Rekt Treat GO!
Rekt Treat GO!
It's annoying how every rekt thread is going to get ruined by isis craps from the same autistic ocd edgy wannabe faggots. I won't bother anymore.....
i know what you mean, but i've been collecting a lot of old school rekt vids lately, here and there. maybe it'll change something.
Yeah... I usually skip most ISIS videos, even new ones I haven't seen
"Point and laugh at the retard who blew his own face off, Jimmy!"
watch out!!
what was the point of doing that?
how about posting some rekt vids when you reply?
post the isis shotgun guy please i need it,ty
no fuck you
Wrong thread, bruv.
Ashura, I think it's called. Shia islamic ritual commemorating the death of their founder.
It should have got the geezer who came to help when he wasn't looking!!
I got you bro.
you guys don't have any rekt vids to share?
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP, Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Cred Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Cred Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
You have some nice dubs there, friend.
that's a good copyshasta
well, why are you here then?
oh shit
What's the point?
the lying down game?
I saw some nasty shit in my life... But nothing like that... Are they in mexico? Equador? El salvador? I wanna know cause I'm gonna kill my self before being trown in that cell
One of the comments said Venezuela.
prison? molester?
Is that form the Isle of Man?
colombia. not a prison, btw
I couldn't even watch it all..sad faq..what happened?
Help a Cred Forums out so I never fucking go there either!
lets this this
What is caliber of this shit?
A guy in prison got mouth raped...
What the fuck was that man?
its supposed to break your fingers
I thought they just cut his leg off..fkn bottled it what happened then..
holy shit, remindes me of mask jalapenos style
They dindu nufffen. Da was just spreading the word of Jesus and getting they act together.
Dirty fucking coons..
How hard is it to break a leg?
More like throbbing pussy
Akuna matata motherfucker!
Fucking hell....was that England?
What a way to go ..burning like fuck ......then shiting your pants...
Literally my worst nightmare.
Face a slow and painful death by fire or fall to your death from very high up.
he's totally faking it
The only barstard of this is there's no good soundtrack!!
fuck that was sad.. i wonder what was going through his mind
those 2 are quite easy ways to go
Cred Forums sadly dont accept sound...
finnaly a rekt thread with something that s new for me yeey anons gg
It appears You have been baited M'lord
If I had to guess I'd say a .38
dirty fuckin coons.
yea sadly i dont see much oc
he ok?
Man... that is FUCKED.
It's not a racoon, it's a human.
samefagging but a funny one
that file name always gets me
Hello newfag
Why couldn't she roll through one
Cred Forums accepts sound just not Cred Forums newfag
what the fuck happened?
Says the newfag
Fucking pigs, those innocent church going black kids were just collecting money for orphans. They had their hands up in the air at one point in the video. They never fired a single shot at the cops and the cops murdered them in cold blood! Death to the pigs!
Oh, they weren't black? Oh never mind then, fuck those white boys. But still fuck the pigs too.
I think it might be the .700 nitro express.
It's a fucking monster.
but he was white?
Bit fucking 'Health and safety' ain't it!!
newfags always crack me up
Really pisses me off this one cause I always want to look down and see it!
guessing by the size of the bolt its a magnum
bolt magnums are not to be fucked with
niggers gon nig
Cunt in the red hat offering the Bear a Chainsaw!!
bf1's looking great so far
Did he refuse them to work at his cafe?
What the fuck kinda niggers shave their armpits?
This is why niggers are so fucking good at running
I just looked it up, it's fucking gorgeous! But why isn't he using an anchoring tripod? The recoil seems a little bit under estimated..
Sauce ???
we've all been there
i taught my dog that trick too
How about you suck a dick faggot?
black lives matter?
why so salty?
Hope this is b8. If it's not you truly are a faggot.
>newfags crack me up
>doesn't know the copy pasta
see u later aligator
in a while crocodile
Because fuck you that's why.
"still ain't buyin into no damn obama care"
Those are mango worms. My wife watches these videos all the time.
can you escape this?, seems impossible, not survive, escape
Your wife is sick. Take her to hospital.
ok lets light up the mood
A bait in a bait. I'll take it
>Implying newfag
>Is copypasta
Get out of here newfag
Why is she sick?
