Why should someone who serves fast food make the same as someone who saves lives... explain

why should someone who serves fast food make the same as someone who saves lives... explain

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They shouldn't. But the fast food worker should be on $15ph minimum.

nice trips user

that's a $6/hr answer

Why should someone that SAVES lives make a piss poor 15 a hour?

maybe that says more about lives worth than about job

When I'm elected President/Emperor, I will allow everyone to set their own minimum wage. I don't work for less than $140/hr. If someone will take $2/hr, good for them.

They feel entitled to earning more just because they 'work'. Fucking useless people, if the country feels like they should earn as much as true 'professions' (You know, those that require some sort of studies/degree) or live comfortably by flipping burgers and picking their nose then they might as well turn the country communist.

this. California has increased their minimum wage and its one of the only states growing at the moment. The rest can enjoy their neoliberal Trump/Clinton throatfuck

idiot. the guy who saves lives should get a pay bump too. whatever faggoty right wing bullshit you wanna spout nobody who works full time should be broke all the time.

EMTs should make hella more than they make. And professional athletes make way too damn much.

Yeah, different professions are highly imbalanced in wages.

Cost of living

This. and trips.

The problem is, that 15/hour is a bare minimum, and even then.... too low, to survive on.

Should medics be paid the same? no, they should be paid more. Jobs scale when chaning the minimum wage, you just don' bump up the bottom brackets.

At least that is what is SUPPOSED to happen.


You seem to lack the ability to understand the concept of a minimum wage...for everyone.

You should probably go back to Cred Forums, faggot.

because economic slavery and the regime that suports it must die

can we stop comparing the wages of EMT and fast food workers like we're retarded?
these are two completely separate issues. if you're implying medical staff don't make enough as is, say it. if you're saying food service workers should starve, say that too.
do you think a minimum wage increase or even JUST a large chain wage increase wouldnt effect the wage of everything else?
this is the type of shit chain-shared by every self righteous douchelord on the internet

Retard. Fuck your trips.

Don't worry about athletes. Most are stupid and blow all their money. When they stop being an athlete, they go bankrupt then go flip burgers.

$15 is a bit much, 10-12 should do it.
There's a threshold where someone should be able to sustain themselves with a 40/hr week job matching the cost of living for the area they live. If housing costs rise, so too must the pay scale. If you're employing people who can't properly house, feed and clean themselves to continue working, it's an inefficient system.


Not even your standard republican is that stupid.

Fast food saves lives, I missed breakfast once and almost died of starvation by the end of myshift

This has started and soon will hopefully be everywhere

coz they save lives as well. The only difference is that they save us from starving.

i'de sau the fast food worker is getting a fair deal, the other guy is not.
he is underpaid and that sux, but what sux more that in most countries this is the same because you can get away with underpaying those people because their passion for their profession makes them do it anyways.

You can already do that. Go to job interviews and don't accept the job unless they match your minimum wage.

burger flipper detected

Why should someone save your life if it's worth so little an hour to anyone that you need to dig your hands into everyone else's pockets?

doesn't matter, soon they will all be replaced by robots.

honestly they kill more people from diabetes and heart disease than they save from starving

can you provide a source where 10-12 should "do" it

appeal to emotion + false equivelence

op is also a faggot

Because someone who works in fast food has to support a family. A medic has no time for a family.

I'm joking I'm a fire/emt btw

fast food doesn't save lives.... it is a cancer fast food also contributes to obesity which has a major impact on uneducated low class families who depend on it for nourishment but as a result become extremely unhealthy

Minimum wage is fine where it's at. You shouldn't live comfortably from flipping burgers and ringing registers. I have no problem with you having to share a bedroom in a tiny apartment in the suburbs. You want more luxury? You want to live in some trendy neighborhood in the city? You want to have kids? That's on you to earn it. Those are privileges, not rights.

You realize it's entirely artificial right? If the rest of the US did the same the bubble will pop and $15 will be the same value as $7 today. The value of the work doesn't change, and the dollar value will reflect it.

we're discussing this now, not 50 years down the line. don't say "sooner".

Like I said it depends on the cost of living for the area, but as a base minimum in the majority of the country 10-12 will earn you enough for a 1 bedroom apartment. Nothing nice, but you aren't promised comfort with bottom of the barrel employment.

Source: I've lived on $12/hour in 5 different states working random warehouse jobs.

Minimum Wages are job killers. Everyone is better off without them.

well said comrade

If minimum wage jobs paid so poorly then they wouldn't be in such high demand.


when minimum wage rises, fucking everything else rises.
besides, why should you get 15$ for making frozen food? just get a real job.

people that save lives should be making more than $15/hr.

We need to have ALL jobs under two banners. Red and Green. Red means this is a job that doesn't pay you enough to live. It's just there for you to save for an iPhone or whatever. Green means it at least covers the cost of a one bedroom apartment in a certain area. I believe 30% income should be the max. (after all, 50% is the most you're supposed to be paying to live leaving you 20% retirement/savings/debt repay and 30% for everything else).

Why can't we do this? Answer, because you're all just ignorant sheep who listen to what rich people tell you to do. This can be done. This can be done by the end of the fucking day. Have a website or soemthing. Or an app. I don't fucking care.

if minimum wage isn't high enough for you, maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school you fucking retards. you don't need to discount the achievements of somebody else because you are too stupid or lazy to do something with your life

You're missing a few variables in that deduction.
Like the fact that the lower the minimum wage becomes the more minimum wage jobs someone would have to work to equate to the same pay.

don't die on me thread

You're the same kind of fag that spams "degrees are worthless" tbh, which is it?

Companies are making record profits and paying no taxes, the government just props their bullshit up and pumps money into the corporate economy. We have a bubble because we let them run the show, it ain't working

Stop just stop. Youre not useful you could be replaced in a second, your job that is meant doe highschool and college kids isnt a carerr you dont deserve a living wage.

>by the end of the fucking day
lost all credibility

I also want to point out that of all the jobs I've worked, working in a fast food kitchen was one of the hardest to do. Sure, it's entry level, I didn't need to study hard to get there and really anyone can do it if they apply themselves, but it's hard.


the invention of the minimum wage was to combat poverty and set a precedence for a minimum living wage. you're literally just shaming people for nothing and providing nothing

And that may be, but at the same time if the min. wage gets bumped up to 15/hr, then the cost of living is going to skyrocket.

this was for you mano

There's no real purpose in having the "red" jobs at all.
That's what part-time work is for. If you're spending full time hours to "save for an iPhone," something is wrong.

Gather ye round children, for I'm going to teach you what your father's apparently failed to teach: the value of a dollar

Now we all have heard the expression "Time is money" right? How literal do you think that expression is?

The only currency you will ever truly own is your time. When you work a job, you are trading that time for paper that represents it so that it may more easily be converted to goods, or perhaps purchasing somebody else's time.

