What is your opinion on a police state Cred Forums?

What is your opinion on a police state Cred Forums?

It's only dangerous if you resist it. Don't be a retard and you'll be fine.

If they call it a democracy and claim to be defending our freedoms then its fine



Unlikely to happen in most Western places. People will complain that the Police are abusive, power trippers etc but that doesn't equal a Police state.

Police at the end of the day are people (funny, I know) and it's unlikely you'd be able to muster a big enough force of them to keep their own people down. Same with Military rule, I just cannot see it happening.

Personally I like playing a lot of video games so I wouldn't this be reading about it on the news and shaking my head with a frown.

Now if the police start cracking down on my game usage and make the internet not free I'm going to be mad as fucking hell.

>Mfw Im mad as hell

I can't wait for it to start. At last they can enforcr the gay marriage laws and we'll all marry the same gender off course the birth rate will plummet.

We live in dangerous times, terrorist groups such as BLM are growing bolder by the day. Thinking about trying to become a cop so that old people and babies have 1 more person on their side, promising to stop the klan with a tan

Respect the law criminal scum.

if i can still keep a gun i don't care

Break the law on my watch will you?!

already in one, thanks

>What is your opinion on a police state Cred Forums?

No niggers
No Jews
No need for a police state

It's not what we want or need.

But it's what we're getting.

Complete bullshit. Fake illusion of freedom.

>What is your opinion on a police state Cred Forums?

It would be much needed to lower crime and terrorism. I think they should go further and if a career criminal has committed enough offenses or a crime considered too heinous, then stop their offspring from being able to breed.

I laugh internally when people think we live in a police state

sure there are asshole cops, and some police departments are quick to "militarize" over little incidents(they're probably just bored, wouldn't you be too if you were out in the midwest?)

but we definitely don't live under police control

Wtf do you think?

The point of a police state is to make sure you cant stop them dumbass

Im in a white neighborhood so I'm fine.

The same hyperbole as BLM saying black people are oppressed.
Niggers are more oppressed (and actually enslaved) in their native continent than they ever have been here, since the colonial founding.

The kids don't have any enemy so they dream one up to give their lives meaning, since the only thing their lives have amounted to are getting high KDAs in Overwatch and screaming about how amazing Rick and Morty is.

They're terrible. There is no other answer.


People need to point fingers that what they don't like is too far or too extreme in order to get any compromise of their views, and if they achieve any success, then such tactics will be used as a form of power. Politics.

All we can do is figure out a way to profit from their anger and disdain for the way things are. Figuring out what they will consume to further their agenda is a good start. I'm how to make a mass amount of false account on social media outlets and provide them with inflated ratings and attention in return for money might be where the ball is rolling.

Tell it to Germany.

You're thinking only of some drastic takeover situation where the government becomes tyrannical over a short time period. But really it's a lot more methodical and sinister than that. Rights have been slowly taken away one by one over the past century, but it happens at a slow enough rate that society just accepts it. Look at Snowden, he let the entire country know we were being spied on by the NSA exactly like some 1984 surveillance dystopia, and most people had already forgotten all about it a few weeks afterwards. Cops are prowling on every other street corner looking for any excuse to fill their quota by pulling someone over or stopping to harass some pedestrian for no discernible reason. It's not really the cops' faults themselves, although of course there are corrupt ones in the mix, more than institution of law enforcement itself.

Germany police will literally come to your house, raid it, and haul you off to jail for expressing dissenting opinions on Facebook/Twitter/etc.
This is *actually* Gestapo-era evil. As opposed to "Trump said mean things so he's Hitler" evil.

Pic related.

>verbal radicalism
Are you fucking kidding me?

And this is from the BBC, one of the most left-slanted media sources on the Planet.

You literally go to jail if you say things like "the holocaust didn't happen" or "forensic evidence suggests about 1 million people died in the holocaust, not 6 million". And as I discovered when I visited Darmstadt this summer, expressing opinions against Merkel's refugee policy is categorized as "verbal radicalism", "racism" and "extremism".

Seriously. I'm not making this shit up. I think the only reason Pediga isn't outlawed is because half of it's members would draw down on the Police.

It's stupid
State can rape you in ass and then kill you and you can't do anything about this.

They can do that now, guy. They could've done it in 1850. Would've been even easier back then.