I recently found this cunts channel and i wanna hang myself with barbed wire...

I recently found this cunts channel and i wanna hang myself with barbed wire, if there is anyone who thinks this guy makes quality content he deserves to be raped by a train

who the fuck is this fag in the photo?

nice b8

Faglord himself


The only group of people I know that think he's good is the young kids. Call of duty squeaker s and minecraft cancer kids. Also can't forget about the fnaf autism kids as well.

he also milks popular trends he made a fuckton of ,,fnaf musicals,,

What channel is this supposed to be?

So you made a thread about a guy you hate only to make him more famous by making thread of him aka exposing people that didnt know about him to his channel, .... yeah something is off here


Practically. Anything a little kid likes and he'll make a animated music video for it. I know that when black ops 2 was out he made songs based on the campaign, the zombie dlc's, and he would use popular songs and just change the lyrics to be more related to the game. And all the kids were eating that shit up like that was the best shot they can hear.

I think chagueny or chagueny. Some shit like that.

Don't know what the fuck your talking about but train rape interests me. Do you have any pics?

Dumbasses. Google image search resulted in my now knowing about this stupid shit.

Just look up dragons fucking trains and I think you got what you came looking for.

i found this


op is trying to increase views of his shitty yourube channel by appearing to shit on it. ignore.


Thanks you fags are decent


I could have lived without this.

Holy fuck these videos are fucking awful what hideous animation