I'm fasting for 3 days trying to lose weight. Will I die? I'm drinking water only

I'm fasting for 3 days trying to lose weight. Will I die? I'm drinking water only.

i hope so

well thats not very nice

You should take vitamins

Just drinking the water and cutting stuff out of your diet is enough. Drink a gallon of water a day itll tide you over on snacking.

No you'll be fine. You won't make it but it will have no negative effect.
Also this is stupid just do IF

eat veggies at least so your stomach wont hurt dumbass

you'll be extremely weak. why would you even do that? you won't even be able to walk dude. you'd lose more weight if you just ate at a 500 cal deficit for a week and exercised.

Lots of people fast, some go for weeks, is 3 days too much to go without food?

If you starve yourself your body will just retain bodyfat when you start eating again because your body thinks you're starving to death. Just eat healthier and less. Like 1000 calories a day.

Well usually I eat once a day or twice.

I haven't eaten in 2 days from fasting. Just feeling a bit weak

This is my second time trying this. I did a two day fast and yeah I got tired.

Eat fruits and veggies

You will be fine.

Humans can go for weeks without food depending on how fat you are.

You can eat leafy/green vegetables to stave off the hunger and give you those vitamins and fiber for your poops. Think lettuce, cabbage, celery.

I honestly got the idea from an Auschwitz documentary. I'm just trying to lose weight rapidly.

Why are you being dumb, OP?

There is literally no need to do that shit in a modern-day society.

It works but it's Hell. I've been eating less than 1k calories per day and running at least 3 miles six days a week for the past four weeks and I've lost fifteen pounds so far, and counting. I started at about 205 and am at about 190 right now. Looking to drop at least another 10 before Christmas.

You will eventually die, no one is eternal fam.

Congrats, really. It's hard to let go of really hopd food. I'm trying to slim down but want it fast. Your way is more safer, keep at it Cred Forumsro.

It depends on your lifestyle. A NEET wouldn't have a problem but an athlete would suffer a performance hit, for example.

That's dumb. Your body will start to conserve energy you faggot. Also, in three days you'll lose no weight. You need a long term plan.

Yeah three days is pretty average, fasting is among the healthiest things you can do and you should probably do the same thing monthly, reduces stomach cancer risk cause all the rotten stuff that your tummy had been trying to digest before you gave it MORE SHIT TO DIGEST and made it make that stuff the priority actually gets taken care of.

Thanks. A deficit is much more efficient than cutting off food entirely. Get your energy from complex carbs so you don't pass out while exercising and you'll be fine - though I don't know how your body works so take that advice at face value.

Weight loss shouldn't be done rapidly since that can be unhealthy for your body. Take it as your body does it and remember that nothing worth having is easily obtainable.


idiot eat good healthy food do cardio and drink water

I already walk a lot. And I drink at least a gallon of water a day.

I'll be trying to see how far I can go then.
I'll try a week.

Well I walk a lot. I have a car but prefer to walk sometimes.

> tfw you're already dead

you can survive for around 2 weeks without food...

Thing is, it's actually gonna make you less healthy. Your body will eat up muscle too, and strain your internal organs. If you're able to maintain fasting regularly enough to lose significant weight, you won't even look good--you'll just look like a hungry skeleton.

Chances are, you'll gain it all right back, perhaps plus some extra because your metabolism is all out of whack.

I've read a bit about the health benefits of fasting, but using it as a way to crash diet is counterproductive.

TL;DR, just cut all junk food out of your diet and eat a balanced diet with sensible proportions.

There are simpler ways to become a Jew, OP. Try chopping your dick off, and only think of money for a couple of days.

a good fast i did was eating before noon until i was absolutely stuffed. then i wouldnt eat for the rest of the day/night. lost a good amount of weight and it wasn't hard to do because of the amount of food i ate in the mornings.

Halloween is coming up so....

Crash dieting just won't work. You need to change how you approach food.

A good start is to drastically limit the amount of carbs you eat.

If you fast for 3 days you won't lose weight but gain even more, because your body will switch to full-on conserve mode and store as much energy as possible in the form of fat. That means you'll be tired all the time and still gain weight when you're done with fasting.

If you really want to lose weight you either have to eat 3 proper meals a day or 5 smaller ones. By far the most important thing is that you HAVE to have breakfast, because that's what jumpstarts your metabolism and tells your body that today you won't be starving,so it won't store as much fat.

Another thing is cutting down on meat. Eat meat every other or 3rd day or so but not every day. If you start feeling hungry between your meals, stuff yourself with fruits and vegetables since they don't have that much fat but still fill your stomach up. Also, drink a shit ton of water, especially when you're hungry.

You don't need to exercise if you keep true to my advice, but I'd still reccomend it since it helps you lose weight faster; 20 - 30 minutes of exercise every day. It doesn't necessarily have to be intensive.

Fasting is one of the worst things you can do to try and lose weight, it just won't work. Unless you only care about your weight on the 3rd or 4th day, but afterwards your body is still gonna try and conserve energy for a while which will make you gain more weight (yoyo effect).

Why avoid meat? It's better to avoid sugars, ncluding those from fruit.

Most people think of fasting as going without completely, whereas in reality in usually refers to restricted intake.

>ITT: pseudoscience

Op, to lose weight you will need fuel to help burn your fat when you excersise. I recommend a diet. No bread, no pasta, brown rice, no soda, no lollies, no butter, eat popcorn as a snack ( no butter ), eat lots of fruit, when you eat a meal drink water throughout and after you eat to make you feel full. Only have 3 meals a day, with Lunch being a heavier meal than dinner as you are more active then. Snacks eaten inbetween if you must. I did this and lost 20kgs but gave up after because I was happy with loss. Goodluck op

3 minutes without air
3 days without water
3 weeks without food

You'll be fine, but you're gonna be suffering. Should atleast have soup once a day, or a very light meal, outright not eating will fuck up your digestive system

Fasting won't do shit but put your body in a state of starvation and force you to put on more weight as stored fat for your next "fasting". Essentially reversing the effects, Just stop eating as much and go to the gym, chunk

I hate to say this being op and all but dubs of truth for the soup tip.

I don't eat junk food. I usually eat once a day.

>once a day
That's where you're going wrong

Don't forget to rub the back of your head to simulate eating... or your larynx may dry up.
Rotate your jaw at least once an hour.
The first thing you eat after your fast must be salty... and contain vitamin J.

Well I cant eat breakfast. I dont like eating in the morning.

No but I strongly recommend having some sort of natural sugar. Honey or something similar