Ask a 25yo human failure anything

Ask a 25yo human failure anything.

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Why are you a fag? Go find a job and stop being a neet

Still shit your pants?

Why do you consider yourself a failure

Everyone is a failure at 25.

When will you do an hero?

I work full time state job in municipal police as guard. I am not a fag.

No, maybe 2 years ago when I had that diarrhea in the middle of a night.

>no money
>no usefull skills in modern society
>earning 340 euro a month after a raise and promotion
>can't even live on my own
>no perspectives
>no skills again
>no reason to live but money
>no money

I am failure.


You still have time to redeem yourself. Quit being a mopey fag get out there and be a success fag.

fuck OP

I'm getting $700CAD this paycheck alone & I'm putting it towards getting my senior year crush & pancakes & partying...

but im 18 so I'm expected to blow all my money right now.

chin up tho faggot, your big cluster of eurofuck nations have the hottest women

>pic related
smoke some of this and you'll chill put


>thinks his life is a failure

Hate to break it to ya. But you're still young and full of allowed failures.
When you're like 35 and aren't somewhat successful, then you can come back here and announce your life failures.

Get a grip, maybe look into a new career path.

Considering this. However I live in a shit country when guns are totally forbidden and someone with a gun is like a criminal in the eyes of people, kek.

However... I bought lately blackpowder replica of Remington 1858 8'' from Uberti BlackPowder revolver. Really nice one, and fully legal.

Maybe I will an hero with blackpowder. Awesome! At least I have the way to do that.

Can you teach me, how? Because my parents thonk that money is bad and evil and people who are rich are worse than poor ones. Being raised in that. How do I quit this shit?

Yeah, very, fucking, helpful, man.

Poland, worst shithole. The only pros is we do not want rapefugees and human trash here and will fight them.

>new career path

Tried it. No usefull skills in modern society. No good studies. Really nothing. At my place there are always few teenagers who got better skills and education. This is awesome man! And now, I am hitting 25 next month, it's time for me to think about my life - and I cannot see any way out of this.

Would gladly like to change career path, but either I do not have skills, time to learn skills or money to do some courses etc.

Your government doesn't have a student loan system?
And you don't need to go to school to learn new skills. Get into a trade.

im 26 and used to be an accountant and now I am retraining to be an electrical engineer.

Go back to school? also your country has pretty awesome women that actually cook and clean and get pissed off if they dont get fucked often enough.

go figure....

It's not about the $$$.
it's never enough.
Faggot worth 10mil feels poor next to uberfaggot worth 250mil.

Read this please:
My parents taught me absolutely nothing that can lead me into business and trade, really. I have read a few books like Trumps, Kiyosakis, Bransons etc. Awesome idea, but I really have no idea how to do that in polish reality plus I do not have money, maybe 2k euro savings - lifetime money for me kek.

College is free totally if you are 18 and decide to go for public one. I am not 18 and have full time job. Can't do that, really.

Got fiancee, I confirm this. But I have no money for school? Plus which one? What to choose? If I have no idea what do I want in life, only money...

Same. Except with no job and no gf.

Do you have some sort of open university in poland or anywhere that you can somewhat study for free past 18?

Cheer up user, I'm 27 and make $110,000 per year. You still have a couple of years to not be a degenerate neet :)


color me interested with the blackpoweder revolver, in which country they do find a way through a strict law against weapons!!

or in other words, where are you from?

Sure, but I would have to stop working for like 3 or 5 years (studies time) because I would have to go daily for classes from monday to friday. So no time for a job. Only payed weekend studies available for me.

>pic related, me at work kek

$110k a year for me would be like I am millionaire here... Really...

Already wrote that, Poland. Every weapon constructed before 1885 is legal here, but only black powder. Other is just almost impossible to have permission...

Come to the west


sell your butt to fags
get rich

Would love to go to USA but I can;t cause in poland we got visas to USA.

This is interesting, I am civilized, white male who want to work hard, study, learn, contribute to society etc. but I am not allowed to go and work in USA but they love their nigger problem, social warfare and idiots who avoid work and contribute nothing. I call that fucking interesting at least. Why?

