I tried this earlier, but had to leave and missed out on most of the discussion

I tried this earlier, but had to leave and missed out on most of the discussion.

Also, there was apparently another shooting a few hours ago, in North Carolina, with riots towards the police already starting there.

So, what do you guys think about this one that happened in Tulsa a few days ago? More racist cops? A Nervous Nellie female officer? Or was the shooting justified?

> Video of Tulsa police shooting Terence Crutcher sparks outrage

Yahoo article: yahoo.com/news/video-of-tulsa-police-shooting-terence-crutcher-sparks-outrage-171856828.html

LiveLeak: liveleak.com/view?i=edc_1474318463

Usually, I'm inclined to side with the police officers, who are out there on the streets having to deal with the worst society has to offer. Thugs, gangbangers, pimps, drug dealers, druggies, rapists, violent abusers, mentally ill maniacs, and general fuck-ups, on a daily basis. And many of these violent criminals are straight fucking savages, who will have no problem fucking up or taking the lives of the good people in their community. Basically, it's a war on the streets and these fucking gangster/thugs/criminals who police so often have to deal with are legitimately seriously dangerous, violent and downright fucking scary people who are roaming the streets and fucking up the lives of others. So, basically, you have to have hardcore cops who are not soft, who are not afraid to confront and deal with these people, and who are ready to get it on and be violent at all times, if the need arises or the situation calls for it.

To those of you who may disagree with me on this, just think about your child running away and being on the streets with these motherfuckers and how awful it would be to have to go to the streets and try to find your child who may be around/with these lowlife motherfucking criminals. If you find yourself in a situation like that, you may just realize how much you actually need and truly appreciate law enforcement.


Other urls found in this thread:


Continued from OP:

With that stated, this Tulsa shooting seems to be completely unnecessary. Why the fuck did this woman deem it necessary to shoot this fucking guy? What was he doing that caused her to think that he was a legitimate threat and that she was realistically in imminent danger?

Or, was this shooting somehow justified?

Also, I am incredibly curious about this, with black people being so aware of the recent shootings of black men by police officers, why the fuck do they so often behave in a way that is even possibly considered threatening or suspicious? Why not just put your hands up, hold still, and follow their orders, to try to make sure that you do not get shot?

> Pic related: The police officer who shot the guy in Tulsa.

No one looking to discuss this this morning?

Fear could make you behave like a dangerous person. It's a strong instinctive reaction. Not to mention if cops are willing to shoot you for any reason.

In Spain we have good cops in general (except those who act to supress demonstrations), and we don't need to be afraid of them.

What are you doing wrong?

Yahoo news?
How old are you? 60?

Jesus christ what isbwith you moral fags. Another dindu is off the streets. I can take 1 less bullet out of my stockpile.

Well, to be honest, I'm somewhat conflicted about how I feel about this issue. I can relate to both sides at times. For the most part, though, more often than not, I think the savage criminals on many of the streets in America are to blame for this shit.

As I mentioned in the OP, many of the thug-criminals/gangbangers/rapists/violent lunatics on the streets of America are fucking monsters, straight-up savages who will rape and kill others without caring about those people or the lives they may affect. They are legitimate killers who are fucking up entire neighborhoods in cities all over the country and destroying lives at a rapid pace.

And because these criminals are so fucking dangerous and violent, you need hardcore police officers to be able to combat them. It's literally a war on many of the streets in the U.S. these days. And if you have soft police officers, these criminals will gain even more power and be able to be even more harmful and destructive to the communities and the people who live in them.

Basically, you need hardcore motherfucking law enforcement officers to be able to battle these hardcore motherfucking criminals in America. Simple as that.

FYI, that doesn't mean that I condone every shooting by a police officer; far from it. But I think that the cops are often scared and concerned for their own safety, specifically, because they fucking need to be. These pieces of shit (who come in all races, nationalities, colors) are fucking ruining lives and destroying communities because of their savage ways and lack of respect for the lives of others.

Does anyone disagree with me on this perspective?

Not quite that old. But that was one of the top results that came up in Google. Thanks for the bump; but go fuck yourself, for trying to make fun of me.

It's not about making fun, it's about you using yahoo

Also, as I mentioned in the OP: Why the fuck do these people - black men, in particular - keep trying these police officers when they are dealing with them? Don't the black people who get upset about this shit ever stop and think that they might be contributing to the problem, by the way they behave when interacting with the police?

Seriously, why the fuck do so many black people behave suspiciously when the cops are involved?

And doesn't anyone ever stop and think that the main reasons so many black people are shot by the police are because of these 2 things?

1.) A significantly higher percentage of black people commit crimes than people of any other color?
2.) Most people of a different color do not seem to give the cops reasons to shoot them, because they don't behave so fucking foolishly when dealing with the police?

Or am I wrong about either/both of these two things?

I'll be honest, like you, I have sided with the officers in these controversial shootings of black thugs that made national and international news. This case, on the other hand, doesn't look good for the officers, especially the female officer. From what I've seen so far, it's hard for me to defend the officers this time.

Surprisingly, this was a good, fair, balanced article that made a lot of sense and just focused on facts: yahoo.com/news/could-officer-fatal-oklahoma-police-shooting-charged-213421549.html

However, as some commenters noticed, the article didn't talk about if the suspect (or victim) had a weapon.

I honestly think the female officer will get fired and charged with manslaughter, or be fired without being convicted.

What I hate: blacks and mainstream media will attempt to make the officers out to be racists, especially considering all officers are white and the suspect (or victim) is black. However, none of the officers said he was a nigger or screamed white power. This is what I hate the most about cases like these. I think the female officer just made an honest mistake – a mistake that will cost her job and maybe even freedom.

And in case anyone is interested in checking out the thread from a few hours ago, here's the a link to the archive:

> thebarchive.com/b/thread/704759329

>It's not about making fun, it's about you using yahoo

I'm not OP. Yahoo barely writes their own articles anymore. Instead, they host articles from various other news agencies. Some articles they host are good.

Thanks for the response. I like it; as you seem to be reasonable in your opinion, and how you came to it. And I agree with what you stated in your post, about things not looking good for this female officer in this situation. She very likely was scared, and this caused her to be overly-emotional and on-edge, when she needed to be composed and clear-headed. However, in her defense, she has every right to be scared, because of the situation. She's dealing with a large black man, who isn't listening to their commands. Why the fuck is he not listening to them?

That's what pisses me off! Why the fuck do these black men who are having an interaction with the police continue to not listen to what police officers are telling them to do and, instead, behaving in ways that cause suspicion and concern????

I am not saying that this shooting is justified; but I am saying that the guy suspect/victim didn't act very intelligently in this situation. Which makes no sense whatsoever, considering how much attention has been brought to the issue of police officers shooting black men lately.

