Anyone else afraid of the world?
Anyone else afraid of the world?
Yeah dude, world is hell. I'm happy with my online friends.
Nope. The world is only as scary as you allow it to be.
You can only be so afraid in your own perception. Just remember fear doesn't exist, awareness does.
>as you allow it to be.
That's not true. I just want a world without war.
that's why I never leave the house just to go to the doctor, could get in a crash/really messed up from an idiot out there
Bitch I love war, the only thing keeping people sane that and violence
No girs alowed
Not really, but I do realise that the world is no longer a safe place like how it once was after the wars. Too many negative stuff nowadays.
I'm aware of other people. By extension, I fear most other people in their element.
I'm afraid of other people messing with me and things outside of my control.
but so is everyone right
I'm serious dude, my brother died in a war.
The world is full of danger, but it's how you mentally deal with that fact that makes all the difference.
What are you afraid of? Being killed? You will inevitably die one day, whether from old age or more dramatic means.
>war begets violence begets trauma begets paranoia
Uh huh.
>What are you afraid of? Being killed?
Yeah, I'm afraid for being killed, for nothing. This is bullshit.
Don't be foolish. The world was never a safe place. However it is safer now than it has ever been in recorded history in terms of violence, nutrition and disease.
hopefully the 2016 election can make it a bit more exciting.
You will die one day. That is an unavoidable fact.
Realistically whether you live to be 10 or 110, you won't have accomplished much in the grand scheme of things, so why worry so much about it?
What's worse? A life spent in a constant state of low level panic over what could happen, unable to truly enjoy anything, in which you will still die anyways, or a life spent enjoying yourself to the fullest?
Seems like a waste of your precious, ever fleeting time to spend it worrying about what will happen eventually, whether you like it or not.
>why worry so much about it?
>Turkey and PKK war
This mother fuckers, will kil you or rape you. That's not a normal way to die.
Do you live in Turkey? Are you anywhere near the combat? If so, why stay there?
Not the user who fears death, but, what is the point of dealing with things on the scope of "the ultimate reality" that we may never access, where we are but human-scope actors who can only meaningfully interact with human-scope things? You can claim Nihilsim, but then it also stands that there exists no point as to why there cannot be a point that can be, for what it isn't worth, humored. Why get bent over someone wasting time, time you suggest that has no meaningful measure in the
>grand scheme
of things?
I don't see why someone -shouldn't- be preoccupied with their mortality to some degree. It's all they can be certain about, it's all they can have a care for, as they cannot avoid it. Just as there's no changing our mortality, should there be no point in lamenting over a life spent panicking. It will be spent, that fact will not change. The level of enjoyment may be beyond you to change. Perhaps, the entire series of states that will ensure are beyond you. If it were any other way, then there could exist the possibility that they may never die one day, and so their time spent getting stuck in irrational fears would be some discernible waste of time. Probably.
It's just as well they were unable to enjoy the entirety of the universe, because they were mortal, and could have been said to not have even existed compared to all else.
This is like lamenting an ant for dying from the sole of a shoe. It's an ant. There are more. Their lives are fleeting.
Welcome to real life how my I make your life a living hell
>Do you live in Turkey?
Yes, but i'm not Turkish.
>Are you anywhere near the combat?
Not much near, but yeah.
>If so, why stay there?
I don't have any choices. Stay here or die.
>how to become brazenly detached from reality
>a guide
While I agree that some concern should be put towards one's mortality, as well as immediate safety, there can come a point where that level of concern overrides everything else.
I didn't intend to take a nihilist tack in my opinion.
There are much worse things than death in the world
Yes like PC or SJW or just BLM
Is it brazenly detached from reality to move one's body away from danger?
There sure are, but what are the odds that one of those things will happen to you? Breddy low for most people.
Only if there are more factors that overlap with the element of danger that also serve to provide a means to life, as well as an inability to move well shot of said danger.
I mean, you wouldn't stick your hand into the hot embers of a campfire if you wanted to be warm, right? You'd most likely keep them at a safe distance, where the benefit outweighed the potential deficit (and thus danger).