roast me
Roast me
There is nothing we can say that life has not already said.
Inb4 loads of responses with stupid niggery comments
Hey brother
you look like the gay love child of the Crimson Chin and Jay Leno
You could sell some of your chin to Leafy.
Seems you have a tumor on your face
My captcha is probably more compilcated than you
Hi Moonman.
Roast you?!
I applaud you! You're one of the talented members of Pentatonix! Thanks for the
great tunes!
What's up Robbie rotten
Get the fuck off with your leafy shits. Fucking mental shameless faggot.
I saw you in a commercial once
You are like the guys from handsome gakuen, that eroge in which all the heroes have exagerated jaws.
Gabe Degrossi? Is that you?
Bro whatever these faggots say, dont worry; just take it on the chin.
You look like a nice young man with a bright future ahead of you.
rather bang this guy
> I post pictures of random people on Cred Forums and try to get people to roast them so I can feel better about myself
am I doing it right
Nice double into quads
nice trips
T-thank you user.
Do you have a bunch of videos on youtube singing about minorities and degeneracy? Because you look like Moon Man.
You look like a white version of Jose Jalapeno.
On a stick....
Son?!?!? You've found me. I've been wanting to talk to you for so long.