>Thanks for the response.

You're welcome. I enjoy studying these cases. Just a tip: assuming you haven't already, study the works of Colin Flaherty on YouTube and Google.

>Why the fuck is he not listening to them?

That's that thing, we can only assume right now. The video was very blurry and at a bad angle. Before people rush to judgement by screaming racism, the officers are murders, etc, investigations need to be completed. Then and only then can we see who's in the wrong.

But... nope... morons will riot, loot, steel, and scream racism before investigations are complete, like every other case that involved white officers shooting black people.

>That's what pisses me off! Why the fuck do these black men who are having an interaction with the police continue to not listen to what police officers are telling them to do and, instead, behaving in ways that cause suspicion and concern????

According to several sources, the officers claimed he appeared to be under the influence, which of course could impair his judgement.

Thanks for replying again, and for the suggestion about Colin Flaherty, whom I have not even heard of. Care to elaborate a little on who he is/what he does? Yes, I know I can Google his name, but I am curious why you like to study/have an interest in him/his work?

With regards to the rest of your post, we seem to think every similarly. At the very least, about this issue. But, if I had to guess, I'd say we are probably like-minded people. And as I stated in the OP, I am not a racist whatsoever; but I do try to be a realist. I have a daughter and a son and if either/both of them wanted to date/hang out/be friends with a black kid, a Mexican kid, an Asian kid, or any other race/nationality, that's fine by me, as long as they're not going to be a bad influence on or cause trouble with/for my kids.

However, I will admit that I am getting frustrated with the (seemingly) automatic support for the black people who keep getting themselves shot/killed by police officers. Far and away, the reason this keeps happening so frequently is because so many black people either commit crimes that cause the interaction with police to occur in the first place, or act like fucking imbeciles when interacting with the police.

Shit, let's say that the majority of cops were racist an were specifically looking to shoot black men, would this actually change the way black men behave when dealing/interacting with the police? Or would they still not listen to the commands and act suspiciously, knowing that the cop was looking for a reason to shoot them?

>I have a daughter and a son and if either/both of them wanted to date/hang out/be friends with a black kid, a Mexican kid, an Asian kid, or any other race/nationality, that's fine by me, as long as they're not going to be a bad influence on or cause trouble with/for my kids.

You'll think differently when you know the reality after reading Colin Flaherty's work.







Good luck. And bye.

>low IQ
>success and crime is almost always correlated with low IQs

>pic related

Blacks are inherently borderline retarded. You can't teach a chimp to function in developed nations.

Colin is eye opening.

What the fuck? Don't leave! Stick around and elaborate on this post. PLEASE!

Seriously, please explain why you posted this and apparently feel this way towards blacks.

Okay. This guy knows what I'm talking about.

Also see It has to do with INHERENT IQ –something NO AMOUNT OF EDUCATION CAN FIX.

Hence why Northern Asians and Whites are smart, and have the most advanced countries on the planet.

Hence why Africa is SHIT, despite being RICH in goods.

Hence why Asians are America's role model minority and foreigner, because they are smart enough to take advantage of America's education and development, unlike niggers.

"But, but what about black professionals, scientists, etc?"

Those ARE exceptions.

Integration is a failure, OP. America is all the proof you need. You can't integrate with niggers and Arabs. Asians and Hispanics are okay.

I can go on, but I'd have to lecture you for hours. Colin can do the rest...

Stay away from blacks, and keep your kids away... unless you want to become a victim.

You realize an IQ score is basically a "how good was your school" test for people that aren't abnormally gifted?

Even the most dipshit retarded rich white kid would score average or above.
Even if not for school, kids learn on the internet. Unless they live in poor areas without access except the library and shit.

there's more to the problem but your dumb ass is perfectly fine acting like "They dumb and that's THAT!" as if it even kind of moves anyone toward a solution. Sig Heil ya sack of shit

please see this post that I just made.

What exactly does this guy teach/try to share with others? Does he dislike/hate blacks? And why are you two so passionate about his teachings?

Seriously, I will check out some of his work; but, for right now, will one/both of you please share at least a little abut why you feel this way?

When your mind is closed anyway it doesn't exactly take a bank heist to "open it." Sometimes hate gets there first. Oh well.

>You realize an IQ score is basically a "how good was your school" test for people that aren't abnormally gifted?


Research inherent intelligence, cuck. You can't teach a chimp astronomy – just like you can't teach a nigger to fuction in society.

Go throat a little black cock, you white BBC cuck.

>What exactly does this guy teach/try to share with others? Does he dislike/hate blacks? And why are you two so passionate about his teachings?

He talks about the REAL epidemic: black on white crime, and black on black crime.

He exposes the lies: white on black crime and oppression. Once you study his works and become a student, you'll learn it's a huge epidemic.

lol riots in north carolina , i live there and there are no riots going on here .

He's a white nationalist propagandist that inflates numbers or misleads to lead white people to fear black people.

Okay? Are you stupid? Just because you live there doesn't mean you know everything that's going on there. Fuck, drop the tinfoil hat, come out from under your rock, and turn on the news.

He was a violent con with a history of trying to beat up cops.

But Anderson forgot to tell you that part.

Lies. You must be black, huh? It he inflated numbers, his book would have never became an Amazon best seller, and wouldn't have been recommended by several respected people in society.

He's not a white nationalist. He freed a fucking black man that was wrongly imprisoned.

>Go throat a little black cock, you white BBC cuck.
Just putting words in any old order. The internet has ruined you.


Who gives a fuck more niggers die by niggers then by cops. Also look at africa, massmurders every day. Breaking news Unemployed nigger dead woohoo

tinfoil hat , under a rock . are you fucking stupid . i dont watch the news because of the shitty stuff they talk about .

>Trying to have an intellectual discussion that will lead anywhere on Cred Forums

>Caring about yet another dead nigger who failed to comply with simple requests and had a criminal background? Din Du Nuffin

>Not realizing black on black crime is rampant but social media panders to retarded liberals to keep them fueled and keep them voting for the pro "BLM" politicians


OK, to be straightforward and honest, I'm genuinely not a racist, and I'm scared about possibly becoming one. Like, it's part of my moral code. I don't want anyone treating my kids differently because they are white, so I want to try to live in a way that shows respect to that perspective and I don't want to treat anyone else differently because of their skin color (at least, not automatically).

If I may ask you a serious question: Did you only start thinking this way about black people after learning about/being influenced by this Colin Flaherty guy? Basically, were you always a racist? Or did you only/mostly become one after becoming aware of this guy's teachings?

And what does he/do you guys who agree with him think about the reality that there are exceptions to every rule? Do you guys believe that literally every black person is the same, and that they are all prone to be violent/dangerous, and that you would not want to be interact with/be around them?

