Ok. Lets not pretend weed isn't addicting...

Ok. Lets not pretend weed isn't addicting. It's not addicting to the degree meth or heroin is but some people that you and I know smokes some form of weed every single day. I am not negatively talking about marijuana users at any capacity. I also realize there no chemical thing that makes weed addicting. I am simply saying even though it is not technically addicting, people smoke it every day, and can't go a day without being high.

I am an off and on weed smoker, I'll take a hit smoke a bowl or dab with my friends every so often. Certainly not every day, maybe every other weekend and if I needed to quit, I can confidently say I can. I refuse blunts or dab hits simply because I don't feel like it.

I was with my best friend the other day and we were talking about this subject. I said to him verbatum "I mean you're basically addicted cause you smoke every day." And he has smoked almost every day for the past 4-5 years.
He got defensive and said he's not and can quit anytime he wants to he just doesn't have a reason to. Don't get me wrong, he has his own place, job, and car, and is financially stable. But god forbid, he can never run out of weed and always has to pick up and has to smoke like its 3 meals a day.

The point I'm trying to make is marijuana is addicting, people I know who have shitty lives at home, work, school or wherever else depend on it to feel good and forget about the world even if it's for less than an hour.

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We know man, we all know, you're just preaching to the choir, it's a substance, and everything can be addicting in a way, it's addicting. But it's not too bad

Sort of like coffee, but not as bad as tobacco, huh?

Probably the one bad aspect of it is the lowered overall ambition. Like personally (when dabbing all day everyday) I would still get some things done, mostly while high, but lacked ambition to go further with any of my ideas or hobbies. A month off of it altogether has really changed my perspective on the drug and just how it clouds peoples minds in a really unconscious way.

It's really not addicting. I can go from smoking everyday to not having any for months or longer because I chose too.

There is a such thing as psychological addiction. Wherein there is no physical withdrawal yet there is a mental state of being that people feel will "disappear" if they dont smoke it. Or rather "it makes them feel normal"

That's great, I really wish I can convince my 2 main friends to do the same. But one just got out of a program to stay sober so he's just getting high all the time, and the other just can't deal with not being high.

It takes away my dreams. I've been dry for 3 days and have the most vivid dreams. Scary and violent dreams. Weird.

lol no.
tobacco and coffee can both cause physical dependencies.

there is no such thing as physical dependance to marijuana.
only mental.

And I have done it too. I'm on a break from it right now and probably won't smoke again for a while.

super common happenes to me every time i quit.

I beg to differ, I feel like my friends are just downtrodden and mopey if they're not high, especially when they're with a group of friends, they just can't seem to play monopoly sober and have fun

Same here, if we're celebrating for the weekend for something, ill smoke all weekend and go back to just being sober because i don't feel like being high all the time, to my friends its just another weekend of being high

probably anxiety I knew a guy that would wake at 7 am to smoke a joint at 12 another one at night another one.
For years but if he didn`t smoke he was all pissed off at everything and he would go it is because I haven`t smoked, also claimed headaches.
You will be fine probably shouldn`t had gone cold turkey do, but if it is working for you that is ok.

I do believe this happens to people. But i do not believe it happens to everyone. I can be high as a kite fall asleep and have lucid dreams. It may make holding on to them when i awake harder. But i do remember my dreams. (Though sometimes its through a drunken like haze)

I'm pretty much addicted, can't go a day without it or I freak out.

Kinda what i was getting at. They dont feel normal when theyre sober. But its not a physical dependence.

I smoked pretty much every day for like 4 years. Then I had a drug test so i stopped for like 2 weeks. Now I smoke pretty much every day again and im probably going to have another drug test soon so ill stop again for 2 weeks or so. Thats not addiction then right?

I eat poptarts every day, but im not addicted to poptarts.

I had a group of friends I had to move away from really to get out of the everyday "dude come smoke a bowl man" that just got old... and they never wanted to go out and do anything different even if I'd set up a whole plan cause they just felt like staying in to be stoned... ughghgh

I had a lucid wet dream, not sure how to stop that the wet dream thing.
Could it be a sucu or chucubus

People who get mad at you claiming their addiction is just that. Are addicted... Lmao.

its getting high that is addicting not the weed. Like if i dont have any bud to smoke i'll go smoke a cig real fast to get a headrush cuz it kinda feels like being high. I just hate my life so much

the word is addictive you dumb nigger.
why are you trying to be a fucking Ghetto doctor?


this is a real doctor.... shut the fuck up.

fuck i feel you, im not really that outgoing so its not like i could replace them, but thats exactly what theyre like

I smoked for probably 4 years straight.. I'm currently on Day 15 without smoking weed.

I feel fine, get slightly more irritable at work, but have more clarity, conversing more with my family, and fucking my wife with a harder cock for some reason. weed doesnt make me soft, it just makes me too relaxed for sex at times.

The first week I wanted to smoke but willpower overcame. If you have a shitty life and don't work and just play games all the time, sure its hard to quit. But if you smoked as much as I did, you realize weed doesnt really do much after the first couple hits.

Naa i think thats called puberty.

i hate my friends but im desperate socially...
you sound like my beta ass room mate.

been houseing that nigga for years....
telling him every fucking day get a job...
get a job ...
now im kicking him out ....
and insted of getting a job ...
hes crying about the social anxiety...
"i cant just meet new people to live with"
fucking pathetic beta motherfucks!

wise words