But how valuable is your time? Well kids, that depends on many things
>how hard is the task
>how many others have the skills for the task
>how dangerous is the task
Ect. ect. ect.

A task like flipping burgers now. Does that sound hard? Is it skilled? Is it dangerous? No. It's a common task that anybody is capable of, and thus it's value is low.

its california dude, do you think they're going to even feel that? theyve been underpaying for decades. fuck you

$9.00 was what I got at McDick's because I was excellent at my job and my customer service was legendary. You start at $8.25 - $8.50 on average.
>Who the fuck gets $15.00?

So long as it's in line with the increase we're all good. Nothing wrong with working hard, just not when exploitation is all you have to look forward to

spoken like a true economist because people whom earn more money instead of heading for welfare do not spend that money, at all. they just sit on it. forever.

>implying that the wage of the poor does not effect the life of laborers and thus the upper class
you took all that time to type garbage

you will work yourself to death to mearly exist or you wil die

yep sounds like economic slavery to me

That's not what he's saying, moron. He's saying that $15 an hour would somewhat allow people to live a better life. Minimum wages have stayed almost the same while the price of living has dramatically increased, causing poor people to become even poorer. I'm not financial expert, but I think it has something to do with inflation, coupled with corporate greed. Hence the increasing wealth gap.

Not everyone can obtain a college degree. Some people are just smart enough to work entry level jobs. Should they suffer for that? No. They should at least be provided a livable wage.

It's not about paying fast food workers more than they're worth or the same as trained professionals. It's about people being paid a living wage to keep up with inflation. The cost of living has increased dramatically over the past few decades, while wages have remained stagnant. It's simple fucking economics. A fucking 12 year old could understand it.

Someone who went to a 2 year trade school in debt gets paid the same as an adult fresh out of high school.

Why go to a trade school if you're just going to get paid the same? Can a similar question be applied to the actual market?

There's no need to be a dick about it. And it can't be that bad considering how millions of people live LA county alone

it's those same lazy fuckers that won't get a 2nd job won't go back to school or learn a trade. No education here and I'm making 75k a year. All it takes is common sense and an will to work. I worked 3 jobs to come up with enough money to start my own business. I did that once I started seeing a profit I learned a trade and then kept on building. Fuck you lazy burger flipping cunts. I did that and moved on. It's not a fucking career. It's a means to a means to an end. Meaning get another fucking job.

>right wing bullshit
its funny how liberals don't understand basic economics and are so triggered by their own stupidity they have to lash out at conservatives
allow me to explain it to you in terms you can understand:
>raise minimum wage of burger flipper to $15/h
>now raise minimum of paramedic to $25/h
>now raise minimum of CEO to $3k/h
>now raise price of a gallon of milk to $10
>$15 minimum wage is not enough to live on! milk too expensive! everything too expensive!!!
we right wingers call it inflation, when company costs go up, so do the prices of their products, the people at the top of the pyramid do not absorb the loss, the customer does.


Yeah, there are a lot of shit jobs that are much harder than those that pay more, but that's how the system works. Pay isn't scaled on intensity, it's first scaled on what the company can afford. So, your argument would be with the individual corporations and their profit percentages.

>Minimum wages have stayed almost the same while the price of living has dramatically increased, causing poor people to become even poorer.

>It's about people being paid a living wage to keep up with inflation. The cost of living has increased dramatically over the past few decades, while wages have remained stagnant.

Both of these things.


You weren't meant to spend your life in mcdonalds son. Learn a trade, go to school, start a business, do something. The only thing holding you back is yourself. Stop praying the government will solve your problems, because at the end of the day they will only make it worse.

Because they worked hard for it. Why would they want to blow all they have to live in a certain area?

Poverty lover detected.

trips tell now lies, threads over


Anyone can do it, yes. Can everyone do it well? No. I supervise a fast food kitchen, and we let go four employees for every one we keep because not everyone can get good enough to keep up with the pace. We need to process hundreds of orders over a couple of hours, and each order can have anything from one to four sandwiches on average. Each burger is expected to be completed within 10 seconds of making it, and each order is expected to be completed within one minute and twenty seconds. We work really fast and accurately. The job is simple, yes. Not easy.

This. Have some titties.


Shop smart. Shop S Mart.

Look y'all, working at McD or any other 'starter' job shouldn't net you more than 8 bones an hour. It's sad that money doesn't go further. Getting more per hour isn't the fucking answer. Making the idiots jacking up the Prices of everything we Need to fucking survive STOP...is the answer. There is no good reason to inflate the fucking prices of everything and then watch the 99 scramble. Fuck the 1.

>Niggers working at McDonald's demand $15 per hour
>Minimum wage increases to $15/hour
>White people now want to work at McDonald's for that money
>More unemployed niggers on the street committing crimes

Because those guys saving lives need people to be able to afford having their life saved.

Everything else has already risen, dicklicker. You must not pay for rent or utilities. Oh, it's time for mom to serve you chicken tendies, 35-yr-old, Cred Forumsfag.

such person would be able to get pay raises on a regular base as he uses his education to excel and move up the ladder.

which is very hard to do if you have no education at all.

that literally why people get educated in trade schools.

EMT's make shit money. You do it because you want to, not because you need to pay rent.

Nailed him.

Growing from near bankruptcy is not that great, friendo. Plus, how do you know the wage increase is correlated to it?

>be mcCEO
>worthless employees want $15 for doing fuckall
>give employees their pacifier, enjoy your raise!
>fire everyone the next day, replace them with robots

wonder what all those skilled burger artisans will do when they're making $0/h. oh wait yea! go on welfare and fuck the system while blaming republicans for everything wrong with their lives


No. Shut the fuck up, this has fuck all to do with you.

everything else rises because of the capitalist jews who know whats in your bank and what you can afford (even though there are supposed to be laws against that) force everything to rise because they want more of your money for no other reason than shear greed

That's a bit farfetched. I'd venture to say higher minimum wages would deter people from crime, because most of the crimes people commit on the street isn't as profitable as people think.

Also, whether wages or higher or not, a lot of blacks will continue want to live their violent, 'gangta rap' culture, because they think it's cool, hip, fun, and easy.

EMT's should make about $18-20 dollars.

Fuck you.

If everyone got a better job, how would you fat fucks get your McDicks?

Except that CEO is already filling his pockets with bonuses, company cars, a massive pension etc. the problem is not the rich class, the problem is equity. You should still work your ass off and should get a good wage for it, slavery is not what makes the USA great

You get what you put in. You can get your emt license in like 6 months, so it tends to be a much less valuable job then a surgeon who went too school for 8 years

ok, I see I need to elaborate.

people whom earn more, spend more, which is good for the economy.
having a nationwide minimum wage is good for the economy.

why do you think economists and politicians after a financial crisis always points out the first thing that needs to be done is get people spending again?

why do you think people-spending-trends are the most solid markers for any economy?

