Previous: Rules: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed >Only one claim per user >No stealing (unless trips or more) >No oversexualised content >No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion) >Discussion is welcomed >Insults must be original >If you're posting images you're not lurking >3D is almost always trash >Joining means a reserved place in hell >Most importantly, have fun!
From my surgeries of having my colon/large intestine removed
Josiah Moore
Xavier Bailey
>stellar claim
Mason Campbell
It was a golden time on Cred Forums as well. You might want to find a time machine and change that if possible
Hmmmm. Why should I trust you? :3
Me? Nah, I was on Cred Forums shitposting in these communities long before that
Oh, nice to meet you! Cars are one of the few things that just did not interest me as much as I thought they would. What do you drive?
>Still wondering why the insult right off the bat I am tsundere
Joshua White
Good morning
Eh, i have mixed feelings about my father. His health decline was nice because he didn't have the energy to be aggressive towards us for like 2 years.
Secretive lad. Guess you can never be too careful. Probably learned that from experience in these things.
Angel Sullivan
Another thread, another roll for trips.
Get them lewds ready.
Jordan Adams
Brayden James
still here
of course not. you are not like that
Julian Anderson
Jonathan Green
I am back with pizza!
Nothin out of the ordinary?
Shit son go get more wedding pics
Mirai Nikki!
Justin Ross
pedo thread
Julian Phillips
Ah, that's what I thought it was. Wasn't sure though. Glad you're almost recovered though. Cunt should be easy on you till it's healed all the way.
I know I always talk about drifting, but doing it on accident, while getting onto a freeway when it's not entirely empty, was scary as fuck. More so because I thought someone was gunna hit us rather than me hitting a wall or something.
Drive this sucker right here! >Rotary power is truly a wonderful thing, if you ignore the shitty gas mileage.
Hmm, fair enough.
Nathan Jackson
Hello everyones!
Ayden Adams
Yeah, it's not easy, especially since I have to have a lot of protein in my diet now, since I barely had any while I had the shit bag
At least I gained back most of the weight I lost anyways
Hudson Cooper
Of course.
Zachary Russell
Just use TG and get them from that slut ruri instantly~
Joshua Cooper
kittycream/blakefag/gaypussy signing in
hotaru claimed. what are the happenings tonight friendos
Carter Nelson
>Nice pic Sounds like crippling boredom. Been a bit for me as well, want to get into the diamond level for this season's rankings. Heh, I get those nights as well.
By then, more will be saved up so yeah that's a good idea. Necessity over accessories in this case. What would a rad car be if it can't even run?
Thanks Boss~.
Your opponent probably feels the same way.
Sounds about right. Not much my man, got a night with not much studying to be had so just trying to chill heh. How about you?
Ryan Hall
Wow. Rude.
But if I join the TG and Discord I have to download TH and Discord.
Thomas Allen
Nothing really out of the ordinary, but nothing good is going on.
Ryder Campbell
I almost bought a mazda, but I just don't like the look of some of their cars
Jason Flores
Benjamin Baker
Then don't use discord. Don't have to download TG
Adam Brooks
fuck, ill start researching now
Hudson Gray
BRING ME MY BREADSTICKS! And yeah, I need more pictures in general. >finished my stats homework, aw yeaaaah
Well, I just finished my crippling boredom, onto the next assignment! It wasn't even ranked, I just kept dying in bullshit ways and I just rage quit
Evan Barnes
Reposting this
Don't you guys have a discord? Why post on Cred Forums then? Do you want people to see your conversations? Or is it just a habit?
I don't really understand
Anthony Kelly
He better get used to it :^)
And now I leave, goodbye
Ian Perez
was thinking of a little warframe after some world of tanks
Charles Morales
Better than a bad day'
*Gives breadsticks and a slice* There ya go chum *Throws down a "very good!" stone*
Carter Rogers
I guess Emerald Nightmare is pretty easy so far, casuals went to bed though :| >Claim
Colton Lopez
Eh, I also feel like it's a game here. When I eventually roll trips and Ruri posts lewds it will be like I won something. You know?
