New HG thread!
Hunted House
New HG thread!
Other urls found in this thread:
Hollywood Hogan
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Nazi Soldier
Laura Bodewig
>Tfw I can't find a good spooky pic.
Frog waifu
Fear the Neard
Prof. Zoom
This code's kinda boring tbh
Mr. Heihatan
Captain Cock-Eye
The Coon
Pearl the Funbringer
Zac Dalpe
Akuma Shogun
Spades Slick
Believe it or not, I'm watching Empire
Goku Black
Dagoth Ur
Queen Historia
Alice Baskerville
Vriska Serket
Adam Henrique
Kazugeta's Stand
Hulk Mart
Santa claus
white supremacy shrek
Pirate King Blackbeard
Texas Ranger Walker
Saviour Mart
Freddy Flatfoot
Tracy Trap
Tiny Rick
"Oh my gosh I still can't believe that!" Amethyst said as she kept laughing, walking on the street's side alongside Pearl and Steven.
"I simply don't understand why you should find this whole situation funny." Pearl said, still oblivious about the real meaning of what just happened.
"Oh Pearl, so innocent." The purple gem couldn't help but snicker at her friend.
"What do you mean?" Pearl asked raising an eyebrow, Steven and Amethyst looked at each other showing the goofiest smiles.
"You really don't get it isn't it?" Amethyst asked crossing her arms.
"Oh my stars what's there to get?!" Pearl looked clearly exasperated by this whole conversation, time for Steven to end Amethyst's fun.
"Pearl, why do you think a girl would give you her phone number?" Steven asked giggling, slightly shaking his head.
"Ehm… maybe because, uhm, maybe because she found my speech about my body being a conscious manifestation of light… interesting?" Pearl asked, Steven and Amethyst burst out laughing.
wait this is a 48 game?
Watching our boy FBN on TV right now. Is it just me, or has he not been here for a while?
"Yeah of course, because if a girl gives you her phone number it's because of a nerdy talk you gave her about your body not being real!" Amethyst hold her stomach as she continued to laugh, after a good minute, both her and Steven had calmed down, but Pearl still wore the same clueless expression as before.
"Oh my- are you kidding me?! She gave you her number because she wants you to call her!" Amethyst said as Pearl looked even more perplexed.
"Why would sh-" Pearl didn't get the chance to talk as Amethyst cut her off.
"She's interested in you, you big dumbo!" Amethyst said raising her arms in the air, this time she was the exasperate one.
"I-interested i-in m-me? What does t-that-" Pearl began rambling, Steven couldn't take it anymore and quickly grabbed her hand showing her the biggest smile she's ever seen.
"It means she likes you!" Steven said, stars in his eyes.
"Wh-wha-" Pearl's face was now completely blue, she has never been interested in human's costumes, so it would make sense for her not to understand what was happening, but as soon as she understood the sense of the whole situation, the realization hit her hard, that girl she met minutes ago gave her her cellphone's number because she liked… she liked her? Like not in a platonic way? Sh-she liked t-the way she l-looked? Just like Rose liked the way Greg looked? No, it couldn't be like that! Why would a human like her?! She was just interested in her speech about… oh my… who was she kidding? When did anyone find her speeches interesting?! Oh gosh she couldn't even think straight at the moment, she just felt an immense sense of embarrassment, and Amethyst's laughter didn't help at all. She needed to be alone, right, immediately, away from her annoying purple teammate, away from Steven's eyes, full of joy and excitement, away from… her. She just ran, as fast as she could.
I think he was here this weekend.
"Wha- Pearl! Come on!" Amethyst yelled, Pearl was already almost out of sight.
"You shouldn't have teased her like that." Steven said, he wanted to sound serious, but he couldn't deny the whole situation was indeed, pretty funny.
"Now where do you think she went?" Amethyst asked scratching the back of her head.
"Don't know, but I think it's better if we don't follow her." Steven said as Amethyst huffed loudly.
"Oh come on! You mean I can't go after her teasing the hell out of her?" Amethyst asked as Steven shook his head, although he was still smiling.
"Nope." The young boy said slightly punching Amethyst's arm.
"Ugh, fiiiiine, would have been fun though. What's the problem anyway?" Amethyst asked kicking a near pebble.
"Well, I can guess this is the first time something like this happens to Pearl, I mean, she never really liked humans so she never spent time with them, that must be why something like this never happened, she must be scared…" Steven said humming.
"But why? I mean, you're right, she never liked being around humans, this never happened before, but… shouldn't she be like, I don't know, happy? She went out just for one evening and already got a number!" Amethyst said as Steven shrugged.
"I think it's more complicated than that." Steven said rubbing his chin.
