Adhd thread for all y'all fast thinkin faggots

adhd thread for all y'all fast thinkin faggots

i love legal meth

Parents put me on this shit when i was a kid. Turned me into a zombie. New age parenting requires drugs.


Give me a reminder what it does again?

This. Adderall is meth.


i love it

cant get shit done without adderal. brains to fuckered

I was on adderal but now im on metadate.

wtf is dat

Same here. Heard someone took Ritalin just like me and quit cold turkey like me and now have a bit of a slower thought process and it's hard to concentrate.

>when the adderall kicks in

Hated Adderall so switched to vyvanse and that's where it at 1 pill and its an all day long party in my head

I'm on Lexapro, that shit changed my life in marvelous ways, It's like "I think faster and better than you"
This med will be "increase" the effects of Lexapro? How my brain can receive the effects of Adderall? side effects? Thank you in advance

its not good to be on it.

i've been on it for six years or so now.

at the start, i wanted it because i had an ADHD diagnosis and "hey! legal drugs! why not?"

i don't think i really had ADHD to begin with, but i definitely do now. amphetamines change your brain architecture.

the days when i'm not on amphetamines fucking suck. i am content to sit and do nothing all day. if i get into a rut and i don't take them for four or five days, i'll stop shaving, stop showering. i'll sit at my computer and play video games all day. i'll skip class. i won't even check to see if i have homework or not.

the days when i do take them are probably better than the average day of a non-user. i'll go to all my classes and i'm content to do work for hours at a time. i'll plan my day appropriately and i'll get all the tasks done i need to do.

the point i'm getting at is that i'm a slave to amphetamines now. amphetamines steal your soul, if you get what i'm saying.

even if i could go back to not using, i wouldn't do it. amphetamines are way too useful. i can control when i feel good. i can control when i get things done.

it doesn't feel real though, and i know it. the motivation is, in a way, inauthentic. its obvious that its drug induced, at least to me.

i'm rambling at this point because i took about 20mg of dexedrine a couple hours ago. just don't take amphetamines if you can help it. if you do take them, try not to take them every day. it catches up with you, and you come to regret it. even if it seems like there aren't any consequences to using it, try to avoid using it. you can only notice the problems in retrospect.

in the words of warren buffet "Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."

I have a question: I've heard some people theorize that LSD, or microdosed LSD over a period of time is a better alternative to adderall, thoughts?

Any Cred Forumsros here take adderal? Was thinking about getting a prescription and I wanna know about the positives and negatives. Like concentration and cost. Which concentration meds help the best and are affordable?

what do you want to know? i'm a third year biomolecular chemical engineering student and i've been taking amphetamines for years.

Hi bro, if you can answer my questions and tell me the effects and how it works in words I could understand i will appreciate.

>English isn't my native language.

Yo crack open those pills, two of them, swallow. Prepare for the fucking ride of a lifetime.

Crash fucking sucks though.

Well I have adhd and depression. Took Ritalin for about 6-7 years and antidepressants for 5-6. Stopped cold turkey and it's all pretty bad with concentration. Depression is kinda there but not bad. Concentration is worse and it makes talking to people and doing tasks a bitch. Maybe it's depression too mixed in. Not as motivated to talk to people or get things done because there's so many thoughts infant get on one subject

Been on adderall for about 6 months or so. 30 mg/2x a day. Bottle of 60 pills costs me $12.
If you don't have to take it, don't.
If you do have to take it:
Pros: Attention span is crazy improved
You'll get shit done. Doesn't matter if nothing needs to be done, you'll find something.
Orgasms feel like fucking fire erupting from the pit of your balls
You can snort it if it isn't XR

Cons: Fucking headaches if you aren't staying hydrated
Sex drive is usually decreased, in the sense that you'll prob just stay home and jerk off repeatedly if you are in the habit of doing so

Variables: Social anxiety - most people say they're more social on addy. I'm not. I'm too fucking aware of what I'm doing and what the other person is doing. I am more social sober.
Drinking in combo with addy is generally pretty bad for you. Yet you'll feel like doing it if you're already in the habit of drinking.
Some people get balance/eyes focusing issues. Personally, I do and feel slightly less coordinated and in control of my body when on adderall.