My point was that white people will start taking the niggers jobs

I get what you're saying. But we have children and families starving in the street and at least half of this entire country doesn't care or doesn't have an answer.

The answer is to have a common ground on pay. With a simply red/green (or whatever, I don't care) designation on all jobs in an area, we can easily as a population look at a map of our city and see there's not enough jobs versus affordable housing. And jobs that are "red" should be treated like red jobs. Jobs that are just here to make some side cash. Not to actually survive.

I just want people to make some fucking progress instead of just keep circling the drain.

>You're the same kind of fag that spams "degrees are worthless"

I'm not the guy you're replying to. A lot of degrees are, in fact, worthless. Some aren't. Depends on the job market, and it depends on your ability to do something with the degree you obtain. A lot of people can't turn a degree in business into success, for example, which is why these same people are working entry level jobs years after graduation (I know several).

If you are so confident in your ability, express it to your boss. If you truly are so capable, you would prove to be a difficult to replace asset, and may get a raise. If that won't happen, find another means of work that appreciates your value.

You sell your time and your job is the buyer. If your buyer doesn't want to barter a little, find a new one.

Because the bureaucracy in our medical system absorbs a great deal of the money that should be going to them. Have a box of Kleenex for 15 dollars.

Fast food is private sector.
Bosses decide on salary.

Maybe. Whites generally do not want to live and work with blacks. Hence white flight. It's dangerous to do so.

since when do EMS make 15 per hour?

maybe evey single worker should turn around and tell those bosses to fuck off and pay them more, lets see what happens to their "worth" then when they arent making billions raping everday people

Doubling the minimum wage would put a lotta small businesses out of business because they won't be able to pay their employees. Then the big boys will jack their prices up. I wouldnt be surprised if Hilary tried to do it since she works for all the big corporations

>Right wing economics fag.
>Thinks wages equate to marginal cost.
Inflation will rise, but it will not rise at the same rate. The only way proportional inflation would occur is if the expenses of everyone were without competition and prices were determined by what the market would bear.

>cable, power, medical, housing, internet

There's the main problem. The main expenses of poor people aren't priced competitively. Monopolies or market-fixing are the norm,

opportunity is what makes the USA great.
you have the freedom in america to start your own business.
fast food was never meant to be a full time gig, it's always been an entry level position into the work force meant for kids in high school and college. whats sad is it's not the kids who are bitching, because they still live with their parents and don't have bills (how it should be), no, its the 40+ year olds who've done shit with their lives and are now working a dead end job any teenager could do. those are the people who are bitching and they have no right to.
they accepted the job knowing what they'd be paid, they can leave any time and seek better pay elsewhere.
there's no reason i should have to pay inflated prices for things because other people can't figure out how to get a degree or be creative and start their own business.

why not raise the mcdonald workers pay and also the fire fighter/emt guys and lower the price of stuff or subsidise it?

I haven't weighed in on the minimum wage thing. I just want to dispel this notion that this is a job where you stand around with your thumb up your nose. This is a job where employees get gray hair in their 30's. It's a lot more stressful than people realize, and it's a high demand service.

not denying that, but they are managing big growth at the moment in a world where that's not been happening, unhindered by the new environmental reforms or minimum wage increase

"Fuck you boss, pay us more or we're leaving! "

"OK, bye" -turns to stack of 400 applications-

There's people working as an emt with families


>Waahhh its so hard taking orders all day
>I wish I went to school to get an actual job
>Waaaahhh give me 15 an hour for being below average

picket lines and strikes and exposure

yeah im sure those applications will mean anything when they hear they will be exploited by working for them

I realize this. But it's still a position that is easily filled. It's a demand with an infinite supply.

If you are certain you do your job much better than others though, your company should see it. Make them give you incentive to stay.

Did you see the economical situation in the last 10 years? Teenagers don't work those jobs because old broke people work them now, and they work hard. The economy, in particular housing market went tits-up because your banking sector gutted the economy. Time to bring balance back.

What if the federal minimum wage law was written to be a percentage (or some other formula) of cost of living for the state and then what employees could legally be paid was required to be reevaluated once each year?

That might be something viable while in the process of removing "red" jobs altogether either by increasing the pay or replacing the work with automation if the business can't sustain labor costs.

But just allowing full-time jobs that are known to not pay enough to live on for the given area is unethical.

There's only two real ways to solve issues like this: the workers stop accepting insufficient pays until the businesses pay more (will never happen altogether, because people need to eat and some will accept levels of bullshit that others won't)

Or secondly, the government forces the businesses to cut profits to allow for greater wages (also terribly unlikely and unconstitutional for the most part).

Cucks, all of you.

Can't decide right or left one way or another, yet our senators and Congress people get crazy benefits yet don't do shit.

The people we pay taxes to to improve our lives take our money and shit on us, but you want to argue of pay for flipping burgers or saving lives.

Is trucking a real job, because they get shit pay if they don't own a rig, yet america would flounder without our truckers.

I bet you aren't talking shit about doctors who rape you with co pays and premiums but hardly do shit.

Surgeons should get big bucks, and normal doctors can stay at home and write for Web m.d. for all I care.

You're the same cucks that think an E-3 in the army should make 60k a year just because "muh service". Ask your gramps how much he made fighting an ACTUAL war. Enough for a candy bar and that's it.

in 'merica soon

>such high demand
a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
synonyms: economic decline, downturn, depression, slump, slowdown
"job losses are symptomatic of the recession"
the action of receding; motion away from an observer.

I am an EMT. I only make $12.55 per hour.

jew banks going through your private bank details and know what you can "afford" forcing the "cost of living" so they can make more

theres laws against that but hey it seems the 1% are above the law

No it's not. Not unless you keep separating us. Look at Canadian blacks like Drake. Are those people threats? No. Not unless they're from the racist area of Alberta. There was a time when Jews were the thugs .You had Jewish boxers working as enforcers for Capone. Then Jews managed to climb the ladder and became pussies. That's a recurring the in our history.

you had me until the word "gather", and then i realized you're a pretentious cunt who still lives with his parents.

Idk. I've held steady work since I was 16 and never for less than 10/hour. Now I'm 23 and make 40/hour in an area with an insanely low cost of living.

Opportunities are everywhere. Sometimes it's hard to find, but they're there.

EMTs should be paid more, imho.

wow for you being a liberal faggot i can actually agree with you on this one. monopolies are diffidently fucking us in the ass, but democrats are on the side of monopolies.
you mentioned medical, look at healthcare costs after obamacare. look at all the damage it caused, people lost their doctors, their insurance and are now forced by law to pay for coverage they don't need, we literally lost our american freedom of choosing health coverage. the only ones who benefited were the leeches who weren't working anyway but we already had medicare in place for those people.

now lets look at what the GOP wanted before obama shot them down, they wanted to increase competition among insurers by allowing people to purchase insurance from out of state, this would have naturally driven down the prices by breaking up monopolies in many areas.
but no, now i get fucked in the ass by obamacare every month to pay for a bunch of illigal immigrants, and i'm the bad guy!?


