The army should have a regiment for prisoners, as an alternative to prison. They would make for excellent cannon fodder...

The army should have a regiment for prisoners, as an alternative to prison. They would make for excellent cannon fodder. Basically give them the option to halve their sentence and serve instead. Though, using convicted murderers and criminals with extremely long sentences would be a bad idea, because they could easily escape. Maybe even remove their permanent record from history in some cases, for extra incentive. This should definitely be a reward for extreme bravery.

There should also be a regiment for volunteers. That would stop nutcases from joining the Turks in the fight against ISIS, for example. Arm them, but use them to help out with stuff rather than fight.


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would you give them guns?

what would you do when they pointed those guns at you?


I'd trust non-violent, petty criminals.

This won't work on muslim prisoners they'll kill you when they get the chance they don't care if they die in battle that is their ambition. Can't speak for other POW's though

send stoners in to fight for you. yeah, that'll work out just fine. also, you're a moron.

What's wrong with stoners faggot?

Dirty Dozen

Without a draft that's already basically what our army is. If you come from a poor family or a bad neighborhood you either go into the military to get access to those sweet sweet military benefits, you go into debt trying to get educated/start a business/etc and doing things the way people are "supposed to," or you end up a criminal and get thrown in prison or shot by pigs. If there was opportunity for people in this country and less poor people in general we would need a draft to keep the military well supplied with recruits. Same as it ever was, the sons of the poor are those who will fight but now we pretend they do so of their own free will.

Why the hell doesn't the USA have a Foreign Legion ? All these illegals could earn there citizenship through military service

all of this islam bullshit should've been taken care of in the middle ages anyways.
fucking goat fuckers

Ha, I guess you're right.

I still stand by my volunteer regiment idea though.

And in fact there was a paper I was reading a while back when I was still in school that argued that the military acts as the US's largest welfare institution since its really the only thing we have here that transfers wealth to lower class people on the scale of that seen in other, good countries. Except unlike those countries we force the poor to fight for that wealth by helping defend our empire abroad.

Have you been in the military? Where do you think stoners go? I was a huge pot head till I joined the Army.

They would need to ensure they didn't desert, but yeah some kind of Foreign Legion for cons could be made to work.


Fixed the spelling on this meme.

I have always supported using prisoners for science experiments.

Everyone who is in the service at a given time should have a vote to approve or veto military action. That would solve a lot of problems.


I'm a stoner and I'd bet a weeks pay I could kick your ass and 90% of the asses on this planet