And western europe is beyond saving now, sorry to say that. In next 30-50 years you will run to the east looking for shelter. Only slav countries and Hungary will stand trully white, civilized somehow and protective.

r u in chastity?


Sure, enjoy your muslim verming and human trash.

If money is an issue you can look in to jobs that are in high demand that pay respectfully, are there a lot of comp sci people over there?

Dobrze piszesz po angielsku i nawiązałeś konstruktywną dyskusję z pedałami z 4chana. Proszę - jakis tam skill jest. Nie bądź taka surowa dla siebie, bagietko.

2/2 wyciułaj trochę kasy i idź na kurs programowania czy coś. Sam o tym myśle - 27 lat, po prawie, nieprzekonany.

There is a need for programmers of all kind here and IT people - the pay is well or at least decent.

But I have no IT studies (they require this) and I have no skills, I am learning atm HTML and CSS and will go further. Really like that.

Bo angielsku moge sie normalnie porozumiewac, nie ma problemu. Ale w 2016 roku jaki to skill, jezyk angielski? Dziwie sie, ze jeszcze nie poszedl ktos po rozum i nie zrobil w polszy systemu dwujezycznego polski-angielski rownolegle.

Jestem surowy dla siebie, bo kto ma byc? Skoro staram sie robic wszystko co podejmuje na 100% to tego samego oczekuje od siebie samego.

Studiowalem prawo przez rok, zrezygnowalem, nie moglem zniesc tych ludzi dookola - ja studiuje prawo, kto ja nie jestem, bede mial miliony, mam znajomosci, prawo to dobra przyszlosc, moi rodzice sa bogaci etc. No kurwa rak na raku. Swoja droga najlepiej wspominam prawo rzymskie - o dziwi inni nie lubili.

Kurs programowania, zebralem sobie opinie o tym od znajomych roznej masci i wszystkie te szkolki czy codingcampy etc. to podobno nie warte tych pieniedzy. No ale nie wiem, sam sie zastanawiam co zrobic, poki co na wlasna reke sie ucze dla siebie.

Get your shit together. Life is hard. I gave up on the system 20 years ago, and I think money will not solve your problems.

Things that will help are growing your own food, travelling and volunteering at music festivals, getting a shit job in construction and building to make your body strong, and learning how to be free and independent.

You have lots of time but you know nothing about the world around you. Who says you have to live the life of your parents and neighbours? Only you. The world is different now, so we must think differently.

Good luck!

>I am learning atm HTML and CSS and will go further. Really like that.
I o to chodzi. Widać po sposobie wypowiadania sie ze jesteś w porządku, nie jakis roszczeniowy kał, którego tak teraz dużo. 25 lat to naprawdę jeszcze początek drogi, jestem od Ciebie trochę starszy i dopiero raczkuję w zawodzie. Bajki o 30 letnich milionerach sobie odpuść, tak samo jak staty userów z Zachodu (jak sie czasem pochwalą).

if you're interested in web programming i'd learn python or something that can easily get you a job with, as for experience/training you can build up a portfolio by doing jobs or random things for people. I doubt employers would care as long as you're able to do the job well.

Why? You'll just fuck up the answer. Like you do everything else.

Just kidding, cheer up emo kid. The universe is full of stuff. You just gotta be willing to reach far enough for it.

Do you want to have children?

A o przekroju mentalnym na prawie - potwierdzam. Ja sobie dałem radę w ten sposób ze odpuściłem sobie socjalizowanie sie z tym elementem, czego niestety minusem jest brak siatki znajomosci tak ważnej w tym zawodzie. Wracając do Ciebie: samodoskonalcanie w IT to bardzo dobry pomysł, koleżko skończył jakąś tam administracje na UKW i już jako magister poszedł na informatykę, zatrudniając sie jako pomagier w jakiejś tam serwerowni, dodam ze miał wtedy właśnie 25 lat. Studiował, zarabiał, na uczelni pozwolili to godzić. Teraz kończy temat i robi już za konkretne pirniądze w korporacji branży IT. Generalnie nigdy nie jest za późno, a zwłaszcza dla Cidbie. Kurde od tego gadania mam ochotę dzisiaj po pracy tez podjąć konkretne kroki.