I plan on quitting as soon as I feel like my life is completely turned around. Adderall will likely prevent me from ever seeing that day though.

Forgot to mention it lessened my depression significantly. And don't take it if you have concerns about heart disease.

Bust em open, Crush em, sniff em and hold on.

I've seen this thread 4 times in 2 days.

Anyway, Ritalin 40mg/day here.

I took adderall years ago and loved it. It got me through my senior year. My comparison from being on it to my current state is fucking lame, honestly. On Adderall, I was happy because I easily remembered and understood concepts and details. I could recall it off of adderall, as long as I learned it on Adderall. The crash was fucking garbage though. Also, I couldn't get a fucking hard on when on it. Absolutely horrid, id get super horny but couldn't do shit about it. Now that I'm on it, I remember things after writing it down many times and rewriting it my way, and some times that doesn't even work. I love adderall, but I'm in the military now.

Thanks user.

I hear you with being too aware about things. I've got anxiety so maybe it wouldn't be the best.

I'm trying to get opinions on different ones and it seems adderal is pretty bad

seems to be an extremely prevalent disorder in anons for whatever reason. Well, ADHD, and aspergers lol.

I absolutely love the stuff. Only problem is that it makes me super horny but I can't get a boner when I'm on it. Very frustrating.


here's the thing man, amphetamines are a crutch. they're a bandaid.

they wont fix you, they'll just help you.

if you want to really be fixed, you have to get therapy. like "CBT" cognitive behavioral therapy.

you're not supposed to be on amphetamines for a long time. you're not supposed to be on antidepressants for a long time.

that being said, a lot of people are. i'm just saying that's not they way they're meant to be used. its like taping your car window closed instead of getting it replaced.

i take amphetamines every day (or i try to). i take 40mg of vyvanse in the morning and i'm prescribed 20mg of IR adderall that i usually don't take. i save the IR adderall for times when i have a class in the afternoon, or i have a date, or a party, or a test.

piggybacking off of this dude:
you're able to tunnel vision hard. if you take amphetamines and read a book or something, you can easily spend hours hyperfocused on it.

you go into autopilot easily if you let yourself. you can spend hours just picking your face in the mirror, or folding laundry, or reading wikipedia, or f5'ing Cred Forums. you have to pay attention and catch yourself.

i don't notice any orgasm changes, but i can masturbate for hours if i want to.

it depletes your magnesium and you ought to supplement magnesium if you are taking amphetamines. you need to drink water more often, and you will probably piss a lot more than normal.

i don't get mean on amphetamines, i get really talkative. its part of the autopilot. i'll just talk about anything to anyone.

i don't notice any sex drive changes. i'm on lexapro and amphetamines and i can get a boner no problem. if anything, i cum faster than i'd like to.

it can make you anxious if you take too much. its easy to make yourself paranoid, you just have to control your emotions. its easy for me to zone out and talk to someone for a long time.

i take amps before i go to parties. it makes me talkative. CHAR LIMIT.

and this is sort of what i'm talking about in regard to autopilot. i'm on amphetamines right now and i wrote that long fucking essay.

amphetamines are useful, but they're a hard habit to quit.

if i could go back, i'd stop myself from ever starting. that being said, i'm not going to stop now. its about knowing. you can't go back to being unenlightened once you've been enlightened, ya know?

also read this stupid ass essay:

how would I go about getting this stuff? can't find a hookup and closest college is about a two hour drive from me.

Fuck i want adderall so badly. Im add as fuck. Adderall and bendryl (cant stand xanax) makes me feel amazing. Wifes giving me shit about not wanting me to be on it. Poor fag too. Got to try strattara shit sucked now im indebt to some asshole. Atleast ive got some phenibut...


