He's kind of cute.
I fucking know the Arizona Coyotes suck but to be in gay fur sex. That's a new low for the Coyotes
Why do you keep posting that?
cuz it's rad
Must be why they so bad.
Okay then, dom.
this stuff is cute, I need more
kissu darwin
every day I have to to remind to myself that cute males don't exist in real life
my fav
these images you define as cute, the people that drew them have never studied form or anatomy. they've probably only studied how to draw gay furry porn.
he is a straight pedo
I'm not a pedo
Cute guys do exist, but they'l never want you.
nice one
I'd rather kill myself
you are what you are
i should save pictures of motley crue
and I'm pretty sure that you don't know what I am
you don't know yourself
Does anyone have and images where the focus is on one character having a big dick but not like, ridiculously unrealistically big type stuff? I've trawled through r34 and e621 with not a huge amount f success.
It's kind of a fetish
What is "Big" to you?
can someone please explain to me psychology behind being a furry, more so a faggot one?
first time I heard about furries I thought someone is fucking with me, but this shit is apparently real, and there is a bazillion of you fuckers roaming around.
Like what arouses you about cartoon animals and do people around you know that you're pathetic, like do you look like weirdos irl too?
I cant get laid no matter how hard I try. Eventually normal porn gets stale and I moved to more exotic stuff.
Well I guess if you assumed that characters are human sized, then about 9-10 inches is what I mean I guess
I just like cute stuff
I surely do better than you
dogs are HOT and i want to fuck them
why do you lust for underaged dick girls so much
Yeah, I'm statistically on the higher end of penis size and I kind of get off on guys being surprised/jealous.
Look wise I'm like a 3/10 so it's pretty much the only thing I've got going for me.
that happens to everyone, fetishes escalate. but your psychological background influences the way they escalate.
like a girl with daddy issues is gonna be aroused by dominant guys, right
so I'm asking what kind of shit do you have to go through to be into fucking cartoon horses
That image is from a comic by Rov called Honey, I'm home or something along those lines I think.
I don't lust for underaged dick girls, I lust for cute girls and boys of the right age.
>like a girl with daddy issues is gonna be aroused by dominant guys, right
where do you get this from, freud?
so long as they say they are of age
Literally fucking cancer
Kill yourself, pedo
>Rov called Honey, I'm home
what are you basing your assumption on?
Kisses for Steven. :3
Its a whiteboy thing.
Anyone got furry on human?
I honestly dont care about dicksize too much.
Because you aren't giving a distinct age, you fucking disgusting shit.
No kisses for Kyle :(
You make me feel unloved.
hot nazidogg
At least people will touch you.
You have Nibi.
the right age for me is -5/+5 my age
>worth anything
That's soooooo comforting.
Just come to where I am and I can just fuck you raw or something.
Holy shit.
nibi has nibi
No one touches my ass unless I get ass first.
Virgin ass, because I dont like ass ruined by previous dicks.
So 13 year old boys and girls
I mean, congratulations for being old enough to post on Cred Forums
You do you, you shitter.
>thinking you'll find any poypussy that hasn't been ruined by anyone else
Ass isn't ruined unless it's been done in by massive BD toys son, stop being a bitch.
What ever. Just get laid.
It's almost harrowing to watch you like this.
Then ill just stay a virgin.
I'm not going to post my fucking ID just to prove to you that I'm not a pedo, but if believing that makes you feel better, then do as you please.
virgin ass is really unpleasant to fuck honestly
Sounds like the life of a beta bitch
Not my problem
You'll always be a kiddie-diddler to me, fucking lol
k then.
And for the record I have zero sexual interest in you.
Or any interest at all really.
Ahh Bad dragon, the joy thy have brought to this world
I cant find anyone. No one wants me.
I can't tell if this is just a long time meme of the fur threads, or if I need to actually feel sad about this.
Settling for someone undesirable or being cucked is far more beta.
I have my line, I will stick with it.
Not relevant because I am gay beyond all compare.