You don't have to understand. Either join in, or learn to filter.
There was an update today. Resources no longer drop as those weird disc things, they look like the actual resource and they also have resource "modules" which are basically resource nodes on the maps. If you need some help just let me know.
Liam Martinez
We don't want to be a closed community. The imageboard format is comfortable.
Jose White
Farewell ama
Ian Williams
Zachary Ortiz
Austin Campbell
sup gasai
Jordan Cox
Hello >no life >Juvia claimed
Adam Howard
This. And it's not all it's chalked up to be. Disagreements arise and people leave. If the threads stopped, we'd have no one to talk to anymore. Others don't like the idea of a Discord either > >rattle rattle
It was fun to steal waifus with trips back during the shitposting days.
Liam Rogers
*Insert clever way to claim Blair*
"Remember to type a cool intro sentence." - Blair
Colton Martin
Oh hell yes, wasn't expecting pizza too! >what's a very good stone
Hello Juvia!
Isaac Turner
good it will be nice to see what drops. i wil i think ill start the new planet today
Lucas Lee
>Early on in her posting she managed to gain notoriety by getting in arguments with the most popular posters, using logical fallacies, ad homeniem and being abusive anyone who didn't side with her. Befriending those who sided with her and rallying against those who challenged her outright made her popular, but lacking in the types of interactions that could have culled her wrath. Fueled by ego like so many before her >INACTIVE fuck
Brayden Jones
you have no reason to. but you should because I won't do anything.
gotcha. that sucks, and I'm sorry.
it's not so much secretive as a lack of wanting the attention and pity that comes from publicly airing your shit to a thread like this. I'll be happy to tell you in private.
hey cutie
Jaxon Mitchell
Who else /edgy/ here?
Robert Foster
Exactly. Although if I decide to spend a little, I might pick up the subwoofer a tad sooner.
Eh, most of their cars these days aren't very good looking... then again, that can be said of practically ANY new car.
Jeremiah Mitchell
Oh yes
Carson Thomas
Aeris pls
Anthony Perez
How are ya?
The boys are back!
Keystone! >Not, it taste like rat piss
Benjamin Hernandez
Whats up man?
How are you tonight?
Tug bote!
Hunter Hughes
Don't make me post that .gif you sent me.
It's not like it would be the first time I've posted lewds anyway. Trips.
Caleb King
Cameron Powell
Just ate dinner, we had quesadillas It feels like a bad day, I'm just laying in bed with a blanket over my head and feeling sad for some reason. Edgy what
>Forgot to respond Sorry bout that, Kitten. And exact reason why protein was bad? >We'll have lots of that down here~
Nathan Myers
You can still steal waifus. Still in the rules after all. And that is mainly for people who have the same waifu. Imagine if S-mug and I were constantly fighting over Tomoko, that is what the rules was for.
Eh, it barely makes a difference in my opinion. The resource nodes are nice tho.
Yeah, true. But I'm expect a really good, and cute, Ruri lewd for when I roll trips.
Cameron Cruz
Good you still have notifications on. I just wanted to summon you for shits and giggles
Oliver Carter
>Rattles Hi Shino. How're you? please explain the tug bote thing. I feel like it's lewd...
Daniel Ramirez
So are you a subby gay boy yet? I'm still waiting.
Aaron Edwards
Meh, I've had worse >eats anyway
I've been better, I just have a lot of schoolwork to do. You?
Noah Martin
That's close to an ohayou.
Avoiding the discord means I don't have to deal with drama.
You think everything is lewd, Shizuru.
>Suika claim
Carson Bell
>mfw someone talks to me Hello
Ryan Lewis
what were we talking about again? lol
Easton Sanchez
The fuck?
Jonathan Mitchell
There's a reason, nobody can just feel sad for no reason
Kinda shitty, 3 hours of sleep last night
What's worse than keystone???
Jaxson Powell
What seems to be the problem?
Nolan Rogers
Why must you save everything?