I'd rather be a likeable vyvanse zombie than a loser dropout, so here I am.

are you talking about a prescription? if you're talking about street adderall (or even just speed) that depends on a lot of factors. its as hard or as easy as any other drug to get. you have to know the right people. i can't help you find a drug dealer.

for getting a prescription, you just go to a doctor (usually a GP is fine) and tell them the spiel. ya know, "i'm falling asleep in class. i'm tired all the time. i can't seem to get anything done."

do your research and see what the symptoms are for ADHD and what doctors look for. i don't recommend you trying to fake your way to a prescription. its not hard to do, its just a bad idea for your psychological well-being as a human.

anyway, once you have an ADHD diagnosis the doctor will usually put you on a non-amphetamine stimulant like methylphenidate (ritalin, concerta, etc.). you stay on that for a bit and tell the doctor "i feel like a zombie" or whatever and then they put you on amphetamines. then you slowly increase the dose over a few months until you're where you want to be. once you have a prescription, you can go to any doctor and they'll write you more, generally.

do a lot of research though, i'm deadly serious. they put kids on amphetamines, but they're a big boy drug. there are consequences to their use.

it really sucks when, a few years down the line, you read something that makes you wish you'd never started. but again, you're an adult, and at the end of the day you're the only one that has to live with your decisions.

I'm on lexapro too, what changes you see if you compare the 2 drogs

Anybody else get really sore muscles on higher doses of vyvanse? (or any other amp)

magnesium deficiency. your body uses more magnesium (NMDA antagonist) to work against the effects of amphetamines. a lot of people are deficient anyway.

get a big bottle of magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate (magnesium oxide sucks and gives you the shits). its dirt cheap and they have it at cvs. take it every day for a couple weeks. i pinkie promise you'll feel better.

it also helps with teeth clenching and grinding.

you're not english, correct? i'll try and keep it simple.

lexapro and amphetamines (adderall) are two different types of drug.

lexapro is an SSRI. it stops depression. it doesn't keep you awake, or make you faster in any way.

adderall (amphetamines) is a stimulant. it won't change your depression in any way. it might make your more anxious, though. it will keep you awake, make you faster, make you more focused.

lexapro will make adderall work slightly better, but not a lot. they really don't interact together.

what effects are you looking for? what questions do you have?

why are you taking the two drugs?

If Ive abused adderall on and off for 3 years of college how long do you think I'll have to go without them to go back to normal motivation levels? I just feel unmotivated all the time without it

Datura is even better

Mfw taking this shit. Hit me after about min and I was invincible and no one could fuck up my mood

it takes a long time. like... a long time. your brain is very plastic and it will go back to normal if you stop adding amphetamines to it. your brain gets used to a certain amount of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin and adjusts its functioning appropriately.

if you stay clean from amphetamines, your brain will bottom out its dopamine levels for a while. eventually, your brain will produce more dopamine to compensate.

this is why you feel like shit for a while when you quit. dopamine is responsible for motivation. when you eat food, or get out of bed, or talk to another human, you get a dopamine release. its literally what makes you feel rewarded. amphetamines are a cheat code, and make shit that is boring (and wouldn't normally reward much dopamine) bypass your normal brain circuitry and feel rewarding anyway.

you're going to have basically no motivation for a long time. you're not going to get much dopamine from doing daily tasks. you're going to be content to sit around and do nothing, because you're going to have a low level of dopamine.

the thing is, it gets better. every day is better than the previous. every day you feel a little better and are a little closer to normal. it might take a really long fucking time to get back to normal, as in years, but you will get there.

you just have to keep in mind that you're making progress. every day is better than the previous.

Super, super specific question

Anyone know of any doctors around ann arbor michigan that prescribe adderall? Currently on 20mgs of vyvanse a day, going to see my doc ina a few weeks and will hopefully bump that up to like 40-60 a day but still want adderall. Unfortunately he hasn't prescribed it to anyone in 3-4 years

Figure since I already have the vyvanse scrip it shouldn't be too hard to get the addy so long as I find the right doc.