"Pffff, typical of Pearl, making things complicated when they're not." Amethyst huffed as they kept walking, Beach City in their sight.
The entire state of Utah
"Well, it's a big change, I mean, now there's someone who likes her, and it's pretty clear Pearl likes her too, maybe she's too afraid of admitting it, plus she really looks like mom and we both know how she felt about her…" Steven said as Amethyst looked at him with a surprised look.
"Man, when did you become so mature?" Amethyst asked, a nervous laugh escaping her lips.
"What can I say, I am the funky flow master." Steven said with pride as Amethyst put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close.
"Nope, same old Steven." Amethyst laughing.
The two of them quickly reached the beach house, Garnet was outside, eyes fixed on the sky, admiring the beauty of the stars above. When Steven and Amethyst began to climb the wooden staircase, the fusion turned around slightly, a small smile on her face.
"I guess you two can enlighten me about what happened to Pearl." Garnet said in a calm tone of voice.
"Is she here?" Steven asked and sighed in relief as Garnet nodded, he wasn't really worried, though she did not like the idea of her being outside alone with no one knowing where to find her.
"She rushed past me ten minutes ago, her face was completely blue. What happened to her?" Garnet said giving a low chuckle.
"She got her first number that's what happened!" Amethyst said, Garnet's expression becoming slightly perplexed.
"A number? You mean, a human gave her his number?" Garnet asked as Steven and Amethyst looked at each other smiling.
I saw him recently, but he hasn't been talkative. Can't wait to tell him the good news
he usually shows up on the weekends
"Her number, a girl at the concert gave Pearl her number, oh Garnet you should have seen her! She went to her a gave her a handshake, then she told her about her body being an illusion and told her she saved her world and her species, when she came back she didn't even know she got her phone number, she talked about it as some kind of code!" Amethyst could hardly breath as she kept laughing, Garnet though, was still puzzled by this news.
"Pearl, went to a human a talked to her? Willingly?" Garnet understood what happened, but could hardly believe it.
"Yep, pretty impressive from that gigantic nerd isn't it?" Amethyst asked, Garnet had now a million of question for the two, she was nearly tempted to use her future vison to see the possible outcomes of this events, but she choose not to, she was too curious about finding out on her own.
sorry dudes for such a lame fic, didn't even have sex
i'm posting some good ol' comicsnix next, so stay tuned, Funfans!
an Ascended Sleeper
Why have the HG threads been so spam ridden the last couple of days?
>Why are they not fucking with loli's threads
Bet y'all can't guess the other two I posted aside from FrogTron.
Today is the day Piccolo will show his real feelings to Vegeta. Piccolo goes to Vegeta`s house, knocks his door and Veget answers:
"What do you want creep" says Begeta with utter contempt for Piccolo.
"I just want to give you this present." says Piccolo with both hands in their pockets.
"What presen-" and them Piccolo punches Vegeta inside the house and fastly he closes the door behind.
"Now, I will show you my present" and them Piccolo exposes his enormous green cock. Vegeta`s eyes bulge out of it`s eyesocks:
Cut off the troll chatter, man. Why are you doing this?
"My gold! What the fuck Piccolo! I`m heterosexual!"
"Yes, but today you`ll be heteroflexible! And I`m going to flex my cock inside your ass!" and Piccolo starts to penetrate Vegeeta with clothes still on:
""Ouch! It hurts!" and Vegeta`s and Piccolo pants get forced inside Vegeta by that pulsating green dong full of green tomatoes. Vegeta`s ass is starting to get chafed and after dome moments the ass caught fire. Vegeta screams as flames emanate from his butthole and Piccolo laughs with pleasure:
"Why you so mean Piccola?" cries Vegete as his face hits the ground and his elevated ass gets pounded forcefully with many punches by the green moster alien cock shaped like an alligator obelisk, full of sharp-edged scales of pleasure and pain.
who knows, maybe they think we care about spammers?
Idk. I guess they think we are worse than Furry or Loli threads. Which would be wrong.
The spam in this thread is not so bad, it's slower than another particular type. Also, it's not images.
What's wrong with lolis?
Piccolo`s then dick caught fire too, but he is alien, so it makes no diference to him, pain is pleasure for that green mass of muscles and sweeting vegetable cock throbbing with anguish and despair of being toasted alive inside a man`s ass full of poop and baccteria.