>hings that will help
>volunteering at music festivals
>music festivals
>getting a shit job in construction
>getting a shit job
>to make your body strong
>shit job
>to be free and independent

Wow, lol, you're an utter dumb ass. Out of all the places you can volunteer, it has to be a "music festival?" LOL

A shit construction job makes the body strong?


While it may build muscle, it also comes with baggage: fucked up backs, joints, injuries, bad health.

Can't tell you how many people I know that ruined their health and/or backs doing construction.

Yet says

>you know nothing about the world around you

The irony. What a dumb ass. There's some stupid mother fuckers on Cred Forums.

here's a 27 year old human failure trying to do humor

You know, sometimes I wonder and dream how would it be if I gave up on everything really and just went into lifestyle you described. Not only me, but friends also (only men, women do not think that way, dunno why). Would be great but not in our deprived and modern world, too many things are against you to fulfill that wish. TO be indepentend you must have had a lot of land to grow food, source of almost everything you need or just change with other people like you. Good idea, but in my opinion impossible to accomplish nin these times (taxes for example will destroy you).

25 lat to dobry poczatek na jakies powazniejsze przemyslenia w zyciu uwazam. Gdzies mnie i to zlapalo teraz. 30 letni milionerzy to nie bajki - sa, jest tego nawet sporo z tego co widze i jak czasem praca mna kieruje ze takich ludzi poznaje. Z zachodu staty anonow odpuszczam, nie mam mozliwosci weryfikacji tego wszystkiego.

25 lat to nie duzo mowisz - a dla kogos kto ma te 25 lat? To wszystko jest bardzo subiektywne. Tak samo jak chcialbym miec 16 lat teraz i w glowie cale doswiadczenie zyciowe jakie mam teraz, na to dla takiego 16 latka jego wiek to juz duzo czasami...
>roszczeniowy kał

Nie, nie, nie. Rozdawnictwo i wszelaka pomoc spoleczna u ans to fikcja i marnotrawienie pieniedzy, dramat ogolnie. Prosty przyklad z mojej rpacy:
>zarabiaj 2000 brutto
>miasto Ci placi
>wywóź jednego tylko typa na izbe wytrzezwien codziennie na sluzbie
>ostatnie zameldowanie na terenie miasta ktore CI placi
>miasto musi placic za niego na izbie
>40tys w ciagu roku na jednego typa za sama izbe wytrzezwien

Super, nie? A takich sa dziesiatki. Ale Tobie dadza 2000 brutto. W ogole mamy tak patologiczne przepisy prawa w kazdym aspekcie ze plakac mi sie chce czasem.

Skad jestes anonie w ogole? Jak sie powodzi?

340 euro a month dear god i make that in a day

Just started, as far learned some EXCEL basics like pivot tables, formatting, charts, basic functions like VLOOKUP etc. Now I am learning HTML and CSS from codeacademy. I plan to make my own website. Python, not now, I am not prepared I guess.

80% no and 20% yes. I have fiancee now, we will get married I guess. But since I have no money to pay for me, I won;t be able to give something to children. I won;t do that mistake.

To jest fajne, jak sie czlowiek tak zastanawia co tak naprawde JEST W STANIe zrobic, dostaje ogromnego boosta do checi i motywacji. Szczerze? Robienie postepow w czymkolwiek daje satysfakcje i przyjemnosc, nawet najprostsze rzeczy.

Czekam teraz na rozmowe kwalifikacyjna w korpo, tez jakies entry-level w IT. Zobaczymy...

Tez mam magistra, gowniana resocjalizacje, niby pracuje w zawodzie nawet, haha! Smiechlem normalnie. Poszedlbym na jakies kursy, ale pieniazki, pieniazki... Dlatego zostaje opcja na wlasna reke.

Gdzie studiujesz?

Did you graduate highschool? Are you addicted to alcohol, drugs or anything of sorts?

