Tl;dr: Cops shooting blacks: Whose side are you on? And why?

Tl;dr: Cops shooting blacks: Whose side are you on? And why?

So, what do you guys think about the shooting that happened in Tulsa a few days ago? More racist cops? A Nervous Nellie female officer who made a reckless mistake? Or was the shooting justified?

Also, there was apparently another shooting last night, in North Carolina, with riots and looting already having happened.

> Video of Tulsa police shooting Terence Crutcher sparks outrage

Yahoo article:


Usually, I'm inclined to side with the police officers, who are out there on the streets having to deal with the worst society has to offer. Thugs, gangbangers, pimps, drug dealers, druggies, rapists, violent abusers, mentally ill maniacs and general fuck-ups, on a daily basis. And many of these violent criminals are straight fucking savages, who will have no problem fucking up or taking the lives of good people in their own community. Basically, it's a war on the streets and these fucking gangster/thugs/criminals who police so often have to deal with are legitimately dangerous, violent and downright fucking scary people who are roaming the streets and fucking up the lives and communities of others. So, IMO, basically, you have to have hardcore cops who aren't soft, who are not afraid to confront and deal with these people, and who are always ready to get it on and be violent, if the need arises or the situation calls for it.

To those of you who may disagree with me on this, just think about your child running away and being on the streets with these motherfuckers and how awful it would be to have to go to the streets and try to find your child who may be around/with these lowlife motherfucking criminals. If you find yourself in a situation like that, you may just realize how much you actually need and truly appreciate law enforcement.


Other urls found in this thread:


Nigher lives don't matter.

>tl;dr cops shooting criminals


.... Continued from OP:

With that stated, at a glance, this Tulsa shooting seems to be completely unnecessary. Why the fuck did this woman deem it necessary to shoot this fucking guy? What was he doing that caused her to think that he was a legitimate threat or that she was realistically in imminent danger?

Or, was this shooting somehow justified?

Also, I am incredibly curious about this, with black people being so aware of the recent shootings of black men by police officers, why the fuck do they so often behave in a way that is even possibly considered threatening or suspicious? Why not just put your hands up, hold still, and follow their orders, to try to make sure that you do not get shot?

> Pic related: The officer who shot the guy in Tulsa.




tulsa iam with the dead guy on this one, he was already tazed and she went fucking nuts, did you hear her husband in the helicopter? as for NC no clue, no pics of the man prior to the shooting but from what i understand the officers seen the gun and just went ballistic with out asking for his licenese or carry conceal.


>Whose side are you on?

Whichever side has the facts. Which is sometimes the cops and sometimes the black community. Case by case basis is the only logical way to look at the situation.

Thanks for the detailed, thorough replies. Great contributions to the thread.

Also, I rarely go to reddit, but it doesn't seem to be that bad a site. I just don't like the setup on there. So, go fuck yourself.

And if you took the time to read what I took the time to write, you'd see that I stated that I was usually inclined to be on the side of the police officers. However, I try to be realistic and reasonable, and this shooting that took place in Tulsa a few days ago seemed to be unnecessary. However, after starting a couple of these threads yesterday, I learned some new shit about the situation that changed my opinion a little bit.

Supposedly, they found PCP in the guy's car, and, it seems, that the guy was acting strangely, was blatantly ignoring the officer's commands, and was directly walking away from the officers to, seemingly, try to get back inside his vehicle, despite having been told repeatedly to not do that. He was also apparently a large guy, who seemed to be on drugs and was behaving strangely, and was not listening to the commands of the officers, so I can certainly see why he would be perceived as a potential thread. Especially, since he seemed to be trying to get back to his vehicle, while having multiple officers around him telling him not to do it, while having a gun pointed at him.

If all that is true, what the fuck was the guy doing? Why the fuck would he take a chance with his life, by directly and repeatedly ignoring the officers' commands, even after having them draw down on him with a firearm?

Not the cops, ever.

Nigger confirmed

Or white trash

Care to elaborate on why you side with the victim/suspect in this one? Why do you think the cop was out of line and that the shooting wasn't justified?

I agree with this. It's a good way to think and come to conclusions. Honestly, though, being realistic, I can't help but think that, by far, most cops specifically don't want to shoot someone and possibly take a person's life. Furthermore, I think that most of these guys who have been getting shot lately act unreasonably and foolishly and make the situation much worse than it needs to be, and, ultimately, end up contributing them losing their own life. Plus, as I've stated in previous threads, cops have to deal with the lower part of society on a daily basis, and I'm sure it paints a negative picture and affects their perspective eventually, after dealing with fucking lowlife criminal scumbags so often.

Think about it, if you had to confront, argue with, and often chase or fight with people who were often gangsters, drug dealers, thieves, abusers, drunks, drug addicts, and people who have mostly committed some sort of crime, often on an almost daily basis, don't you think it would likely make you jaded and frustrated and angry?

Also, I'll ask it again: IF there is such a problem with cops shooting black men, and incredible amounts of attention are being brought to the problem all over the country, WHY THE FUCK DOES ANY BLACK PERSON STILL DECIDE THAT THEY ARE GOING TO NOT LISTEN TO A POLICE OFFICER'S COMMANDS AND, INSTEAD, DISOBEY THEIR ORDERS AND ACT SUSPICIOUSLY????

Someone, please try to explain this to me.

Why do you say this? And are you black? Or another minority? Or have you just had bad interactions with the police? Or, is it something else?

video is proof enough, they already tazed the man then just started to blast at him like he was a target dummy who could not do anything!

I'm actually white, in the US, red state, top 2% too.

Cops are all liars. You're retarded to to trust them after they kill someone.

I have seen the video. Isn't this dude just an old relifag or something? He did nothing that justified the shooting. You guys should train your cops better. Looked like an execution to me.

not really, most of the people ive known or have known about in my life that tend to get killed by cops actually fucking deserve it, hispanic native american mix! and as some do, i go from reading about what i can in case to case!

To elaborate....
They have to lie.
They can't admit they kill people when they didn't have to. Their job requires public trust. Without it they can't do their job. And so they lie.

And idiots trust them, and think we need them.

You shouldn't, we don't. Not nearly at the level they've convinced us that we do, anyway.

Dude was on drugs and reached into his car refused to listen to the officer. She didn't go to work to die that day. Listen to the police and that's it. They are in edge as they keep on getting killed. Nignogs are thugs we all know it.

quit dreaming, nothing was heard from the dash cam, and he was tazed, nothing more than that!

So, I'm curious, what would you do, how would you feel, if your son or daughter ran away and was on the streets, in a bad area, where many of these shootings occur? Would you maybe be happy and appreciate that the cops would be available to help you find your child? Or what if your mom had an abusive boyfriend and she lived far form you, would you be grateful to be able to call the local police for her, so that they could go to her home and try to help and protect her?