By this time, both men`s clothes burned around their genital, scrotal and anal areas. The fabric adhered to their burning skins and is turning coal black, like their rapidly decaying flesh. And at this delicate time, Piccolo`s incesant butt fucking caused collatereal affects inside Vegeta`s bowels. He started to fart profusely on Piccolo`s emerald cock and the smell was so furiously awful it caused an chain reachion of vomit erupting from both lover`s stomachs flooding Vegeta`s bedroom with that rancid pap of moist half-digested grub. Piccole then, continuing the buttfucking penetrating the scorched ass of Vegeta, picks the warm vomit on the ground and starts to smear all over Vegeta`s arched back:
"OOOoooooohhhhhhhhh, it feels so good" moans with pleasureble monkeyness the fartistic lovable sayian. Piccol them picks more vomit and rubs all over his chest, and this causes his furious fucking to intensify, as the wretched puke odour impregnate his roquefort nostrils.
Both Piccolo`s dick and Vegete`s ass are in a lamentnable state, suffering third degree burns and forming purulence filled buubbles that pop and causes terrible pain in both lover`s suffering living carcasses. Piccolo`s dick them starts to fall apart and desintegrates inside Vegeta`s coal black bowels. He cries in turmoil and sadness to see his most valuable object to die in front of his eyes:
And here I was thinking he was spreading the fun with the furries instead
- Kazugeta
"My powerful cock! NOOOOOOOOO!" and them Poccolo falls on the ground and his dick is no more. His balls them inflate like gelatinous rabbit corpses and explodes in a million of cancerous giblets full of shinning unriped semen. And Piccolo dies.
"NNOOOOOOOOOOOO!" cries in desperation Vegerta "I didn`t cum yet!"
So Vegeta gets up and feels his buttocks detach from his body. They fall on the ground and melt like a couple of sad bananas, exposing Vegeta`s pelvic bones. He walks around the house like a headless buttfucked turkey with cerebal palsy and them masturbates furiously trying to cum and end his eternal agony.
Bulma them arrives in the house:
"Vegeta! I`m home honey!" utter with happishness the green haired milf hotness with delicious mad bossom. She then walks with a bag of grocerious to the Vegeta`s bedrom and then...she sees the hellish vision. Buolma`s husband half burned, without buttocks, covered in vomit, masturbating and howling like a cretaceous gorilla rapist. Bulma get shocked by the vision and falls on the ground dropping the groceries she bought on the grocery story. A glass of milk shatters and shards of glass flies directly inside Bulma`s vagina:
"Ouch!" she mutters with displeasure. Vegeta look Bulma`s on the ground with her pants destroyed by the glass and legs covered in milk, and he have an idea:
"Bulma, my dear wife, I`m gonna rape you." and he them procceds to ties her with ropes made of adamantium.
"No!No! Have mercy! You are may hsuband!? Why you doing this!?"
"I`m doing this because Peccolo showed me the truth."
"Truth?!" cries Buloma trying to free herself from the metalic ropes, without success, and procedding to cut her wrists at the same time, exposing her circulatory system to the boiling vomit that painted the ground moments ealiear. "You are insane!"
"No Bulma my dear" xplains Vegeta calmly to his woman, while he rubs her hair with tenderly love and mastubates his veiny and protuberant cock with the otter hand. "Piccola just gave me his Present."
"And what present is this you crazy person?!" sais Bulma craying tears of mermaid cocktail.
"The present is...DICK!" and Veget then introduces violently his masculine and third-degree-burned cock inside Bulmas vulva. She screams with excruciating pain. The contorted and badly burned penis of Vegeta them gets perforated by and penetrated by the shards of glass inside Bulmas`s vagina. He likes it.
"No BEEGEEta! Milk glass is scratching my interior!"
"I don`t give a damn honey" and Vegeta continues with the fucked frontal fucking, the shards inserted in Vegeta`s fleshly penis shreding Bulma`s vagina inside out. After some moments of pain, Vegeta sees the blood flux out of Bulma`s vagina:
"You know what color matches with red, honey? It`s white!" and them Vegeta remove his putrid penis out of Bulma`s torn appart vagina. Her labia minora and labia majora them are cut and completely disfigured while the glass incrusted penis exits her pleasure cavity.
Vegeta them raise Bulma`s pelvis while she is on her back, opens an unshattered glass of milk with another hand and them pour milk inside her blood flooded vagina. The resulting fluid have a hot pink color:
"Wow! That`s tasty!" and them Vegeta starts to drink milk mixed with blood from Vulma`s Bagina.
Sadly for Vegeta, there were still lot`s of shards of glass inside Bulma`s, and he starts to swallow them, causing his throat to be torn appart and destroyd.
"God! What have I done to my Wife?!" cries Vegeta while he vomits blood. He them hugs Bulma that now lays completely on the ground, and starts to kiss her:
"Sorry dear wife, kiss me a goodbye kiss..."
"No! You`ll sufocate me! Noo...arghppffff" and Vegeta kisses her, filling her mouth with blood that start to suffocats Bulma. At the last moment, Vegeta ejaculates. He them dies with a soft happiness. Bulma don`t have the same luck.