>full time
>340 a month

nigger what

Bydgoszcz. W sumie nie narzekam choć zarabiam niewiele (umowa na zastępstwo), tyle ze w zawodzie co jest jakimś tam plusem. Trochę sie niepokoję co będzie potem ale możliwości troszku jest. Generalnie miotałem sie strasznie, po studiach okres buntu przeciw dziedzinie. Zobaczymy. Ty gdzie tego prawa liznąłeś?


Not addicted to anything but running and coca-cola I guess. It's a combo. I have masters degree in pedagogics - resocialization (human reclamation).

Yes, welcome to poland. And this is after a raise and a promotion because I did my job well. Others got less. Plus you work 12h shifts during weekends and all holiday, New Year etc. It's 24/7 service.

hello, this is a fellow 26yo human failure.
every morning i think about ending my life but somehow the day always ends before i actually do it, repeating the cycle again and again.

stuck in limbo.

dick lenght?
age you've fucked for the first time?

clearly a nignog who calls in 2+ times a week and pulls the race card to keep the job

Homosexual detected. Probably pedophile.

the fuck man? get your gay off out of this thread...

Atleast you've got an education. I dropped out at Grade 10 and am an alcoholic at 19. So kudos to you and atleast you know someone is doing worse than you.

>ask me anything


can you triforce?

Off by one as fuck.
Any advice for a Cred Forumsro?
Just graduated HS, so kinda lost my direction in life etc.


Best I can do.

>Gdzie studiujesz?
Skończyłem 3 lata temu. UMK. Jakbym mógł cofnąć czas - inne miejsce, inny kierunek, zgodny z uzdolnieniami. Hurr durr Prawo: przyszłość, prestiż i pieniądze.

are you virgin?

i'm 25 too

i cut myself, i drink too much, dropping out of university and hopefully life

it's been like this for a couple years


Sosnowiec, magiczny kierunek rpawo w 3,5 roku bo nie masz wakacji i walisz 3 semestry w rok, zajecia czesciej i dluzej. Zapierdol straszny, nauki duzo ale sam kierunek przyjemny.

Dodatkowo powiem tak, teraz w Strazy Miejskiej egzekwuje to prawo o ktorym mialem sie okazje teoretycznie uczyc. Raz, polskie prawo to patologia. Dwa, egzekucja tego rpawa to patologia w patologii. W okole kwiatkow jest tyle ze moglbym ksiazke napisac, ale po co...

Mieszkam w Sosnowcu, strasznie sie stacza tutaj wszystko, caly slask i zaglebie. Ludzie emigruja, widac to. Na miescie prawie sami ludzie 50-60+, mlodych co kot naplakal. Ulice po 17-19 swieca pustkami generalnie (miasto 200k).

Jeszcze z 40 minut tu bede anonie, dzis 2 zmiana, trzeba sie zebrac.

Szczerze, chce z SM uciec jak najszybciej. Chce mi sie cholera pracowac, naprawde mi sie chce, lubie cos robic, uczyc sie - ale mozliwosci realne to po prostu niszcza. Nie rozumiem... Rozdawaj pieniadze na rpawo i lewo (panstwo) ale ludzi ktorzy chca pracowac karaj podatkami, ograniczeniami i w ogole wszystkim co tylko mozliwe.

Niedlugo ma wejsc w zycie podatek od deszczowki. No kurwa parodia. Bo w US juz sie przygotowuja na to...

that sounds like the worst job ever i could not even imagine doing that. even out of high school with no degree i made 4x more than that doing the most garbage job in america that would hire anyone...

alcoholic at 19 wow edgy

Tak samo hurr durr medyczne kierunki... Nie wiem jak to dziala, ale znam ludzi po medycznych i tez nie ma dobrze. Jak to w koncu jest?

Tak jak pisalem, gdyby moc cofnac czas i zachowac swoje doswiadczenia. Tak do 16 r.z. zaczac. No po prostu cudo.


any advice? i'm 18

It's not the easiest job, not the worst one. But you are constantly in danger.

