriend is the most important person in the world to me, and if I don't care what she thinks of me for hitting her, why would I care about what any of you think?

You don't get to fuck anyone up because they slapped you. People know what an appropriate response is, chucklefuck. If you walked up and slapped me, I'd ask what your problem is, not come out swinging. What kind of world do you think this is if your response to a minor attack is "I want to beat their shit in." What is wrong with you?

>if the woman is a real bitch you should take time put of your day for clever revenge
>even though she doesn't

If theres the odd acception to the rule and you get a big muscular hard as nails woman who easily fills the requirements then yeah. If she doesn't then nah.

You read what I say and misconstrue it to fit what you want to argue against.
Try taking my actual point, that in this circumstance women should be given more leeway. Like a father who shoots his sons murderer and doesn't receive jail time, there are times when the law can't cover it all with words.

>troll post
>troll reply hidden as a genuine reply
Can anyone count the layers of sarcasm and irony here?

Noticeably weaker: You're aware that they're weaker than you by a margin that makes it undoubted that you'll win the fight.

>Does that include scrawny people?
Yes, but then I'd tell them to hit the gym
>would it protect a small man from a stronger woman?
Yes, but then I'd tell him to hit the gym.

when you are a nigger

>>that cup of water at the end

im dead

Johnny Cage wins

The devil prefers guacamole, you know, in case you ever invite him to a house party

They want "equality".

If they're going to ignore biological differences then they shouldn't complain about shit like this. If she hits him it's fair game.

So always?
All jokes aside, I agree on this with one part only. Closed fist goes too far. If you can't set it straight with a paddle you can't handle it.



damn my good eyes

Well you but them on the same level by implying they all deserve "special consideration".

in having a vagina, i can really say you're a pussy.

When You're John Lennon or Chris Brown

I diddn't say equal men and women are extremely different, i also think there are exeptions to the rule where its fine.

Oh but you can't do that user. The unmuscular girls are being discriminated against. 2016.

Kek'd hard af for 2 seconds

Well I mean...if she really wanted to hurt him she would have kicked him in the nuts, no?


When they hit you. Aside from very few extreme exceptions, it is never ok to escalate something to violence, regardless of gender.

But the father shot his sons murderer in a fit of grief and rage, a mental condition that can lead to a mitigated sentence.
You're saying I should afford the same leeway to women, essentially because vagina.
I happen to view women as actors upon the world in equal measure with men. It's overbearing idiots like you that convince women to be in a perpetual state of victimhood, while also giving them a free pass to be violent, because of the protected class this state of victimhood affords them.

I love this one, kid takes alot of shit but stays standing, bitch gets one punch and is down

Lol no clue meng

Any time it is ok to hit a dude

proven staged and fake

>there are exceptions
>unless you're talking about violence, then no exceptions

Why the fuck do women want to join the army anyway it's fucking crazy

I was generalising, most women are weaker than most men, but if a woman can pass the physical requirements (the same ones that men have to pass and not some pansy ass version) then there isn't a reason to prevent her from serving.

You don't have to, if they start swinging just sit on em until they stop moving


>finish without drama

Detecting a female bias here


Can you even kek "hard as fuck" in two seconds? I'm assumig there is a certain acceleration to keking and reaching "hard as fuck" in two seconds and then returning to a normal state would be rather impossible.

Nope not what i said replied to a post earlier explaining what i meant.

I thought that was GTA for a sec

Because they are retarded.


Nah, you're wrong there. Pro-defending yourself, anti-starting physical shit. Gender doesn't matter there.


Unless other well connected females complain with disregard to the consequences, right?


Excellent debate

And it works. Women give us sex for us giving them everything else in life. There's some joke a comedian told that was true. She could kill your parents and then offer you sex and you'd accept.

>women deserve equal rights as men
>men can't hit women

That's pretty dense fam

>pro defending
>anti starting

You just made that shit up. Tumblrina detected.

Wow b is full of autists. This user is trying to show you the way. Listen to him.

Not that any of you would win a fight. Even with a girl.

This should be a /thread

/thread, im cool with womans rights, and ill treat a woman right. but if you act like a bitch and you start fighting and wanna fight a dude, you gotta get beat up like a dude

>a wheelchair person


granny asked him if he wanted a toothless bj for tree fitty, he thought it was too much

This is either staged or the dude has mental issues

>turn in your man card

Yeah he sounds like a real winner


equal rights nigger
anytime you'd hit a dude hit a bitch

>For x
>Against y
>Made up words!

I'm all up for equality. Need more guns! Let women have more guns and they win all the arguments by gunfire.

Maybe he's a speed keker

Does this continue..

Haha pro troll. Well played.

It's called having a backbone and some pride, something you and the men in your family will never understand, fuck off beta

But equal doesn't mean same! It just means everything I request


Because i allready replied to someone who asked about the same thing and I cant be bothered to write the exact same thing again go back and read it if you're that bothered.

hahaahah nice

the line is; it never okay to hit a lady


dont generalize it to the vagina.

It takes more spine to stand up and be man enough to walk away than sink into violence like an animal.

clearly when they hit you first.

Depends if they make good points or not.

I mean, I guess I can understand that there are many military jobs that don't involve intense physical activity, so it may be appropriate to allow people who don't pass the physical test to perform those jobs, but that's not a gendered issue.

