Hey Cred Forums, I'm in the Romanian National Library. My dad kicked me out of the house

Hey Cred Forums, I'm in the Romanian National Library. My dad kicked me out of the house.
(not permanently)
let me vent my frustrations please:
>Be me, 17 years old.(jk mods)
>Jobless, and broke af
>senile fart of a dad has anger management problems
>cuts off (literaly, the cable with a knife) the internet for 2 months, destroyes the main and spare internet router
>confiscates laptop(which is not used only to jerk off)
>decides to take a vacation by himself for 2 months, leaves me with 2 younger brothers(not a problem for me)
>He's divorced and mum hasn't been living with us for ~1 year btw
>Decides we don't deserve bread, eggs, and other breakfast food, so he throws them out
>left us with plenty of raw chicken meat, rice, and spaghetti.
>Said that he will send his employee to replinsh this same food for 2 months: chicken meat and spagheti
>no internet connection so torrenting narcos from library wifi
>looking for a job to no avail
>update, library's closing i just got out
>1.8 GBs of data left for 2 more weeks.
>what to do Cred Forumsros?
>An hero?
>it's suffocating.
>How do I use my spare time?

Other urls found in this thread:


Get a job.
Take care of your brothers.
Don't be a fuckwit posting on Cred Forums.

people don't hire minors, and even if they did they would need parental agreement :/

Probabil e momeala, da musc.
Ce l-a apucat asa deodata?

Sunteti toti trei minori, mergi la politie!

Asta e abandon familial.

>sunteti toti trei minori, mergi la politie.

naaaaa, viata cu el e mai buna decat viata la orfelinat, si oricum cu parinti neinteresati, ne-am obisnuit de mici, ne descurcam usor :)

Cu ce se ocupa firma lu tactu de zici ca are angajat?

Ceva nu se leaga la povestea ta.

comert, mai mult de atat nu stiu, nu prea vorbim.

>ce l-a apucat asa deodata
mereu era asa, dar nu stiu de ce, i-a sarit un nerv ceva ieri.
cred ca il consuma responsabilitatea de parinte singuratic cu tri copii.

Cam aiurea. Bine ca totusi ai de mancare. Eu mai am doi hot-dog de pui in casa, piure la plic, orez si spaghete, si 2euro in buzunar.

Banii ii iau pe 30, deci urmeaza o saptamana de cacat. Bine ca m-am lasat de bautura si de tigari acum vreo 3 zile, sper sa reusesc sa ma tin tare.

Da, se mai intampla, responsabilitatea poate sa se simta prea mult cateodata.

Acu 11 ani aveam si eu tot 17 si iubita mea de atunci (cu 2 ani mai mare) tot insista ca vrea sa facem un copil. Abia am convins-o ca nu trebe sa ne grabim, si oricum peste vreun an ne-am despartit.

Sa-mi bag pula daca aveam acum copil de 10-11 ani nu stiu cum dracu ma descurcam, da sigur nu eram in stare sa ma ocup de el, decat poate financiar(pensie alimentara).

>ne-am obisnuit de mici, ne descurcam usor :)
Pana iti gasesti ceva de lucru nu ai ce face decat sa cersesti pe la rude bani de paine pana vine taicatu, cu ocazia asta afla si ei ce ii poate pielea

asta-i tot ce mai am(sau nu am) in frigider frate; posteaza-mi frigiderul sa nu ma simt singur :)

pe al meu nu il deschid ca pute ca dracu, e un castravete stricat plus ceapa putrezita, branza topita mucegaita, de vreo 2 saptamani nu am mai aruncat nimic din el.

My romanian writing is shit because i left the country 28 years ago, so you get english. Tell your father to stop being an asshat. You could also start selling electronics/furniture to buy food.

Bai mie imi cam trece cand stau pe Cred Forums, stai sa vezi ca ne adaptam si devenim superoameni care rezista fara sa manace timp de ani, e mai bine sa te uiti la partea pozitiva

>tell your father to stop being an asshat
God how much I fucking wish I could tell him. I despise him man, but he's the one who pays the bills, so i should just bite my tounge and stfu, answering to him won't get me very far.

Not saying anything wont you get you anywhere either. When do you start uni?

Pana acu cateva luni aveam mereu provizii de conserve de toate felurile: pui, pate, peste, diverse legume, fructe, in cantitate care sa imi ajunga cel putin o luna.
Acum de la depresie nu am mai avut chef de gatit nimic si am consumat toate proviziile.