It's not USA here, bro. I repeat my question:
Would love to go to USA but I can;t cause in poland we got visas to USA.

This is interesting, I am civilized, white male who want to work hard, study, learn, contribute to society etc. but I am not allowed to go and work in USA but they love their nigger problem, social warfare and idiots who avoid work and contribute nothing. I call that fucking interesting at least. Why?

And western europe is beyond saving now, sorry to say that. In next 30-50 years you will run to the east looking for shelter. Only slav countries and Hungary will stand trully white, civilized somehow and protective.

not really, no

damn come on bro

when you have a thread on an english site... that is posted in english.... why would you respond in a different language.....

I reply in english to english speaking bros here and in my native to someone who posted in polish. What's wrong about that?

I can translate something for you if you want.

here is a friendly kek from germany

what kind of advice

Mam pomysł: zapiszmy sie do lokalnych struktur partii rządzącej. Popatrz na takiego Misiewicza, janigera, jakiego. Co do prawa - jako ze robię w administracyjnym to niestety wiem, że relacja przepis-obywatel i wynikające z tego patologie to często samobakrecające sie koło nieufności organu i cwaniactwa obywatela. Państwo socjalne przy pustej kasie i mentalności większości społeczeństwa żeby sie nachapac za darmo. To nie moze sie udać.

Don't become an alcoholic. That's honestly all I got for you.
Not trying to be edgy, I drink myself into a drunken stir each night. Got my own job at around 15 so I could pay older friends of mine to be my boot.

yea it is kinda strange that you are living like that while over here there are people who refuse to work at all and have all of their living expenses and food paid for them by the government....

You seem like you have very good english skills, have you looked in to translation for websites, programs or even games, can be quite a good way to meet people and get your foot in the door for other types of work

I'm 47 and the only thing I still like is alcohol, the only reason we live is to keep living. It's completely pointless, don't feel bad if you want to commit suicide. I would..... but I have 2 kids that aren't 18 yet.

dat feel when Portugal is seen as the worst in Europe and I am portuguese

Kiedy klamiesz, jedynym oklamywanym jestes Ty sam.

Nie moglbym wstapic do zadnej partii obecnej w Polsce. Zadna nie pokrywa mojego czysto praktycznego i racjonalnego podejscia do problemow.

Druga rzecz. Robie w jednostce samorzadu terytorialnego jakby nie bylo. Wszystko tutaj to praktycznie polityka. Syf, bagno, traktowanie ludzi wybiorczo bo ten kogos zna, a ten nie. Temu pomzemy bo od nas, tego zgnoic. Nie chce brudzic sobie rak. Wstydzilbym sie. Po prostu.

Jeszcze robiac w strazy mimo ze uwazana formacja za jedna z najgorszych to zawsze staram sie pogodzic przepisy i potrzeby ludzi. Zazwyczaj stykam sie tez z normalnymi ludzmi, nie maja do mojej pracy pretensji.

Misiewicz, kto to? Janigera jeszcze kojarze, duzo smiechu mi memy zapewnily z nim. W ogole cala ta szopka, no dramat!

>patologie to często samobakrecające sie koło nieufności organu i cwaniactwa obywatela

W mojej opinii cwaniactwo obywatelii wygrywa teraz. Dwa, cwaniactwo obywatela polaczone z cwaniactwem urzednikow i znajomosciami - to dopiero sie zaczyna zabawa!

Jako panstwo padniemy niedlugo cos czuje. Po prostu, ekonomicznie zostaniemy zgnebieni na wlasne zyczenie. Juz teraz majac pieniadze w banku w formie elektronciznej zastanawiam sie nad kupieniem jakichs rzeczy, ktore raczej nie straca wartosci, bo z takim ksiegowaniem bankowym i przepisami polaczonymi z wyobraznia rzadu to wszystko moze sie stac.

Chcialbym naprawde zapracowac na siebie, stworzyc nawet swoj interes. Ale do cholery, nie widze sie w tym... Nie u nas w kraju.