I've been fucked over by the police and by the courts, and I used to very much dislike cops. When I was 19, I did 30 days in county jail for what was considered 'Criminal Trespassing', but was actually loitering in a grocery store plaza parking lot, and what it literally was, was several teenage kids hanging out in a parking lot in a small town, with no drugs, no alcohol, no fighting, and no other crimes being committed, and we were just hanging out in this parking lot because there wasn't much to do for teenagers. I still don't understand how/why the fucking judge sentenced me to do those 30 days. And they actually tried to sentence me to 6 months, which still could have happened, but the 30 days was the minimum that I had to do.

I've also been arrested, taken to jail, was bailed out, then, went to court, over a 'Carrying A Concealed Weapon' charge; and when I decided to take it to trial, the cop who arrested me, sat on the stand, was asked what happened, and he described how he pulled me over, clearly saw the gun in the extra cap of my truck, and arrested me and took me to jail. So, my attorney asked him, "if you clearly saw the gun, how was it concealed?" And the cop literally stuttered and then didn't have a response, and I was found to be 'Not Guilty'. But I was taken to jail, had to pay a bond, and had to pay for an attorney, which all fucking sucked.

So, I have reasons of my own to hate the police; but I try to be realistic and reasonable.

if your not going to do what the police tell you to do, expect to get shot. these nigger think its racist, when actually its because none of them can fucking listen.

Short answer: I don't blame the cops, I blame the lack of good father figures in black communities.

Slightly longer answer: A majority of black children are born to single mothers and the closest thing they have to fathers are the young black men killing each other and selling drugs, until they end up in prison and the next generation takes over and repeats the cycle.

Fix the house and you can easily remedy the thug culture which is what keeps police on guard in majority black neighborhoods.

The police also need better training, it seems that they're tossed to the wolves far too early and don't have proper techniques developed to deal with the stressful situations.

Finally, yes, there are racist cops, just like there are racist people in every area of life, but i highly doubt they're actively searching out black people they can murder to get their rock off; that's just an asinine assumption.

it's the black guys fault, he tried to walk away from the cops and he tried to reach into his car, thats called non-compliance

Well, that's pretty crude, but, quite frankly, pretty fucking accurate. And that's why I asked, if black people look at the cops as though they are ready and willing to shoot them nowadays, why the fuck do they keep behaving in ways that can even possibly give a cop a reason to think that they are a threat?

Literally, why do these people not listen? What is the answer to this question?

hyper-aggressive tendencies.

nigger definitely confirmed

I know most of you are still in high school so this will mean nothing to you. But, when I look back on my class and think about which kids became cops, it sure as hell wasn't the smartest, or the bravest or the ones with the strongest moral compass.

In most cases it was the failed athlete/jock bully who had no backup plan should they fail to get a scholarship, and had poor grades. Of that group, some joined the army others the cops.

sometimes the truth isnt what people want to hear. ive been arrested before a few times (smoking dope behind the school and petty shit like that, didnt get charged for anything. we were all kids once) the first time I got arrested i did the whole you cant control me bullshit and then i realised after getting the shit beaten out of me im a fucking shithead and the cop was totally justified. to this day me and the cop are actually mates and regular meet up for a beer and watch the rugby down at the local footy club.

just so you niggers know there is vest cam evidence he had a gun and pointed at them

If I was a cop, I'd shoot as many niggers as I could.

I'd get a Crimestoppers Award.

Tulsa user here, shit is slowly getting out of hand. preparing for the chimpouts this weekend.

Tulsa guy, are you still here? I used to check out the threads on here asking people what they thought were the most-violent/dangerous/crime-ridden cities in America, and places like Detroit, Flint, Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, Miami, Camden, Oakland, were always mentioned, but more than once, someone from Tulsa posted and claimed that Tulsa is no fucking joke and that the crime and violence there is fucking awful these days. They compared it to Chicago and Detroit and said that the Mexican cartels set up shop on the huge reservations near Tulsa (maybe, OKC, too) and sold large amounts of drugs in the area. They also said that the black gangs were incredible violent, and that there are also major problems with human trafficking and corrupt cops and politicians in /around Tulsa.

Do you know anything about this? Is Tulsa really that bad these days? And if so, who is mostly responsible for the crime and violence there?

Tune into Fox News to watch the chimp out. I would run over all of those fucking retards walking in the highway.

Fucking chimp out.

You have no fucking idea. Ive been to alot of big cities, Chicago, Miami, Dallas etc, and i only feel unsafe here in the real Terror Town. I live on the north side (bad side) and I have not gone a single day since 09 without hearing gunshots in my neighborhood. I hate this place. Norf T really is no joke. And everything you have heard about the cartels on the reservations is true.

Also I have had 3 cars stolen within the past 2 years

very well made video

I've been watching and thinking the same thing.

Kill em all let God sort em out?

Why can't black people get pulled over and just comply? Hands up, shut up, take your ticket and go home.


Same user here, I would like to say im dirt fucking poor and will not have a home in a months time, if there are any anons on any side of the country with a couch to sleep on for a while until i get a job and a new life, please help, im serious.

Who honestly fucking cares we are all Cred Forumstards we clearly don't give a fuck

>trying to find a mature debate
>in a thread about cops killing black people
>on Cred Forums

Don't shoot he's just eating cow shit

Actual cop here. Its always hard for me to know who to blame unless im in the situation or know ALL the facts. However, we are hammered to learn to use REASONABLE measures and force. I just dont see the Tulsa situation to be reasonable.

Ha, I live in Tulsa. I'm white, and the cops get called because I smoke weed sometimes and my neighbor smells it. It's outside though, so it's gone when they get here. Fucking pigs dented my fuckin door. I feel that the African Americans here are mostly the normal aggressive dropouts, but there are a decent number of real people in there.

Well, from what I gathered after reading some of a thread that was on Cred Forums early this morning, there was a black guy who was streaming video of the protests that were happening shortly after the guy in North Carolina was shot, and he was talking about how it was peaceful and how that was a great thing and how it should be. Then, apparently, some of the black protestors started talking about going and looting a Walmart and, then, they apparently did just that. And the black guy who was streaming footage of it was apparently visibly disappointed and disgusted by the people who decided to go fuck up and loot the Walmart. So, the shit is apparently already going badly in NC.

Are you being serious? Parts of Tulsa are comparable, maybe even worse, than the rough parts of Chicago, Dallas and Miami?