"I need to cum before I die" thinks Bulma fast. While the dead body of Vegeta lies over her kissing her mouth, she forces her hand out of the ropes and sadly, her hand couldn`t make it, just an arm stump. Unhindered by this fact, she just rubs with rabidness her clit with her arm stump trying to achieve orgasm before her last breath. Her senses are fading, but she is a determine girl, never disapoiniting mom or dad. Bulma is a strong girl, she can do wonders with just a cadaver of a man and half of her vagina destroied. Her lips strongly glued to Vegeta`s cadaver lips give her the necessary excitment only a good girl like her could wish in all her life. After some seconds and her life almost ending , Bulma`s thoughts explode:
"I`m gonna cuuuuuuuuuuuuum!" and all of Bulma`s body shakes with orgasmic rhythms, her juices exploding out of her maimed vagina, splashing the walls with girl ejaculation, milk, vomit and blood. A festival of fluids now decorate that love filled bedroom, a real work of modern art even Van Gogh would cut his other ear just to apreciate and swim inside that crummy soup of sexual passion.
Bulma them dies.
Everything! From the sick fuck drawings to the it's pedophilia fetish fans.
Me and my big mouth...
Batman is having a birthdawy parts. He is vary hapy with his age coming to have a nice party so he goes to give a party to everyone he called to the party. Everyone is invited and they will bing presents to the man with the black cape and a black heart.
The guests arrive one by one. Super man, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Shrek, Naruto, Dr. House, The Power Ranger, Conunt Dracula, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Santa Claus and Homer Simpson.
Other guest arrive two, both we are not going to name them. Yeti.
The pary is at the batcave, the most wonderful place under the earth. There are bat-shaped ballonns, cupcakes made of guano, creamcheese with bat milk and a big, gynormoustastic cake covered with furry bats. They give a special flavour to the topping.
"Botman", utter with happy Wonder Wome, "your pary is nice and all, but when we have time for us to be alone and fuck?"
"No Womder Wonean" cried Batan with sad periculous face at the amazonian godesses "we canna`t fuck in a special day like this. Do you remember we are postponing our nuptional night till our marriage day?"
"Good god Bateman, I have needs!" cries with utter despair Wonder Womand feeling her vagina drying because of lack of semen watering. Batman pee a little in his panties.
"Why women need to be so complicate?" asks Batman to his headmates.
In the otter room, Spiderman man is chatting with Marge Simpson and Dr. Houise and Power Ranger.
"So Marge," says Spierneman "I love your giantic towering blueish hairlines. They give me lotsa bonners!"
"No!" cries desperately Marge Sispons "I am maried Spiermen, and your in a realationshipa wih Mar Jane."
"I hate that bitch, I prefer milf like you little yellow doll. Are you`re pubic hair blue two?"
Marge gets very rosaceous and her pussy starts to smell macarroni. Dr. House feels inside his medical nostrils the strange smell and comments:
"Marge Sispsions, I suspect you have a case of auto immune disorder. You must find a medic now or you will die. "
"Oh Now!" cries like a shrieking manatee the yellow-skined hot body woman of Homer.
"Here is a the hospital adress. Got there quik or youll die now."
"Ok!" and she goes.
Power Ranger them gets confused and mildly sore in the butt:
" House , you are a docto! Why din`t you heleped the poor women?! "
"I`m am at party and didn`t ate the cake yet." and them Dr. House went to bathroom to masturbate.
"Fuck you" screams Sperdeman angry at Dr. Gergo Hous that Marge is now gone. "You are a cock blocker you godmannit fool docter!"
Doctou Housr just show the middle finguer while enter the bathroom with cock in hand.
Spiderman them needs to find another lady to fuck, or he`ll finish the night with blue balls.
In another room, a room with a colossal pool and lots of very bodalicious ladies (Batman paid for escort services to serve his guests at the party. Even thou they are all women, Batman knows that some women will like the women. The ones that don`t like are not his frineds)
In one side of the pool are Naruto, Santa Claus, Harry Potter and Robocop. The other side have Batman and Homer Simpsons:
"Guys" speaks with japanese accent Naruto, the boy ninja wonder " there is a distinct lack or girls this side of the pool, don`t you all think?"
"Yesd", says Harry Potter with the magic wand in his hand, very wooden and stiff "it appears that they only want the attention of Batman and Homer Simpson"
Homer And Batman were te other side of the gigantic pool, being kissed on the abs and buttocks by the paid escorts. Homer cock was rounded, and that was perfect for practing anal sex. Batman had a bat-shaped cock, that was perfect to practice threesmones.
"Godmannit" said Robocop with a sad mettalic voice "I tohught Batman only liked machine men..."