Pic unrelated

Thanks bro.

I can't just sit around and not be motivated though I have hard ass engineering classes and a job to maintain. Is there a way to make it go faster? Vitamins, etc?

Ay guys. ADHD fag here. Have MAJOR self control and attention span issues, so tried adderall for a while. However, shit started to kill me emotionally. Kept me agitated and short tempered. Any alternative for self control and attention aid without the mood fuckery?

>being able to get erections on adderall

I've been taking lexa for 5 months and it changed my life, I feel like everything is better day after day, i feel more focused. I beated my depression and social anxiety.
I'm only taking lexa, I would like to try adderall to see if I can be more focused and get a goal.

Thanks for the feedback, you are right, Spanish is my native language.

yes and no.

you can reduce the consquences by tapering. usually (with SSRI's) people do a 10% by mass reduction every two weeks. you'd need a proper scale to do this accurately.

so say you're taking 20mg a day, and a tablet weighs 400mg. the first and second week, you'd take (400*.9) = 360mg of the tablet, or 9mg of amphetamine. third and fourth week, take (360*.9) = 324mg, and so on.

this makes the overall process of returning to normal take longer. however, you feel better during it. instead of feeling like absolute shit for like six months, you feel sort of shit for like a year instead. see what i mean?

there aren't any supplements that will fix you without causing the same problems that amphetamines caused. eventually, you'll have to come off of them.

i'm in the same situation you are. i'm doing chemical engineering and i'm on amphetamines. my doctor writes them specifically so i can do better in school. they're a tool, and they help you succeed at school.

in my opinion, you ought to just take amphetamines for now, and start coming off of them literally the day you graduate. if you say to yourself "i'll come off of them some day" you'll never come off of them. you need a hard date, otherwise you'll be on amphetamines forever. i promise.

there's no way to cheat the process though, i'll repeat. there is no free lunch. you fucked yourself by starting, and now you're in the trap. this is what addiction is. addiction isn't always being strung out in a dumpster. sometimes its being chained to a drug even though you want to stop taking it.

best of luck, friend.

Adderall is sometimes used off-label to help with depression. It increases the extra-cellular dopamine which elevates the mood.

I also take lexapro (10mg/day) and vyvanse (60mg morning) and adderall (20mg @ 3pm when I have classes)

When I started taking vyvanse and adderall I most definitely have reduced depression. When I only took lexapro it would come I'd feel like shit for a week every once and a while

adderall will do that, but there are consequences for using it. it's hard for me to explain that to you in another language.

adderall will make you more focused. it will make you more motivated. it will make you more energetic. there's no denying that.

however, you can't stay on adderall forever. when the effects wear off, you're worse than before you started.

it's a trade off. you're borrowing happiness from the future, if that makes sense. you have to pay it back, though.

Honestly sounds like you were over stimulated. Concerta is usually considered weaker than actual amphetamines like vyvanse and adderall

Not him but for me it depends on the mood I am in really. If I am feeling super frisky I will be rock hard for hours. If I am not I get too focused on trying to find videos and spend hours searching porn and occasionally finding something good, edging, and tryng to find an even better video.

Good goyim, keep taking our USP hard street drugs rebranded as medicine and enjoy permanent changes to your neuronal physiology for the rest of your lives! We also have USP heroine, USP crack-heroine and a variety of fluorinated "SSRI" and benzodiazepine barbiturates all ready at hand!
When your dopaminergic reward system has been juiced so hard from such young ages, during mental and social development periods, it makes you so much needier for rewards or all kinds which makes you perfect and willing pawns in our game. For we shall indeed exploit your new vulnerabilities at every chance through thoroughly engineered management techniques with hundreds of thousands of hours of science behind it, to insensibly direct you towards behaviors that are profitable to our plans and constructs. Very good goyim!!

