what does cum taste like?
What does cum taste like?
Dunno... Jerk off in your hand and eat it... Just remember, you could be eating the person that would have cured cancer.
tastes like salty blandness
Stop being a faggot and just taste some cum.
Ask your mom.
Salty coins
This guy
Bag of sand
Depends, diet has a lot to do with the taste. Your spergy spermy prolly tastes horrendous.
Tastes like your mom's cheek.
Of all the cum I've tasted, it's never tasted salty.. not sure where that came from
tits or gtfo
Half the DNA
why is cumming in a girls mouth considered sexy? its kinda gross imo
like your moms ass after im through with it
Yeah, cum with the dick inside her mouth is waaay more sexy, and If she shallow daaaaam! But most girls are retarded and boring and never do it...
Whenever I try to eat my own cum, it's really hot while I'm fapping, but as soon as I orgasm I don't want to eat it anymore.
what if you had someone else do it?
Depends on your diet. A good diet can taste kind of sweet and salty.
Cum in my mouth? I donno, never really had the opportunity. I consider myself straight but I have zero sex experience and I'm pretty old so probably never going to get anything in that respect.
Half the people answering aren't girls
let it sink in
Half? I bet more than that. Lots of guys taste their cum. There are literally roll threads on Cred Forums every day.
Even if you have a gf you eventually taste it during sex because you have to eat her out because you came or she has some in her mouth and kisses you or whatever.
For vegetables u got sweet, and for everything else especially chocolate it goes salt.... as erverything in this word, all good food fuk you.
Depends on what the person ate. If he drank coffee, that shit is gonna taste like fucking acid. 10/10 would never do again
Pineapple is where it's at.
Just cum into a shotglass and take one for the team.
You're by yourself, nobody else will know... what's the worst that can happen?
You find out that you've actually been gay all this time?
im not gay i just wanna eat my own cum
Cum in ice cube tray
Then next time you want to fap, put ice cube in mouth
Fap as it slowly melts
Swallow as you cum
You sound like you've done this before, user...
Seems like it would be tastier warm but I'll try it.
Fat? Ugly?
Just autistic.
salty milk and coins
mine swallows and I dont let her kiss me afterwards.
Does she let you kiss her after you eat her out?
I think it's only gay if kiss your girlfriend and she has someone else's cum in her mouth. If it's your own cum, it's A-okay!
It smells vaguely bleachy and tastes mildly of salt.
You are mostly going to remember the texture.
yeah well I rarely eat her but ye she pulls me up to her lips
my gf loves kissing me after i properly eat her out.
shes a lesbian in disguise
Jeez. Selfish much?
trips confirms not gay to eat cum
By half you mean zero.
>diet has a lot to do with the taste
Yeah because most of the taste in cum is from piss left over in your urethra
not at all man, its her who dont want that. lol, she was a virgin and got cystitis after me and that caused overflow so she doesnt want me to do it
It's hot in the moment
No worry of mess just cum while she's sucking your dick. I like when she does it because it's like submissive, and it's also like damm she's a dirty sluttt
My fwb does
>im not gay
>just wanna eat cum
it shows how much she loves you and how she does something SOME call consider "gross" so its very flattering in its essence
I had a girlfriend who had no problem eating cum at all, and didn't see why I didn't want her wiping cum on me, she would say "it's just cum." She had fetishes, she would suck my dick but only if I agreed to let her spit my cum into my mouth. I'd do so but after cumming I'd get tight lipped, she would spit it on my face after trying to pry my mouth open. Sometimes she would shove my face into her pussy and make me eat her out after I cum, or lick cum off her tits. I'd have honestly enjoyed watching her and eaten some other guys load out of her like a cuck, because after I blow my load I lose all initiative to do that stuff
>lots of guys taste their won cum
random posting on the thread
those threads are a joke user.. you didn't did you?
No of course not. But everyone was doing it. Like 50 other people said they did
Taste like miracle whip :●
Please be real
I agree with this user
You probably did but are too embarrassed after finding out the truth
No matter what you're gay
I hope this is a joke...
there a lot of sick people in the world user
nigga you gay
It can taste like battery acid or it can taste like pineapples. Depends on what his diet.
Honestly it tastes like salty nothing.
But you smell the pheromones off it.
Same smell outta the shower but 1000x stronger.