Everyone ignored Robcop.
Naturo and Harry Poet them decide to become man.
"Let`s Go Hary" sais Nauro, "let`s bang those hotties!"
"Won`t you come Santa Claus?" but Santa Claus was dead.
In another room, there wa Shreak, and Wonder Woman was riding his green pimpled cock.
"Oh Shrek! Remember the first time we sex?" ask Women Woman going up and down on that fetid scum of a troll. His smell was so putrid that even the bats of the bat cave died around him. A circle of dead bats circle the two lovers.
In another room. Dr. House is having an affair:
"Sailor Moon, I love you!"
"I love you two Dr. Gregory House!"
You guys wanna try /qst/ again? We just gotta act like it's a adventure instead of being an obvious HG thread
what is happening
The japanse blonde girls of moon kissed passionatly the limp legged shell of a man named House. Even tohugh he was old and ugly, Sailor Moon protuded a girl bonner for him. He was masculine, misteriuos and very handsome.
"Doctor house, could you insert your cane inside my vulva?"
"Yes, I can, dear japanese blonde dream of my heart!" and them House put his cane inside her vulva. Imediatly she orgasms multiple times.
"Oh House! More More!" and House don`t know what to do.
"I don`t have another cane dear!"
"Put your penis too!" asks sultryly Sailor Mno.
"Ok!" and House inserts his rigid and muscular penis inside the girl vagina. It shreds her like a lemonad koala and she orgasms more:
"Ahhhhhhhhh! More!"
"More?! Holy Shitttttttttt!" and house don`t know what to do do.
Sailor mono is so orgasmic she thinks very fast:
"Dr. House, please, insert a bat inside my vagina."
Sorry for taking so long..
Gregory Hoisue gets very excieted with the idea "hm, I love mammals on my dick"
So, the doctor pick a living bat and put inside Sailor Moons vagina. Now, she has a cane, a bat and a cock inside her.
"Fuck me!" and House fuck her violently. The bat is shaking madly inside her uterous, his wings flapping and scrapping the interior of the and more the cane and the penis are drilling the japanses girl blonde and her multiple orgasms are stronger and stronger and STRONGER:
"Booooooooooommmmm!" and Sailor Moonn`s head explodes in a million pieces. Cerebelum and blood cover House and the bat finally frees itself from his vaginal prison. House is flabbergasted:
"Fuck! I must hide the body!" and House picks Sailor Moon corpse and pieces and throw them at the bats. They eat and get fullfilled.
"Ok, I need a shower. Fuck that girl. After this party I must run a differential diagnosis to know what killed her. This mystery is killing me." and there goes House to take a bath at the whore filled pool.
House arrives at the pool and see very bizarre scene:
"Oh NO!"
House sees thousand of paid female women escorts dead at the gigantic Batman pool. "Dude! WTF!"
Later arrives Naturo, Harry Potter , Batman, Power Ranger and Homer Simpson.
"Call the police" says Batman to House.
"But Batman" asks Power Ranger "you are the greatest detective!"
"Yes" says Batman "but today is my birthday."
"Go fuck yourself Batman" and Power Ranger goes away and don`t deliver his birthday gft to Batman. Batman throws a temper tantrum, runs away and locks himself in his bedroom.
we need an adventure code
spam.....a lot of spam
I'd love to.
House them calls thr police. After some momnets, arrive the office of CSI.
"Horatio Cane!" everyone screams loudly and madly with love for that red haired muscle man.
"Hello, is there a crime here to solve?"
"Yes" sais House, "look at the pool."
"Oh, hmmmmm. Those dead bodies. It was Shrek. Bye." and Horatio Cane goes away.
"Shreak!" everyone screams "that fucking troll!" everyone hates Shreak.
At the same time Shreak enter the scene with Womdenr Woman at his arms. She is exhausted from the fucking with the green tomato dick. She loves sex salad.
"Somebody arrest that man!" screams Harry Potter and Natuto, the two guys that wanted to be men. Robocop arrives with a pair of handcuff:
"No! You are not going to arrest my man-troll!" shrieks Wonder Woemn for Shrek. "He impregnated me with his green semen! Who will take care of my still unborn childs?!"
Everyone hears thescream coming from batman`s bedroom. He is furious.
"Womner Womar, you cuckolded me, you fucking bitch" sloobered from his mouth the capped crusadr. "I gonna kill you!" and Batman throws a dead bat at Wondrr Woamans faces:
"Argh!" she screams and fall the ground.
>Forgets pic
If someone wants to try go ahead. I don't think I would be very good at treating it like an adventure though.
but then we gonna be like the RPfags
It seems you are starring in a porno, from the looks of things.
"You baterd!" scrams Shreak with utter comtenpt and rage to the bat-man.
