So, Cred Forums I recently found a "Friend" of mine using a dating site, problem is...

So, Cred Forums I recently found a "Friend" of mine using a dating site, problem is... She's 15-16 and specifically says in her bio "Looking for casual sex, 18-26 years old"

Should I notify her parents? Or maybe report her?

Also, she's a HUGE SJWcunt, and a little brat.

I know her because in my Senior year(Her freshman year) of highschool we were okay friends, till she started shit, rumors, drama, tried to get me kicked out of all of the clubs/arts I was associated with. So Should I go for revenge or let her get someone arrested?

Other urls found in this thread:

What do I do guys? Honestly need some help here.

"We need to report this."

>Should I notify her parents?
sure, make an anonymous call with the link

You should use this info to fuck her brains out.

Report/notify her parents would make you look like the little cuck you are

>bors before hoes
save a guy some jail time a report her


Rat on her before she ruins some dumbasses life.


plus you get to rekt her life

She is definitely gonna fuck somebody's life over, fucking do something

Report her.

If you let her get someone arrested, it's going to hurt the dude more than it hurts her. Go for the source.

I'm not a cuck, nor do I want to fuck her.

She's 15, I'm 19. And she's a MAJOR BITCH, but I do have her parent's names(they are on facebook) and I just made an anonymous profile to just send them the link. Is that harsh? Revenge too much? Her parents are INCREDIBLY religious. I met them(after a show, I was in the theatre department) and other than her father looking like freddy krueger, they had cross necklaces, the whole Jesus get up on their car... Even the whole "Athiest" thing on her profile would probably get her kicked out of home, but the "looking for casual sex" Is beyond fucking enough for them to disown her.

Should I do it Cred Forums? I don't wanna come off as a dick, but I almost feel bad for it.

OP, were you the one who wrote "softmore"?

If only for that, I'd say we refuse to assist.


>getting someone disowned
>letting her get someone arrested
correct choice is fucking obvious dumbass

Mind your fucking business cuck OP, bitch can fuck up her own life just fine

>Is SJW Bitch

Report, save some poor sucker from a sentence and a lifetime on the naughty list.

but shell also fuck up some poor guy who just wants pussy's life too

sophomore* I know, I was in a rush.

To be fair it's a fucking stupid mistake

Notify her parents OP...fuck her life up


Goodbye faggot

She's going to fuck somebody's life up. Some unsuspecting 18+ year old is going to bang her and she's going to ruin him. Notify her parents. Ruin her.



Kill yourself

Do it


This. jesus christ this cunt is probably baiting for a rape claim to play special snowflake.

I don't think that's necessarily a problem. When I was 20 I was fucking a girl 4 years younger than me.

That said, if she's as bad as you say she is and you don't care about what happens to her, go for it.

>letting some random guy go to jail/blue dot for the rest of his life
>Giving some upity little bitch her just desserts.
tough choice user

Why rattle the cage? Why get yourself involved at all? Just walk away. Go on with your life. It doesn't concern you.

Report her by all means to OKcupid. And call/text her parents.

But if she's a sjw brat now then odds they won't give a fuck anyways.

Also S/N on okcupid so the rest of us can report her.

What's the fun in being in a cage if you can't rattle it?

Alright Cred Forums Just notified her father. Didn't wanna notify Freddy Krueger, but honestly I don't want her doing things like this anymore, especially considering she has a boy in her facebook profile and everything. Though her father may actually kill her.

if she's "sexting" with with poor bastards, she's producing and distributing cheese

you must report her


if old fashioned parents you proably should have notified mom but still good on you for not letting her ruin someones life

>What's the fun in being in a cage if you can't rattle it?
It all makes sense now, why blacks fill the prisons, they just like rattling their jail cells

>being in a cage
If you're rattling the cage you're not in it you window licker.

send proof, faggot.

Why would you rattle it if you weren't?

Also, we are not talking about an actual cage, Captain Literal.


show her pic

Good job OP, may not feel like it but that was the act of a good samaritan and you should be proud.

I couldn't notify her mother, I tried, but the profile wasn't active. Her father's is. He does look creepy as hell though, I wouldn't want him knowing who I was

You just saved some poor unsuspecting bastard a living hell. Feel good about it.

So your question is - should I allow a child to solicit statutory rape?

I said I was a mutual friend of her and another, but honestly hate her.


