Ask a guy who just anti-lured 100m anything

Ask a guy who just anti-lured 100m anything.

what game is that?


You're a fucking nerd.

Why don't you do something constructive with your life?

Can a nigga get 10m?

why are you playing runescape instead of ultima online?

i run an antiluring team you need like 60m to bait lurers

anti-lured? i haven't played for nine years

scamming scammers

Neat. OP is fine

What lure did he tried to do on you?


as someone who lured for billions of GP from around June 2015 to July 2016 , currently lures are completely without the possibility of an anti-lure. However if not BS I'd love to hear how you did it.

I'd love to hear some good luring stories.

jagex patched good lures now only ones where they pay you work except for corp

add me ingame Gilded Book

They works sometimes by using fake /edited youtube videos of fake "guides" or bugs.

Also, ez $100 gj op

Is DSL patched? If you dont know I cant tell you.



yes dsl is fixed because phats dont appear on the floor to other players anymore

lol i can change hex values too but it still isnt legit, its just for show

I can show you it in game moron it's not hex values

who cares im doing real cash with botting
selling accounts

Can a nigga get a small loan of 1m gp

ive sold over 12b 07 and over 30b rs3
bought a nissan gtr