90% of the time, the cop will be justified. have to wait for all of the facts to come out first

>Online court records show Terrence Crutcher of Tulsa with the same date of birth as the man who was killed pleaded no contest in 1996 to carrying a concealed weapon and resisting an officer and was given a six-month suspended sentence.

Most of the time, there is justification from it but that doesn't make headlines so the buzzwords "unarmed" or "black man" have to be thrown into the mix.

Nevermind the fact there was an obvious present threat in most of the cases. The news panders to the lowest common denominator of people who are easily triggered by those keywords.

With that being said, there are also times where trigger happy cops do get punished from a completely unjustified shooting.


>i dont watch the news

That's obvious.

>I'm genuinely not a racist, and I'm scared about possibly becoming one.

Being a racist is a good thing, and this is coming from someone that is white and was raised by a black family from the age of 15 to 19. I also date an Asian.

Colin talks about people like you on his YouTube channel. "Moral code" and all. Being down with the cause. Afraid to speak up. Not knowing the truth. Colin will set you straight.

> I don't want anyone treating my kids differently because they are white, so I want to try to live in a way that shows respect to that perspective and I don't want to treat anyone else differently because of their skin color (

Fantasy world. Wake up. Ever seen what's going on in South Africa? Sweden? What about the integrated schools in America? Whites kids are often victims of black on white crime throughout America's public schools and colleges. Oh, and Colin covers this.

>Did you only start thinking this way about black people after learning about/being influenced by this Colin Flaherty guy?

Subconsciously, yes, I knew something was wrong prior to Colin. I just didn't know the specifics. I needed a teacher. Colin is that man.

>Basically, were you always a racist?

Somewhat. After noticing how much a failure integration is, I started to think being a racist isn't something to demonize.

>And what does he/do you guys who agree with him think about the reality that there are exceptions to every rule? Do you guys believe that literally every black person is the same, and that they are all prone to be violent/dangerous, and that you would not want to be interact with/be around them?

Not enough exceptions to integrate. After all, if there was enough exceptions, well, they would not be exceptions.

Even though Trump is a clown, I am voting for him. To answer your question, I'll let Trump's recent picture on twitter answer your question about exceptions.

so you dont think that the fact that it was another unarmed black man is in anyway curious..... did he have to die?... couldnt that group of cops thought of any other way to resolve the situation without killing him.....a taser perhaps?

was there an absolute need to kill him , could she have shot him in the foot or something.

dont you think that given all of the instances of these shootings it should have flashed into their brain not to kill they guy.

NO. It wasn't curious. The amount of black on black violence is substantially higher than the amount of cop on black violence.

I don't understand why you guys get so triggered by these shootings. Why don't the same people who are easily emotionally manipulated by media get triggered by the gangs who target pedestrians or black on black violence?

It's a problem far above and beyond cops shooting people.

Why couldn't he comply, answer a couple of questions and go about his day? This would've never happened.

Look up his rap sheet you fucking mongoloid. So just because the faggot Don Lemon did not tie it to his cock and shove it down your throat means you can't think for yourself?

Look it up yourself retard.

I tried to use an analogy like this with some extreme left wing liberal and the only response I got was "OH SO YOU'RE SAYING SKITTLES KILL PEOPLE?"

You cannot argue with some types of people. Illogical people do not process logic and they think you're being an asshole.

your missing the point, the cops are not supposed to be as violent as the criminals.

if a person doesnt answer your questions you dont automatically get to sentence them to death....

why not taze him ?

You won't convince the BLM terrorist supporters. There's literally no evidence you can provide to sway a BLM supporter. They're simple minded and stupid. I tried getting into this shit back in the days of Mike Brown and all I got was "nah the pooleece is making dat shit up he was a gud boi" type arguments.

I enjoy lurking these threads though.

Everyone ignore this obvious troll.

CNN spent hours of air time today babbling about how Trump equates refugees to Skittles.

Clinton News Network indeed.

>your missing the point, the cops are not supposed to be as violent as the criminals.
But they're not. Believe it or not, they don't want to shoot people and it takes a huge psychological toll on most of them after they do it. When you're approaching someone who could possibly have a warrant, they will do anything to escape going back to prison, including try to kill you.

So no shit they're on edge but just as violent? user, people in the hood kill each other for 30 minute highs, crack rocks and fucking cheap appliances.

from what i understand, his car broke down, the police showed up randomly while searching for someone else and decided to investigate

the guy had done nothing wrong and so did not want to be treated like a criminal.

was shot

Yep, sounds like the typical din du nuffin BLM supporter. You people have infested Cred Forums by the way. Thanks for that.

criminal bad , yes.

so why not taze him?

shouldnt that be the go to plan instead of killing people...what if you get a wrong i.d or the guy turns out not to be armed .

They're mad because it's a simple yet good point.

im just reading the news bro.

no lives actually matter

The fact is neither you, the helicopter, or I could see what the officer saw or felt.

They're bad videos, I'll leave it to the investigators.

I can play too.

Why not comply? Why be an asshole, make sudden movements and start digging in your car? They have no clue what you're about to pull out of there. He was beligerent and uncooperative.

Well LEO expert, would you simply tazer him? What if you miss, what if it has no effect and he pulls out a shotgun?

Stop trying to support the Din Du victim.

Thanks for the thorough response. To clarify something, it's not that I'm scared to become a racist in a cowardly way, it's that I have good morals and values instilled in me and I genuinely want, and try, to be a good human being. I am realistic, though, and I am aware of the very real dangers that many people pose. I live in Arizona, where we have what have to be about the most-relaxed gun laws in the country (we can now carry a concealed weapon/firearm, fully loaded with one in the chamber, completely hidden on our body or in our vehicles, with no permit or training necessary, as long as you are not a prohibited possessor) and I am in the process of trying to get myself at least one gun ASAP (preferably, a high-capacity pistol, either a 9MM or a .40), after having guns for much of my life, but not currently having one. And the main reason I want to have a gun/guns is because of the fucking thug-criminal pieces of shit who are on the streets these days.

I just don't want to paint an entire race/group of people with the same broad brush and dislike each and every one of them, based on something they didn't have a choice in/didn't willingly and wittingly choose to be, which is the color of skin that they were born with.

> Being a racist is a good thing, and this is coming from someone that is white and was raised by a black family from the age of 15 to 19. I also date an Asian.

With regards to this part of your post, I'm very curious, what do you think of these people, who raised you as part of their family for 4-5 years, now? And how did they treat you while you were living with them? Also, do you keep in touch with them these days? And if so, what are your feelings towards them nowadays?