I will say that from what the guy from Tulsa who posted a few months back described, it is really bad there. He said that young girls are being kidnapped and forced in to prostitution at an alarming rate. Like, it's an epidemic there in/around Tulsa. He also said that the kidnapped girls will typically be drugged and held captive and forced to have sex with men for several months, until they are literally used up and barely living, then, they will kill the girls and dump their bodies somewhere. It was fucking horrible to even read the way he described the shit. He also said that much of the police force and political offices there in Tulsa are corrupt as fuck and that the cops and politicians are often involved with the drug cartels and even the human traffickers, which was fucking disgusting to hear.

Btw, if you had to answer honestly, who would you say is mostly responsible for the crime and violence in/around Tulsa? Is it the blacks? The Mexican cartels? White trash?

Also, it does seem as though Tulsa is noticeably bad these days, as they seem to have been featured on The First 48 more than any other city over the past several months.

You're retarded.

Dubs of truth

Didn't look like the guy was "reaching through his closed window", so fuck the cops for lying.

Bitch cop fucked up and probably won't be properly punished. meh. I'm white so who cares?

More white people are killed by cops than black people, in many of the same ways and situations.

Yet because their is more white people it doesn't matter.

This is the most dangerous precedent that is being set in this whole hysteria.

As white people our deaths at the hands of cops mean less because their is more of people not realize how fucking racist this actually is?

I believe by the end of my life (27 currently) I will be more fearful for my safety because of being white, than blacks believe themselves to be currently.

Sad thing is even though we have vast numbers, people are so brainwashed into not wanting to be racist, we will never be able to eradicate the real problem which is violent black men who live in poverty.

As far as the forced prostitution thing, every time i go to walmart, the wall with all the missing teens photos is almost entirely covered in 13-19yo girls. Also north tulsa was once the most wealthy black neighborhood in the world i think, until the nat gaurd bombed it flat during the race riot. The mexicans will throw lead your way for even looking at them wrong.

OP here, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, my man. I would be glad to try to help you out, but I'm also poor (just not poor to the point of being homeless right now), and I'm in Arizona, so there's not much that I can do. It would be really fucking cool if there was a rich user who saw your post and offered to help you out, though. So, here's hoping that someone does help you out or that something good comes through for you and helps you get yourself in to a better situation!

Personally it was a strange situation, he had his hands up sure, but he was moving to his car and trying to get in.

At this point a police officer has to quickly figure out if this is dangerous or not, as soon as that door opens the guy could reach in and grab a gun (we have seen it many times before not with blacks but with all races) or it could have been to reach in and get documentation for the police.

Did she panic? I am not sure, it did sound a bit like it when she reported shots fired over the radio.

Again this is something police face all the time, what seems like a innocent movement to the car either the driver's seat or the boot of the car out of view can be a deadly incident with a reach of a weapon stashed somewhere. Again this has been proved to happen and has been recorded a number of times.

Lets discuss noncompliance and appropriate force. Noncompliance = consequence. But in a world of tasers does that consequence inveritably have to be death 100% of the time? The first cop obviously thought incapacitating a non compliant subject through shocking his shit was enough, meanwhile, chickenshit Annie panicked and resulted to lethal force. My question is, why do cops make the conscious decision to shoot and ask questions to a corpse when its literally just as easy (as proven by the competent cop whos tazed the guy) to taze first and ask questions later? This is whats wrong here, not racism, incompetence in terms of proper tools for proper situations

Thanks user, its good to know there is other good people. I dont want a rich user to give me money, I just want a friend really. Its kinda hard right now.

Are you honestly a police officer? If so, what city/state, if you wouldn't mind answering? How long have you been a cop for? And do you typically have to deal with any/many black people? If so, what are your thoughts on them?

Also, have you ever had to use your firearm on someone? Or know an officer who has shot/killed someone? If so, what was that like? And the aftermath, was there guilt, regret, anger, sadness?

Also, what are your thoughts in general about black people? Black criminals? Did becoming a LEO change your opinion/perspective in any way?

And what age, race/color are you?

Sorry to hear this, I hope you find something soon and your good fortunes turn around for the better.

I don't mean to make you a case study, but I wish Americans would notice that this is starting to be more common than usual, so many Americans are ignorant to their country.

There is many towns and cities in poor situations and in most cases slums, because funding is not there to bring stability to the town/city with employment etc.

>that pic

Top kek

Im for sure a case study user, my parents were drug addicts that left me when i was 13. Ive been bouncing around jobs and places to stay ever since.

Yes im a deputy here in North Georgia. Ive been a deputy for around 7 years and have been active in the law enforcement field for around 10.

I deal with plenty of blacks all the time. Honestly its like dealing with anyone else. Our main issue here is sur 13 and hispanic gangs. However we do have some black gangs here as well.

Ive pointed my firearm at MANY people in my career but have never had to actually discharge it. One of my friends on a different shift has had to shoot at someone before. The guy was trying to run over him and our sgt. The man he shot died almost instantly (as people tend to do when you hit them in the head).

But in all honesty, this job can get to a lot of people and most of the situations i see come from a lack of training. Also, egos are a huge set back for a lot of officers. Our biggest issue is mainly suicides from stress on the job, not even felons trying to kill us.

Also, im 29 and white

>White cop mirroring my theory its 100% an issue of incopetence
>>mfw no one IRL understands that and needs a white cop to explain it to them instead

I'm not one of those people who indiscriminately hates law enforcement, the victims, or anyone else involved in these unfortunate shootings - so I've got a lot of respect for your experience and perspective.

I've never fired or even pointed a weapon at someone, so I can only imagine that such situations never have a happy ending.

People don't understand that being a officer is an actual occupation that comes with a huge amount of stress.

Police officers are towards the top of the list in annual suicides by occupation, but way down the list in annual salary.

Being exposed to violence on a daily basis causes all kinds of depression and behavioral side effects that nobody ever talks about when discussing police shootings.

Thanks user! Its nice to hear some people out there still at least slightly still like us haha.

FYI, I meant that gesture sincerely. If I were well-off financially, I would be glad to give you some money so that you could try to get yourself a place to stay, and get yourself composed and stable for a while and not have to stress and sorry about shit on a daily fucking basis. I've been there (and am basically there right now, just not homeless; but, I generally have to pay my rent on the last day of the 4-5-day grace period each month, because I live paycheck-to-paycheck). So, I know what it's like to struggle, and to not have a place to live, and to not be able to count on friends. I'm actually an oldfag by the standards on these boards, so I have had plenty of struggles over the years (mostly, brought on by myself); but I also have learned more about humility and gratitude and to not care so much about stupid shit that really isn't important (material items, mostly; but, also, unnecessary friendships; and realizing that being a recluse who doesn't bother, or get bothered by, others is a pretty cool thing, for some of us, anyway).

So, again, here's hoping that things get better for you, that you find yourself a place to stay, and that you get yourself at least one or two legitimate, good friends who are true and loyal and who will help you get through the tough times!

