I respect drug dealers, especially non-violent ones, more than anything

I respect drug dealers, especially non-violent ones, more than anything.
The war on drugs is one the greatest violations of human rights of today. As long as growing plants, putting substances into your OWN body, and victimless acts in general, are illegal, I have zero respect towards the law.

Every person who supports the war on drugs should be executed. Communist scum.

Quote from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. "Liberty consists of doing anything which does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has only those borders which assure other members of the society the enjoyment of these same rights. "

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Smartest post I've seen on 4Chin so far.

All people (and I use that term very loosely) who use Federally illegal drugs should be immediately executed. This should also apply to their parents and offspring, as addiction susceptability has been shown to be genetic. This would have the added bonus of fixing the nigger problem.

Same fagging doesn't work faggot



You should tattoo that on your back.

>go to beach
>have shit written on my back that I don't even remember what it is because I'm high
>get made fun of behind your back
>get made fun of in front too

Thank you.

Please kill yourself, communist scum.


that's absolutely retarded.

i say let every degenerate who is retarded enough to actually not get that herion n shit is retarded go and do that and basically mark her/himself by that as being a degenerate and subsequently take him/herself you all by themselves...

and totally without giving gobbernment godlike powers at all.

I don't necessarily respect them any more or less than any other service/goods provider

go to bed, princess

>take him/herself you all by themselves...

i fukking typoed. here's the correction :

* "...take him/herself you all by themselves OUT OF THE GENEPOOL ALL BY THEMSELVES ... "


Fukk off, i actually literally typoed again, while correcing the first typo. here's the correction-correction :

* "...take themselves OUT OF THE GENEPOOL ALL BY THEMSELVES ... "

The argument is that mind-altering drugs cause violent behavior, resulting in an increased likelyhood of harming others.

The argument is that men are more likely to rape than women, therefore being a male should be made a criminal act.

So if a person sits in their house and gets high as fuck, not harming anyone, but the police kick the door down and arrest them for just simply doing drugs. What crime did they commit?

I was so spot on the money your autist dumbass screencapped me? Thanks for proving my point faggot. Here's another bump you didn't have to do yourself

we can jail and punish all myth evangelists and cult members too, right?

This country no want me.. but me love this country..so I say fuck u. It's between me n country, no..


or even food ?!!?

so you want government want to dictate to you what to drink or eat, in what order, at what times, on what portions, .... ?!

do you even think your "muh gobbernment!" thing throu ?

You really should. there is a reason, why murica came into existence in the first place and why it once was called - and actually was - the land of freedom ...and why everybody wanted to come there .... it's all no coincidence ...


Yeah but only if they sell recreational drugs. Weed, cocaine, ecstasy etc.

People who sell heroin, blues, benzos and shit like that are basically just allowing people to commit suicide/irrevocably fuck up their lives. Not to mention the fact that all drug dealers are liars who won't tell you what drug or chemical you're actually put into your body.

7/10 troll though

Props on the trips

govt should regulate it then make money off of it
i sell drugs to cops who have cancer and shit to help them out

When it comes to inebriants, I personally prefer a more expanded variety and don't consider myself bound to the sole government-approved intoxicant, alcohol, which is a remarkably crude substance. You call people degenerate for taking these substances. I consider you base and servile for slavishly lapping up your peasant juice, crowing on about 'degenerate junkies' while your liver hardens and scarifies.

No, heroin dealers are in the same line with weed dealers.
No-one forces you to take heroin, it's not the dealers fault.

I can buy a bottle of liquor and give myself alcohol poisoning that might kill, that doesn't make the liquor store shopkeeper responsible for my death.

I did not say I agreed with argument, I just stated what it is that the justice system uses to justify their laws.

Also alcohol lobbies the government, that's why they are legal. They tried to ban alcohol once, and there was a massive shitstorm over it.

I fucking wish.

I need drugs!!!!

If you live in certain states I suppose you can just go to the store. Otherwise you will have to visit your local criminal, which will probably be a less pleasurable experience. Unless you are of his ilk. Then you can, so to say, shoot the shit. Talk about how you 'hate cops' and 'snitches' maybe give each other some tattoos using an improvised device.

Think about it to though, it's a known fact that alcohol is the known common gate wat drug.. which brings me to my original point.... I need drugs... ;)


What the hell is a gate way drug? By this logic, everything leads to something. What lead to alcohol? Rock and roll music? What lead to rock and roll music? Girls? Are we going to outlaw babes and rock music? All sounds a little gay, to me. You sure you don't belong in a monastery? Probably not, even those guys had a daily allowance of half a litre wine.

Some one post a meme with "I need drugs" as a caption

Oh yeah? What about the dealers that prey on young naive people and try to get them hooked on it. As a drug dealer it's a basic business practice. If you want more customers you need to try to convince more people to use.

As for the alcohol thing you're right that I can do whatever I want with a bottle of liquor but most people use alcohol responsibly, and alcoholics die from chronic use. Just look at the new heroin going around in Ohio, nobody's forcing these people to do heroin but the dealers seen telling them that it's laced with elephant tranquilizer and if they do a little to much of it at once they'll OD and die.

*the dealers sure aren't telling them

I need drugs!

You want such freedoms, pick up arms and fight for it. Colonials did and now their descendents are your new oppressors. What's stopping you? You think posting your thoughts on the internet can do more damage than picking up arms?


you're talking about preachers, right?

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot cocksucker. Drug dealers are nothing more than the purveyors of death. And you are literally sucking their glass dick as they rob and murder you.

I only wish the United States took the same line that Duterte & his government in the Philippines are taking with dope dealers. Put a bullet in their fucking head and make their family, who gave benefitted from their gross and illegal actions, pay for the bullet.

You're what's wrong in this country. Someone should put a bullet in your faggot ass, then in your cocksucking mouth, then a third, for good measure, in your dome.

"I need drugs !"

Selling to minors is of course wrong and should be punishable.

>Communist scum

u wot m8

The war on drugs is a capitalist fueled war if anything. If you compete with the CIA's drug business, expect to be taken out.


Weren't people dying during prohibition from 'bad hooch'?

It's certainly not good news that people are doing carfentanil, thinking it is heroin, and overdosing. But this wouldn't happen if it weren't a black market situation. Look at the strict regulations imposed on cannabis retailers. You know exactly what you are buying, there.

In one breath you say that most people who use alcohol do so responsibly but also alcoholics die from chronic use... If you die from alcoholism surely you weren't using alcohol responsibly? Fact is some people are always going to rely on a substance more than what others would consider to be healthy. But having the product illegal puts people into a situation of criminality, associates them with an underworld where they are more likely to degenerate morally and in other aspects. If alcohol is legal other substances should be too.

I agree

Take some responsibility of your own life faggot, stop blaming 3rd parties for its shittyness.

People like you are the idiots who blamed their teachers in high school for not succeeding in exams, or who blame guns for murders. It's never your fault, always someone elses.

Did your mother die of a heroin overdose? Good, natural selection motherfucker. Stop being a little crybaby.