Also, are you openly racist? Do you specifically try to not interact with black people? Or are you just always quietly suspicious/cautious and aware of what they are prone to/capable of?

>why the fuck do they so often behave in a way that is even possibly considered threatening or suspicious? Why not just put your hands up, hold still, and follow their orders, to try to make sure that you do not get shot?


did you not see the guy in the car who notified the cop that he owned a weapon simply to let the police officer know and then the cop shot him in front of his gf with a child in the backseat?

the guy in the picture on the ground with his hands up telling the cops that the fat kid doesn't have a gun and that he's autistic and it's just a toy truck and that he is a councillor


you spread your hate speech about black people being subhuman, being criminals, talking about your day of the rope
and then refuse to acknowledge there are people who share your views out there with guns, massive amounts of power and authority and ZERO accountability for their actions

They did tase him, and it was ineffective. The taser is actually ineffective a lot, coming from firsthand experience.

Jesus christ boomers are here now. Thank alot hillary you fucking cunt.


if four of them couldnt taze a man facing the other direction , then they are pretty shitty cops.

he didnt have a shotgun

Look it up Holmes.

Why you're at it, check out Johnny Chung and the Clinton's. A lot more red chinks where he came from pouring money into the Clinton's.

>Why not comply?
even complying will get you shot


>he didnt have a shotgun
No shit but how the fuck were they supposed to know that? You don't know what someone's going to pull out of a vehicle when they start reaching in it.

There was literally no reason for him to do that, especially with 4 officers pointing their weapons.

He was a fucking idiot with a previous violent record.

Dead nigger is dead. They did the world a favor and saved a little tax money.

You idiot. These are rare occurrences. Get that through your head.

The news only covers bad things, thus you will only hear about bad things about police. That does not mean it happens a lot.

The reality is there are about 765,000 officers, and 381,000,000 people in America, and they go on millions of calls every year, yet most officers have never shot anybody.

They don't really kill "innocent" people all that often.

Well, I'm sure convinced. You found an exception on the internet, so you win. Cops are all evil and just want to kill black people.


The news panders to the lowest common denominator for views. I've given up trying to argue with them. Nothing will change their perspective or opinion that cops are all evil walking killing machines that look for an excuse to pull the trigger.

They fail to make any mention of how rampant black on black crime is in the country but nah, the latest social media trend for views is what's tearing black people apart.

Seriously. Since 1980 to 2008, blacks have accounted for 50% of the homicides in the U.S and 95% of black homicides.

Blacks are only 13% of the population.

Yet cops are the real issue facing black people in America.

u are fucking retarded, jesus

hahaha, now who is making excuses...

even if he was chinese which he wasnt and even if he had a gun in the car which he didnt and even if he was the man they were looking for which he wasnt , he didnt need to die.

shoot him in the foot for fuck sake

U serious nigga? Cops come rolling in hot and the thing to do is to move quickly and reach into your car?

Get to the big city more often. You might learn a thing or two.

To add to this, the U.S CDC says the leading cause of death for black's ages 15-34 is homicide.

Yeah, black lives reaallllyyyy matter to #blacklivesmatter

Video games don't work in real life.

Look up the Ventura County Sheriff's shooting of a man with a knife.

He was shot 6 times in the chest and didn't stop chasing the officer.

Tell me more about shooting people in the foot.

Former Cop fag here.

It all goes like this. You have good people who do the job right or you have those that do it wrong. The big problem is you won't know until it happens. You could have the most highly trained individual be on the road and they do something unjustified out of fear even though they were top of their class and in training showed the best scores and decision skills. The shitty part is, it usually involves someone's life. The vast majority of situations can and usually are solved verbally but there are a lot of variables that aren't scene in these videos from the full scene to who the person is to recent calls and events and even what that officer has gone through currently. Stress causes poor decisions. I see these videos and some I can see being justified and some I cannot but in truth, we are all playing arm chair QB with them because we aren't in those exact shoes at that exact time. A lot of people say "do this" or "do that" but at the same time, those courses may not be the right actions. The Taser and Spray are just like the gun, tools for the right situation. Some people shrug all of them off while some don't. Now, as far as this situation, it's not correct at all and is definitely not justifiable but, this is where people don't grasp the whole thing, it can be justified. It's not justified by what a person does but how a person feels. If she can explain exactly why she did it AND make her supervisor or the investigator team feel even an ounce of what she felt and saw, then they agree. But that's all how you word it. It's a high stress job that you train for but never get the full feeling of what happens in real time. Plus, training consists of every call turning into the worst case scenario to show how quickly things change. I never once had a training scenario go "routinely " because honestly, never once does it go that way. Someone acts before you tell them or makes a quick movement to the glove box or pocket or some stupid shit.

We have brutal cops because of a brutal adherence to law and order. It's left over from the conservatives principles that once formed the spine of this country. Now that liberalism is slowly grafting it's doctrine of the decaying corpse of that america shit is changing. Maybe it's time to turn this ship around

>To clarify something, it's not that I'm scared to become a racist in a cowardly way, it's that I have good morals and values instilled in me and I genuinely want, and try, to be a good human being.

Several whites in America recently tried to integrate into black neighborhoods and schools, because they dangerously assumed that if they aren't racist blacks wouldn't target them. Yeah, things didn't go well for these white people. Colin covers several stories like this.

Yes, get a gun. As Colin often says, you're a fool not to take advantage of our rights to protect yourself.

>I just don't want to paint an entire race/group

I don't, either. But I won't live among them. Trump's skittles argument is the reason why.

>, I'm very curious, what do you think of these people

Great black family. Step black father was an honorable 20 year veteran of the US Army. His black wife was an elementary school teacher. They raised me more than my bio parents in the few years they had me. I no longer talk to them, unfortunately. Too long to explain why.

Again, exceptions.

>Also, are you openly racist?

No, as it's foolish to be. Loss of job. Labeled a racist online. You could become a target.

>Do you specifically try to not interact with black people?

Yes. As I have learned from Colin, it's suicide to be near blacks. Stay far, far away.

I date an Asian. It would be hard for me to be a hardcore racist. I'm just hoping whites will wake up and bring back segregration. If not, I'm afraid things will get too bad for whites in America and Europe. My girlfriend and I may flee to a rural part of America, or flea to Asia (maybe Japan).

again, look who is playing too many video games.

if you shoot a guy facing the other direction in the back of the knee while he is walking away, are you honestly telling me he'll get a power up, run to the car, get his gun, turn around, aim and fire without being hit again?

now now, lets not be silly

>even if he was chinese
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>shoot him in the foot
Look Timmy, I'm sure you have a high score on Call of Duty or whatever FPS you play but real life isn't like that.

There's no re-spawn point. If he pulls something out and gets one in on you, you're fucked.