On one side cops are kind of dicks in general even when you try to be nice on the other side if a nigger breaks into my house the first thing I'm going to do is call the cops.

It's a conundrum.

its not a racial issue its a rights issue.

also each case is different to call all these incidents a general hate against black people is asinine without proof.

I am on the side of justice.
regardless of color.

I think the police are not being trained properly
they react too soon, they also use excessive force at every turn. Someone just looks at the cops wrong and they get tazed when the cop could have just restrained them with ease and cuffed them.

Cops are asking for identity, then freaking out when the person reaches for their wallet.
>License and registration please
>Sure thing officer *reaches for wallet*
>Oh shit! You're armed! *Fires 12 shots into them*

this is not okay. but it's also not okay for idiots to be resisting police and mouthing off to them. Police are not your mommy and daddy, they represent the LAW. The law of the land is the law, you cannot argue with it. So really, people are just stupid on all sides.

Looks like he's fapping in the street lol omg haha wtf

I realize that you stated that you like to have ALL the facts before coming to a conclusion, but seeing as that's not possible here right now, do you have an opinion on whether or not this officer should have shot the guy in Tulsa? Should she realistically have even needed her weapon to be drawn? Do you understand why she may have felt threatened, concerned, nervous about/while in this situation?

And, based on what you know/have read/seen about this Tulsa shooting, how do you think you would have handled it? Would you have had your weapon drawn at the point that she drew hers? And what would you have likely done, if you were in that situation, with a large male acting strangely, who is repeatedly ignoring your commands, while walking away from you and (seemingly) trying to get access to the inside of his vehicle?

Also, do you think the guy who got shot in Tulsa is a fucking moron for behaving the way he did and blatantly ignored the officers' commands? Do you at least give him some of the blame for getting himself shot?

Why did I rofl at this picture


i appreciate the good vibes user, i really do. If had more than $1.43 in my pocket, i would send you a rack to just for shits and giggles. Its hard to make friends in this hell hole of a city, but i sure am trying. :)

Thanks dubs, a blowjob would suffice

>>Should she realistically have even needed her weapon to be drawn?

This is what bothers the shit outta me. Why was anyone pulling a gun or taser out? I would have been offering to give him a push, clearly he was having car trouble. These officers involved should be fired at the very least, and the woman who pulled the trigger should be tried for manslaughter. Why the fuck would guns be drawn at a highway breakdown?

In my jurisdiction and area, our use of deadly force is justified in the sense that it stops either
1.) A fleeing forcible felon
2.) Someone in the act of doing a forcible felony
3.) To stop someone from doing you or a 3rd part SERIOUS bodily harm or lethal harm.

I dont see this fitting any of those, so if your asking an opinion RIGHT NOW, I say its a bad shoot.

And for me personally, i would have hit up dispatch for another unit to be en route and talk to him and keep him in sight until i had some help to subdue and restrain him physically.

Veteran street cop reporting in.
Cops aren't out to shoot black guys. If you don't already know this, leave this discussion.
No one is going to risk their own freedom, career, future and everything they have worked for unless they are facing a life-or-death decision.
It's real easy: Don't fight the cops, do as we tell you and don't run.
Every once in a while a cop will fuck up and shoot someone who isn't threatening them, or isn't armed, but those are mistakes or panic - hardly intentional. Adrenaline can affect your gross motor skills and trash your fine motor skills, leading you to squeeze off a round when you shouldn't.
The only one I've seen that looked intentional was in SC about 9 months ago when the guy fought and ran away and the cop shot him in the back 8 times or whatever. Anyway, fuck any of of you who believe the pieces of shit who lie to the camera,

I was pulled over for DUI once by a female cop, she said she suspected pot and said she could "smell" it so she demanded I get out of the car. When I did, she threatened to taze me and cuffed my hands because I was tall and intimidating her, she unbuttoned my pants and forcefully gave me a blowjob threatening to shoot me if I resisted, so I couldn't do anything but let her do it. she got my dick hard and pushed me backwards onto the hood of my car and forcefully raped me,. then took me in and booked me for drunk driving. I got out the next night and never went back to drinking and driving. cops out there are crazy as fuck.

Sorry to do this, but I really like to get insight from people who are actually personally experienced with shit like this, so I copied and pasted the questions I asked the cop form Georgia. Like with him, if you wouldn't mind answering at least a few questions, it would be appreciated.

Are you honestly a police officer? If so, what city/state, if you wouldn't mind answering? How long have you been a cop for? And do you typically have to deal with any/many black people? If so, what are your thoughts on them?

Also, have you ever had to use your firearm on someone? Or know an officer who has shot/killed someone? If so, what was that like? And the aftermath, was there guilt, regret, anger, sadness?

Also, what are your thoughts in general about black people? Black criminals? Did becoming a LEO change your opinion/perspective in any way?

And what age, race/color are you?

Working african americans, ok. Niggers, time to go. That simple. Black nigger lives do NOT matter.

This circles back to my argument of appropriate force, though. I think to the mentally competent, its established that non-compliance is the fault of the citizen alone, but would you categorize this one as an appropriate use of lethal force, keeping in mind someone already deployed a tazer? Thats what id like to see consequences for.

He had a book, not a gun.


This needs to be seen by more people!

>The only one I've seen that looked intentional was in SC about 9 months ago when the guy fought and ran away and the cop shot him in the back 8 times or whatever.

I often think about that same incident, which happened in South Carolina, if I recall correctly. And I agree, how could that one possibly be justified? Why did that officer decide to shoot that guy in that situation? I wonder what his explanation was/will be at trail (assuming it goes to trial)?

The other shooting that was strange, was the one that happened in Chicago, that actually took place over a year ago, but that the video form was ordered to be made public maybe 5-6 months ago. Dashcam video (I think) showed some young black kid running through the streets of Chicago, with a knife in his hand (I think), and he had apparently slashed the tires on a cop car and was just running wildly like a fucking maniac down the street for several minutes. Then, some cops get ahead of him, and one cop pulls out his gun and empties the motherfucking clip in to the kid. Shot him 15-16 times, if I'm not mistaken. I'm also very curious what that officer's explanation was/will be at trail/in court. Why did this officer decide to shoot this kid so many times??

And there was also the guy in Minnesota, which happened like 2-3 months ago, whose girlfriend actually recorded some of the incident/immediately aftermath on her cell phone camera where the cop seemed to shoot the guy after he had gone out of his way to tell the officer that he had a gun and was being helpful and compliant. That one also seemed to make no sense.

Assuming that you two cops are familiar with these 3 particular shootings, what are your thoughts on them? Any/all of them justified? Or any/all of them blatantly bad shootings?

>Using videos of white people shooting cops
I'm confussed.

