Hey Cred Forums :)
Trips decides what I do
Hey Cred Forums :)
Other urls found in this thread:
no one gives a shit
Outside nude
look for attention somewhere else pls.
Sharpie in the pooper
i know you irl
Sharpie in the pooper
Rolling to kill yourself...damn not even close
Post nudes
stay in school, drink your milk, and don't do drugs
Fuck so close
Fist yourself .webm, make it hurt.
Post a topless selfie with your driver's license, if you're legal that is.
nude and masturbate. Face included of course.
Fist yourself
good lord you were so close
And post some nudes
do a flip while jumping off of your terrace, dumb whore
Post yours nudes
never post on Cred Forums again
go sleep
tits or gtfo
Write "angélica you sexy whore"
Show yourself pissing full nude on your mom's (or your) bed.
Post nudes with face
Im legal
vid of you cumming.
Do you have downs? also rolling for nudes.
Shave your head, I think you'd look really cute buzzed.
Topless pic while lying down pls.
Post a nude photo of yourself on your own Facebook.
Post results here.
tits and tongue out
You again?
How about you fuck off?
Roll roll roll
Write "ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli" on your tits
Can I plz see some booty Lil white girl
keem them doggies rollin, rawhide
Go to bed I don't post again on Cred Forums for a week
>obvious shoop
get out
Spread pussy lips or gtfo
Post you drooling/spitting on your tits make it sexy
Same bitch from eariller today nobody would waste trips on you baby
Go Vegan
Succ me
Fix your eyebrows
cum with sharpie in the ass
Pussy pic
Go to sleep
Rollin for that white pussycat to be shown
Eat your own shit
Dubs + trips you have to do it now OP
you better do it...
She has started at least 3 of these threads today. She wont post nudes
>Pussy pic
We have WINRAR
My name in your ass
so good ! thanks user !
Stop posting the same tired old thread and fuck off.
I have pics of her DDD tits
comes to my house sucks this nut.
with face plz
winrar, if you don't post i'll hit you with two bricks
She won't deliver my dubs tell the truth
run outside and kick a squirrel, tape it
Sharpie in butthole
show your asshole
if you forgot
Winner winner chicken niggers
Reply or your mom dies in her sleep tonight
And op wont deliver
write WHORE on your face with your mouth as the O
are you like 12? shouldn't you be in bed now? stop fooling around with mommys computer pls
Yes pls
ride a dildo, beg for trump to fuck you hard.
(no face is fine)
Exactly -_-
Text your dad a pic of your tits
Words cannot describe what you've done here today. Gravity has reversed, the tides are still, the earth is spinning on an alternative axis. A legend is born.
Nice trips :)
Didn't say she had to post a pic
Didn't say it had to be hers
Bring up Cred Forums your next conversation say how much you love it.
and ugly
Booooooo gtfo bitch
I don't see titties
Shit in your own mouth and chew it!
Go to bed
Fuck you, poor man's Kara Thrace
Show us your license and tits
Post a picture of YOUR tits and pussy on this thread.
Get your bits out, whore.
I'm ready to come
Off by one
do it do it do it
Bake us cookies
Please actually do it this time. There was a thread with this exact same girl earlier, proven her because she posted a pic with her elbow on request.
This one likely won't deliver, but I hope it does because this girl is a qt3.14
I live in new zealand and the date is only 22/09
What time line is this?
Anyway, rolling for feet show
Would you like to see more? :)
Get dubs
Someone dox op so we can go to her house and gang rape her
You, you go to sleep in more post for you
Are y'all stupid
I have better
GO to bed
LEL, gimme my nudes bitch
Faggot op
turn off computer, go lay down and take a nap
Getting dubs
>blurred photoshop
looks legit neckbeard faggot
we already got trips and dubs you stupid whore
dubs pls, God if you're up there
Dubs for my ravioli ravioli on your titiolis
Oh oh oh i spilled my orange jews
roll tits
Keep teasing, nice and slow
So hard for you right now
Tits or GTFO
OP is such a fucking nigger, also rolling for leaving and never coming back to Cred Forums
We already had trips, now get naked so we can rate you then you can fuck off.
