Just made this dinner
What's you thoughts
Just made this dinner
What's you thoughts
You wiped feces in buns?
>What's you thoughts
a designated board. yeah, that was my first thought.
Those buns have a shitload of sesame seeds.
Post ur reaction to this masterpiece
Where can you even buy meat that shit
>What's you thoughts
I thought thoughts.
Why no condiments. You just cooked the meat and slapped a cheese on a bun chef.
heres a real berg
our own thread now?
its very american good job
Come on man, even McDonald's has some standards.
It's my first time grilling and I fucked up pretty badly
Anyway can you guys help me out
How do you cook your burgers
What this guy said, and also why the hell is the cheese on the bottom?
with cheese ontop and nonretardedly
What kind of person puts the burger cheese side down... You are a fucking monster, you are really scaring me
And what do you place on the buns
What the fuck was that? What was that? What the fuck...
Medium high heat, and until they're firm in the middle if I'm using regular ground beef. If it's higher quality meat I'll leave them a little pink in the middle
enjoy your cancer faggot
undercooked. too much grease coming out yet. you've got pink in the middle still
Too many seeds on bun.
bun looks good, meat looks disgusting.
How do you check if they are ready tho
that looks tasty, i want one
Technically you're supposed to use a meat thermometer, but I usually just poke them in the middle while they're cooking. You can feel the firmness change as you're grilling them
toppest of them keks MORE
Yea I just threw them on the grill and flipped after 5 min on 300
They were frozen so I guess that was not enough
>pink in the middle still
Obviously you don't know how to cook a fucking burger right
You're supposed to thaw them first OP
Even this guy is not a virgin
What is my excuse ;_;
if the blood from it starts pooling ontop you flip it then wait like three mins or more
Definitely not, if they were frozen. I'd put the heat higher too, 300 fahrenheit is pretty low
Yea I read online that I can just throw that shit frozen
I guess that is not the best way
>tip my fedora
>turn 360°
>walk away
Fucking blood from the burgers on your plate...
You have to let cooked meat rest, you pleb. Also, where are the condiments and toppings? Lastly, are you really going to eat 3 fucking burgers?
What a lardass.
People don't feel sorry for you like they do for tards
That seems like a good advice thanks man
When they're nice and glistening with clear juices.
You forgot the onions
Turn grill to med/high heat
Wait until grill hits 350
Season patties with Lowry's or whatever seasoning
Put patties onto grill
Shut grill, turn gas down to medium
Shut grill for 7ish minutes
Wait about 8 minutes
Put cheese on top and shut grill for about 2 minutes
Take off grill
Also if you want to stuff cheese inside the ground beef, before you cook it, it's awesome.
get out much?
I thought I'll finish them later
Fuck I ate 2 because I didn't eat today at all
Now I feel like I'm gonna throw up
>too many sesame seeds
>meat does fill entire bun thus bringing more bread in each bite than meat
>meat not centered
>cheese oozing all over the place thus causing mess
>ugly tabletops
4.7/10 unasthetically pleasing
Cheese should be on top of the burger you heretic.
i take it you're all about that 100g salt.
>not putting radishes and vinegar on it
Jesus Christ, OP.
rodentia is my guess
I think your fat as fuck
who the fuck puts mustard on a burger.
Put it on a source of heat and take it off before it's burnt to shit.
dont worry, the 2 pattys barely make a single hamburger, it's most likely all that fucking bread swelling up inside you.
Oh shit, thats what I was looking for
Thanks man. Tomorrow I'll try once more and post results
Mustard master race. Mayo a shit.
I'm not . It's just I never cooked before. Gotta learn on them mistakes. And yea wasting all them patties , quite retarded from me
looks nice, i would have added some salad, tomatoe slices and onion rings tho
>improper cheese positioning
>2 pounds of seeds on each bun
>a bit undercooked it looks like,
would still eat though, probably tastes fine
This made even that one crackhead to question her life.choices.
>Mayo a shit.
look at the stats bruh.
What the fuck do you mean you haven't cooked before, are you fucking independent? It's a basic life skill that's super easy to pick up. Seriously man are you 12?
nice iphone
Wot? Bb master race right here, bud.
mayo and mustard are shit! i eat my burgers like a proper new yorker
Looks decent enough, Cred Forumsro, really all I make is burgers or meat in general with alotta BBQ sauce. Mix that with beans or something. I'm too picky and lazy to get into it anymore than that, rather smoke and drink
My two cousins, 24 and 27, don't know how to cook or do laundry. Their mom does it for them. On Easter they were all impressed that I knew how to boil water.
They're not even stupid either, both have master degrees
Umm. Guys...that makes me kinda hard. What does that mean?
Their losers, you can be successful and still be shitty at life.
That you get turned on by the idea of a woman getting raped by a beserk retard?
I mean yeah if you've got one of a chimpanzee raping a woman I'd be equally down
I'm 19 and I just started to do all that.
Friend you need to head to the cooking board. /ck/ is right there at the bottom.
On that note I can say a few things. The meat is ok if undercooked or not properly rested, that's easy to see because there is blood on the plate. It looks like you made the burger in a pan of some sort. If you could I would say take a little longer to sear the outsides correctly. Cheese should go on top of the meat and not below it in a hamburger so it covers up the sides of the meat and doesn't spill everywhere. Condiments and extras. Get some. Put them in the burger. Lettuce, tomatoes and the like. As it is you have oversized, underwhelming (what appears to be gravy) sliders. It's a burger user, not meatloaf on a bun.
That's like 2000 calories, which is way too much for one meal.
good luck being a forever alone. I made my bitch shrimp carbonara on our first day together
period where there should be a space is often an iphone reveal
I'd eat it without complaint. Thanks for taking the time. :)
Redit kick you for having to much selection?
Ill start to lurk there for sure.
>I made my bitch shrimp carbonara on our first day together
>didn't force her to bury her tonsils up your asspipe
>didn't make her call you daddy
night kiddo.
Well I think it has more.to do with my aunt being ocd and she has to do everything "right" and they have everything taken care of due to this so what the fuck do they care?
man do i wish i was that retard... hahahaha
Ahh. I see. I'm just drunk.
Would you like some bread with those sesame seeds
Another nice protip is when you are making the burger you can give it a better flavor profile and change the texture slightly by working in things into the meat. It depends on the type of flavor you want but a relatively simple one is taking onion and garlic and putting it in a food processor until it is essentially pureed. Then mixing it in by hand with salt, pepper, and the puree. You can pretty much use any kind of dry seasoning you like to make the burger patties different. Or when making things like italian meatballs you can blend up some tomato, basil, oregano and shallots to make them taste better. It's kind of just up to what you can do with your imagination.
Look here shit nose, you put the cheese under the top bun you fucking degenerate.