0000.1 Shekel deposited at your account.

North Ga deputy here again. Im not familiar with the story of the kid and the knife or the man admitting he had a gun. However, i agree that the SC shooting was clearly uncalled for.

She was obviously on her period.

Police shouldn't even fucking exist

Fuck the blacks. If you don't understand why, it means you aren't old enough.

I'm sure you heard about the kid in Chicago with the knife; it was major fucking news. The district attorney had held the video back until literally the last day that he legally could keep it concealed, I think, and some reporter had pressed the issue and demanded that it be made public. People were expecting it to be a damning video, which it was, and they were concerned about protests and violence by black people in Chicago, which Chicago got. The shooting may have been reasonable or justified, but he emptied the clip on the kid, literally shot him until he ran out of bullets.

And the guy in Minnesota, I don't know many of the details, but it was fairly recent, like, maybe, 2-3 months ago, and it was sad and fucking heartbreaking, because the guy's fiancee was recording on her cell phone and started crying after the cop shot her man, and she said something like, "No, no. What did you do? Why did you take him form me? You killed him." Or something like that, and it was in a sad, desperate, hurtful tone, from what I recall. And that shooting seemed to be completely unnecessary; but, I didn't follow the details as much as I should have.

Also, did you watch this video ? Like this user pointed out, this video needs to be watched. It is well done, and emotional as a motherfucker, too! Seriously, if you haven't watched this video yet, take 6-7 minutes and watch it. I usually don't take the time to watch videos posted on here, but this is a powerful video with some powerful images that will leave a lasting impression on you.

Agreed, as I mentioned here that video is, indeed, well done, and is really fucking powerful to watch. Thanks for pointing it out, and to the person who posted it in the thread. I wish that all of the BLM supporters and criminal-sympathizers would watch that video and see how it affects them. If you're a reasonable person, I don't see how that wouldn't give you at least something of a different perspective about cops and the people many of them encounter on the streets and have to deal with.

I tend to side with the police most of the time. AT the end of the day they are trying to help the community. 9 times out of 10 its a criminal fighting the police. Btw, the majority of people shot by police in the US are white.

Black guy here

Someone asked if we think the police are out of control, why not listen? Maybe as a martyr stance? Not listening, isnt a reason to be killed, unless there is no doubt that they are attempting to harm you. Ive always said, if a civilian and get away with it, cops shouldnt be able to. If I get into an argument and the guy reaches for his pocket, I will be guilty, if I shot him, on that basis, alone. I dont believe a person should have to mindlessly comply and throw out their rights, if they're innocent, just because they're black, and dont want to scare a timid fuckin cop.

Im from Detroit, but recently moved out. I still have my Detroit dress style. I have tattoos, I wear a bandana on my head, I have a beard, and Im a 6ft, built guy. Ive always been told that I look intimidating. Im not about to change the way I dress, and put on a permanent fake smile, just to show timid people that Im not to be feared. Its on them not to profile, judge, and act on those assumptions.

I watched the video once and the nigger wouldn't stop and obey orders. Looked like he went to his car and reached in

Lol I thought the same thing when I was 17

Sgt., 20 year veteran
Like anyone else, many are cool, 5% of them are complete, confrontational, mouthy motherfuckers.
I've pulled my gun countless times, never fired at anyone.
I have a friend who shot a guy after he and his partner were both shot by the guy - mexican, not black.
Black people are people, but but there is a segment of them who are straight up predators who have no value for human life.
Becoming a cop DID change my perspective in a Negative way. I used to chastise people who called them niggers. Now I figure people who call them that have their reasons. It only takes 1 event to change everything. I am still able to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and I treat everyone with respect UNTIL THEY DON'T DESERVE IT ANY LONGER.
I won't be intimidated and I will shoot you if you deserve it and it's justified.
Fun fact: the most racist people in America - are black people.
I'm white and in my 40's. I've had many black friends and still do.

Well actually yes. If it a felony stop and you fail to listen to officer commands, you can be shot.

Yeah that video is very good. And sorry i cant give you an exact, "yes it was right" or "no it wasnt" answer. I cant tell you how many times i get asked that on a regular basis. Mainly by people trying to work me up or something similar to that effect. I will say however, a good piece of information to look at is Grahm v Connor. Good piece of case law that has shaped our use of force to this day. Pretty much all we have to go by is individual departmental policy and that case law.

What I am saying is that there are more white people killed annually by the police than black people. This is just a fact and not surprising when you consider 72% of the entire population in the US is white. What is shocking, and often misquoted, is that black people come in second when it comes to police shootings but only make 14-16% of the population (depending on the census). The real question is why? Is there some conspiracy to kill black folks? Not according to the FBI crime reports. Overwhelmingly people die at the hands of others of the same skin color as themselves. Whites kill whites, blacks kill blacks, Hispanics kill Hispanics. In fact the only time there is even a slight deviation in that department is when it is an officer involved shooting. While its not pleasant to talk about, a population that makes up 14-16% of the whole is responsible for over half the violent crime in the US. Given that level of interaction with the police its not surprising that police involved shootings would match. As I said before, officer interaction and suspect death actually stay pretty even across the races. Now I do agree with Alvin, police should have more training. Where the disconnect seems to be is this narrative that in 2016 there is systematic policies in place with the sole intent of oppression. Quoting 60 year old atrocities (and I totally agree, they were atrocities) more often than not serve only to stoke the fires of racial hatred here in the US. We need to accept the facts of our current situation and try to come up with real viable solutions.

The police were there because someone called in an idle vehicle, and his truck stalled. What are you talking about?

The SC one looks like the cop lost his temper and wanted revenge, but that's just me.
The Chicago deal was def. overkill. No excuse for it.
I believe the MN shooting was an accidental discharge. A terrible mistake made worse when he didn't even give him aid.

That doesn't mean he didn't do something. The investigation will tell us in time.

If you dress like a violent gang member, you are just asking to be profiled.

This is common sense.

I see a black guy in tshirt and jeans I think "Oh, just a guy who happens to have darker skin than me"

I see a black guy with tattoos on his face, pants below his waist, baggy white-T and a grill I think "oh shit this nigger could be dangerous"

Changing the perception of your culture lies solely upon you.

Until your black counterparts stop committing violent crimes at an insanely high rate, and then proceed to let young black children idolize and mimic this lifestyle, you will continue to be profiled because statistics suggest you are more likely to be violent than not.

If black people cannot accept this fact, and if prominent black figures continue to refuse to take responsibility for the real issue, your culture will continue to murder each other and never shake the stigma.

But nobody is willing to face the actual problem facing black Americans today, because if you even suggest that some blame like within the people themselves, you are called racist and then shunned by the increasingly liberal SJW population of America.

Thanks for bumping the thread. Well said, and a reasonable perspective. I'm curious, what race and age are you? And where do you live/are you from?