Swoja droga, czemu nei wyjechales na zachod? Nie zastanawiasz sie nad tym?

at least you're not greek or serbian

I do not feel like good in english, a decent - ok. I have learned english on my own by playing video games online (I had to communicate somehow) and watching TV series in english with english subtitles. School tought me really nothing in that field. Still wonder why in 2016 they do not tech kids polish and english at the same time...

Would like to participate in such a thing, for example translating subtitles from english to polish. But never seen any advertisement that someone is looking for that skill.

And as I told you, no certificates/schoolf of english. Here in poland people used to watch for "papers" that gives you skills. Not your actual skills.

Being addicted to alcohol is fucking destructive. My grandfather died of it. I was the the one who has seen him last time. He was drinking. He was awesome btw...

Can you explain that way of thinking?

An hero with blackpowder and you will truly be an hero

Jakkolwiek to nie zabrzmi- uważam sie za patriotę (nie, nie mam bluzy z husarią, nie, nie jestem katolikiem). Tesknilnym po prostu za krajem, rodzinnym miastem w którym mi dobrze, językiem i homogenicznym jeszcze społeczeństwem. Jestem świadomy wad kraju ale w gruncie rzeczy nie jest mi tu źle - mam gdzie mieszkać, mam pracę, narzeczoną, rodzinę blisko. nie wiem, moze to zbyt brutalne ale emigracja to dla mnie mimo wszystko porażka i kojarzy mi sie z dresiarzami w Anglii (głownie takich Polaków widuje na zachodzie, a ponadto osiedlowy kryminał właśnie magicznie zniknął jak tylko otworzyły sie granice). Skoro myślisz o emigracji to może zamiast kraju, zmień miasto na większe. Podobno wchłaniają młodych i dają możliwości rozwoju.

This shit is more powerful than many modern short guns and pistols.

.44 cal with 38-40 grains of blackpowder will be destructive as fuck. I would prefer to be shot from for example 9mm glock rather than that remington.

Try being a 29 year old human failure

Zamienilbym, ale musialbym miec gwarancje ze znajde tam szybko normalna prace. Dwa, mieszkam teraz z narzeczona, ona studiuje dziennie, tez nie chce jej zostawiac.

Emigracja to cos za cos, dostaniesz pieniadze, odlozysz sobie, ale zyjesz w syfie, patologii i afryce zachodnioeuropejskiej w tym momencie.

Co za piekne czasy w ktorych zyjemy. Swoja droga w europpie dawno wojny nie bylo, historycznie niepodobne zjawisko. Coraz mnie mi sie to podoba w zestawieniu z konczacymi sie surowcami naturalnymi i polityka zagraniczna wielu panstw.

Yeah 9mm are glorified bb guns. Black powder obliterates a fucking moose.
Highly underrated weapons

have you had sex?

Exactly. Still a weapon that can easily kill. Like every weapon and almost every thing.

Zbieram się do werka. Niestety. Za 10 minut uciekam.

fav seinfeld episode?

Trzeba kupić skałkowca, narobić patronów i zbudować schron z żarciem w środku na rok. Tez jak na to patrzę to myśle, ze dawno sie plebs nieponapierdał i ich karabiny swędzą. Muszę spadać. Trzymaj sie ramy, ja patrzę mimo wszystko z nadzieją. Wierzę ze wartościowi ludzie jakoś sobie zawsze poradzą. A przecież jesteśmy wartościowi, nie?

Lubie tak o sobie myslec przynajmniej.

Lepiej kapiszonowy, frajda mniejsza, ale wszystko inne lepsze.

Jakbys chcial gdzies kontakt trzymac, podaj tu jakis komunikator czy maila - nie pamietam swoich nickow na KIK itp.

Na skype chyba wojciech.jurkowski4

Trzymaj sie, tez ide do roboty.

Hi Poland friend, Dutchfag here

You ever considered joining your mates here? I personally don't mind Polish immigrants at all as they actually work for their money. Lots of ez labor to do here that doesn't require a degree and you'll be rich in Poland terms

its not that its the worst on the contrary I love Portugal I was making a guess based on wage for municipal policeman.