Woah there almost got some trips
dumb bitch, do what the trips told you to do or gtfo
Dubs bitch
fuck off thanks
wow you're posting pics of some bitch off the Internet
you are sure a clever neckbeard OP
Got to bed
Bitch we got dubs three times better have your titties out
Then post them you tard
Exactly one of the pics from earlier. Seeing no new content here. Let's go home, boys. This one's a dud.
lol i dont understand why women seek attention anyways... especially on here. And females that never actually post, always end up being like,
>lol look at all these losers (who i cant see so she dosent know one of us could be world leader) who want to see me naked, i feel empowered now!
OP might be a faggoty bait but somebody needs to do this
Try to seduce your dad or brother. If you can, fuck them.
hey nig nog we got trips
no you don't. you're fat. if i wanted to see shit like yours, i got to any bar, walmart, krogers, meijers, in fact anywhere in the usa. you fat bitches are everywhere. you're like nats.
eat less, ffs.
You guys are no fun. Boring.
replying to obvious b8
SORRY guys you got baited
Op won't deliver.
Finger in butthole
yeah too bad you ran out of pics of the bitch you're stalking OP
pics are from earlier. op is a fag not the actual chick
trips overthrows dubs every time sweet heart, now bend over and lets see that pussay
ur a goddess plz show boobs
Stupid fucking hore, tits or gtfo
fag baited us
Go to bed and stop whoring around for attention from a bunch of ugly virgins whose only social interractions consist of those found within video games
good you stupid whore
Nothing to lose in Cred Forums amigo.
please an hero. Like now.
Bring justice back to Sherwood Forest.
bye neckbeard
kek, gj neckbeard homo
U bitch lol jk i get pussy fuck your shriveled tits
And this is the elbow pic from earlier.
I told you faggots, this ones'a fake
You're beautiful. Seriously. I've never seen you but I can guarantee you that you are. You are a woman. You are a female homo sapien. And for that reason you will always be a magnificent heralding of what millions of years of evolution has to offer, and men will find it mesmerizing. You are nature's work of art. You don't have to be the Mona Lisa or the sistine chapel to be beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of, honey. It's hard in our rigorously elitist society of late, but you are without a doubt attractive and appealing to the opposite (or same) sex. The tips in this thread will help, but confidence cannot be faked. Just know that you're fabulous and the world will follow you along.
Gotta roll for this
OP here. That's where I was before I came here.
And I showed tits because they weren't faggots like you.
Go away. You can't fake being a freak... there's the real thing having fun on the next thread.
Reposting images of a cocktease so we can't look up pictures. Smart, but you're still a bum
Fuck off already faggot no one cares
Seriously? Damn it OP. Ahhhhhh. Here's my tits pic. (.Y.) Cred Forums 21/9/16
Atart a progressive rock/rap band. Change your name to silversmith. Move to tallahassee and start selling car parts until your band takes off. On all nights you play poker and you get a tat of the Red Queen on your forearm. Also show tits with permanent marker saying for the lulz
so how long have you realized you're in the closet, user?
god would you please stop posting that ugly trap
nice boobz. thanx bb
actually that looks crazy like a girl I used to bang
she'd be 27/28 by now tho
>be OP
>make thread attention whoring
>Cred Forums does as expected and requests nudes
>gets butthurt and leaves without delivering
Why did you even make this thread? What did you expect us to tell you? Fucking nigger
You have an ugly ass face anyway so hopefully you didnt expect us to call you cute and give you the positive reinforcement you need but don't deserve
posting nudes if trips
Go to bed
Kik account please
why? I can Google that shit.
god damn you're stupid
shes cute, fuck
keep them doggies rollin, rawhide
bless you user
True hero
sharpie in pooper
OP isnt even the girl but at least someone delivered tits
Don't be disapoint guys, images are stolen from previous thread today
literal hero
Like you could get any irl
Random pic but damn them lips tho
You must be new faggot
user is right
Very creative. You must be smart. I'll bet your mommy' proud. You should go to bed. School starts early.