Baatman starts to fist fight Shrek and the two of them draw blood from one another. Pieces of teeth get pulled and eye balls destroyed by fingers. Shrek punches Batman`s guts and destry his innards with his powerful Troll hand. Batman them picks Shreak tongue and rip it off from his mouth. They are slwoly but surely maiming one another.
"Wonder Woann, do somethnig!" cries with despair Naruto. But she doesn`t care, she sits on the ground and only looks. She loves brute man fighting for her vagina, dripping with Shrek semen at the moment.
After a whle, Batman and Shrek are very tired.
"Damn, fighting for that bitch is too much work." says Batman "you can have her Shrek." and there goes Batmann and lock himself inside his bedromm again. He now eats the birthday cake alone.
"My lowwweee" says Shrek opening his arms and moving towards Wonder Woman, limping, with one eye less, all bruised and toothless. She is grossed out:
"Wheeewwwww! Get outta here you piece of shit!" and she them kisses Homer Simpson. They go to Homer`s house to make love.
Robocop goes home too. He is sad Batman forgotten him. House is wasted on the ground. Too much vicodin.
Only Harry Potter and Naruto remain sober at the party. They look one another with sad faces:
"Damn," mutters Harry Potter "we are still virgins."
"Yep..." sais Naruto smelling his own finger covered with shit.
"What do we do?"
"Hmmmmmmmmm" and Naruto have an idea:
"We go to Beverly Hills!"
The End?
We don't have to RP. We just describe and shit
This is fucking hilarious.
I thought about that too. Might be a risk we need to take.
Not necessarily, I just commentate my character and his misadventures in the games, and try to connect all the events in a way that makes sense.
make it 48
I would, but I'm not great at writing to make it look like an adventure.
No we won't dummy. We just give a shitty description as a excuse, you don't have to focus on it.
I won't I said 24.
Nazi is a coward and a dumbfuck
Funbringer here, I'll compromise.
I'll stop fuckupdating if you let me write the adventure story.
Completely same.
looks good
also, here is a picture of my sticking my finger in my ass
>got to fuck Batman
Man I'm really living the dream huh?
Anyway, I vote /qst/. Just make up some haunted house shit for the OP
me neither i suck ass
I'd write it, but I used my creative juices for the night on my novel
The Scissormen!
What do you mean by "adventure story"?
>nice trips
forgot pic
What novel?
the /quest/ bullshit
>my novel
you're writing a novel?
Aaand there goes my second tribute...
I rather withstand the spam. I'm sure you will make something unfunny and sexual.
I'm sorry if triggers him to post more guys.
Mart dies again..
you fucking idiot
And a reminder you need to stop forgetting to drink water.
kazu, you could have, y'know, saved me
I wanted to be a novelist and live the dream of having a franchise and what not. I'm working on my my magnum opus, which I've been writing since I was in middle school. It's a fantasy novel.
Maybe if you promise to not do what is afraid of.
You caught my attention, Kaz. What is it about?
You know what? Fuck it, I'll try not to talk about anuses every two sentences.
What's it abou?
>Kazugeta ded again
Temmie you jixed him..
The beautiful midwest Jimbo. Gotta love it. We had all our rain and thunder back in April-August. Practically nonstop.
could be worse
i had lightning and thunder and i pissed down rain
and i still had to go landscape in the morning.
Yo guys...the spammer died or something
same as Zoom, i wanna know
I'll try to? Really? Try? After spamming the thread with your stupid shit, calling yourself some autistic name and clearly being a troll, you expect us to believe you actually want to help us?
Finding new stories.
I would much appreciate it. If we ever go to /qst/, you can write the story. Remember, though, it is SFW, so even if you do decide to go back on your word (don't be that guy), you'll probably get banned.
Booker.. your bleeding...
Fuck, RIP Spades. Last tribute dead.
no thanks brother, i just like to lunge out at positions of power that i can usurp
probably would spam shit if i got power like that, so i think i'll just lay back on this offer
need to stay sober from power, yo
Are you mad? I dont have any rocks and that's a big ass pair of scissors
The series itself is about some guy going on crazy adventures to get an army to reclaim his land while trying to stop a omnicidal organization and stop a genie
The first novel is about him trying to get his memories back while clashing with an immortal, eccentric, pseudo intellectual tyrant
Sounds neat
Mr Dump
I'm being stran-gled by the man in the mirror AUGH!!!!
Alright then. But still, please don't spam our thread. You're welcome to put in a tribute next game, if you're interested.
Nevermind, yo. I'll add fuckshit to shit, so I'll lay off tonight.
Good b.
Hey, that's interesting. Good luck man!
Alrighty then.
People with knifes.. I feel something will happen because of this..