OP here, I appreciate the response. And I understand your points, but I can't fully agree with all of them. To be straightforward and honest with you, I think a lot of black people think the same way that you do, and that's your right to think that way; but is that really the wisest way to think/stance to take when dealing police officers? Seriously, just because you have the right to think and act that way, if there is a possibility that a police officer is nervous or intimidated by you, and there's a perception that cops are against blacks and black people are against cops, why the fuck would you not want to try to be reasonable and make the best possible choices you can make to ensure that you live through the experience and get back home to your family?

Seriously, please answer and try to explain to me why surviving the encounter with a police officer is not the most important thing to you?

If there's a realistic possibility that my actions and behavior may end up costing me my life or being shot and paralyzed or some shit like that, fuck my ego, fuck my rights, and fuck everything else in that moment besides living through the experience. Because, to be honest, my life is the most important thing to me, especially, in that situation.

FYI, I'm also the guy who described doing 30 days in count jail for a fucking loitering charge, and also being arrested and taken to jail (by a black officer, I might add) for a concealed weapon charge, only to have the police officer who arrested me describe to my attorney and the judge how how pulled me over and clearly saw the rifle in the extra cab of my truck, and for me to be found not guilty on that charge.

Satanic trips of truth?

Are you serious? He refused to comply with officers and walked to his car and reached in the window. Doesn't matter the reason for the stop. How the fuck are the police supposed to know what he is reaching for. Now personally I would have tazed him way before he got to his car door. That was not a bad shoot though. Could have been handled better though.

....continued form this post Also, if you are from Detroit - which, by all accounts, is one of the most-dangerous/violent/crime-ridden cities in America - do you really expect your cops there to not be tough, rugged and hard-motherfucking-core? Dude, if cops in cities like Detroit were soft or passive or even average-tough, they would get eaten alive by the thugs and violent criminals in Detroit. Seriously, think about. In places like Detroit, you have to have hardcore gangster cops to be able to battle with the hardcore gangsters who are fucking up the streets and communities that have been/are being ruined there. And I don't mean that the cops need to be criminals; but I do mean that the cops needs to be tough, courageous and not afraid to be violent themselves, because, otherwise, the criminals in places like that would push them around and bully them and be enabled to commit even more crime and violence to the good people in the city.

Btw, did you watch this video in this post ? If so, what do you think about the message in it? And if not, please take 6-7 minutes and watch it and let me know what you think about it.

Btw, off-topic, but I have to ask, as I'm a huge fan, do you like Eminem? Have you ever met him? And what do you think of him?

I'm aware of it, but I haven't seen it. Trust me, I give the cops the benefit of the doubt, but I don't know enough to have an opinion on the shoot yet. NBD

I am 33, white and I have lived damn near everywhere. San Diego, Baltimore MD, Houston TX, Richmond VA, Lusaka Zambia, Savannah GA, Dubai, Suva Fiji, Cork Ireland Capetown SA...

I dont know if you were referencing me, specifically, but I dont sag, nor do I have tattoos on my face. And profiling by dress code is never the fault of the dressee. While people are notorious for child molestation. I dont hide my daughters from white people. Ive met people dressed as thugs, that were some of the nicest, and Ive met whites dressed as "Thomas", and they were a waste of oxygen. I dont profile. I treat everyone with individual opinion.

I dont mind dying a martyr. Im not trying to, but Im not afraid to. But if I did die, I wouldnt be dying for "black people". I would be dying to showcase unfair treatment, based on something as stupid as dress code. I dont like the police, anyways, because Ive had bad experiences.

The dispatcher said he was complying. If he was really a threat, why did noone else shoot, other than the twat? The nigga in the helicopter profiled him as a "bad guy", when he wasnt even doing anything, and even after they shot him, there was absolutely no attempt at first aid.

Have to let the cops shoot the criminals until Trump is elected and places bounties for all to collect

Dindu nuffin


well niggers gonna nig

Believe it or not, we dont have police brutality issues in Detroit. And I cant watch the video. No data, and shit. Eould take roughly 20 mins to buffer the video. And Eminem is my idol. Hes the reason I started rapping. And no, Ive never met him. But my aunt went to school with royce, my mom used to fuck royce, and I sat outside Proofs funeral while my aunt attended. My aunt was in the club the night he was killed. And I also used to live right up the block from Bizzare.

To add on, my only issues with the police, was in Utah. I lived there for about a year.

I'm an actual LEO.

These situations are tough to judge due to not being able to see all of the facts until the case is already over with. Videos, audio, and "witness accounts" do not always represent the situation honestly. They only capture a small piece.

The problem is that you have to have all of the pieces to see the complete puzzle. The reason there is usually stipulation that the officer's point of view is given the utmost priority, is because the jury and judge are trying to decide what a "reasonable officer" would do in the same situation.

>I dont profile

Yes you do because you are human, you can't turn off your visual senors and whether it is subconscious or cursory, you form ideals on a person based on how their appear before your brain even has time to store their name into your memory center.

Do a little research on the topic, understanding your own biases will help you decipher them as they come through your brain.

Just for a quick example, you just showed a blatant example of what I am talking about:

>. I dont like the police, anyways, because Ive had bad experiences.

What if I said I don't like black people because I have had bad experiences?

Next fallacy please. Step your game up.


I didn't read any of the long winded shit in this thread but I'm glad I stuck around for this.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it. Also, thanks for having a reasonable attitude and perspective, even after being a cop for 20 years, which, I'm sure, has taken a serious toll on you and changed you negatively in many ways.

FYI, I started this thread and I, too, am a white guy in his 40s, living in Arizona, with black friends, Mexican friends, Native American friends, and others, and I'm not a racist; I just try to be reasonable and realistic.

>Like anyone else, many are cool, 5% of them are complete, confrontational, mouthy motherfuckers.
>Black people are people, but but there is a segment of them who are straight up predators who have no value for human life.

This is what I'm talking about when I say that law enforcement officers often have to deal with the worst society has to offer, sometimes, on a daily basis. How the fuck could you not be negatively affected when dealing with people like this, many of whom are fucking savages with little-to-no regard for human life.

>Fun fact: the most racist people in America - are black people.

Realistically, I also have to agree with this. And the problem is that there are so many fucking apologists and self-righteous sympathizers in America right now that it's enabling and even encouraging many of the racist black people in the country to be empowered (and not in a good way) and it serves to validate their racist attitudes and perspectives. Most of the fucking idiots who are self-righteous apologists and sympathizers haven't been affected by or really become aware of how savage many of these black criminals and racists pieces of shit who are destroying lives and communities actually are.

People need to stop looking for excuses and dishing out sympathy to people who don't deserve it, and start expecting, working towards and demanding personal fucking accountability for these people who are destroying lives and ruining communities around the country!

