Strange food thread

strange food thread




How is this weird? That is how I cook my wieners.

Resident cum guzzler here, would recommend this.





Boy I hope those are spermicide free.... guh.








Jewish cereal

Purple burners? Shits dope




Dude! You gotta toast the bread first!


Dude peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are the shit

Probably terrible for you but so so good


actually not bad. there is a hotdog place here that makes one that has pickets / peanut butter / crackerjacks on it...its pretty fucking tasty


that's one tasty looking milk-steak

Underrated post.



am i the only one who enjoys peanut butter ham and cheese sandwiches?




I'll have the milk steak

might be my most favorite thread in months

That'll fuck my taste buds, sheiit.










i dont know what this is

Lord help me. lmfao

Delicious is what that is.

You did good

where do I get 50% more Chicago sweet, sweet sauce at considering I drench all my food in it?

I'm thinking bout thos beans


nice trip dubs

Can't tell if samefag or just shitty sense of humor.


green tripe


I once got a blow job while wearing a condom (she insisted) then she wanted to make out... but I couldn't do it, she just tasted like latex. I can't imagine those hotdogs tasting like anything but latex.

Definitely not screencap worthy but it is pretty damn good.

Well that's the last thing I've got that's remotely food related.