Alright, you're just a fucking moron.

Yes, there are people with adrenaline pumping that can sustain life threatening injuries and remain a threat to you after you've shot them.

Again, live in your League of Legends world where real life works like video games.

If you notice dum dum, this shit happens more often in democratic areas.

If the crime rate is high in a city, I bet you it's democratic.

Well that's a coherent thought.

Well, if you'd simply look up that video you'd see that a man who was shot 6 times in the chest, an area that contains the heart, lungs, ribs, kidneys, stomach, and still continued to chase the cop a good 30-40 feet.

So yeah, I think a guy shot in the leg can run to his car and get a gun.

>If the crime rate is high in a city, I bet you it's democratic.

Also a chocolate city. Chicago. Detroit. Atlanta. Memphis. Some parts of LA. New York. Florida. Alabama. All black dominated areas are high crime, impoverished areas.

exactly , it has nothing to do with anything.

again yes exactly there is no respawn, dont kill people you dont have to. they shouldnt have killed him, they werent in any danger.

shouldnt it be a last resort.

George Zimmerman: the first white mexican.

>shoot him in the foot for fuck sake

My sides are in orbit.

Yup. CNN intentionally made him appear more white, because it then fit their narrative: white people are racists out to kill blacks. Most whites didn't fall for this, while gullible blacks did.

What is suspicious about having your car break down? It's not like they were in a high traffic area, there is nothing but trees, a car, a single black man with his hands up etc etc...

Lets say the tazer was justified, even though it clearly wasn't... what was the reason to open fire on a person 15-20 ft away who is already being tazed...

No guns, no drugs, zero violent actions, no sudden movements outside of being tazed, no homies in the vicinity. There is zero justification.

If that helicopter wasn't there, you'd be reading a very different story about this right now. How evil black guy lunged at them and grabbed for their guns or some shit.

Black on black crime is very real, but that's a whole different can of worms... not related to being shot by people your tax money pays to keep you safe.

If this is true and you really sued to be a cop, please reply again. I would really appreciate it.

And if you wouldn't mind answering some questions, here are a few that I have for you:

- How long were you a police officer for?
- What city/state/area were you a police officer in?
- Did you like doing the job? Love it? Dislike it? hate it?
- Are you a racist now? Were you a racist then?
- Did blacks commit the most crime where you worked?
- Did blacks tend to be the most-difficult/confrontational people to deal/interact with?
- Whose side are you generally/mostly on with regards to these shootings: The cops or the black victims?

If you wouldn't mind answering at least some of these questions, I would really be interested in getting your opinion and perspective about some of these things.

Also, why are you no longer a LEO?

but he wasnt a threat to them, there was no sign, he didnt reach for anything, he was walking slowly to the car with his hands in the air... he did not look out of control. he was not a threat to them.

what crime did they shoot him for?

>they werent in any danger.
Again, you dense god damn fuck.


There is literally no fucking reason to do that. Why do that at all? The stupid Din Du did it to himself.

It actually was a really good analogy. But all they can do is rage. The anti Trump propaganda is about to ramp up hard if he keeps climbing in the polls. When he was a Democrat the media slobbered all over him. Now that he's not, they portray him as the antichrist.

So are you telling me it's okay to shoot a black guy in the foot because he is walking away?

Pahahaha get your shit straight.

Guess I should have made my point clearer. Back in the day no one would have batted an eye that an uncooperative thug on PCP was brought down. Of course it happens rampantly in democratic areas, thats where these twits are being told that fighting the police and "whitey" in general is grand because its all their fault. If gettin tuff was back in style this shit would go extinct right quick

Remember the innocent unarmed Sylvie Smith from a couple months ago?

CNN stopped talking about him. I wonder why.

No they realise that you are an arsehole. Paint that anyway you want chump

>he didn't reach for anything
Alright, I'm done. You're either blind, deaf, dumb or all of the above.

Go suck some Jamal cock. If you ask nicely, I'm sure you'll find a low down brother on Craigslist since you seem to want to so much.

He's also not a puppet, because he doesn't need outsider funding. He's against the establishment, or so it seems (time will tell). They want Hilary because she will simply pick up from where Obama left off.

Dey photoshupped dat pikture he was a guud boi

I'm sure the original picture had a graduation gown on and he was holding a bible.

Blackfag here, AMA.

So your car stalls and you park right in the middle of the road, straddling the yellow line.

Yeah, that's what I'd do.

nononono my son would NEVER!

why? just.... why?

Not the guy you're replying to. First off, they didn't find a weapon according to recent reports. For me, it kinda looked like he was reaching for something. But, man, the video was so fucking blurry coupled with a bad angle, I can't really tell if he was in fact reaching for something.

What is certain is he wasn't following orders. Reported to be under the influence of something. Very disobedient.

That's a lot of questions mate lol.
5 years
KS Riley
Not many black people in KS
Honestly, never had issues at all. If I was talking to people, just talk to them like humans but really, adults ok, tennagers sucked.
Not racist.
Never cared who commited crimes. Just arrested them but like stated before, KS has about 3 black people in it.
Loved the job, hated the people I worked with. (No tickets, no funding, super troopers)
I can't pick a side because in one video I see 45 seconds of what happened so it's more of seeing it from both sides. Like the recent one, more on the victims side but not sure events leading up to like the initial call in and the information given from dispatch.
Got out due to injury. Didnt want an injury being the reason why I made a stupid mistake that lead to my death or the death to someone else.

when's the last time you stole something boy?

hey, if i broke down and somebody showed up and shot me, id rather not be shot in the chest or head. iv never been shot before . but it seems preferable to me.

but they werent in any danger. they had no right to arrest him. they just happened by him.

and i see the cop is on paid administrative leave , so she kills a guy who was unarmed and is on paid leave

Yeah that's just fucking unnerving behavior. The taser was probs enough but still. that guy must have been FUCKED UP

True, he could have had a gun.

He also could have got on the fucking ground when four cops were drawn on him.

I'm honestly pissed off at the liberal media in my country portraying this as "another example of racism". They're so fucking deluded and I'd expect people in the media of all professions to have seen how stupid blacks can be. Not to mention how nonobjective they are.


What people need to understand is that it doesn't matter if he had a gun or not.

It really doesn't.

Cops aren't psychic. The only reason you know he didn't have a gun is because you were told that.

The cops didn't receive a revelation from God telling them that he didn't have a gun.

The video is blurry, and bad angle. I cannot vouch for the cop, nor against the cop.

The only thing I'm saying is it doesn't matter if he had a gun or not.

If I'm a cop, and you reach for something or make a sudden furtive movement, I'm not going to wait till you actually get a round off. I have a family to get home to and quite frankly a suspect stupid enough to do that isn't worth risking my life to the point that I'll wait to see a bullet fly out the barrel.