Dony take that shit for longer than a hard semester or during a rough month at work. If you legit have add just take 600mgs of wellbutrin and be a normal human not a methd up restless brain.

Honestly, I get super short tempered sometimes, I have a 4.00 college GPA in a nice uni , however, the Adderall does make me get a lot of things done very fast in a short amount of time. You have to understand that it's just the drug. It's the best and worst thing in my life honestly.

I'm just way less horny when I started taking it. I still fap pretty much every day anyway.

Jokes on you kike, I have found something that works great for me to reduce any type of withdrawals from anything


I understand, thank you user.

well, sure. i mean cocaine will help with depression too, in that sense. so would oxycontin.

its just adderall shouldn't be one of the first drugs you turn to in order to fix depression.

Pic is truest thing ever. I've not seen it in a while

No! Be quiet you meshuggener!!

that's why its off-label and only for treatment resistant depression

This. I'd been on adderall since I was seven years old. It's been thirteen years, I quit taking it about a year ago and I've gotten back to "normal" since then. Life is so much better when you don't attribute all of your success to a drug. When your own motivation pushes you to succeed day in and day out it's an extremely satisfying feeling. Oh yeah and having a sex drive and appitite again is awesome.

Good luck, but no. It does not matter about you already being prescribed Vyvanse. The two points in prescribing patients Vyvanse is 1. You will get a release of the drug throughout time and 2. You cannot abuse Vyvanse, that's the biggest reason. It mechanically and specially designed that way. It's certainly why the MD haven't handed out any Adderall scripts.

You're going to have to find a new doc all together to get Adderall. Sorry, user.

Oh I knew about finding a new doc, just asking if anyone knew of one in my area.

Makes me focused and perfectly happy to do any job to perfection.

The only cons so far are the bubble guts/indigestion.

My attention span is shit, I can't concentrate longer than about five minutes, even on things that I'm interested in. I'd like to take something to make learning for exams in uni easier, but I guess Ritalin/Adderall is a little bit too overpowered. Is there anything that is not strong but still useful?

Fuck, this is kinda scary. I'm a sophomore in college with limited motivation without it planning to go to law, which will obviously need concentration. Should I get off the addy and try to motivate myself naturally?

My hands get cold as fuck because of the vasoconstriction and the munchies are the worst. I take 15mg in the morning, 10 at lunch then 5 after school. Those are really the only things that bother me.

Does anyone else's extremities get really fucking cold on adderall?

Yes. Also soft size is at all time lows.

Anybody know where I can get Vyvanse in the SF bay?

Think of it this way, you have a fixed income and you have credit cards. You overspend and charge a lot on credit, you're living life and have enough money to make it rain. Then you max out. Now what? Equillibrium changes are like debt and you only have a fixed income. You gotta live lean ie suffer while the debt gets paid.

Modifinil is 100 times to me better because of the lack of meth & physical addiction that comes with prolonged use of meth. Did Lots of addy & vyv for about a year. Coming off was terrible & glad I found modifinil as a substitute when needed

What was wrong with the Vincevaughnse?

AD ssri ... nothing special

Thats what I call abuse.

Vyvanse is to adderrall like cocaine is to crack or hydrocodone is to oxycodone imo

If ur gonna be on meth then vyvanse is the way to go & it's not even close when I was taking. Addy like a roller coaster over few hours & vyvanse is 4 times as smoothe & lasts forever.

Modifinil gives me the benefits with no drawbacks. Anybody on here know of any drawbacks to it???

>turned me into a zombie

exact reason why I quit that shit quick..

Had same. But with Concerta 50mg. Either it increases my adhd symptoms in low dose or helps not, or it made me a zombie with an good attention

I've tried Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Adderall, and I can't pay attention for shit, any suggestions?


Damn I take 5mg and it feels like the start of a molly come up for like 5 hours. I took 10mg once and played video games for 12 hours without stopping.

can't image taking this much. Only done it 4 times though.