Good luck eating with that broken jaw
does she have a dick?
Calling the oldfag newfag for pointing out copy pasta... get out faggot
how bout a pic?
I like the little thumbs up the cop gives at the end
anyone still here?
use ghost sceptar
You can actually see this guy pissing himself at the end
>dub trips
too far user.
Whats the sauce on this video??? I'm trying to find it to show my wife.
get fucked
The feeling is mutual. these people on this website are sick. they get their kicks off of being edgy faggots. this website is proof that humanity is barbaric. will it change?
how that can happen, do wonder if the guy died later on.
And why would someone try to stab a security wab just as that.
This is why don't don't touch moving machinery kids
fucking russia
Who's dis
lurk more and you will understand the true resilience of the human body
you fucked yourself
Top kok
lol dum white bitch
>u mad white boi?
thats hardcore throwing up gang signs after you off yourself
No dick but she is fat.
shoulder / chest . . .
WTF is this, story??
maximum kek
Both fake and gay
wtff is this, story¿???
that was like a restart button thx mate
anybody know, did his bullet ricochet and hit her?
Meanwhile, a person commits suicide.
some people get bored and do stuff
you think you can escape?
Katty. Sexy girl who worked at a machine shop. The thought of her being careless and bring killed by a lathe, press, drill, paper machine, shredder or fumes gives me a weirdest boner
> Sex Doll Made In China.webm
Is this bait? You clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
The fuck are they doing this for?
poor girl, I'll kill myself soon so I know what's to feel desperate.
Look better with the pause button, she was falling with her hands covering her eyes :( rip
easy peasy especially after the reset kek
Bet the Mexican guy took a dive after
seems risky, but bears actually have a really bad gag reflex. They say if you force your arm down their throat really fast, they get spooked an run off
>they said I could be anything, so I became a pancake
Jezus christ..........
That short-haired chick is hot...
shit world
when he gets shot to his head he moves his legs several times. do wonder if you're conscious for a second when you get shot in the head...
So he thought he was going to spin or something like that or what
that's a guy
nice trips
When you're subhuman and bored
It's James Rolfe. No clue what video it is though, probably a making of.
You homosexuals are always so cranky.
I guess your AIDS is really acting up today eh Mr. Assfag?
>Abella Anderson
It's a Hamilton Firearms 12 Gauge From Hell
ohhh yeah liions too (mamals), just remembered grab their dickey thingey inside the neck, sharks (fish) poke their eyes, thx dude
What exactly was he expecting?
Jesus fucking Christ that looks painful.
At least he's still alive.
art majors
A weapon to surpass metla gear
and im out good night
holy fuck darwin award
this kills the crab
What's wrong? Couldn't find a nigger dick to suck this morning?
And thats why we need massive gun control...
white lives matter
This looks like a wrestlin move
What is up with that dude, just walking like he don't give no fucks.
Why are you posting dilfs in a rekt thread ?
by we you mean syria? cause that's where it happened.
No, that's why we need massive idiot control.
it is a soundtrack actually, i think its immortal technique that does it
i got supreme doggo so fuck you
Actually the darwin award goes to this retard.
are foreigners that stupid on purpose?
That gator was trolling... bitch humans didn't put a spear or a bullet through it's head as it was lollygagging within reach in slow motion. Gator was clearly alpha.
jesus story?
Kid was quoted as saying he wanted to grow up to be a cop. Parent's put him on bedroom duty with no allowance while he is under investigation.
Dose he not know Physics?
The kid is gonna need new bike.
She is why someone invented paper bags.
What a waste of bullets... dude was missing a good portion of a leg, half on fire and could barely muster a roll. Shitty sniper wasted several bullets before putting a couple rounds into a dying man.
Take THAT you indian faggot!
its fake
I fucking want one!
I don't care who you are, that's funny.
it locked, bitch needs to watch her carb intake
WTF is that? A serial killer's secret video stash???
Where's your god now?
your a faggot.
Shouldve let natural selection take its place. That fireman shouldn't have risked himself for that land whale.