This shit would stop the riots. We should all pause and admire interracial lesbians.

I see your point. I guess I meant I dont act on my subconscious profiling. I font treat people how they look. And no, I dont like police. Thats different from not liking a race. I just dont like the occupation. Regardless, I dont go "FUCK YOU PIG". I treat any, and everyone with respect, until they disrespect me or my loved ones. I dont trust police. That simple.


Well said.

Take care and vote against Hillary We don't need 4-8 more years of this shit.

OP here and this is a great response. Thanks for replying and sharing these thoughts.

>Where the disconnect seems to be is this narrative that in 2016 there is systematic policies in place with the sole intent of oppression. Quoting 60 year old atrocities (and I totally agree, they were atrocities) more often than not serve only to stoke the fires of racial hatred here in the US. We need to accept the facts of our current situation and try to come up with real viable solutions.

And I agree with this part of your post, particularly, the last sentence, about needing to accept the facts of our current situation and try to come up with real viable solutions. As I mentioned in this post though, the many white apologists and self-righteous sympathizers in America right now are doing more harm than good, because they are actually enabling and even encouraging many of the racist black people in the country to be empowered (and not in a good way) and it serves to validate their racist attitudes and perspectives. Like the cop in this post stated "Fun fact: the most racist people in America - are black people." And I don't think that's a racist point of view from a white person; I think it's a perspective obtained by a white guy who has been a cop for over 20 years and that is based on personal experiences from interacting with hundreds/thousands of black people over a 20-year span.

In case I haven't made it clear, I am genuinely not a racist, and I don't start these threads to try to promote racism or to troll people. I just like to engage in discussions that I find to be interesting and I like to try to learn from hearing about the perspective of others whose experiences have been different than my own.

A good nigger is a dead nigger.

Capri is doing black lesbo work now? God she is desperate. She should have taken that Sugar Daddy deal from two summers ago.

The cops.

The media narrative and spotlight that gets shown on every single of these incidents has grown tiresome. The protests/riots start before any evidence is even released, with exception to this Tulsa video. The rioters already have decided the police are guilty, which feeds the media narrative in covering it and they can endlessly speculate. People choose whatever side fits their world view, without trying to wait on evidence. If the evidence runs contrary to what they belief, they cry foul play or bias by the police.

The criminal statistics show little propensity for cops to supposedly target blacks, when accounting for crime rates. The supposed bias the police have cannot explain away the discrepancy in crime rates between demographics. It can lead to slightly inflated numbers, but you can't claim bias in certain crimes which require exhaustive evidence (murder, robbery, etc). Anyone of a different race that gets shot never gets covered by the media because it doesn't fit within the racial narrative everyone is trying to follow. It's similar to the lack of coverage on gang violence or etc. It falls into the background and ether. We only see these cherry picked videos of supposed ebil, raycist cops targeting because the massive overreaction and the hyper vigilance of social media now. Tired of it.

Im black but im on the police side. Would this have happened if he wasn't on pcp?
-nuff said

Depends on the circumstances. It's not all black and white (no pun intended).

Obama has set race relations back so far.

I am 26, I voted for him back when I was 18 in 2008 because I legit thought it would be cool to have a black president and I was ill-informed and just thought he seemed like a cool dude.

I went to a highschool that was majority black,and played football on a team that had a total of 6 or 7 white kids. Outside of the usual jokes black people make about white people, I never experienced any real racial tension.

Fast forward about 7 years to 2015. I get a job as a operations supervisor for a shipping company, a position that I was more than qualified for.

The majority of the employees are black. The first 3 months were absolute hell, they treated me like complete shit and would go out of their way to make my job harder. Everything became racial and they accused me of being racist multiple times a day just for things like asking them to show up on time or at least call if they would be late.

My boss was black too and his cousin was one of the employees that treated me like shit. He constantly turned a blind eye and asked me to work ridiculous hours and do other peoples jobs for them because he said so.

I obviously quit, and maybe this was just a coincidence, but shit seems like it has gone down hill in regards to race relations since Obama was elected.

Thanks for replying and sharing your thoughts on these 3 incidents. Your opinion on all 3 situations seem to be reasonable and realistic.

As for the kid in Chicago, why do you think that officer shot him 15 times? Did he just get irritated and pissed off and want to enforce some violent cop street justice on a kid, who was likely a piece of shit criminal-thug, and thought he would get away with it? And do you think that if he had only shot the kid once or twice that he likely would have been able to justify it and not be charged/fired form the force? From what I recall, that kid was fucked-up on some hardcore drug, had stabbed/slashed the tires of a police car, and was running down the street with a knife like a fucking moron for several minutes. With behavior like that, it would seem reasonable to have to worry that he may encounter a citizen while he was running down the street and then attack them with the knife he had? And I can't help but think that maybe it was/would have been a good shoot, if he had not shot the kid 15 times.

What say you? Did the kid deserve to get shot? Was a drugged-up street-thug piece of shit who was menacing the community and got what he deserved? Or was he not really a threat to anyone and didn't deserve to be shot by a police officer?

Agree 100%

What you just said is what I try to express to people all the time but nobody wants to listen to the facts.

It is crazy how Cred Forums is the only place I have found where people actually have logical opinions on this whole issue.

Everything you said, has nothing to do with Obama.

Im tired if white people saying Obama made racism nore prominent. No he didnt. Racism just got uncovered while under his term.

My thoughts exactly

Thanks man. Believe it or not, I am an EMT so I see a lot of this stuff first hand as well.

Ok so then what is it then? I am just sharing a personal experience.

Also if you look at the numbers in regards to race related crime, they have shot up all across the board in his presidency.

Plus, the overwhelming majority of black and other minority people I have spoken with, agree that Obama has been bad for race relations. Granted, these are all educated middle class citizens...


Check your facts son

All the numbers say is that it happened while under Obamas terms. This has nothing to do with Obama, himself. What did he do? And no comment on your hearsay.

Reading comprehension is fundamental.

For the win

Me an my boys crackin up over here. Do you know that the best race to be right now is african american(as long as you were born in the suburbs.) The government and angelinvestors pick off any half decent black people and through money at them just to make the stats look better
I put money into the system and look good while doin it. Shout out to Cred Forums europe, my best homeboy is german and they show ally boys that all white people aint racist fucks like some of you young nogga new fags. And i mean nogga by the dictionary definition. Live life slow and hard. Amen

Obviously I was not blaming it on solely Obama, but rather his policies and those of his party.

If you actually think I was pointing the finger at Obama the individual, then you are just looking for reasons to derail this discussion.

How about I say Obama administration, does that correctly align with the semantics you are looking for?

Nobody wants to talk about the fact that he was bogh as shit out of his mind...