It was justified.. high on pcp, told to stay down.. walkes to vehicle, said it was a bomb.. reached for waistband..boom.. game over .. pcp found in vehicle.. typical black american.

what did he reach for?


Car breaks down while driving....


Umm... you don't always get a choice in how your car breaks down and whether you can steer it to the side of the road. I mean, that's kind of fucking obvious, right?

Good riddance. Give those cops raises.

it ended with a dead nigger. totally justified and perfectly ok

I didn't get to see a video with audio. Got a link?

Disgusting. Go wash your hair Tyrone

The car is in the middle of the road, sir.

If my car was ever to break down and I didn't have a chance to pull over, it would most certainly not be in the middle of the road, but in my own lane.

So, if the fuzz is pointing his gat at your ass and yelling at you to to freeze, do you:
a) freeze, 'cause you don't want to get shot
b) tell him to fuck off 'cause you want to get shot?

I'm genuinely curious as to the mindset. Me, I'm gonna freeze and be a good cuck - maybe I can sue later. Delayed gratification and last laugh is best ya' know.


Blacks think it's a good idea to aggravate people with guns. They have this belief that they can intimidate their way out of every situation.

The trend continues.

Why can't niggers just obey the cops when they tell them what to do? They have a detailed and recorded history of being shot and yet every nigger thinks he's the chosen one who can fuck with the cops.

For anyone who is curious about what happened to Detroit. It's simple.

>A man with great intentions wants to give a bunch of black people jobs via the booming auto industry
>Detroit is flourishing
>The 1967 race riots happen
>White people start packing up town and leaving
>They hire the first black mayor in 1970 who is openly racist and does a terrible job
>Promotes violence against whites and does nothing to improve the situation as the automotive companies start packing up shop
>The last remaining white people who funded the shops around, the schools and small businesses have vacated by the early 90s

That's the TLDR version

I agree with your post. Your webm title on the other hand...

the fucking "shoot them in the food" thing shows your age dude.

i'll tl;dr it for you, in case you havn't had your ADD meds today.

police aren't allowed to just shoot people in the fucking leg. they're only allowed to shoot someone if that person constitutes a direct threat to their life, or other people's lives.

that top part should clear this up for most people. but the severely retarded usually need additional pointers.

when a human being, any human being even ur super duper soldier mans, gets into a stressful situation the body goes through a biological shift called the fight/flight reflex. this causes blood to drain from extremities (arms/legs) and pool in the torso. a person will lose also their peripheral vision and become acutely aware of their surroundings.

its been proven time and time again that even the best marksman in the world will shoot 25-30% less accurately under the above conditions. now imagine you're fucking rambo and you think you can shoot a man in the leg, which is hard even before the biological debuff kicks in. even if you make that 10/100 shot, you're going to get fucking roasted in court because if you had time to fucking think and plan to shoot some poor cunt in the leg then you weren't in fight/flight. thus you werent in fucking fear of your fucking life. thus you shouldn't have shot the cunt AT ALL.

GG pleb.

Yup. Companies don't like to employ mostly violent, lazy niggers, so they pack up and leave.

Did you bother to look at the road? It just rolled to the middle by itself, amirite? Maybe the steering rack catastrophically failed and fell out of the car.

Actually, looking at the number of unsafe vehicle violations this brotha' had, that might be possible.

Lol I knew right away there'd be a Deray or Shaun King tweet.

Why the fuck do that?

>oh yeah? You got a gun?
>I better point my finger in a manner like I'm going to pull out a gun

I blame their parents for not spending time and developing cognitive reasoning. Maybe if they were intelligent enough to make better decisions shit like that would stop.

That's because they're inherently violent.

Imports started to gain popularity and they had no customers left to sell things to. All of the "oppressive" whiteys who were funding the town said nope and left.

It's a sarcastic filename.

The women are the fucking worst. They're loud as fuck and super obnoxious. Also, why are most black women fat? How the fuck do they all get so fat since they're all "poor" and oppressed? Do Government benefits let you buy that much food?

If you shoot them and it's not aimed center mass, hello lawsuit from everyone. If you use deadly force, it better be used as deadly force and nothing else because if its justified than you're golden, if not, lawsuits. If you place handcuffs too tight, lawsuits. If you pepper spray someone allergic to capsaicin, lawsuit. If you stop someone twice for legit reasons, possible lawsuit.

Niggers are stupid. Niggers are violent.

It's really simple.

Memphis. Atlanta. Michigan. Parts of Alabama, New York, CA, Florida, SC, NC... when blacks amass a lot of numbers in any city it goes to shit.

Okay :b Redeemed. I'm a literal sperglord, so it's difficult for me to get sarcasm and jokes.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to those questions. I really appreciate it, as it's nice to get the perspective of/from a cop/former cop; especially, when it's a reasonable one, like yours legitimately seems to be.

However, with it obviously being much, much different than what your experiences were like in Kansas, can you imagine how fucking bad, dangerous and downright fucking scary it must be to be a police officer in places like Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Youngstown, Atlanta, Birmingham, Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, New Orleans, Memphis, Gary, Camden, Brooklyn, Oakland, Los Angeles, and other cities like these?

Do you think that your view of blacks (and, possibly, of other minorities) would be markedly different, if you had been a police officer is a city like those, and got to see firsthand how much crime and violence is committed by the black citizens in the rough communities there?

exactly. that's why cops are trained to shoot center of mass.

It isn't that they buy a lot, they only buy shit food. I've been in checkout lines behind niggers living off government assistance and in their cart it will be chips, snacks loaded with sugar, and things of that nature. No produce or anything remotely healthy.

I don't think you'll get anywhere with asking him that. Only whites that have been around blacks fully understand, like me. I notice a lot of white sympathizing BBC cucks live in nice, pretty, white neighborhoods, and never lived, worked, or attended school with a lot of blacks. Not saying this cop is a cuck, just saying.

Man, Don Lemon whooped on dat beyatch.

>worst society has to offer. Thugs, gangbangers, pimps, drug dealers, druggies, rapists, violent abusers, mentally ill maniacs, and general fuck-ups, on a daily basis

What im saying has 100% nothing to do with the nigger in the video.

What i am going to say is, almost everyone here has broken a law at some point, just because you didnt get caught and arrested doesnt make you a better person, if you think that way you are really fucking ignorant.

general fuck-ups deserve to die? people who are addicted to drugs deserve to die?

Cops go out and deal with these people so we dont have too??? you must not live in a city.