Hell red jobs could be pay and no benefits, and green could have benefits like health care etc. That way red jobs pay more but it's out of pocket. If you go green you get less but now you have insurance.

Employers could get tax breaks to promote this by having a mix of red and green, and cap it at a percentage so your boss doesn't have "red " workers only.


You must live in one shit Country. I work at a call center and make $15 per hour.

>each drive to the hospital costs me $900
"they make shit" my ass.

Are you saying the person who saves lives is worth only $15 an hour? They're worth a lot more. And so are many other jobs. But you won't think about that cuz we're so stupidly focused on the lowest paying jobs and not angry that CEO's or wall street cokeheads make thousands an hour sometimes. Are they really worth that? No one is.

No they can't because the law enforces a minimum you moron. If you aren't making whatever the minimum is, even by choice, the employer is breaking the law.

i'm a 23 year old paying $600 a month for rent in my own apartment and i live off of hot pockets to keep my internet. fuck off faggot flipper.

>my banking sector
you're right, but who was it that forced the banks to knowingly give out bad loans? thats right! obama! before he was even president he pushed a lawsuit against the banks for red lining high risks districts, districts that had nothing to do with race but with the high chance of loans defaulting when given out to people who lived there. good ol' barry was racist enough no notice that the majority of those people were black, so he sues the banks forcing them to give out bad loans which aids in the collapse of the market.

yes, i am literally telling you that barrack obama helped cause the recession

You're right, everyones situation is identical to yours therefore they should just stop bitching about problems that cant possibly exist because you, one white individual, do not experience them.

Jew banks? You're blaming my people now? Not all need are 1 percenters and not all 1 percenters are Jews. My parents are only millionaires and I'm only a thousandaire. My sister's a journalist for fucks sake, and my brother is a librarian on a military base. My brothers wife is a captain in the air force. That's not a 1 percenter job either. All she does is try to prevent attacks on America by identifying threats on satellite and coordinating with underlings with sources and the NSA. This makes her neither rich or particularly influential.

You're an UTTER DUMB ASS. You'll be the next white victim of black on white crime with your thinking.

What are your sources, fuck face?

I'll give you one. Study the works of Colin Flaherty. He presents several studies that show blacks disproportionately commit more crimes than other races REGARDLESS of country.

Black on white crime is an epidemic in every white nation, dumb ass.

Look man you had your history, but you're still young, people got into some bad shit with this crisis. Lost homes, businesses, retirement funds. Now they are starting from scratch but have the will to work (many of them anyway). Might be good to offer up good honest work and/or better pay. Should you really need a degree in business to type shit into excel and earn a better salary?

Now is when this is going to happen, automatic burger makers have been around for quite some time, self check out kiosksexist too.

Send some of that fucking money my way. Lucky fucking cunt.

>>now raise minimum of CEO to $3k/h
gonna stop you right there bruh.

Ive got these at all of my local McD's. Its fantastic. Usually only need one cashier.

>babbys first election
yes, i am literally telling you that you're fucking retarded. the recession has been in motion since bill clinton, which you'd know if you weren't still playing with dolls in a playground somewhere, kiddo. parroting back what you heard your dad say at the dinner table must be exhausting.

I live in the US. Some bigger agencies pay more. What they never mention is we work 24hr shifts, so I make about $300 a day before taxes.

Some probably react poorly because people like you generalize them and treat them like shit.

That sort of already exists to a degree (just not formally separated and declared). And the majority of jobs just above minimum wage offer no benefits, but there's no exact correlation. Benefits are more likely found in more profitable businesses, sure, they're more related to individual business practices and how much regulation the industry is under.

But the problem with less regulated jobs (especially those that pay shit) is there's usually more corruption and abuse that goes unchecked. So, this system of red and green is better than the last, but it doesn't solve the issue of insufficient pay for living.

>$20/yr to make sure poor people finally have access to health care
>cannot spare $20 to help anybody other than himself
Life must be so hard for you user.

For you again, I was the guy you replied to

The person who makes fast food should be paid $15/hour, and the person who saves lives should be paid more than that. Quit making excuses for corporations and governments that won't pay people enough to live on.


seriously though, minimum wage is about stopping businesses from taking advantage of a free market. Burger flipping could be paid alot less than what they are now and still be competitive in the job market. Only difference being is that there would be a hell of a lot more homeless people flipping burgers.

You don't deserve a large wage for a McJob but you should be able to afford a roof over your head and food on the table if you work full time. You're a fucking mile above all those jobless, homeless pieces of shit that would rather beg on the street than don the micky d's outfit. And that's why minimum wage needs to be set at an acceptable level that allows you to live a decent life. Is $15/hour enough to live that life is more so the question

This guy gets it, why are important jobs like EMTs making jack shit. Wages haven't risen to meet the rising cost of living. Maybe it's because republicunts don't want to pay taxes to support important public service jobs.

Still man, that's some major underpay for what you do. I feel bad man.

Ironically that title used to be owned by the Irish.


you are a special kind of stupid kek

> Why should

Because they take the exact same amount of training you undergrad faggot Fuck off

They were never as bad as niggers.

republicans dont want to pay for anything that they dont benefit from directly. there is no compassion in the GOP, only fear and jews.

Pizza Hut in my town is hiring, starting wage $15/hour. I live in Indiana.

Yeah, Indiana. Why the fuck they're thinking of following the $15/hour trend, I have no idea. It's absurd.

They don't deserve it.

Thanks for the comeback, amigo.

If your attitude prevailed, lots of people would be self-employed robbing fuckwits like you, or killing, if you don't like it. stfu

you will soon be replaced by an android tablet and a "food prep" robot. it will do your job better than you, cheaper than you.

Wat? A majority of Jews are Demotards.

Worse. irishcentral.com/roots/history/irish-famine-refugees-caused-a-crime-wave-in-new-york-city-stats-show

Not how it actually works in most places. Cops won't put up with that shit.

>implying business aren't leaving in drives to Texas and Florida

EMTS should be paid far far better. There isn't prep work. They are meant to save or stabilize lives long enough to get them to a facility.

Everyone should be making at least $15.

Kill yourself. If you're this stupid just do everyone else in the world a favor and end it now.

I can smell the entitlement and your parents money on you from here.

Not everyone who works fastfood or minimum wage is there because of poor life choices. Lack of opportunity is a thing that can happen.

Is that what they told you?

>sure explains why Bibi was invited to speak at the House of Representatives by the Republicans

Fast food cost more then real food I could buy 18 eggs for 1.87 1 loaf of bread
1.18 gallon of milk 3.00 that cost the same as a number 1 if you life off of fast food it's cause you like the taste

>Implying businesses leave in "drives"

You've got it backwards.
Burger flipping could be paid more and the Burger corporation could still be competitive in the free market. But they won't because their entire business model is quantity over quality and overly efficient production of mediocre material.

who the fuck does a job "cus they want to"

You pose a good argument faggot OP.