> short bus don't come til 9:00
lovin those lips bb
escalators, escalators, escalators!!!...... eeeeellllss......
Being this new
OP here. I showed tits there. Your link got cut off.
Saved. Thanks user
check'em faggots
I'll bet you're a Trumpfag too. :^)
at least i'm not fat, kek.
fuck off to tumblr, would you?
ugly bitch do an hero or timestamp tits
post ur feet pls
Show me your dick.
Good pasta though.
Show us your dick.
Even I look more effeminate than you and I am not even on hormones yet.
is taken http:randomarchive.com/board/b/thread/704861939 earlier today
Go to sleep and kiss your doggie goodnight
>haven't seen this 1000+ times
Get out.
shit, give me a 69, dear Lord Jesus
oh wow you think that cringing post was either clever or creative
Is that you Julie? If you are Julie from Walnut Creek then you have changed over the years.
Nah. I won't for either. But I'm glad you don't like him either.
Honestly just post ur ass already
posting tits if 69
Wow. Post them if dubs
fuck off, i've seen the post but at least there were tits
>jumping on the bandwagon like any other faggot on here
please an hero
Lord Christ gimme a 69
Show face and tits (:
yess, i did it
Roll. With timestamp
>being this baited
Those lips are killing me... the desire to kiss them is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. But alas that will never happen. And when this thread dies, I'll never see those lips again, but they will never fade from my memory.
Goodbye, Sweet user.
Thank you.
how are you going to stop me from posting that faggot
Still no date gtfo
lurk moar faggot
posting sharpie in pooper if trips
69 cmon
cmon baby
You're fucking nasty. You're what's wrong with women these days, and these idiots giving you attention aren't helping.
You're the ones that should an hero. The world would be better without idiocracy-faggot fucks like you breeding.
In fact, I think all food should be laced with birth control. Very small amounts, small enough so that if your diet is what it should be, you'll remain fertile.
But if you stuff your fucking fat fuck face like you do, the amounts should add up and make you infertile.
No-one can deny it: the world would be TREMENDOUSLY better.
Trips plzzz
please god
Op isn't Real. The girl never did honorable people desire :/
virgin detected
I love you show your Face
cmon pls
Why not. Trips get
what is: asking female friend for timestamped selfie, posting it on Cred Forums for laughs and doing nothing else
this is why Cred Forums isn't respected anymore
you're all sellouts
This is rich.
Old as fuck you retards
you want to see user's rancid neckbeard?
lordy jesus give me the 69
Post tits and face
what is: faggots staying up too late on a school night
Google you fucking queers
fuck this, i rolled like 30 times and didnt get shit, fuck off
fucking rolling
Roll 7 for more of my gf
We aren't that fucked up yet, user. There are still plenty of skinny girls. I fuck them. You can have all the nasty, lazy, can't-even-fucking-care-about-themselves useless fat fuck bitches.
IT's 96, post ass!
Based on that pic idk
Hang yourself
Roll for sharpie
What in the absolute fuck?
Every single time, people fall for obvious bait.
The rule is;
>OP won't deliver
The exception is;
>OP delivered.
posting tits if 71
>8th graders
pick one
fuck off ugly piece of sheit
are bigs (:
posting more if dubs
so very nice
loving this girl, reroll
off topic I know but why do liberals always post really gay drawings of fish when I challenge them on their fallacies like global warming?
.... google that picture retard
I can google that skank myself user
don't need dubs
fuck off, im just scrolling
why are you even replying to these faggots?
just an hero or gtfo
no I'm waiting for OP to deliver
fuck off
Nigger the fuck?
Why would you ask me that?
Have I ever challenged your political opinions in any way?
>Drumpfies BTFO
My gf ass roll 7 for more
Just wondering what all the fish shit is, and why do they always seem to answer my replies with them.
Is this some kind of liberal spam or something?
rolling. but no time stamp....
No; and if you're genuinely uninformed, let me enlighten you:
>Bait = Anything that'll draw attention
>Falling for bait = Feeding the troll/Attention whore
>That's all there is to the whole bait thing, but it has become a meme.