"Eighty-four percent of Republicans and 67 percent of unaffiliated voters said things have worsened under Mr. Obama, compared to 32 percent of Democrats." Its a poll dumbass

Cops; because no limit niggers deserve to be shot. The shooting is justified because dipshit on PCP's vehicle probably didn't even break down he was just tripping balls. I wouldn't try to fight the guy just give him a bullet.

Has nothing to do with me trying to fit any agenda. You said the exact sane thing that everyone else says that blames it on obama. You literally said that "Obama set race relations back". How else is that to be interpreted. Dont blame it on me "misunderstanding". Blame it on yourself.

It WORSENED under Obama. Not IT WAS OBAMAS FAULT, you fuckin moron. No fucking shit, its worse. Doesnt mean he's the reason.

>whose side am I on
Whoever was justified.

>what do I think of Tulsa
Complete bullshit, the cop should never have a badge again.

>what do I think of the majority of police shootings
Most of the time, media outrage over nothing. Rarely are things nice and easy.

I'm legit in a college class about police community relations and we talked about this today. Apparently she had her finger on the trigger, someone else fired a taser, and she "accidentally" fired, at least according to what I was told this morning. How that's even possible for someone with a modicum of training is beyond me. I learned to keep my finger off the trigger when I was 11 so that shit wouldn't happen.

It's good to hear that you like Eminem. It seems that many black people dislike him, either because they think he gets more attention and better treatment because he's white, or because they don't like what he raps about. Personally, he's, hands down, my favorite musician of all-time. I fucking love his music! And he seems like he's a down-to-earth guy who's humble and grateful for his fans.

I like Royce, too. Their 'Bad Meets Evil' sequel album was great. Several great tracks on it.

As for the lack of police brutality, maybe it's because the cops are rugged and tough, so they don't get run over and bullied by the criminals in The D? Or it could have to do with the city being so poor that they haven't had enough cops to patrol all of the poor communities around the city? Which has been, and likely still is, a problem there, right?

Btw, I hate that you have to think about possibly being a martyr because you are black. I have a daughter and a son and they are, by far, the most-important parts of my life, and I read your comments about having daughters, so it's legitimately sad that you stated how you wouldn't mind dying. Obviously, as you stated, you don't want to; but you seem like a good person, and I take it that you're not racist towards white people, and I like that you are a good person who's not a racist, so it sucks to hear that you even have to think about shit like this. FYI, I'm compassionate to a fault. It's good and bad. It encourages me to always try to be extremely kind and generous; but it also brings frustrating and disappointment, from not being able to help everyone I want to try to help; and it also brings anger and rage, from seeing people suffer at the hands of other people, no matter what color they are.

Anyway, for the record, I also love boxing, and I wish that I could have become a professional boxer, and if I had become one, my ring entrance song would have been, 'The Way I Am', by Eminem. I fucking love that song!

Sorry, usually when discussing politics when you refer to the current President and his actions, you are assumed to be addressing his administration as a whole.

Anyone with a basic understanding of our political structure knows that not one single man can cause social unrest across the whole nation, rather it takes his cabinet, congress, and supporters as a whole to cause influence.

Usually I don't have to outline simple logic such as this when having this discussion, but I see that I need to with you.

I have a cop fetish so it's clear whose side i'm on.


Thanks for replying and sharing this feedback. That was good information to get to hear about.

And I'm sorry to do this again, but I really like to get insight from people who are actually personally experienced with shit like this, so I copied and pasted the questions I asked the cops from Georgia and Texas. Like with them, if you wouldn't mind answering at least a few questions, it would be appreciated.

Are you honestly a police officer? If so, what city/state, if you wouldn't mind answering? How long have you been a cop for? And do you typically have to deal with any/many black people? If so, what are your thoughts on them?

Also, have you ever had to use your firearm on someone? Or know an officer who has shot/killed someone? If so, what was that like? And the aftermath, was there guilt, regret, anger, sadness?

Also, what are your thoughts in general about black people? Black criminals? Did becoming a LEO change your opinion/perspective in any way?

And what age, race/color are you?

>does that correctly align with the semantics you are looking for?

>Has nothing to do with me trying to fit any agenda.

I don't think you know what the word semantics means. How ironic.

That album was DEFINITELY dope. Eminem is a lyrical genius.

But Ive always had the mentality that death comes at any time, so why be afraid of it? What I mean by I dont mind dying a martyr, I mean, I'd rather die for a cause, than to pretend to be something Im not, even though Im not hurting anyone. My daughters and wife are the most important things to me, and I'd never do anything stupid to jeopardize mine, or their lives. But Im definitely not racist. Im the polar opposite. I wish I was raised in a more diverse state, because I wanted to go to schools with different ethnic backgrounds. I love learning about other peoples cultures. I didnt even ever have any real interaction with whites until I was 18, when I moved to NC for a few months. Hell, Im in an interracial marriage. Granted, Im not really attracted to black women.

Good dodge of admission.
My favorite song my em at the moment, is "Wicked Ways", from MMLP2

I know exactly what he meant. But instead of beating around the bush, I met him on the other side.

He was stopped on the middle line of the road that's the first indication he was on drugs. If your vehicle dies or there's something wrong with it you pull over.

How many of you knew that the killing of police is up 44% in 2016 from 2015?

Murder rates are also skyrocketing in poverty areas where controversial killings by police occured, AKA the the Ferguson effect

Police are not the problem. Violent black men are the problem. The more hate the cops get, the less safe the streets become

It is having a complete opposite outcome, MORE black people are dying because of BLM.

Once again proves what we have seen throughout history for 1000s of years, black people suck at being civilized.

From the video and the dash cam footage, it's hard to pin a "racist" tag on it, although it could have been. We just can't know the motivations of the officers involved. I'll withhold judgment on that aspect.

That said, racism takes a lot of different forms. "Racist" in this case might not mean a cut-and-dry motive like "shoot the black guy because he's black and I hate black people." It could mean something less insidious--maybe the cop was nervous and quick to fire because the guy was black and she made unfortunate assumptions about what he'd do... IF this was racially motivated, that is.

I will say that the dash cam footage did lend itself to the assumption that SOMETHING fishy happened. The way the officers back toward the camera shoulder-to-shoulder, blocking the cam's view until the other car moved in to block a visual on the victim, looks so unnatural that it makes me suspicious. Even if it wasn't racially-motivated, the optics aren't good.

>Good dodge of admission.

What am I exactly supposed to admitting here?

Right. "Don't put your finger on the trigger of point a gun at someone unless you intend to fire." Still, it could have been an honest mistake made possible by someone acting without thinking, and if that's the case, any cop in a similar situation shouldn't be a cop because they can't keep a level head in a stressful situation. I prefer my police officers calm and collected.