Here's the real question.
>Why go through 4-8 years of schooling to imitate respiration
>take 10 hour health class
>certified CPR

I'm trying to say most retards can fucking pump a hand held respirator just as easily as stacking burgers.

Netanyahu is the best Israeli prime minister ever, but he is just one man. Most Jews vote for Demotards.

Libertarian to social Democrat actually. We just don't usually swing straight up Republican. We are social liberals. Ever seen a NFTY or BBYO convention? Or better yet, smelled one? Hippies. The contact high alone will have you voting Democrat

dumbass emts are too stupid to bargian for higher wages like "stupid" fast food workers do

Yea people start companies to make profits don't like it don't buy from those companies

relax nigger, surely this isn't the first time you've heard that.

what a shocking new concept, that other races can have it just as bad as yours does and STILL not bitch nearly as much as you do.

Obviously $15 an hour is too low of a wage for people who save lives.

Because its good for the economy and society. The more money a person makes at their job, the more they can afford to patronize businesses with and generate demand, the true driver of economic growth. They also invest more into society, becoming less likely to commit crimes or do other anti-social behavior. Less people would be on the already meager and overtaxed welfare rolls, allowing for some much needed pushback against all the social decay that we've been suffering. Lower income people improving their standard of living necessarily does such things as make their depressed areas more safe and wealthy, makes the area's schools have more funding from the tax base and makes their children likely to do better.

Its a no brainer to want to increase the minimum wage across the board. Its not going to fix everything by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a massive bandage on our depressed economy and shrinking middle class. The only reason it isn't already being done is that the plutocrats who run this country stand to lose and the rest of the country is too stupid and petty to force them to do it anyway. Stupid and petty like this meme, actually.

The EU might be garbage but at least Europeans were smart enough to demand a fair wage and a basic standard of living from their shitty countries.

Paramedic here
Ask me anything relevant

And the lack of opportunity is exacerbated by the existence of a minimum wage.

The parliamentary system in Israel has him using the swing vote provided by a caste of Jews who don't work or believe in government law and live off welfare. Kind of reminds me of the south and Trump

lmao do EMT and Paramedics really get paid that little in the US?

SO much faggotry I don't even know where to begin.

A US Brigadier General makes $125,000 a year and oversees 20,000 people.

Please tell me how these means his work is vastly less import and effecting than that of the average Dentist?

Or why having a baby is doesn't pay at all? That must mean that birthing children is valueless and we should change our legal code?


amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0517548232/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1474421391&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=economics in one lesson

Hes a genocidal hypocrite puppet master who has the GOP eating right out of his goddamn hand. "Wahhh, muh country is so shit plz halp gib me more gold", that's all he ever does. Begs other countries for help while he sits there on a mountain of foreign gold presiding over Palestinian genocide.

>and then he has the balls to show up on American soil and tell us how to run our own fucking country while he bleeds it dry by $3million/year

You just described Democrats and their blacks.

PS - Most blacks in the US live in the Southern States.

Ever had someone die in your arms?

No, the lack of opportunity is pretty much entirely the fault of globalization, mechanization and neoliberal economic doctrine.

Thats only treating the symptoms not the disease.

We dont need a wage increase, we need an inflation decrease.

Its not about the job possition jagaloon its about cost of living, fucking dolt

shit, in canada emts can make in the 30's and paramedics make 40's



8 years of Uni, full degree, working two jobs just to afford paying my HALF of the rent while looking for new jobs. Been turned down by 8 places because this bullshit.
Currently underweight because of how little I eat just to manage to afford living, and the stress is literally killing me.
I'm only 28.
The only place I CAN get work with the shit economy is minimum wage places.
15 an hour would be a godsend.
Fuck every single retard who says otherwise.
Increase the minimum, and increase the wages of those already at 15 to compensate to go above minimum. If you're over 30 an hour, you've no right to complain about this bullshit.
Also currently 20k in debt for loans.
Fuck all of you niggers.

In my arms? Not really. Death isn't like a one second you are alive the next you're dead. It's a slow, relatively, process. Underneath my body with me on top of them while I'm covered in their vomit and piss? Yes.

Getting what you put in is a lie.
One of my friends from university has a to work a dead end job. Another friend from highschool that barely has any GCSE's is management of a estate agency and making a mint.

No his masters is not in a liberal arts or anything of that nature.

Im making 22 bucks an hour in comifornia. I am seriously considering quiting my job and taking a 15 dph job with little responsibility. Sure ill make less, but ill be less stressed, wont be drug tested, be more likely to get government benefits, financial for school. Ive held off because With my luck some fucking asshole will notice im not an autist and offer me more money and responsibilty again. Fucking comiecucks.


I am friends with an EMT. He absolutely makes more that 15 per hour.

the ambulance worker should make 25 if the fuckin fast food worker is making 15

>Austrian School

KEK no

To quote the man himself:

"Its statements and propositions are not derived from experience... They are not subject to verification or falsification on the ground of experience and facts."
-Ludwig von Mises

So you can fuck off back to the fedora store buddy.

Also linking a bunch of libertarian propaganda doesn't actually disprove anything I've said. Engage with my ideas and disprove them yourself instead of letting a vague authority do your thinking for you.

whos gonna make the food or prep it,or do the drive though, thats one position retard

Yea dude if I ever get shot I don't want the mother fucker trying to stop the bleeding also worrying about his rent at the same time

>ITT hurr derrr my skillset
>Hurrdurr cost of living

Not ITT: outrage to decrease the cost of living or inflation

Fuck you and your stupid gender studies degree lol.

No, I shouldn't have to pay more for EVERYTHING in life just because you burger flipping motherfuckers want a higher wage.

I mean, fuck. This in and of itself shows how little you fucks deserve a higher wage. You're so god-damn stupid you don't realize that a higher wage doesn't mean shit when EVERYTHING costs more.


The push, you moron, is orchestrated by greedy/corrupt 1%'ers who want a larger tax base.

Fucking die. Idiotic slave.

With welfare and tax breaks having a baby can actually pay. Which is the saddest thing I've ever written because it means children are being created to live in poverty. We could fix it by having larger healthier school meals and better school systems in poor areas, but instead we let them grow up retarded by malnutrition and undereducated by a system that disproportionately disturbed knowledge and opportunity to those born wealthy. A system designed when we needed more farm hands and less doctors

Yeah, then who is going to be able to afford to hire you or anyone else?

You batshit liberals are so blind to reality on so many issues.

ITT cunts who think that minimum wage jobs are for stupid people with no education

>babbys first recession
There were no jobs, because the people WITH college degrees were taking these shit minimum wage gigs and fucking over the college/HS kids who have no experience in the work force.

