Hey faggots, i am from germany. I say the last time heil hitler, i fap now for the last time...

Hey faggots, i am from germany. I say the last time heil hitler, i fap now for the last time, and i shit for the last time, and then i hang myself.

Good look with germany and your muslims and niggers, i just stop playing this game.

gnight sweet snownigger

hol n paar asylanten mit!

Sieg heil.

oder zünde wenigstens ein flüchtlingsheim an.
fürs vaterland!

butthurt shitskin found

Und dann sagen die Linken die verrückten Nazis machen so schlimme Sachen und noch weniger Leute wählen die Afd.

Nö, ich erhäng mich in meiner Wohnung, ganz gemütlich.

warum eig?

kreiger fleiger neiger uchtensteinheimleinrich googlefaggoteinlandvater.

at least go with a bing bang nigger
this for example

JIDF detected

kann dir doch dann eh egal sein nigger

warum flüchtest du nicht irgendwo hin?

I don't understand shit you are saying but Goddamn I want to learn German

u are a coward at least fight

who is this girl? I occasionally see her photos on here, like the one in which she has her feet in a tub of milk

Ja tu uns allen ein gefallen und zieh's durch nazisau


linksversiffte Zecke!

i'm sorry but i can't help you,
I just copied the picture becouse i liked it.

Do it m8, it's hard but it's worth it. Such a perfect language.

Leftist fag

wegen leuten wie dir ist deutschland zum ausländerpuff geworden!!

Ja bloß das ihr die gefickten seid ne ?

ab ins Gas Arschgesicht

don't give up user, and if you really want to do that then take down some of them with you

Warte die wahlergebnisse ab!

Dubletten sprechen die Wahrheit

Slay all Pakis n Niggers

you just dumb

You dumb shit, Hitler was the one who allied Nazis against fellow Christians.

Macht euch mal locker, Jungs.


Oh please, if you're gonna go out, at least make it interesting.

True shit, Hitler wanted to get rid of orthodox Christianity and slavs.