Hi Cred Forums,
Porn site owner here (thafack.com
Ask me anything
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good pron
I saw your thread on hotwheels's site. some guy there said it doesn't work on mobile
I know
Second time we've had this thread.
How much do you make running your site, Which affiliate content providers do you use? CR?
it got 2 replies
There changed a lot lol.
I'm making a living from it. Just got a partner ship at a grand porn network who is paying really well. Can't tell more about it.
where do you host?
how do you monetize?
how do you deal with copyrights?
do you host content on own server?
why no search?
why no community functions?
what does it cost? what are running costs?
have a contract where most popular pornstar on your site at the end of the year has a chance to fuck you for money or prizes...just an excuse to get some A1 pussy
I call BS
answer this
Where's my premium membership?
if your not gonna post exactly how much you make, which is the only thing everyone wants to know then fuck off m8.
1. VPS at ovh.
2. Pop-unders
3. Networks do this for me.
4. yes and no. We do self hosted and shared.
5. Search is not needed, categories are needed tough. We actually started like 1 month ago.
6. Do you think they will help our site?
7. They are mostly the same as the income ~ 400 a month and ~500 income, for example
It does load fgt
It's around 1k a month fgt
Where's my premium membership?
What do you want as premium? I can give you a login where you can see no more then others if you want that? Porn has to be free fgt.
Good porn
Are you a jew? I bet you are.
vids are on openload.co
is that your network? if not what is the network?
search and categories are more important than community functions.
tagging system and pornstar id is good too.
comment section maybe on vids.
isn't ovh in EU? how do you deal with minors accessing it?
what are the highest costs per month? bandwidth?
Give me a login then
Vids are mostly on openload now. It's a partner network and categories will be there as soon as possible. ovh is in EU, I use cloudflare and some other services for that.
And yeah, bandwidth is the highest cost indeed.
How about
Why have ads linking to malware?
Why have ads that pop up on every video click like for pause/play?
- How do you make a living if costs are the same as income?
- I'm counting 65 vids. Is that all?
- how do you add new content?
It isn't for malware? Can you please sent that, i'll report it. and yes servers are expensive, the more user the less ads I have to show you know.
- around the same as the income. But I don't need that much, I can live from 600 bucks
- History was gone, after a mistake.
- partners will sent it and my bot adds it.
Check their 404 page thafack.com
how long did it take to realise the project?
who is your network?
are there more networks?
are you the only person working on the site?
what made you create this site?
why porn?
do you pay openload.co for the hosted content?
does the network provide the ads too?
I'd like to know more how that network deal works.
From where are you?
it also says thafack inc. on the site
did you create a company for this?
how do you deal with liability?
where do you pay taxes?
1. 1 week, and half a week to make the deals.
2. Can't say, there are enough. Google for it.
3. There enough.
4. Jup
5. I felt I can do better then others by giving them a better porn watching experience like it should in 2016.
6. Porn, is the thing everyone watches but nobody says in public so I thought why not and give it a try and make it more open.
7. a bit, yes.
8. Jup
9. Cant say anything about that, sorry.
10. Holland, the netherlands
>it also says thafack inc. on the site
>did you create a company for this?
nope, not needed for now because i'm under a network.
>how do you deal with liability?
Same as least question
>where do you pay taxes?
network does it, it's handled other in my country
how does payment work?
do you have to fullfill a quota or is it dependent on how many views you get in a certain time and then you get paid?
do you get different payout based on location of users?
whois ludyluda.com? they belong to adludum.com?
what is your background?
how did you choose your network?
Was something interesting suppose to appear?
Cool site, what did you use to make it?
Are you a Jew?
Or this
No, Islamic
what bitrate do you use for 1080p and if it is below 12 mbps why are you so shit
Leugens nederkut
submit a google sitemap
fag here. OP is full of shit
1. look up whois: created 2 weeks ago, yet OP claims he makes a living off it
2. look up alexa. site dont get shit for visitors, bounce rate is ~100%.
as i said, OP is full of shit and tries to earn a few visitors by linking to his amateur shit here.
move along.
How do you give back to your community?
how would you like if we reported you to the owners of the copyrighted material on the site?
Lool, you don't know that I'm running multiple sites hea? It was about my sites in general
I would be like, yeah! Just do that!
of course you do, kiddo. tell me more about your endavours.
having been in affiliate marketing since 2007, i know who is full of shit and who is on the money, literally.
ovh offer whois protection?
after consuming heroic amounts of lsd, dmt, shrooms, peyote,mescaline, along with many other psychedelics all at once I have come across the answer to life itself and am traveling to the east coast of my country, i have recruited many: we have no name,
we wear robes with a sort of pocket with a hole in the bottom so we may pleasure ourselves at all time without exposing ourselves to ignorant passerbys who do not follow us in the path to joy
the answer to eternal life is simple but very hard the first year:
jack off all the time, but never jizz until the end of each year at midnight and then proceed to wipe the jizz over your forehead with your index and middle finger while closing your eyes and chanting "dickshaun mana"
after doing this for one full year you will become enlightended and feel the true pleasure of jacking off without jizzing and may spend the rest of your eternal life doing this in pure bliss, traveling the lands recruiting more people in your quest to spread true happiness
Will u produce own content in the future? If yes with ur self as actor?
Shemale or trap porn when?
Hhahahhaha you're making me laugh faggot
Yes, no
Do u report users data to the FBI?
Probably on a certain subdomain
If i could, only from you
Trips checked
if you are new and still figuring out what to make of it, is there a way to upload or send you content for your website?
Nice, but when not where.
laugh all you want. i'm the one laughing my way to the bank.
let's just hope your muslim community doesn't get to know what you're doing. too bad whois protection is so insecure.
No, I have automatised this process by using data deleviry services
No it doesn't
Yes it does
>having been in affiliate marketing since 2007
give me your best tips, not the usual shit.
>since 2007
nearly 10 years, proper pro
so all your content loads in one page, that means more content equals more load.
If visitors can't perform simple searches, you're either afraid of code injections or you simply have a database with content of your own 'taste'.
You do know how big this industry is and how many websites provide a better service?
Can you provide any info on how the end product will be? or what to expect of it.
can i get a premium account for free
who are you voting for?