>8 years of Uni, full degree, working two jobs just to afford paying my HALF of the rent while looking for new jobs. Been turned down by 8 places because this bullshit.
>Currently underweight because of how little I eat just to manage to afford living, and the stress is literally killing me.
>I'm only 28.
>The only place I CAN get work with the shit economy is minimum wage places.
>15 an hour would be a godsend.
>Fuck every single retard who says otherwise.
>Increase the minimum, and increase the wages of those already at 15 to compensate to go above minimum. If you're over 30 an hour, you've no right to complain about this bullshit.
>Also currently 20k in debt for loans.
>Fuck all of you niggers.
8 years to get your degree? you're a special kind of stupid aren't you? The last time I worked minimum wage was before I graduated high school. Hell, even the temp agencies I worked for during breaks between semesters at university paid me nearly double minimum wage.

This is the type of critical thinking that has led you to earning the minimum wage.

Distributed. Autocorrect on a small phone.


Spending more money won't do shit if everyone is buying shit that isn't made in america a country gets its purchasing power from manufacturering you could pay all people in the service industry 100/hr won't do shit for the economy if we don't ever actually produce anything

I make 15 an hour though, although I didn't get to use my degree until about a year after I graduated.

Why am I a medic or why do I want to offer my point in a thread that's relevant to my interests? Cuz the second one is so I can feel like people are interested in me and my life for a bit

From what I have seen in my state the pay for medics breaks down like this.
EMT-B = 6 months of school plus like 48 hours clinicals. makes $8-$10
EMT-A = Full year of school and about 200 hours of clinicals, makes $10-$12
Paramedic= Damn near 2 years of school and 1,200 hours of clinicals. makes $15


>there are no degrees in existence that require 8 years to obtain
literally kill yourself. doctors go to school for a fucking decade.

Engineering degree you fuckwit.
You're right, you shouldn't have to pay more. Want to know what the cost rise of the average burger would be by adding 6 bucks an hour more?
15 fucking cents.
15 goddamn cents is all prices would fucking raise.
The ONLY fucking reason prices would increase as much as you dolts think is because of the goddamn corporate greed that runs this fucking country.

I live in Washington, only things here are Microsoft and Boeing. And to get a fucking microsoft job here, you need 80 fucking years of work experience, 12 college degrees, and a doctor's note from God himself.

Good one, nigger.

>Netanyahu genocidal
We should be so lucky if he killed all of the religion-of-peacers.

So they can afford to pay the fucking rent without draining government assistance programs.

Also EMTs should be paid more than $15/hour. Fast food workers should definitely get $15/hr minimum nationwide.

Why does a trip to the ER cost me $900, while you bitch about how underpaid you are?

thats racist, apparently.

It's called greed. The hospital doesn't really pay their employees well aside from doctors and that's only because they basically have to.

Were all deviating from the topic at hand and thats that there is no gold behind our money, do you understand the dangers of unbacked currency?

Well, some places do. Like I said before though, its 24 hour shifts so it can seem like more than it is.

I make 9/hr working as a line cook. I don't live a fancy life, but I afford my smokes, beer, games, and food plus a place to live.
Fast food jobs are for teenagers living with their parents. Get a real job where you are actually paid what you're worth.
I actually cook the food we serve, using fresh ingredients daily, not heating up premade prepackaged shit.
>Tl:dr fuck your 15/hr pay for minimum wage work

>I live in Washington, only things here are Microsoft and Boeing. And to get a fucking microsoft job here, you need 80 fucking years of work experience, 12 college degrees, and a doctor's note from God himself.
so... move.

You're an idiot. In this economy you either make minimum wage with 2-4 jobs at 20k a year or you make 100k/year at some overpaid cushy job.

Hmmm, mind telling me where in my horrifyingly scarce budget I can fit that in? Or should I just quit my jobs, go homeless for a while, and live in a van by the river?

fuck it that doesn't actually sound that bad at this point.

What poor ass shit state do you live in pleb

You think doubling the wage would only increase menu items by 15 fucking cents?

Which liberal study did you read, and why are you so fucking stupid you believe it?

Jesus fucking Christ user, stop being so young and naive. Do you have any idea how many times I've seen claims like that, that were complete lies?


Welcome to reality, liberal. You got a long fucking road ahead. LONG.

which once again is connected to The same people who gave you globalization, mechanization and the neoliberal ideology that ties it all together, plutocrats and globetrotting corporations, are precisely the ones bitching and moaning about how a higher minimum wage will bankrupt us.

To quote FDR
"Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company’s undistributed reserves, tell you – using his stockholders’ money to pay the postage for his personal opinions — tell you that a wage of $11.00 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry.”

With inflation, by the way, that $11 from the 1940s would be far higher than the $15 workers are asking for today.

Another quote because I can't say it better myself:

"No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country."

But the majority of welfare still goes to white people who vote Republican. So I guess it's fair to say it describes both white and black niggers and their respective owners.

All she does is get gang banged by every male in the air force while she shoves her big jew nose up any ass that will pay off for her

What an idiot. Some people have FAMILIES unlike you you fucking neckbeard loner.

Why does an epipen cost $500 when I have a vial of epinephrine with 300 equivalent doses in the ambulance that costs the company $14? Because Big Pharma is real. Very real. And very scary.

Honestly, I don't think mindless burger jobs intended for teenagers and college students to learn what an honest days work feels like are an acceptable career choice for a grown up and they shouldn't pay more than $10 hour.

The more disgusting fact in your post is that people who save other peoples lives for a living get paid $15 / hour. This is what we should be outraged over, not dumbfuckers that can't figure out a mcjob isn't for raising a family on.

Why you niggers think that only liberals complain about the minimum wage, i'll never understand.

The biggest problem with that idea (automating all menial task) is now you have to figure out what to do with all the menial people. You either have to feed them and give them all free shit, or make them work for the same thing.

Might as well choose the work one. So its important to make sure that they get enough out of their work so they dont get angry.

>bragging about 9/hr
>get a real job
>like line cook
>"line cook" = "actual chef"
pic related, havent laughed this hard in a long time. worked as a line cook for 4 years, that's not how that works in the slightest.

>implying that California has an economy that reflects the rest of the USA
>implying that hours won't get cut, leading for more people to go into poverty
>implying that government subsidizing the impoverished is bad
>implying benefits won't get slashed
>implying Wyoming can do the same without severely damaging its economy
>implying that prices, especially for restaurants and hotels, won't increase
>implying outsourcing won't increase
>implying startups won't be affected
>implying that everyone who makes above the current federal minimum wage won't want to get paid more
>implying that raising the minimum wage this radically is good
Many keks

1) Wages at McD’s and other unskilled jobs all jump to $15.00/hr assuming your are lucky enough not to be replaced by a tablet/kiosk/burgerbot. Yes all these are in use at restaurants today.
2) Low paid skilled jobs, such as many construction jobs/factory jobs that currently pay

can't get more than a minimum wage job with a doctorate? I call bullshit or useless degree in modern feminist transgender basket weaving theory.