Welp shit... Forgot to blur the name.

b8 too gr8

he dosent look creepy also nice dub dubs

who cares

OP delivered the proof... and with dub dubs.
Checked, and proud of your faggot ass.

We have enough SJWs raping people with manipulating the law, lies and entrapment... we don't need any more.

You're doing divine work.

Her mother would be pissed. Her father will probably kick her ass.

Yes, I am talking about the figurative speech, the phrase. Which is about the futility of rattling a cage from the outside and disturbing the beast within it. The speaker is not presumed to be in the cage.

Here's proof that I included the screenshot

they may not care
Plan B?

That you care so much is what I think is funny.

Should screen shot the reply if you get one.

Everything you have said makes you sound like a real queer. Sitting at home e-stalking a younger girl and asking if you should snitch on her?

What a useless beta faggot you are. Gayest thing I've seen all day.

I think the bigger question is why do you care? Mind your own business faggot.

It's all I've got

They will.

They are as I said, beyond reliegous, I've never seen so many reliegous stickers on a car before.

Will do, but knowing old people and facebook it could be a while, keep watch incase it happens.

>Pic related's him. Seriously, in real life he's like 7 foot tall, bone thin and just looks like satan.

She looks hideous

Furthermore, all these responses from some little fuckin snitches. You should all die in a fire.

Did you expect anything else?

How is a 15 year old attending Sante Fe college?

Report her to the police, and CPS...she is pumping herself out. That's child abuse. She may get a uniformed or 'casual' home visit with her and her parents to inquire about her conditions of upbringing and supervision.......for Science!

meh ive seen older creepier people

I'm sure you'd have something different to say if you were arrested for statutory rape and had to be on a sex offender's list for the rest of forever because you got tangled up with that chick and her crazy religious parents.

She looks like a he

jesus fuck she is hideously masculine



They aren't.

That's the thing, see the original post where I said she was a sophomore in high school.

Did 2 times.

Waiting on a reply from Daddy Krueger.

fucking faggot, shouldn't you be trying to be out sucking some dick somewhere?

Why are u such a salty cum soaked fagot

OH MY FUCKING GOD, SHE REPLIED ON OKCUPID After I told her she was too young.

She honestly think she thinks I'm stupid.

Tell her to stop all of this shit before she sends a poor dude to the slammer

>angry eurocuck/10

Screen name now, Cred Forums needs to troll this bitch.

Not OP but bitches like that don't give a fuck, once they get off, they could couldn't fucking care less if the poor sob is locked up.

she gets her 15mins of fame and his life is ruined.

Name op let us do holy work

I sent the wrong half of the message first.

>First half

This, she needs to learn that consequence are never the same.

You have the power to unleash Cred Forums upon this chick. Wield it wisely.

You should. She is lying about her age and could get an innocent guy in shit. Also as you say she is a little bitch so you shouldn't care. Send it to her parents she deserves it. Also screen shot it

there is potential

I will once she replies to my new messages.

I don't want to let it lose unless she gets angry with me.

I sent her a message saying "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were 18, I don't want some poor soul to get on here and get arrested that's all, no ill intent"

Playing along as I do.

But if she replies with another thing like her last one, I'mma give you the screen name.

Just give it, you'll feel better

I'll give you long dick

Stop being a little bitch and tell her you know she isn't 18 and you're a friend of hers in real life that will report her. She could get some guy in jail for life and you're just sitting there taking it up the ass from her?

OP already sent a FB message to her dad.

This shit is unfolding like a saga.

I'm wanting to save that as the trump card.
And I will, but I do want to have a TINY bit of fun first, see how far she goes.

What did you say?

Okay, thread.

We should all agree on giving this cunt a name

Read thread history.

Well she's "Trans" Like every SJW, and her birth name is Lydia, so... Have fun there.

Also she's 15-16 trying to get adults so pedobait, sjw, etc

>"Looking for casual sex, 18-26 years old"
so how do i get in touch with her?

also nypa, fgt.

Report her account and photos. I'm actually a moderator on OKC. I can vote to have her account removed.

Sweet, sweet justice.

Get her to drop a nude then screenshot and send to parents

Nice try

>And she's a MAJOR BITCH,
sound more like you're the major bitch. you're the one trying to summon a mob against someone who's morals you don't like. you're the true social justice warrior here. gtfo

You can barely see her last name in the address bar.

