Trains go to Fresno and back!

Trains go to Fresno and back!

what about fresno?

just gonna say I have no idea what this thread's purpose is

I need need a fuck load of meth, about two dozen tractor axles, a carload of fiat 500s, three cars cars of particle board, and some hydrochloric acid, 10,000 gallons of it

RIP useless thread

I'm from fresno

Stay out of my city user, it's shitty enough.

I'm so sorry.
So am i.

What's yo name homeboii

Starts with a t

Fuck it must suck to be you faggots.

I shot you not, you better not be Trevor.


Nope lmao I'm not white

How old are you

I live by fresno... fucking faggots

So you're telling me you live in kerman, Madera, clovis, sanger, fowler, Selma, dinuba, etc...

Me too fucken faggot Visalia

Living anywhere near Fresno is shitty too.

Santa Cruz CA here. Feel bad for all you fuckers.

19 attend fcc


Damn there is nothing to do in that town

>haha like I'd know you anyways


>inb4 milifag
the base has everything i need. i just live the neckbeard life in barracks

BNSF is rad

Did you hear about that spy plane that crashed near Sacramento on take off? Killed one
