What do you think of this guy
What do you think of this guy
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massive pimp
it's brilliant, and sad at the same time.
welcome a life of working hard and spending money on girls who won't give anything back.
That he wasted a lot of time and money.
World needs more people like him.
cringe as fuck, cucklord
Think he did it for gain?
He friendzoned 834 girls.
A nice guy doing nice things for women, he'll be a virgin forever!
Maybe not but he didn't come out neutral on this...
Really, something is wrong with him.
Have you ever heard of charity? It's a thing.
I would how it felt to be friendzoned 834 times in one day...
Turns out he had a girlfriend at the time
Well said.
Thats sweet, but I hope he got a date or two tho
He could've done something useful with that money instead of buying a bunch of plants that will be dead/thrown out in a week.
Not even one flower for a guy? What a homophobe! We need to organize our fellow Redditors against this cis-scum!
You know, I don't think I have ever met a man that had gotten back as much as he put into a relations hip with a woman. Has anybody?
lol, faggot
Nice of him to do that but it is a little bit of a bleeding heart / white knight move . I bet he still didn't even get laid either so what was the point
Since when does being a good person make you beta? Same damn thing with "fuccboi". Also, that word douchebag. See pic related. Cuck? Probably a little bit. That last part, though, I do kind of agree with you on, though he gets points for effort.
he spent almost 3k on roses. it hurts to read because he probably got none that day aside from the fatties who cant get anyone.
So that entire day he was getting girls clingier than an unwanted christmas sweater.
I think he's broke.
Now you have. Nice to meet you
KEK, what a fking
faglord that got zero pussy for his grand gesture
he could just have bought seeds for flowers and cultivated them. or he could have take wild flowers.
he maybe has heart, but he is an idiot. he seems to be needy for love
Thank you! Someone gets it !! This motherfucker needs to pay for his crimes against feminists . (I'm a biological male but I consider my self a feminist. If I could cut off my penis for all the women out there who ever been abused by the patriarchy, without dying, I'd do it in a heartbeat. )
Just gotta weed out the bitches and find a good girl. It's easy where I live, as there are a lot of good girls, though I imagine it would be quite the task elsewhere.
I have, user. The best relationships are the ones where both parties are giving their all, yeah there are shitty people out there who will take advantage of you and your kindness but when you find someone who genuinely gives a shit, who will work equally as hard to be there for you, it's worth having to deal with people who don't.
An incredibly kind gesture, would have absolutely made my day.
Did he get mad poonnany for it? If yes, good for him. If not, then massively cringe.
"swag is for boys class is for men" fucker probably
Total fucking Page Boy.
Better than spending it all on "that girl" like most of you friend zoned fucks would, but also not very imaginative and the real life equivalent of saying "DTF?" to every girl you match on tinder in the hopes one will bang.
He either did it to become Internet famous or to get laid, which is the problem with kids these days.
he coulda used that money for a weekend of hookers and blow in vegas.
Do you hold doors for strangers and kiss prostitutes too?
dead by 30
Quit being retarded.
He's placing every girl in his school on a pedestal. Why does he feel compelled to buy every single one of them a flower, on Valentine's Day no less other than to please them all? His dudebros got nothing.
Same reason as previously stated. He's more than likely trying to get some, or trying to score nice guy points.
I'm pretty sure at least a quarter of those 800+ girls have boyfriends. When some other dude buys her a flower on Valentine's Day that's a dick move to pull. I wouldn't be surprised if he got beat up afterwards.
Spends a shit ton of money for nothing in return but "fulfillment."
Dude's scum.
And he still didn't get laid
Well said, user. Well said.
>doing things for sex, which humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years, is the problem with kids these days
You must not try to get strange very often user.
Actually had GF
thats his sister
I would have slapped that Valentine out of his hand that he was to give to that fugly girl. Then I would berate him for not giving a flower to all the guys too , then I would tell him he's not my type . Either that or i would get a cute girl to lead him on and make him think she liked him only to make him humiliate himself in the hopes of sexual contact. Then we would release the evidence to the entire school effectively ruining his life . Hopefully then he would kill himself and everyone would be able to go about there day without having to worry about that weird autistic kid coming up and talking to you .