Sounds pretty cool. Good luck Kazu!
i would host but i have never hosted before and i would be slow.
What the fuck is your problem?
Hi everybody!!
>Fucking university
>A stupid final proyect
Pretty peaceful we need more murder
i like it, sounds way better than the fucking shit people read this days.
Practice using the tribute entry and whatever full page screencapture tool you have
Not a lot of people are very hungry at all.
FUNNY BALD NIGGER is watching over this thread.
u need to get laid dude
Drinking and playing HG is not a good mix..
Emeritus is here... i was forgetting the image
oh i have.
i fuck around all the time on it
i can get a 24 game in about 7 to 10 minutes
Thanks for the support! I hope to be done by the end of the year. Then ya'll can see it trash talked on /lit/ then my ugly ass mug kek
HEY FBN! What's up?! I fucking won finally
Wait, YOU'RE spamming the thread Emeritus?!
But there was free candy..
Sounds pretty cool man
Fuck me both my tributes are fucking idiots
Oh shit! Dad's dead....meh
Hey man, I'm actually watching your show right now!
Ayyy FBN, whats up my dude.
No problem. Maybe /lit/ will love it, if Kazu can win, anything can happen.
Oh shit. The plot thickens.
>Goku Black blacks out
This is the 2nd time hogan found crying baby..
i don't think Emeritus watch MLP and that kind of crap
Actually no... I was just greeting them all...
Late reply because I can't seem to find some good music.
Where exactly in the midwest?
>Tfw Kansas.
This seems pretty interesting. I'd give it a read if it was actually a thing.
Plot twist!
Good evening FBN.
sup nigga
This is really fucking spooky and also coon needs to play more slender..
I was the one who asked what the fuck was his problem and he says he forgot his pic. I mean.... what?!
Indiana here, Midwest Squad hype.
It has been a long time coming.
Always a good idea!
Doin' alright, get to sleep in then get to whoop some Georgia Tech ass tomorrow.
Hello, hello!
Howdy hey, froggy fresh.
My favorite racist, how's it hanging.
What a coincidence...
Oh come on, Black!
Akuma Shogun wins!
>Lord Mart gets a heartattack from a screaming ghots.
Ghots? WHERE?
>Goku Black suddenly dies for no reason.
Heart virus confirmed
This is not brutal..
Thanks Homer!
Good point.
Thank's Laura. It will be real soon enough. I actually know a publisher
Damn it, Blackarot
Based Akuma Shogun!
so i farted this out
Oh shit, you at Clemson? Gonna be a nice game between you and Louisville next week. Probably the matchup of the 2 best QBs in college right now. Can't overlook Tech though. They're 5-0 at home when unranked and playing a ranked team.
>No kills
I will stop hosting for now
It's just an enviromental death-based code
Expect not a lot of kills
Hitler husbando
oh true i almost forgot, this friday, looks good
Oh dude thats super cool, wheres Arsenal though?
Umm, where is my team?
holy mary mother of fuck
on the other poster
i'm making two separate posters for the two games
Hell yeah, go tigers. In the band myself, so I go everywhere. (including FSU, that's gonna be fucking awesome)
Don't I know it. Atlanta is gonna be crazy, but I think we're strong enough to pull it off, although we haven't won there since like 2002.
There are two TBs I think.
Ah, that would make sense, actually
Oh! Me like
Diamond Dogs is ready!!
Oh cool, we doing 2 games? My playoff idea worked!
Dude thats awesome. Good luck in your games.
>totally not trolling you Laura.png
>when no one notices the shit you took on the poster
read the names of the poster earlier. here's the actual official poster
if we have another game can someone put whyyyy in for me?
i have to take my dog for a walk
I keep forgetting about teambattle, so how do I get in as a wildcard?
Thank's my nigga. Whatever happens don't let 'bama win again.
I got you my nigga.
Needs more Mart
Agreed, fuck Bama.
Strange thing is though, some of those online maps say that Kansas isn't part of the Midwest, while some say it is.
That's pretty interesting.
>You keep on adding an apostrophe in thanks.
This isn't funny with my team name.
>Pic related.
stay for the game's reaping
some teams will be absent leaving space for wildcards. i'll ask for them, and you reply with them.
wildcard window is usually small so you have to be quick
also fuck bama
Hey! if you want Diamond Dogs images i can post it
I think Kansas is definitely the midwest. Not mountain-y enough to fit there, and not southern enough to fit with Texas. But it certainly has a lot of corn. That makes you a midwest state for sure.
like half of the hg crew is in the midwest, good gravy
I didn't read that, apparently.
naw that's not the one i'm missing
i'm missing men of action
what the hell else are we supposed to do in the midwest?