"police aren't allowed to just shoot people"

"they're only allowed to shoot someone if that person constitutes a direct threat to their life, or other people's lives."

its been proven time and time again that even the best marksman in the world will shoot 25-30% less accurately under the above conditions

he didnt have a gun, was stopped for no reason, there is no evidence he was on pcp beyond what they cops lawyer says....consider shoot in the foot a euphemism for.. dont try to kill a guy ten feet from you with his hands up.

aside from the childish insults, thats the core stupidity at work here. youre acting like he was about to turn and fire.

you dont think thats a pretty severe mistake to make.

Are you assuming that he parked in the middle of the road intentionally or that he wouldn't have been shot if his car was off to the side of the road? I'm just wondering where you're going with this.

Anyways, the only accident I've ever been in to this day was an accident where I lost total control of the car. I was in the middle of making a right-turn at about 15mph, as I was turning I heard a loud pop, then a sliding sound.. sounded like I ran over a bunch of soda cans or something. Anyways, I lose complete control of the steering column, and the breaks feel like I'm stepping on a loaf of bread. I slowly crash into a car in front of me, me and the guy in the other car both saw it coming. I shouted out the window that I couldn't break at all and we both kind of facepalmed as it happened.

Steering column broke, breaks went to shit, frame cracked (that was the soda can sound), e-break did nada.

So, it is possible, I'm sure it happens to plenty of others.

I spent a month at WalMart before I said fuck this but I worked on the 1st of the month. Fucking awful.

The most entitled and most demanding customers came during that day and I swear to God the people on benefits ate like Kings. I also learned that you can use your benefits to buy alcohol.

Only made worse by the assholes in line who would rip the tags off of shit and always say "lol I guess it's free then right?"

I don't know how logical sane people stay as a cashier at WalMart. I was about to go postal after a month.

Without a doubt I can say that if you have a certain group that does the majority of something, your views do change. Take for instance the guys that like to jack up their trucks or supe up their ricers. Those cars tend to be people that speed, a lot. So when you see them, you almost itch at your radar because you know they are more likely to be speeding. Stereotypes exist becausethey get perpetuated and that does play a role in how people react to them accordingly. Now, with that being said, as a cop you have to ignore thise biases because that's not your job. Your job is to respondto each situation as it is, that single situation. You're going through everything at lightspeed in your head of what's going on but you cant let that be a reasoning for why you did it. We picked up a guy that had a dui and a warrant for murder. Probably the coolest guy I ever met but knowing what he did made me more on edge. Or if I got info that the guy had a warrantfor assault, same thing yet that can't be how I go about because it's like the Army was, targets look for weaker targets so if you show that you're worried about everything, people do take advantage of that.

Lol, I live 40 minutes from Tulsa
I haven't followed this story at all
Ty for the education

durrr i have no facts to support anything but ill spout my shitty opinion anyway. Also alternative energy is whats hip now, haven't you heard burning coal isnt cool anymore?

i've seen the same videos as you, user. and not a single one of us saw his hands or his body language.

what i was disputing is the sheer stupidity of the "leg shot" argument.

>What are you doing wrong?

Having niggers in our population.

Mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horns.

Shit ain't hard to figure out nigga.

you just gotta stop giving a fuck. you dont own the fucking store and its not like its your stuff they be stealing.

just chill the fuck out.

You can see the guy for a split second before he is shot reaching and lifting up his shirt really quickly like he's reaching for a gun. Valid reason to stop him, be it kill him fine. If you're dumb enough to even act like you're reaching for something, expect to get shot.

How to make sure no one hires you. step 1

>police arrive.

>suspect is black and is a husky individual.

>could be dangerous

>garble in my radio we have the suspect.

>ok put your hands up and approach the car.

>approaches the car to tell police that his car broke down.

> his window is closed.

>gets shot.

When a car breaks down it doesn't magically stop moving.

you're gonna get a fucking ulcer with that attitude my nigger.

Would you say your training is enough?
In Norway we have three years of school for policeofficers. That is a good thing. On the other hand we just started having the police armed at all times. This has lead to random accidents because of lack of training of proper weapon handling. They were even told by the central authorities to keep one in the chamber at all times. To me this seems a bit too much, but thats just me.

Like we have accidents because of lack of gun training, could you have an excessive amounts of shootings because of lack of training on arresting without the use of guns?

Thank you.

> was fucked on pcp

>rambled about how his car was going to explode

>staggered around like a zombie while officers with weapons drawn issued repeatedly ignored commands

Nice propaganda there Herr Goebells.

'cept no one with a brain is falling for that line of bullshit.

meh i guess working in retail is about as low as it goes so ill concede your point

armed guard here.

we also keep one in the chamber, this is basically because we're trained to draw and shoot in one motion. also, you dont want to be in a situation where you panic and pull your gun and shoot only to find that you didn't chamber a round. because then you're probably dead.

just dont be fucking retarded and keep your fingers well away from the trigger at all times. if you do that i guarantee you'll never have any accidents.

Being former Patrol supervisor, I think you can never have enough training. You encounter so many different scenarios that even if you trained on it once, it's experience you have and a tool to be used. You can't train for everything though. You can do millions of scenarios and never face a single one you see on patrol but it builds a foundation and confidence which is key when doing police work. Without confidence, you make stupid mistakes.

A valid tip BTW. Especially when disposing of niglets.

so do the 5 0 Cred Forumsrowse often?

Imagine the amount of paperwork that poor woman cop is going to have to fill out?

All because some violent felon dindu was unable to follow simple instructions.


On this, we always go what's called Red Status or one in the chamber. The reason being is you lose fine motor skills and might result in you being shot because you took too long to put a round in the chamber. Perfect examples would be the videos you see of a cop being shot at and they shoot back. Doesn't take more than a second for it to change to that moment. Sorry I didn't put it in my earlier reply.

there is no racism in the american justice system.

niggers are just stupid cowards who are inherently criminal

Probably. Most likely if it were people on sting ops, they'd have fake profiles of hot chicks but they're usually luring high profile targets. Not normal Cred Forumstards. That shit is left to the FBI and ATF. Browse at your leisure.

Actually, it's less if the suspect dies than if they live.

>a human being
Ah, but we have nigroes in this scenario, they are closer to bacteria then actual mammals though.

I kind of feel bad for the federal agent who's job is literally to browse pepes and porn all day. On second thought i want that job

Ah, so a silver lining in this case. Good to hear.

The whole problem is these black people refuse to comply whenever they are engaged with a police officer. Sure, you might have done nothing, but you still comply. When you comply and still get shot then you can call it racism.

Beautiful that is. Shit. you even managed not to contradict yourself.

We used to do it when on Bike duty during Winter. Kind of fun. Just go about your day like its off and chat with people on FB. Call it in if you get a hit. Suit up and get any local PDs involved. They pick them up, fly them out and you just pick them up and take them to jail. Really no paperwork because the local PD who got them does it.