You do realize that there's more than just fast food jobs paying minimum wage right?

Why should a man or single mom with a family of 4 work in a factory at $7/hr for 14 hours a day just to barely afford shit tier food and be late on the rent every month? Or a fast food job? Or anything else?

I suppose you think that every unemployed or underemployed person should go to magician school and learn how to pull a job paying a middle-class wage out of a hat? There are very real, structural reasons why many people are forced to take minimum wage jobs while trying to raise a family. Your entire point is as callous as it is unfounded.

because money jagaloon god its like retards like you DONT wanna make money and just have aspirations to be on some bummy shit the rest of your life

If you know the system is so corrupt, why do you force your patients to go to the hospital regardless of how many times they flat out tell you "no i cant afford it"? Is that Big Pharma too?

What a fucking lie, im not even in an expensive state and 9.15 an hour full time wasn't enough for anything other then the cable bill and cigs. Not even food

>takes liberal position
>too autistic to know he's liberal
This is why you're worth less than $15/hr.

You certainly hate Jews. Maybe you should go back to Cred Forums and make some more trump posters.

This. I don't have a problem with people making burgers earning more. However, other jobs should definitely have higher wages. Any job that is a civil service, and especially one where you're saving lives, and even then again more so when you're risking yours to do it, deserve much more money.

That makes no sense at all man. Can you please reword that

plain an simple.

if you want to eat something, and don't want someone making the same as an EMT, cook the food yourself...

I mean if you cook your own food you'll save in the long run, and never have to see the pimple faced kids smiling at you, knowing they make just as much as an EMT.

he already said it was a fucking engineering degree, one that everyone but you recognizes as one of the most difficult degrees to obtain. and yes, someone can have an AMAZING degree and still be unable to find a job in that field. Welcome to the recession, newfriend.

Man you are a fucking loser. I will never understand people who are actually proud of making shit wages or working shit hours and downplay the needs of others.

I fully support the $15 minimum. I think the current wage is far outdated by 2 decades.

You can work your 12 hour shift for $80/day and brag about how much of a manly man hard worker bee you must be making all that money for someone else, but some people want a decent quality of life. Even teens need a decent starter job to get them in the spirit of working, not a shit tier underpaid worker bee position like yours to lose all motivation for work at an early age.

I bet your boss doesn't make $9/hr. You fucking retard.

I see a meme but no rebuttal.

It's a matter of time.

Most Sales Rep / Call Center for both Support and Sales / Cooking & Preparing of food / Manufacturing jobs will be done by robots in due time.

It's just more reliable and cheaper than having humans on it. And as technology evolves, this will apply to more and more jobs. Maybe even saving lives.

Those will be fun times and I hope I'm still around and lucid enough to see them.

Ok, ill make it simple. MONEY.

You're 20K in debt.

You also could have cut your own leg off and complained that you walk with a limp or you can't find a good paying job with your skill set.

You chose this path.

Now if you were responsible with your time and space (the only things you deserve and own) you'd find a way to make it work.

Become a leech on another person instead of the state and EVERYONE else in society. Find a sugar daddy/mommy. Or a rich girlfriend whatever.

Or move to a place with cheaper rent or better jobs. Some middle states have good opportunity for that. Obviously you shouldn't live in the city.

Importantly my point is this, a burger flipper SHOULD be able to live in new city, but how? Well it'd be a coveted position that only the best of the best could get out of all the people who need a lesser job.

You know like people that own their home, or spouses those who have an actual career.

I'm 'lucky' in that I only need a minimum wage job because my grand parents owns their home I'll inherit. I choose to work a job that is not minimum wage instead so I work better hours and simply enjoy it more, it also has a little bit of room to grow, not dead end.
The only way I could get to this point is helping pay off the house with all the money I saved not going into debt. I could have been like many others and went into debt, been and idiot with my money, rent an apartment but instead I live within my means.

>Liberal position
How is wanting to be paid enough to live decently with one job rather than being paid to barely live at all in two jobs a liberal stance you social retard?
>hurr durr aneewun hoo wants to livv comfturbly iz librul durr durr

If you're trying to raise a family on minimum-wage you have more problems than just the minimum wage you're a fucking idiot

THIS ...welcome to Obamas idea of job growth...where people with doctorates are baristas at Starbuvcks...i should know.

It's never going to get better, no one agrees on anything

$15 an hour wont solve their problems in life

When you are tired of making $8-10 it is time to look for another gig/career because continuing on that path even if you are paid 15 isn't the right thing to do

Nobody pays that shit anyway. If you do, you're an enabler for this fucked up corrupt system. Same goes with the fucking idiots who actually bother paying their student loans. You're just rewarding the fucked up corrupt greed.

Move to Canada.

For fast food maybe as a person going to school for culinary arts i dont think making some dank ass food will ever be replaced by robits

If you have a family then get a job that you know can support you and your kids. Or don't start a family knowing you cant provide for them.
>never once bragged about my pay, only stated it
>never implied being a line cook was equal to a chef
But a line cook is above a fast-food worker because of how food is prepared and cooked. You of all people should be able to see that.

My brother has a master's in business and he's a librarian on a military base.

expand your job search area.. be willing to relocate. live out of a shitty motel for a while when you first start work, find a better place to rent. many tech firms allow telework (particularly government contracts) so you can even do your job from where you currently are. your bullshit excuses are just that.

ultimately a minimum wage increase is pointless as we will have to call for universal basic income since all human labor will become automated by machines, it is inevitable

A pt has every right to refuse transport. However if I know it's gonna get worse, I know this guy is gonna get bad even though he doesn't wanna go to the hospital, I'll try whatever I can to get him to go. But if he flat out refuses, sign here, call me when you need me. Please don't make the mistake that me, or the ER nurse, or the ER doc makes money from giving you something they think you need. Now Doc McStuffins that you and your family has been going to for 20 years that you trust? Yea, he makes some serious cash for that medicine you have to take that can't be the generic

That's. What I said too... Are you agreeing or what?

Because someone working any job needs enough money to pay rent and buy food. Maybe the medics should be paid more, not the fast food workers less? I can't stand the fucking cucks who suggest the way to a meritocracy is to slap the shittiest workers into abject poverty. Maybe have a look at the 1% of the workforce who are taking all of society's money thanks to the miracle of capitalism.

Just hook up a printer and download money.

>problem solving

if you don't understand by now, there's no reason to explain, dumb ass hick rednecks will always be dumbass hick rednecks. you'll never learn, why bother asking questions in the first place

Not too tough to understand, dicklicker. You maybe have 5 people working a McD's. Paying them 9/hr, now 15. $30 more an hour for the whole fucking restaurant. McD's pulls in thousands a day. So, you do the fucking math.

