I have a joke for ya, b

I have a joke for ya, b,

What do you call it when you have sex with a missing person?

Fucking lost

I like it man.

Missing Mary position ?

Just tell us faggot

fucking lost

yeah i get it the joke is funny, but whats the punchline, fucker

Fucking lost

This shit makes you people fucking lose? Weak ass shit man.

There hasn't even been a punchline. How the hell are people losing?

Fucking lost

Fucking lost

Literally copied from the current ylyl thread right now... Pathetic.

But what's the punchline?

Clever girl

No.. THAT was copied from THIS thread..

Since op won't give us the punchline, i suggest we propose our own.

Good one.. I guess that's the answer since op hasn't replied back.

Basement sex slave fun time?

fucking lost

Fucking lost