Going through a dry spell right now user but the last girl I was with for 9 months and all I had to do to get laid was turn up. Submissive girls are where it's at.
even better
Three guesses why he doesn't anymore.
>I would have slapped that Valentine out of his hand
Feisty little trap we have here. I would fuck your brains out. Leave that boi pussi raw.
He didnt put the seat down
He couldn't cook
And I had the bigger dick.
>Dat angst
Could someone run the math on this shit
I don't think someone working several jobs would have to save for a year and a half to buy 834 flowers
I got taken care of when I left home at 16 by my girls family. Her dad gave me a job. She bought me a car, a boat and paid for my college. We are married now. So ya, I got something back. Her family is mine. She teaches mountain biking to our neighbours kids for free even though she gets paid to do it usually. She volunteers teaching gymnastics to poor people. Some people are just giving.
Ultra beta
Few weeks of work, at worst
almost 2k going off of google
We don't know what sort of flower he bought or if he had any other expenses to pay during that time. You're right though, unless he's making peanuts or really bad at giving head, there's no reason it should have taken that long.
It's the kind of thing where you officially have to say yea thats nice, and unofficially think what a dumbass.
And you haven't even seen me yet :P
You are so 2000 and late . Your just mad you didn't think of the flower idea first aren't you?
its bigger than that
Listen all
To have girls spend more (time, cash, love, everything) you have to follow a simple yet very hard listing.
1 don't mind doing first steps. Otherwise you'll only have the worst / cute basic / regular girl.
2. [that's the hardest part, you'll need experience for that] fuck them good, talk them well and also be better than her. Then, she will see you as an opponent. Then, she will be hooked up.
3. During / after the first date [If you played well ONLY] just keep doing your thing without minding her [means no call, no text, no anything]... They usually get confused and precisely at this moment they should get very upset / hooked up.
If you start doing this by the age of 20....
You'll Alpha by the age of 27. It takes time.
But you'll have fun doing it.
Always remember ... 3 rules. Otherwise you'll end up like op's user.
1 don't mind doing the for step. Otherwise you'll only have the worst.
2. [that's the hardest part, you'll need experience for that] fuck them good, talk them good and also be better then her. Then, she will see you as an apponant. Then, she will hooked up.
3. During / after first date [If you played well ONLY] just keep doing your thing without minded her [means no call, no text, no anything]... They usully get confused and hooke dup.
If you start doing this by the age of 20....
You'll Alpha by the age of 27. It takes time.
But you'll have fun doing it.
Always remember ... 3 rules. otherwise you'll
ended up like op's user.
It worked for me... Good luck
Or you could just go gay . Way easier honestly.
worked a year and a half for basically nothing, what a fucking retard
or he could of just killed himself and saved the money
The girls who were attractive didn't even want him to talk to them , the average thought it was nice but still were kind of weirded out , and the fugly ones who actually needed the confidence boost loved it only to quickly realize that it didn't change much of anything and that they had better start breaking out the calculus textbooks
no no
>just have fun doing it.
Doing well and growing every time. You know, it's like learning something, it takes time. Come on. Your twenties should be dedicated to this fun task.
yes, he did. and he was totally her cuck.
It's nice and sweet and all, but FUCK if you have to 'work several jobs' and 'save money for a year and a half' to buy 834 fucking flowers then something is seriously wrong with your economy. Even as a high-school student.
"....and he still didn't get laid that year."
At least one of them had to S his D for this, right?
You know he didn't, user
You're supposed to feel self-satisfaction in the "relationship" and what it stood for after it was over. Which, in most cases, is minorly growing up (which would have happened without them), and getting laid. So rarely will a guy get any monetary WORTH out of a relationship (unless you count the sex, like most girls do).
Really it's all just bullshit contrived to get you to be romantic and stimulate a constantly growing and expanding economy in a way that gives you something to think about.
God, I hate my life. I need to end it all, but I have to save your asses first (yes, you, faggot). Why can't I kill myself....?
Cucklord to the max, or pimp with a plan so genius I don't get it - I honestly have no clue.
Then again, I haven't even thought about dating since I was in high school. I'm the wrong guy to ask.