The real question is how many industries depend on keeping workers poor to make their profits. Not as many as you think.

>Work hard and go to college to get a good paying job
>Earn your degree to live comfortably
Nigger I literally did what everyone from every fucking generation says to do. Know where that got me?
Near starvation, because shit doesn't work the same anymore.
You can't just "work hard" to succeed. At this point, you have to be in the right place at the right time.
I'm working full time at UPS and part time elsewhere and I barely have enough, because of this obama bullshit idea of job growth and economic affordability.

I have no reason to lie to strangers on the internet.
You're getting my post all wrong. I'm not proud of my job or my pay.

God fuck off retard.

>I'm 'lucky' in that I only need a minimum wage job because my grand parents owns their home I'll inherit. I choose to work a job that is not minimum wage instead so I work better hours and simply enjoy it more, it also has a little bit of room to grow, not dead end.

Instantly discredited yourself trust fund baby. Fuck off rich boy. Some people have real problems. For some minimum wage is a huge factor in life.

Why do you even try to join the discussion? People wouldn't complain about minimum wage if they all inherited a house from mommy and daddy with no work whatsoever.

People like this make me hate this country more and more everyday.

I heard the opposite actually, then again I'm a broke nigger who thinks 2400/month is a lot.

Someone's got to fix the machines until we reach the singularity and until the school systems are more equal that isn't going to happen. We need more people working on that

Communism and all those kinds of ideologies have a bit of romanticism.

just hook up a printer and download a house, a car, and some groceries

ambulance drivers should be making 20 bucks an hour. fast food no more than 10 bucks

>If you have a family then get a job that you know can support you and your kids. Or don't start a family knowing you cant provide for them.

Life doesn't work this way.

Some people did have good jobs before 2008. But then lost them and now are working 3+ minimum wage jobs. What do you want them to do? Abort their 15 year old teen kids?

You want the government to force someone to pay you more than you're worth, right?

We should really figure out how to do this

>why should someone who serves fast food make the same as someone who saves lives

Because they are part of the same self-perpetuating vicious cycle. The fast food worker enables the lardass to have a heart attack at age 34, the EMT then shows up to save the lardass's worthless life so that the events can repeat themselves until the lardass's kids can take his place when he finally does croak.

It's the ciiiircle of liiiiiife........

Yes, they are the same. And yes, they are both worth minimum wage.

Society's preoccupation with longevity is idiotic and self-destructive anyway. The occupations which should be the highest paying are the ones which focus on improving the QUALITY of life, not the LENGTH of it.

>I brought you into this world
>I can take you back out of it.

You wouldn't download a car

I find it amazing how everyone thinks that they should live comfortably on minimum wage.

That's not how being an adult with a job works. These fucktards work at McDonalds will have a mediocre car, a PS4, an Iphone, a couple laptops, a 40 inch HDTV, cable and internet, unlimited data, jewlery, and nicknacks tools and other shit for their hobbies while they eat takeout every other day. Then they scream "HOW'MA GUNNA FEED MY 6 KIDZZZ!!!"

You fucking shouldn't. Let them starve because of your bad descisions.

Minimum wage jobs are meant for kids, and people who are just starting to work. You should be driving a shit car, have an old shitty desktop, a 720p television, a flip phone, and eat ramen noodles and cheap food.

If you have kids, you're a terrible parent and should have made better decisions. And if you want to live more comfortably, try learning some fucking skills and getting a real job like an adult.

Don't expect to live comfortably on a minimum wage job. You shouldn't be.

I know right, someone should really invent a device that prints out base materials into 3d structures

>abort 15-year-olds

Now that is constructive problem-solving! Sign me up!

>actually cook the food we serve
>5 hours in advance, from your kitchen managers recipe, and then microwaved during a dinner rush
>fresh ingredients daily
>more like once a week if youre lucky

heating up premade prepackaged shit is literally what you get paid to do, and yes. I should know. because you're a line cook, not a chef. your job is to mass produce for a franchise. theyd hire robots if they were capable of smelling burning food. no health, no dental, nothing. all you get is 9/hr, to stand on your feet for 6-8 hours straight with a 10 minute break in between, yelling at each other over the sound of that massive convection oven. all while sweating your ass off because the AC is most likely broken. like it always fucking is.
>surrounded by convicts and heroin addicts

How about letting then starve until they figure out how to be useful ?

In my country we get paid 3,23 dollars per hour in mc fucking donalds.
Fuck off americunts stop whining

what kind of engineering degree did you get?

I'm good friends with several people who just graduated in engineering and got offers in the 6-figure region with only a bachelors.

No, I want to be paid enough working two fucking jobs, one full time and one part time, to be able to afford a place of my own and to not be malnourished because of lack of food money thanks to the cost of living being so high, and minimum wage not increasing at the same rate as everything else inflated.
Fuck your government assisted programs. Unless you are crippled by something that isn't your fault and are legit unable to work, or have a goddamn brain tumor that stops motor functioning or some shit, you shouldn't be allowed to be on government assistance.
I refuse to even think about going on that bullshit bandwagon.
Fuck you and your OWN liberal shit.

Are you referring to yourself fam?
If you work 3 jobs then I feel for you.
Look for something better, even a fulltime warehouse job would pay more than 3 part time fast food gigs. Or talk to your boss about moving up or what you can do for a raise instead of being a whiny cunt and demanding a raise for what little work you do.
Your personal life is not their problem, it is your problem and it is up to you to solve it.

Maybe...If you want to be paid more, you get a better job?
>Implying leaving comfort zone
You don't have to work at McDonalds you know? It's tutorial island. Why should the pay increase for a job that requires minimal skills? It's supposed to train you for the next job and build a resume.

Their bad decision to be born mentally handicapped in a neighborhood with a bad school system? Yeah, I'm sure the down working the register had a lot of options.

I have done it all: Burger King, Wendy's, garbage man, picking up dead animals for the GFPs, telemarketing. I finally worked construction hand tying rebar and bartending while I tried to sell insurance. Currently sell insurance and own my business as a broker. Make about 175k give or take per year, yeah it was hard as fuck

structural engineering degree. Thought it would be a good idea since in Seattle, there's goddamn nonstop construction going on.
Turns out all they want are fucking monkeys with muscles who can turn a wrench.

they wouldn't
if the minimum wage is made $15/hr
then the cost of all goods that involve min wage labor will go up
so the higher paying jobs will get wage increases so that those making $15/hr now will be making ~$30-50/hr
and the min wage jobs like fast food will disappear if there is any way to automate it
as evidence I present fast food in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
the only people that work there are on food prep
they have no tellers
I also present fast food apps like Chick-Fil-A, Carl's Jr, and Jimmy Johns
the customer places their order and pays on their phone
the only employee interaction they have is when someone places their food on the counter and calls their name