Wow this fat tumblr bitch is triggering you fags hard

More like his "keks" were currents of air moving at velocities faster than nominal out of his nose. Not real loud laughs

so fucking hot

Sigh.. Here. Iqdb search.

stupid smelly bitch, women are sub human entitled pieces of shit

No they won't. Men are better at that too.

>"it's " meme
please get the fuck out and come back with some real arguments

If I inadvertently stick it in her ass while restraining her it's not my fault. I'm a gentleman

He fucking warned her kek

Two people sleeping in a twin bed? What fourth worlder shit is this?

dude what. Go say that shit out loud somewhere. I'd love to hear that.

when shes a gypsy

we like watching stupid bitches fight.

Wooden listen


this, you gotta break a bitch down make her think shes worth nothing that way she will never leave you. fuck women theyre dirt

Yeah, or his kekker's broke

and I'm requesting a sammich

Unless you're actually that person's father or some authority figure like a police officer, there's not a whole lot you can do to force someone who has no manners to respect you short of hitting them. The whole concept of respect exists because of the threat of physical violence. Good parents teach their kids to respect others so they don't have to learn the hard way. But if someone didn't have good parents, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it besides teach them the hard way.

Fuck off back to Oceania with your double-think, cucklord.

the ole CUNT PUNT

Stop crying about women. Women dig bad guys. They despise nice guys.

cunt punt

This guy is right though. Not because it's "right" to hit women for nothing, but because it's enjoyable. Live your life to the fullest.

What if i told you i know the sauce...


I got my face cut up by my alcoholic ma back in highschool. She'd get drunk, and when she couldn't get mad at her boyfriend (dude was in the military, actually pretty cool) she'd attack me instead. She'd claw my face, bit my hands and arms, drew blood, broke my shit, and somehow I "attacked her/tackled her" when I grabbed my phone out of her hand. She got me into binge drinking, and smoking when I was 15, did it until 19. The babies and kids always had to watch these two fight, four in all. They'd cry, she'd tell them to tell the cops whatever story she told. Finally, her and her bf get into another fight after they get drunk, and drive back with the babies in the van. I'd taken 4mg xanax that night, didn't expect shit, but I have to call the cops. Didn't save her ass that time, I agreed with the bf's story of what really happened, she got a class A domestic abuse misdemeanor. Fuck you ma.



someone should slap that fucker for wrecking that z28


That's ylyl stuff


Japanese? My that is a surprise. Srsly, thanks m8

How could he tell the difference between the attackers and the girl getting beat up???

When she fucks up your favorite pair of shades

If women want equal rights then their gonna get equal lefts too

She deserves it

You're welcome mang

Damn she got off easy. Niggers would have raped her first

I have.

>Went to house party.
>Chatting up some chick, making headway.
>Some other chick comes up and starts demanding apology for something.
>Don't even know what, never seen her before.
>Tell her she's not getting what she wants so she might as well fuck off.
>She gives me a shit-eating grin and slaps me.
>Instantly counter-attack with a straight right.
>Broke my damn hand on her face.
>She drops like a sack of shit.
>Happened so fast it was over before I even realized what I was doing.

She was not the last person I had to hit that night, and to this day I'm amazed how well everything went for me considering how terribly wrong everything could have gone given the circumstances.

He knew she was gonna be in the fucking way so was gonna teach her a lesson. Beautiful.

Even a woman or child can win a fight against a man if she attacks by surprise or with a low-blow. What would you do if a woman decided to gouge your eyes completely without warning? Deliberate on whether you can beat her in a fight while blind?

Jesus fuck. I was expecting a slap or a single straight punch but damn he went for the MMA knockout punch style.


The kind who realize they were too cowardly to help the girl being bullied and realize that dude saved them from their own shame.

When she won't make you a sandwich or do the dishes

Jesus, that picture...

This pasta is so good. Even after knowing about it, every time i see it, it still makes me want to knock some bitch out.

>Bitch gets put in her place
>Deserves it and everybody knows it


I'd defend myself and try to restrain her as I explained in

That's also the attitude that makes people walk all over you, this is why nobody respects you

Moar girls getting hit for being dumb bitches

Not all heroes wear capes

>not a gendered issue

You don't say.

No. Diet fatass

Id block everything coming at me and calm the situation down untill eventually she begins requesting my magical sex powers

he doesnt look to good.

i was like "dude! you just gonna take that?" as soon as you hit a man you have given consent to being hit back, that's simply how it works, don't want to get hit in the face, don't hit other people in the face.

>there's not a whole lot you can do to force someone who has no manners to respect you short of hitting them

YEEEEEEEEEEESSS. Thank fuck someone with common sense is in this thread. If someone cant be reasoned with logically or emotionally, and they insist on hurting you, you have to knock them the fuck out. Thats all there is to it.

>Ginger Hulk
My sides have reached hyperspace

>red hulk

like this?!

You fucking cunt. If the cunt like you thinks she has the right to enter a mans world then she deserves to have her fucking ass beat like a man. So go fuck yourself you little piss-ant.

Unless they're female, then they're special AND equal

not faalling for this b8

You beta fucks are the reason we have fiminazis. It is okay to hit a women. When she needs to be put in her place. If you don't you will never get respect. Also a good way to get snatch when chick knows you can control a situation.

Wait til it grows up, then cut the head off and have some chicken tendies...

That bitch ate that first haymaker like a champ.

I laughed way more than i should

oh look how cute.

That dudes face tho when she hits him

You're a spoiled little faggot, aren't you?

Funny, but faker than fuck

How many eyeballs do you have to lose before it's a fair fight?