>I would rather fuck someone based on sexual history than someone I love and who loves me regardless
Can you pussies stop arguing? I don't even remember a g/fur thread that didn't end up with people bitching at eachother.
whatever you want to tell yourself you fucking beta
Is it that or do you have no fucking game
>10.42 miles of cock.png
I cant love someone who has no love for me.
barry loves you
Doesn't barry have a thing for you?
I am just undesirable for people I find attractive.
I aint settling for fat, ugly, old men like a beta would.
You are lamenting your lack of sexual congress on an image board known for it's members who lament their lack of sexual congress.
That is kind of beta.
Barry sees my predicament as his own when he was 17. He cares nothing for me, anything he says is his projection for his past self.
So it's not that nobody loves you, but that nobody loves you by your standards.
Betas are desperate and will settle for literally anything, like a dog.
get a load a this guy vision
At least this beta is getting laid.
Thats not love or anything really. Thats just satisfying penis.
I wouldnt call that lust either because lust needs some kind of attraction.
Yes please
you mean meta, squashy
This is how I feel every day.
oh wait nevermind durr
Pain in the ass to run an dungeon with a 3 year-old swinging on your chair.
It's impossible to take you seriously.
The thought of you having kids is almost too much.
return that child to its rightful owner
>an dungeon
An hero.
What do you want from me, god damn.
tell him to be less of an chaotic neutral anime pseudo-antagonist
But shit, dude.
Either go get laid or just move on already. It's a perpetual pity party.
Cred Forums X seems to be preventing me from posting while it's switched on. Have this picture, and I shall post more if I can get this problem sorted out.
Are you the guy with no phone?
Moar plz
Been trying for the past three months. (Not counting years ago) Its Rejections or no response.
I think im just too ugly.
I have a phone
well do you tell your prospective dates that you want to eviscerate them and eat their entrails, like you do with people here? that's generally a turn off.
>I want to get laid and loved by someone who is within the confines of these very strict standards
>3 months
>Pessimistic attitude about everything
Golly. Can't see a problem.
Owww i want you user :
Yes, Clearly. ::Sarcasm::
Not undrestanding
people generally don't like horrible asshole dickwads. maybe you should look into that avenue of potentiality.
See what Dom said.
what is this map showing exactly
Its a map of furries.
Would you like me to add you back on steam?
this lol
Maybe if you weren't such an outwardly edgy cunt people would actually give a fuck about you
K dont say I didnt try.
what are you trying to express here?
He tried.
tried to do what, exactly?
Making an attempt to be nice to you.
Adding someone doesn't make you nice.
first g/fur i ever fapped to
oh wow, thank you for deigning to treat me decently, that's very benevolent of you
assumptions need to be brushed away. that is why i asked.
>What is a niece
She already took her back for bed.
There is nothing I can do then. Why even talk to me or tell me anything orther than to make fun of me like everyone else.
Back to dumping.
I feel saying his best would have been funny.
Your brother or sisters daughter.
How do you not know this?
Silly Snarf.
Because you treat a lot of people like dirt and expect empathy for your lack of sex.
are you so fucking trash that you refuse to recognize that even a RESPONSE to your pitiful fucking existence is caring about you
and then beyond that when they're like 'bruh, it's alright, nobody's perfect and you can't expect shit to fall in your hands' you push them away
You're so far fucking gone goddamn
you chose this yourself and i feel no sympathy
i dont understand what you are saying
No reason to change then.
To be honest I am not sure now.
Your loss.
Not mine.
Plenty of reason to change, you're just too lazy to
think you meant to link someone else
>How are babies made
God damn it, Snarf.
I'm a fag. I don't know this shit.
was pretty much to Oh well, shit happens
We should find out together, then.
I gave him a response, but I do not care about him as a person.
That sounds awful if I'm to be honest.
There is absolutely zero reason to care about him as a person if he does not care about anyone else unless they suit his needs. Or if they do not fit his wanted image. He's otherwise acted like a fucking jerk.
>He doesn't want to watch the Miracle of Life
Not with you.
Adoption, I ain't gotta explain SHIT
Squishes hate fun. Proven fact.
When did you start using variations of my name?
This is perplexing.