We are, from the perspective of ants
Bad role models
I like that anons can share though. It's like the people here are reasonable adults
Jack Parker
I really don't even know. Maybe it was cuz your a little bote and tug boats are little i said it awhile ago. Im trying to find a multiplayer game to play with my taiga. other then that nothing.
where have you been?
Henry Murphy
such a cute waifu
this trip has been given out though. is this actually aeris?
ah, no it's ban.
Tyler Sanchez
Beer-30 >This is an actual brand Natty Ice
I do that too, sometimes. Sometimes I just lay there because it's the most relaxing and comforting thing to do.
Go brush your teeth when you wake up. That helps me get up and moving. That, and sometimes even my dog is like "Come on, get out of bed" with her actions.
Caleb Thomas
Because I had so little of it while I had the shitbag, also need some more fiber to9
Jack Morales
did you get some good gear at least from grinding so hard?
Colton Ramirez
I'm not edgy, just kind of edgy I guess. I guess mel·an·chol·y ˈmelənˌkälē noun 1.a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. "an air of melancholy surrounded him"
also thanks a lot murder now I'm getting teased because of that stupid pastebin
Justin Smith
Julian Barnes
Oh, I thought you were referring to the food haha
All I know is he has a lot of PS4 games, don't know what all you could play though
Aiden Thomas
He personally gave me it though.
Kevin Sanders
ha, what a faggot.
what are you doing over here anyway?
John Lee
Brandon Green
Hi Shiro.
Josiah Peterson
Oh i do not. I just think lewd things are lewd. Like using an onahole on your horn... But i'm not a bote, so why should i be a little boat? And since you didn't answer... How're you?
Luis Cruz
Eh, Tomoko is pretty popular ironically. She is like the mascot for /r9k/.
Blake Turner
Joshua Edwards
How're you doing?
Andrew Brooks
Owen Allen
The fuck? Ight now I gotta drink this
I got some pretty awesome and sexy weapons for PvP~
What are you, haruhi suzumiya? >So that's what I felt before, glad Im not crazy
Im really good, Just made some food and am getting ready to play some league with akame and mami. it's been raining and thundering all day. kinda a bum day tbh.
Ryan Mitchell
Alexander Cook
Time to get that bleach again Where did you disappear to?
Lucas Robinson
I have always bee a sub :3
What sorta edgy things do you do?!
is it Aeris lol no
Brandon Jackson
I have realized a little too late how cute that picture is.
Cooper James
What I'm not allowed to post here?
Maybe I just wanted to talk with you.
Where do you live?
Brody Myers
But... so many people to talk to already...
Cooper Rogers
playing some ARMA 3, this game is fun
Asher Ortiz
kek some interesting music how are you?
Brody Perez
Fuck it. I'm so confused now. I'm tired lol
Does he do Steam or LoL?
Henry Brown
Hello darkness my old friend
Landon Sanders
this meme needs to die.
unless you mean betty. she's adorable.
no, I didn't say that. I just was curious what you're doing.
you know who I am you dumbass.
Oliver Ward
Something about my drifting. See You're on your own with Fiber m8. I don't even know if I get enough fiber.
Hi Esdeath I don't know who that is I listen to edgy music and I buy guns and swords and stuff and I sometimes think edgy things. I'm not really that edgy though.
Easton Nelson
I actually forgot about this
Andrew Howard
There's some beef going on at my old hood, it placed me in a strange fighting mood
Dude this fucking weapon, I can make it fully auto, burst OR semi auto... tho semi sucks ass but still dat options
Charles Thompson
Alexander Scott
the presence on my consonance pisses me off. how go the?
Jose Powell
I know WHO you are but I don't know WHERE you are.
Christopher Gomez
Blake Clark
Good game
Colton Morgan
Connor Thomas
oh i missed that, im so bad at this.
very fun too, never played an arma for anything other than dayz
Ethan Morgan
You like it so much that you even felt the need to thank him.
Justin Bell
I've said my home state many times in the other thread.