Privilege 2.0

Privilege 2.0

Here's an idea:

Brand the condescending SJWs and Democrats as the Privilege 2.0 clique, or something to that affect.

It will work, trust me. I created many political memes here on Cred Forums when I was young, Including the original picture comparing Obama on a bicycle to Putin on bike. It spread like a wildfire and reportedly, politicians sent it to each other and made fun of Obongo.

It's propaganda time!


Privilege 2.0 / SJW thread

Pic I mentioned

Sounds pointless.

How so? Use their language against them, and make it cheeky by adding the 2.0

Probably because outside of a few places on the 'net, no one really cares.

Well, I can tell you for sure that it does. SJW hatred is actually becoming mainstream. Everyone is sick and tired of the Hollywood liberal, and the phrase I proposed to rebrand that smug clique is timid enough to become mainstream.

Also, the "few" places on the internet", watched by millions monthly, have the power that's on par with that of the mass media.

That they do*

I'm confused, what does this accomplish?

Just do it yourself, propagandist

Rebranding. It's the same kind of thing that Trump did to his political opponents, by calling them "low-energy' for instance. After he's done so, everything Jeb did was seen as low energy.

In the same vein, if the preaching Democrats were re branded as a part of Privilege 2.0, people would slowly and surely begin to see those smug fucks as the over-privileged idiots that they are.

I am at it everyday in a lot of ways. I just don't have the time to focus on this bullshit to the degree that's required to accomplish that.

I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT for soon-to-be POTUS Hillary Clinton to put you neonazi pieces of fucking shit in your place. Prepare for even more of liberal/SJW/pro-gay America. It is upon you.


As in, your facebook friends, your real life friends, and the people on the online forums you hang out on?

The people most likely to share your opinion and discuss topics you are interested in?

Seriously, it's an overblown issue. The SJW stereotype is just as flawed as the redneck gun nut stereotype. Most people don't even see your issue, much less care about it. If they did, we'd be hearing about it in mainstream sources.

>The people most likely to share your opinion and discuss topics you are interested in?

Not really, I pay attention to a large spectrum of outlets, mostly those concerned with geopolitics and the economy. You can see a lot of columnists and others criticize the way in which the Privilege 2.0 clique restrains things like research, and therefore science. People see it, and they care. I don't even discuss it on forums or in real life, let alone social media.

That's one shitty try bro.

Okay. But are you rebranding because you think Democrats are actually privileged in some way, or is this just something you're doing because you can then say "gotcha!" Like, generally speaking, how is the average Democrat privileged compared to Republicans or people of other/no political parties, especially since minority groups tend to vote primarily for Democrats at the present time?

Those aren't SJW issues. And quite frankly, it's the right that has the reputation for restraining research and science.

You want to put up anti-democrat propaganda, that's cool. They're almost as retarded as republicans. But there's already a metric shitload of it out there, so it's just a drop in the bucket.


>or is this just something you're doing because you can then say "gotcha!"

Throwing it out there as an shut-the-fuck up kind of "gotcha!". And while I do believe that some of the SJW pundits and Privilege+, most democrats don't have any "privilege" to speak of, just like the vast majority of people.

>Those aren't SJW issues. And quite frankly, it's the right that has the reputation for restraining research and science.

Right has the reputation, but I doubt you could point to any examples of them impeding science, aside from minor slowdown in the stem cell research.

>But there's already a metric shitload of it out there, so it's just a drop in the bucket.

But it's the kind of bullshit you don't see anywhere else. And it's fucking annoying.

I know, superproud of that one. I was just some 17 yo fag when I made it.

Meant to say

"SJW pundits ARE Privilege+"

>Right has the reputation, but I doubt you could point to any examples of them impeding science, aside from minor slowdown in the stem cell research.

I remember a lot of people complaining about selective science cuts during the Bush years, especially for environmental science. But it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm not going to go look it up.

But none of that matters. It's the reputation that's important. Truth stopped mattering in politics around the time humans developed language.

>I doubt you could point to any examples of them impeding science

Evolution, global warming, supply-side economics, thinking throughout history that blacks, gays are [insert any word related to immorality/inferiority here], more likely to believe in various other things that often strongly correlate with fundamentalist versions of religion, etc.

>I remember a lot of people complaining about selective science cuts during the Bush years, especially for environmental science. But it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm not going to go look it up

The government has no business sponsoring science. The European Union has been doing it, and now it turns out that there is 15 years of scientific papers paid for by the European tax payers, that all turned out to be based on a false premise found in an poorly written and tested paper. Leave science to the free market.

In addition to this, it is true that the right was against environment-oriented legislation, but it wasn't because they were anti-science. The right believes, that science will find a way to eliminate the negative effects of burning fossil fuels, and they are probably right. Again, free market doing what it does best, with no bullshit carbon taxes stifling businesses.

>Truth stopped mattering in politics around the time humans developed language.

And this is why I proposed this very propaganda action.

Evolution denial has nothing to do with the conservative right. You will not find a single conservative pundit who rails against the theory of evolution. I'm pretty sure you are confusing the conservatives (people who want to preserve the Republic's core values), with various sects of radicals who want a bigger government that imposes their values on people.

>thinking throughout history that blacks, gays are [insert any word related to immorality/inferiority here],

That's just false. Apparently, in your head, if someone is anti-gay marriage (or believes that sexuality its a matter of will), or is against the blacks, they are automatically on the right side. The right believes that the government shouldn't be handing people money for this or that, and that makes them anti-black? Are you saying that blacks are too dumb to succeed without an oppressive government taking others people money and handing it to them? This is the bigotry of no expectations.

>The right believes, that science will find a way to eliminate the negative effects of burning fossil fuels


>The government has no business sponsoring science.

Government sponsored science ends up in the hands of the free market. Without it, America would lose any competitive advantage it has.

But don't take my word for it, look it up.

>Leave science to the free market.

The free market isn't a silver bullet. There are things it works well for and things that it doesn't. Research is one of those things where it doesn't, at least if you want to stay a first world country.

Seriously, stop drinking the libertarian kool-aid. Too much of that stuff will kill you.

Anyway, I'm going to bed.

>The right believes that the government shouldn't be handing people money for this or that, and that makes them anti-black? Are you saying that blacks are too dumb to succeed without an oppressive government taking others people money and handing it to them? This is the bigotry of no expectations.

Wow the escalation of that strawman was comical. Not sure if trolling or not but either way I'm done.

Well maybe you are right..Would be an efficient strategy to beat them at their own game, so every argument they come up with will look stupid and people will see their double standards and hypocrisy..But as I know SJW's I know that they will just scream like retards and call for more government language policing and they will get is, because it's corrupt af and they have the best interest in policing language 1984 style.

He gave you the facts and you left that's mature