Sorry Cred Forums i just wanted to show off my yummy edible plus i popped 2 xanax right now lmao its a good ass friday

sorry Cred Forums i just wanted to show off my yummy edible plus i popped 2 xanax right now lmao its a good ass friday

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>100 mg
That shit's weak as fuck

bitch wtf im fucked up i dont wanna be seeing this shit off 2 xanax

what mg xanax?

bitch stfu im boutta be high af

trips of nigger
100mg thc edible is like smoking 1 gram of 10% thc weed, so if your tolerance is low you'll get pretty high

>tits or GTFO

i never got into edibles. The doses are so sporadic, its just too much.

tits or GTFO

I am familiar in the ways of the weed my dear user

Please share the love.

kek 20-25 mg is standard dose, Ive done edibles for years and 100mg isnt a small dose and you'll get high even if you have a pretty big tolerance

me too friend no need to be so elitist about it though

Lol 30mg will get you pretty fucked

dude not just that but i'm literally so fucked up already off these fucking pills idgaf what anyone says on this thread i just want some fucking pizza real talk

I'll have you know that i've smoked over 500 marijuanas in one sitting, chump

i have no fucking idea but i feel so fucking drunk honestly amy bf gave them to me and they said xanax on them and he bought them from someone from his work

well i'll be damned, i take back what i said previously sir

You all are children. Grow the fuck up already

and who tf are you grandpa?????

fuck i never thought about it that way. i will now start the process of growing up already

i dont like prescription drugs. i do have a half ounce crystal chunk of pure mdma though

what is the high you get when on xan? planning to get some soon, wanna know what i'm getting in to
(i have done the weeds , cocaine , extasy , molly)

were they white bars? either way youre in for a wild ride and some great sleep