Smoke some cannabis. Focus is a muscle

Might have to look into this. I'm really growing tired of the paranoia

I take 72 mg of methylphenidate (concerta). Is this abnormally high?

Smoke some cannabis. Focus is a muscle. Gotta train it.

You already addicted. Those amounts of daily amphetamine are insane. Have fun seeing shadow people and withdrawal and turning your brain into shit

I have really bad add and I work the saute station in a very fast environment (I try my best). Before I was prescribed adderall I would forget about shit I was cooking ALL the time. Also any sort of multitasking was basically impossible. After I started taking it however (15 mg 2x day) I felt like a fucking machine. I am SUPER efficient and I love it. Everything from movements to thoughts are so much more calculated and fluid. The only real side effect I've noticed are the headaches. But a banana or a bottle of Gatorade always helps. I smoke a lot more cigarettes too.

I like to snort a couple of XR's and go on two to three days without sleep. Drink and fuck non stop. really hard to cum though. I broke my foot a few days ago and combined 90mg's of the XR's with the Norco 10's the doc gave me. Ive been playing BAttlefield 4 non stop since monday.

Shits so cash.

I was diagnosed with Adhd (hyperactive) when I was 8, some time later they told me it was actually "Oppositive provocative from trauma" or some shit like that. I lose interest in my projects quickly (unless they're really small and I can do them in 2-3 hours) and studying at school or following assignments is a complete no for me.
Also I'm having huge mood swings and It's concerning me a lot. I've already lost two jobs because of this and I'm really afraid about my future.

I also tend to insult people about their choices a lot (even if I regret a lot afterwards) and this made me lose most of my friends.

But I'm also really afraid I'm making this all up, because I'm feeling okay now, but yesterday I pretty much cried all day on my bed.

What Is happening to me? I want to go to psychiatrist but I'm afraid about what my family would think about me.

I use to feel just like this when I was just put on it, lasted about a month for me

It's called spot the junky. In 5 years this guy is sucking dicks for cracks

I think the maximum standard description is 1mg/kg. But yes its pretty high. Low dose are 5-20.Average 25-40 I would say. 40+ is already high. But I think it depends a bit on weight too

probably a good idea to chat to your doctor about this one. just sayin

Are you taking anything for your ADHD? I took Concerta for a very long time and it would cause these crazy mood swings. One day I'd be happy as can be then out of no where I could break down as if I had all of this stress going on when I was mostly overthinking it in my head anyway. It also totally fucked up my appetite.

As soon as I stopped it all went away and the Doc put me on this shit called Focalin.

Focalin folks, is insane compared to Adderall, at least for me it was.... kept me up for days at a time if i took more than one a day

I'm not on medication for anything. I have a constant headache but I'm not taking anything for that (I'm afraid it might cause me other issues)

Never took anything I guess? I remember my mother giving me tranquillisers when I was younger but I don't know if they were actual tranquillisers or something for adhd
Damn I don't even know if I have adhd, the only diagnosis I had was the one when I was 8, but lately all of this is getting worse.

I'm reading the symptoms of adult adhd, and I seem to have pretty much all of the symptoms (especially the "impulsive" kind of ones)

I'm 18 btw

My doctor is a dick and I'm afraid of what my family would think about me.

if you're 18 then you don't need to let anybody know you're going to the doc (or a new doc), and you don't need to let anyone know about any meds.

Same fag

I take it, only side effect I see is I'm not as hungry

I actually just remembered I have a skin issue I need to get checked, I think I'll ask him about that and then tell him about the issues I'm having. Thank you user!

I'm Rick Harris and this is my pawn shop. The one thing I've learned in 21 years is that...

adhd doesn't make you think faster, it makes your brain slower.

Ayeee let's GOOOOO!

Currently on 45 mg IR at the moment and have plenty more to keep me going for another 2 days. It's so great for online gaming binges. It make CS:GO too easy I swear