I'm from west coast canada myself
Not me. Most people found out i'm on the east coast
...fair point
>tfw all there is to do in rural Pennsylvania is tip cows and watch the Amish people
Hell naw, South Carolina here.
Same here, if you need images for Arsenal I can post them next thread Jimbo.
Farm more corn, or watch some more B1G football.
naw, i got them
>I'm from Texas
>yeehaw fuckers.
Same, I'm also not from there.
i'm from Toronto
I'm from wisconsin
-Pepsi user
i think i'm the only foreign here, and maybe Zoom
- Frog
Which user are you?
welcome to the shit state jimbo lives
btw how tf did we lose to the vikings
Specifically Utah, btw
I'm from canada so.. foreign?
I am from Cancún (México)
-Papa Emeritus
Dunno man
Neard here, no idea how you lost to them. By all means you should have lost. Maybe them opening a new stadium added momentum or some shit.
Can someone make a new thread with the Columbine code?
*By all means you should have won
When I was hosting, Fireshot fucked me up and posted half a day and half of the New Jersey Lottery
>tfw vikings fan
we spoiled all of their stadium openings
Who's hosting?
I'm CIA Man and from BC how is it in Ontario?
i guess
a si, se me olvido que eras mexicano, kek
- Frog
I'm from Brazil. I'm guessing the only Brazilian too, it's okay though. Brazil is real shit place.
nice in some parts Toronto is shit
some of the little towns are nice
Massachusetts, born and raised. -Megu
new thread?
Surprised we don't have a single eurofag here. Also seems like the half from the midwest was certainly wrong.
I knew it, brazilians are SF guys, nah i don't think is shitty at all.
- Frog
well, y'know, Temfag hazarded a guess
Yeah RIO 2016 taught us
I prefer think i ams in cancún and not México XD
>I dont hate Mexico, just his people and politics
-Papa Emeritus
Here are codes incase people want ot host
Pirate i5aws4M2
Spy E4E3EkAZ
Medieval tIcCiQY1
Haunted House qIT6Mo9O
Standard d2t7z3N3
Hotel 2fsdma6m
Grave Encounters ZCbd5EZU
Mexico City pIzBK5fC
Baseball hyn3TqJb
Prison dRxAOw8D
School 6ihdHnK8
Lots of lovin A8HmEEr9
Fat camp PQTFdo6o
next team battle: midwest vs the world
I'm from Germany
meh, i don't pay attention to the people around me at all you know? Jalisco isn't so bad...kinda
- Frog
Explain you plz!!
We gotta do a states/provinces/citys game sometime. Probably not a teambattle though.
Sorry to hear that, Kazu
well nvm, we have an euro here.
- Frog
I've vacationed to Mexico once. It wasn't too bad, though I can see that it could be better.
Took a German foreign exchange student to prom once. She was alright.
Well due the RIO 2016 they finally decided to add some more of security in there like the fucking army however after it's over it's all gonna be the same shit all over again.
What's a "SF" though?
It's not that bad. I don't live in the dangerous parts like Camden or Trenton. Still a lot of fucking maniacs though
Yeah Cancún also isnt a great city. But we have "multicultura" because we have turist from all the world.
>I have the dream to travel to another country, maybe Canada (free VISA for mexican)
Street Fighter, yeah funny, i made a FGC (fighting game community) deduction i guess.
And i know SF is big in Brazil somehow.
Like if you ask a mexican and they usually are KOF (king of fighter) fags.
- Frog
haaaah, the Mid-Atlantic state that makes PA look good
Man, all your states and cities are pretty interesting, and all we have here in Indiana is corn and soybeans. Well, also basketball. Basketball is pretty cool.
suburban milwaukee is shit
México have a great cultural problem
>Too much illiterate
>People with no manners and knowledge
>To much political corruption
I'm hardly paying attention to this thread atm, but I'll give, I live in Wichita, KS.
Well, we forgot about the games, kek, what we gonna do know?
Man, no hate at you, but fuck Wichita State. Fuck Northern Iowa even more though.
Someone needs to make a thread.
Who wants to host?
Check those dubs.
i'm in a smallish town in WI, not much happens here
Well what code do you all want to use?
Pirate i5aws4M2
Spy E4E3EkAZ
Medieval tIcCiQY1
Standard d2t7z3N3
Hotel 2fsdma6m
Grave Encounters ZCbd5EZU
Mexico City pIzBK5fC
Baseball hyn3TqJb
Prison dRxAOw8D
School 6ihdHnK8
Lots of lovin A8HmEEr9
Fat camp PQTFdo6o
I cant. I need finish a homework and go to take a shower :(
I don't take much of an interest into sports, so go ahead and hate as much as you want to.
We can have a club with Jimbo. The boring great lakes states club.