Of course I understand the need for it in the field, but this lead to mirrors being shot up inside police stations etc, the point being lack of training lead to these episodes.

In the US you keep on having lots of episodes of unarmed men being shot. If you look at European countries they seem to have a more extensive training on apprehending people without using guns, even people armed with knives ant other other non firing weapons. Is there a lack of this kind of training, or is it more a symptom of different schools of thought

Europe also hasa big law for them which is they dont have excessive force laws. Hell, Polizei beat a kid once to get a blood sample for their DUI case. If you look at it too, most European police forces are bigger and older adults. It's a full blown and respected career. I know here in Colorado, you need a degree and 2 years of training at the academy and you're good to go.

It really isn't.
A statistically more accurate analogy would be having a pool of over 320Mil Skittles of which a bit over 10.000 are deadly and then asking if adding a bucket of Skittles (of which you know from other pools and buckets has a lower deadly-Skittles-rate than your pool to begin with) is really that big a deal. OR if you fell for the usual political fear-mongering like a literal pleb.

Also this Alt-Right meme is getting real old real fast.
I'm starting to think this is the only reason some people actually believe Trump could win.

a man was killed because he "could be dangerous."

probable cause.

Thats it.

Probable cause is needed to stop a person.
Reasonable suspicion for warrants

Nothing to do with shooting. That falls under life, limb or eyesight being threatened.

Or you could tie it to beyond a reasonable doubt if you'd like.

horseshit they just don't have any teeth. Thats why mohammed things he can feel free to go around bombing soccer stadiums

I was simply trying to give a reasonable perspective of what it's realistically like to be a police officer; specifically, to point out who cops mostly deal with while on the job. I recall someone saying something years ago, about how difficult a police officer's job often is, and it was pointed out that the types of people they often/mostly deal with are, obviously, criminals, who have usually committed some sort of crime, which is why they are dealing with the police in the first place. I also recall hearing someone (a police officer on the TV show COPS, iIrc) mention how a police officer is often dealing with someone on what is the worst day of their lives (and while that may have been an exaggeration, the suggestion that the person dealing with the cops at that time is having a really bad day is reasonable and accurate). And both of these assertions are good, reasonable, realistic points, in my opinion.

And to reply directly to your questions posed in this part of your post:

>general fuck-ups deserve to die? people who are addicted to drugs deserve to die?

No, I am not saying that each and every person who is a general fuck-up or a drug addict, or even a pimp, drug dealer or an abuser. deserves to die . Some of them do deserve to be killed, but that's not my point with why I brought that up. My point was to try to bring attention to the reality of what/who the police often see/encounter/interact with/often fight/battle with on the streets while patrolling them and trying to protect the good people in the communities around them. I live in Arizona, and while I don't live in Phoenix, it is a big city with millions of people, many of them hardcore criminals, and many of them very dangerous and violent. I have been to areas of Phoenix where I was nervous and uneasy because of the people around me in the area. And, one particular time, I stopped to speak to a police officer about something, while in a particularly bad part of Phoenix

.... continued

"Dealing with someone on their worst day"

Empathy gets you far in the police world.

.... continued from this post here .... while in a particularly bad part of Phoenix, while speaking with the police officer (who had literally been in the processor of talking to a working prostitute on the side of the road), he specifically pointed out that it was a really bad part of town, basically, as bad as it gets in Phoenix. And I explained to him that I knew that it was a bad area and that it was legitimately dangerous, and I explained to him that I had a gun with me (which I did), and he told me, even with a gun, to be sure to be extremely careful and cautions, because the pimps in the area were ruthless and violent and that they weren't even afraid of the Phoenix Police. And he pointed out how he had reacted somewhat aggressively when I pulled up to ask to speak with them, and that it was because he thought that I may have been a pimp pulling up to confront them, since they were talking to a prostitute that may have been one of his hoes.

So, my point is, with this being the reality of how it is in many cities and towns across America - with violent pimps, gangsters, thugs, criminals and junkies roaming the streets looking for victims to victimize - how the fuck do you not expect the officers on the streets to be ready to engage in violence at all times when dealing with a suspect? Do you not expect them to be tough, rough, and ready to rumble with these street criminal pieces of shit? Or do you want soft, passive police officers on your city patrolling the streets while trying to keep your family and neighbors safe?

Like I've said more than once in this thread, it's a fucking war zone on the streets of many cities in America right now, and without tough cops out on the streets to combat these scumbags (of all colors), it makes it easier for these violent motherfuckers out there looking for victims to victimize and harm innocent people.

Why would we import any Skittles when we already have plenty? Have we some Skittle shortage we've not been made aware of?

This liberal stupidity is getting old real fast.

Tulsa guy, are you still here? I used to check out the threads on here asking people what they thought were the most-violent/dangerous/crime-ridden cities in America, and places like Detroit, Flint, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, Miami, Camden, Oakland, were always mentioned, but more than once, someone from Tulsa posted and claimed that Tulsa is no fucking joke and that the crime and violence there is fucking awful these days. They compared it to Chicago and Detroit and said that the Mexican cartels set up shop on the huge reservations there and sold large amounts of drugs in the area. They also said that the black gangs were incredible violent and that there is also major problems with human trafficking and corrupt cops and politicians in /around Tulsa.

Do you know anything about this? Is Tulsa really hat bad these days?

Armed guard doing what? And where? Do you work in a city/area where they is a large population of blacks? If so, what is your opinion of/thoughts about them based on your experience/interactions with them? And are you a racist in general/at all? Also, what's your opinion of police officers?

A nigger on PCP gets shot, and the rest act like the monkeys they are making chimp noises. What's new?

Anyone still lurking in here?

>Boomers get bored with daytime TV dramas; entertainment companies start covering the usual daily police shooting in america to replace views.

>New america is appalled and entertained at real-life violence, perceived """racial tensions"""; someone somewhere buys more antidepressants.

damn it's almost crazy

I'm not sure of what to think of your post. What are your thoughts of this shooting? Justified or criminal? And what about the other police-related shootings of black men in recent times?

Also, where do you live/are you from? And what are your thoughts on black people? And the police?

Please reply.

The psychology of it is really quite simple: To react to menacing behavior with the same is a very powerful survival reflex, which some psychopathic cops use to deliberately provoke and escalate violence during an arrest. Something of the sort happened to me this year when I, who am 110 pounds and have rheumatoid arthritis, had three of my ribs broken in return for "resisting arrest"---that is, I was pulling away from them when they grabbed and painfully twisted my already ruined wrists. I will of course pursue a civil suit.

No more of you faggots looking to post? Are the trap/sissy/pony threads too hard to ignore right now?