Images to test sexy new neural net tech on.... I will repost them after processing

Images to test sexy new neural net tech on.... I will repost them after processing.




a personal favorite
And thank you


> only posting things dead people made so live people can help them finish

Wow, someone who knows art.

Is her name Josie?


No. Post Josie please.



I used to goto school with her years back but I haven't found her on Facebook. I don't know if she got married and changed her name or what, otherwise I would.

thanks for the new pepe user


> Nice play


thank you

She crawled out every day to see those flowers - she had polio and couldn't walk.

It's called *Christina's World*.


Interesting .

You'd have to be on a heavy dose of psychedelics to get something like that.


So is a network or an algorithm 'thinking' or 'dreaming' a replica of the original?

It is like google deep dreams with serious modifications...


Someone out probably has the super human ability to see herpes and this what they see


I'm aware of that, have a copy of it and its companion piece. Just stood in front of it a week ago at MoMA. Its by Wyeth.

Might wanna consult Wiki on the disease, though, they have a different story.