Pics for proof

It's the right thing to do. Tell somebody.

That's a great way to get charged with possession and distribution of child pornography,


Notify parents, post results



>Get her to drop a nude then screenshot and send to parents
You want OP to save cheese to his computer? lol no dice, dude.

bad at removing info, bro.

I have, no reply

And, if you guys can see her name go ahead an ruin her.

Have they seen it?

Well, logically, I would say Report her.

But since this is Cred Forums, catfish her and post pics of your endeavors.

I dont honestly care, they are spam accounts anyways. I thought i'd at least make an attempt without really any effort.

nice try op. it's pretty obvious you're a massive bitch.

Holy fuck quads as fuck bro


She has a vagina. In the pic of the father, you can see her and her twin sister.

>she's a HUGE SJWcunt, and a little brat.

>Should I notify her parents? Or maybe report her?

Pick one. Tattle, or make fun of social justice.

Holy shit this thread is a dubmine

I'm serious. Look at all of the photos here, you can see proof of her profile, and I forgot to censor the adress bar.

And I have a message to her father.


What should I do with this guy?

I literally see no problems here

Also, how do I get in contact witht his girl? A friend wants to know

The friend is my dick

My dick wants to know

Did it bro, see earlier in thread.

>Should I notify her parents? Or maybe report her?

Left alone, he ain't hurtin nobody except his own self esteem.

"A softmore in high school" I should notify your school


Is that OP?

has the gender dynamic really become so combative that you honestly think this girl is doing this to put guys in jail, and not to just get some college dick?

Trying to discern her username from

it appears to be AJ_khanh or something similar. Anyone have idea?

Not op profile name is AJ_Kharh or something. have fun Cred Forumsros

Sometime moderating can be fun.

and? i don't see why i should be emotionally invested in this just because you got sand in your vag. stop fighting for your own brand of social justice, fag.

Pic matches I think. Says tranny, so it matches there too.

OP fucked up and left her name in.

holy shit, there is no reverse google image search on these photos either and she has a completed profile....this might be some OC

>fat, weak, and hairy
not a catch...

Toasting in epic Bread.
Somebody screen cap this I would if I wasn't on Mobile


Why do you even have to ask?

I voted to leave the photo. It tech doesnt violate the terms, its just embarrassing

SJW comes to be to recruit more SJWs, to help eliminate the other SJW,

Her tits look awful. Sad day.

Do it

>Confusing social justice with criminal justice

Because I in general try to do the right thing. I don't know the right thing at this point.

I wasnt talking about your post or girl OP. I'm referring to the reported profile in my picture above which has nudes.

not too shabby

the crowd is social. "What do we do guys?! help me decide what we do to her"

Oh, I thought someone found her name.

She's cute, but man she has like an Arizona highway map across her chest.

I never asked for a lynch mob.

I simply asked if it'd be wrong to report her to her parents.

Kek, confirmed

>i'm 19

sure you are

Don't fall for the bait OP. Just keep it up. Also, you should dump something fun for making us wait.

its literally social justice to let the mob decide what to do. society decides whether or not it is just.

I am 19, Do I need to show my license or some shit?

Not falling any further to the bait.

just thought i should post some wall papers while we wait


Arizonian here can confirm that is the map on her chest


Her profile is AJ_Khanh boys. Let's troll the shit out of her. What'll we call her? Someone suggested naming this. This could be the next project of ours, it's been too long since we've fucked someone over.

If a guy's dick can't tell the difference between 8 and 18 year old pussies that's his own prerogative

you do what you want

but you going to the mob of b-tards about what to do, is as SJW as her talking to a mob of feminazis about how to handle you.

>should I get revenge on a bitch that tried to fuck me over or some random dude I've never met?
gee what a tough choice

if her real name isnt on there then we should use that to freak her out

You sound like a 14 year old kid



hey, since we're reporting things.

someone should report all this child porn.



What child porn?

OP HERE Still nothing. from her dad.

that hole looks like pepe

That name pulls up nothing.

I'd love to use this, but I prommised B the other day, maybe yesterday that I'd use the one they chose for me for the next 5 months.

