last digit = the size of your harem
lets go boys
let me get dat 9 girl harem going.
As long as it's a harem of western video game girls and not Japanese I'm down.
lol yous the secondary character in your own Anime.
im a big man i need many wimmenz
pfft should be like last digit unless dubs then dubs = the amount.
Fuck your rules. Im going for the last 2 digits. Bring on the lolis
Rolling for forever alone
OP is faggot.
I say we do this
rolling for dubs
00 = forever alone
at my uni i got atleast 1 girl interested in me but i know i like some other chick that i know doesn't like me back
rolling for 2 to confirm my psychic power
life's rough
just end it now
atleast you get a harem in prison
holy kek, your harem is godly
I-I just want a small harem of a-at least 3 girls
but user, I have more than 9 anime girls I like
are you fucking kidding me
>inb4 0
i need atleast 1 kami~sama
well you get none, tough luck
I'm so lonely please give me the girls
I dont know what im going to do with 99 of them
so many zero gets...
so many faggots...
One for every centimetre of your dick
And all of them are lolis!
id like a loli catgirl harem thank you very much
Lucky faggot, I want a 7 loli harem too
I'm such a loser that I'll get a 0.
all hail king dubdubs
lord of harems and repeating digits
realistically it will be zero for everyone here
so, rolling for zero
both me, ultimate triad here i come!
Let's go for anything but a 0.
Maybe I'll get my seventy two virgins pre-Mortem.
Roll. Also name of anime?
probably gonna get 0 because god hates me