The most disgusting jokes possible. Racist. Dark. Fucked up humor

The most disgusting jokes possible. Racist. Dark. Fucked up humor


How do you get a baby into a bowl?

A blender.

How do you get it out?

Tortilla chips.

What do you call a 2nd Grader with no friends?
A Sandy Hook survivor

Whats the difference between a baby and a Lamborghini?
I've never been in a Lamborghini.


What's the difference between a 3 year old girl and a sandwich?

I don't fuck a sandwich before I eat it

I like my women like I like my wine. 13 years old, and locked in the cellar.

Hillary Clinton is a wonderful person.

my sides

You sir, have clearly never had a McChicken before.


Twin towers are like genders. There used to be two, but now it's offensive to talk about.

A man walks into a BAR
His chink head explodes.

enough with this shitty meme

This thread already sucks dick. It's just gonna be full of dead baby and pedophile jokes which were edgy and funny in my 8th grade home ec class

I needed this in my day.
Thank you, user.

How can you tell your sister is on her period?
Your dad's dick tastes different.


Yeah. I was hoping for cringe oh shit tier

i like you user

Good one dood

i mean i really tried to liven it up, I love my BAR joke. Probably not original but I came up with it a few years back and it works with all my friends who like guns.