Sper sa reusesc sa nu mai beau, stiu ca ma baga si mai adanc in cacat. E a treia zi si nu simt nevoia sa beau.

Stiu ca era un guru indian parca, cica nu se mai miscase din loc si nu mancase timp de vreo 5 ani, tot ce facea era sa mediteze. Venea lumea in pelerinaj la el, dar doar pe timp de zi.
Au vrut niste straini sa faca documentar despre el da la scurt timp cativa din enoriasii lui mai de seama i-au trimis la plimbare cu tot cu camerele de filmat.

>nu mancase timp de vreo 5 ani
probabil manca pe ascuns si fraierii chiar puneau botu si ii mai dadeau cate un ban ceva (bani din care manca pe ascuns)

I'm fucked to be honest, I started learning physics and informatics from the internet to get into computer science faculty, but since my caveman dad cut the internet, he also cut my learning source. I've changed school too many timea, so I've forgotten all I've learned in highschol. I don't know what to do with myself.

Da, asta era smecheria lui, si chiar facea bani, lumea avea voie sa se apropie pana la cateva zeci de metri de presul lui dintre niste copaci.

Chit ca statea muistu peste 18 ore/zi nemiscat, seara dupa o anumita ora nu mai avea voie nimeni sa se apropie de locul lui, "ca sa poata sa intre maestrul in transa".

Incredibil cati prosti veneau sa il vada. sper sa gasesc linkul

>>An hero?


You go and survive for your brothers, mother, friends and everyone else but your crazy father.

Get out as soon as possible though, then tell your brothers they can always come visit you if there is trouble.

You KNOW you deserve better, I don't know why your father is the man he is but that is just not right.

hey dude, don't get the wrong idea, It isn't as bad as it sounds, (at least to me), my family's always been a mess, so we got used pretty fast.
I wasn't considering suicide, I was just exaggerating. It's almost cute how worried you seemed to be in your reply. Thanks :D

baieti, merita sa incerc? ma descurc cu engleza, dar nu stiu daca arunca mai mult de o privire la CV de minor.

Honestly dude start selling drugs.
Even if you don't have the connections, they're not that hard to make.
Just make sure you look and act like a total shithead, so you fit with the drug selling community.
Shave your hair, look paranoid, shady etc.
Atleast that's what I did when I was thrown out with my little sister.
Desperate times call for desperate measures...
Also never and I mean never, go out selling without somewhat of a weapon.

fuck off gypsy

lol, I'm too much of an idiot man, I thought about growing and selling weed, since It's not harmful, but I was just born a pampered noobie.

Incearca sa te muti la vreun prieten. Daca taitca-tu e chiar asa cum il descrii, o sa ramai blocat in casa cu el si nebunia lui...Stiu un caz asemanator cu un tip care a fost dat afara din casa si stat la un camin studentesc cu japca si s-a inteles cu niste studenti sa stea acolo si si-a gasit intre timp de munca..O munca prost platita si necalificata, dar care i-a permis sa aiba bani sa manance si sa stranga bani cat de cat acolo..Acum a inceput facultatea si e pe picioarele lui si inca munceste.

Da, merita sa incerci, nu conteaza ca esti minor, dupa legea romana poti sa te angajezi incepand cu 15 sau 16ani.
Numai sa nu te astepti sa iti dea chiar 800 de iepuroi, probabil ala e salariu daca ai vreun certificat cambridge cat de cat avansat.

Incearca, nu ai nimic de pierdut. Sunt curios care e proba de lucru la un job ca asta.

Si nici sa nu te gandesti sa pomenesti 'Cred Forums' pe cv sau la interviu.

I was like you, funny enough I too live in the Balkans.
I'd rather risk myself getting killed or caught selling drugs than seeing my siblings suffer and you don't wanna risk looking/feeling out of place...
The strongest organism is the one that can adapt the best and you truly are a weakling.
An hero so your brothers can eat your corpse and survive, chances are they going to be better than you at life.

Lots of ass in Romania, go fuck some

raman fara baterie, nu vreau sa se inchida telefonul, chiar am chef sa vorbesc da nu mai pot :,,,,,(

schimba reteaua de pe 3g pe 2g si opreste hotspotul ala
>isuse cristoase omule

acuma ai ajuns acasa banuiesc? doar nu esti tot la biblioteca

Si ce mai ziceti baieti? Ati futut ceva saptamana asta ? Macar o catea sau o gaina ceva.

laba. la greu.


Sa va iau verisoarele la pula

Mai esti coaie sau ti-a murit?
