what's stopping me Cred Forums
What's stopping me Cred Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
the trigger not being a hair trigger
timestamp or its not real
BB gun......
The beebee gun not being lethal.
You must be a newfag
No one. I've seen this thread multiple times.
why keep posting this
being a giant pussy
so you think I'm fucking around?
yeah you can see the fucking screw in the barrel
Pull the trigger you worthless faggot
call me a faggot one more time
>this whole thread
that stupid fucking mask
have some pride and kill yourself like a man, not a pussy
the fact you dont got the balls to do it
Do it already, pussy faggot.
show me a pic of a bullet in the chamber. maybe then I will care.
fear and common sense
come on OP, i really want to see that ammo. I know you are reading all the post, your desperate for some attention, aren't you?
Nice Bb gun faget
The fact that person in pic is not you, faggot.
I'm edging you faggots to orgasm
Shoot yourself in the left elbow to prove the gun is real, then we can talk
looks like a plastic gun. what is that, a cyan colored grip? you should dump this weak bait on /k/
i think i bought that same pellet gun from canadian tire
This shit was like two nights ago, Every one agreed it was a BB gun.
you're edging me out of this gay ass thread later faggot
I need proof your a real fag?
keep pushing until it reaches your brain
I swear to fucking God Cred Forums
it fucing is a BB Gun. i had one years ago, they're so weak too. it has the power of an air soft gun
With that little dick i would commit suicide too
U R old fag once you've seen this 3 times bcz then you've been on 4chang for a week.
Have an updoot brave sir.
Same here Cred Forumsrother
Is that Martin Luther King?
this is as entertaining as it got, now is just annoying, user with your fake picture folder,
not that the picture itself is shopped, is that you are not the one in there, timestamp, also BB gun
fail in all fronts
i would say bait, but no, this is just retardness
That's the smallest dick I've ever seen in Cred Forums, Asian-size level...
If you wanna kill yourself you would be doing yourself a favor
is that a rainbow picture or some shit? i think we found your problem
oh shit we were just kidding nigger why
Nothing do it faggot
so he did kill himself after all. mystery solved
Your moms gonna get mad cause you wasted all that spaghetti
This is old pasta. try harder next time faggot
so you think I'm fucking around?
Yes! Oh man, this faggot doesn't seem to understand human language...
Is this person fucking retarded?
ur gonna get banned like I did