Probably because he's an adult who doesn't waste time with social media

Just do it faggot
Let her parents deal with that and maybe this bitch learn something from this, you fucktard

>guy fawkes mask
i dont believe for a second you're older than 15

>and honestly i'm a little offended by your comment on my appearance

wow she really is a sjw op. you weren't kidding

What's a B?

>he must mean Reddit

found the slut

No shit!

I already told her parent, and now reported her to OKcupid.

I'm not going to confirm or deny the name someone posted earlier.

Not actually a mask, I stole a FB pic of a "Friend" and shopped it on. That's not my actual profile, it's just there so I don't look like a faceless message to her father.

>What's a B?
good ol' maymay.

He has strict privacy settings meaning your message has probably went to his other inbox, in which he needs to accept a message request and won't see it.

If you have can find her dads number you should send him a text or call his house.


I don't plan to do that, because she has my phone(We had a phone group for all actors in a show, me and her were both in) number in her phone, if I text her parents it'll show my number.

you snitchin motherfucker.

Spoof your number or use skype?

add one of his friends. If you have a mutual friend, messages go to inbox.

What are you waiting for? Make user great again. Do it.


direct link?

lol what do with this fuckers account?

get sideline or whatever its called


you goofed op im sending this to him

just dl the text now app dude, you can generate a new number and use any area code you want. ex, I'm in ct but I use iit to contact with the area code in ny.

Add a bunch of his friends until one accepts so you can send a message.

If messages have been sent it gets fucked up

Hide caller id and use voice changer, or get a cheap ass phone for like 10 bucks.

Top kek, micropenis
Leave him to be laughed at

thx, i had this one but with shitty quality and some crap watermark

with the fawks mask?!?!?! what a faggot!!!!


And I've made 2 emails, and 2 fake profiles to stay where she has no clue who I am.

>Also, pic related is the profile pic without the shopped on mask.

She looks too disgusting for anyone to want to bang anyway lol so really, there's nothing to worry about.

dude wtf is wrong with people like you

fag move buddy.

Friends are hidden

Spam his inbox with dummy accounts and motherless nudes. Then rat him out for possessing child pornography.

I cant believe he got that pewdiepie tattoo.

>obviously photoshoped head
>obviously fake blood

You don goofed OP.

You had the perfect crime, no one had to know.
Now Cred Forums knows.
Now EVERYBODY knows.

some b-tards just wanna watch the world burn. what are YOU doing in this swarm of faggotry?

Op here, do it. I honestly don't care, but It's bad to say "Hey I fucking hate your daughter, here's her asking for adults to fuck her. "

its very really actually. we found the girl who did it too. theres an ED article on her.

>its very real

be on the lookout in Phoenix AZ. Pictures are OC, no reverse search results and profile isn't obvious spam bot.

You can tell from that picture that he rams those two on a regular basis while saying his prayers. Thrusting his way through the ten commandements and making them repeat every commandment between thrusts.

Hell, up until age 12 he had them convinced that this was the ritual Jesus required for absolving sins. "The white liquid at the end is blessing juice" he'd say, and when they'd done something amazingly sinful he'd have to pound that vajayjay twice to make sure the sin was washed away.

What a nice christian family indeed. Is it any wonder she grew up SJW after years of being told that she was a sinner and needed to accept blessing juice?

Lydia Funston here I cum!

now looking for the girl

even if it was fake its still fucked up


Op here, I do ask that don't do that. I never wanted a lynch mob. I just wasnted advice.

And that's hillarious, but I feel bad for it, the girl might kill herself, and I'd feel bad, even if she's a SQWcunt and a bitch.

Any response yet?

What the fuck are you doing here if you're that easily offended? It's just a dog you loser.

Nope , I did add him on facebook.

moral fags get lost

op u just saved her life what u talking?
what do u think strangers gonna do to her...?
what if a nigger is raping her?

How can you feel that bad?

he is a newfag

Too late!

jewbook /profile.php?id=100004640986648&fref=ts

you're welcome.

Because I do feel bad for doing it, even if she's a bitch, who tried to fuck me over, I don't want another dead teen in my mind.


My penis is so hard now

>phoenix az
like anyone on this site lives in phoenix i bet my life that im the only one

So, are you gonna wait for her dad to administer justice for her behavior?

... wait that sounds familiar.

dogs are more valuable than humans

first off im not offended by dead animals. i just think it is grotesque and un-necessary to show such signs of disrespect to an animal and flaunt its carcass like a trophy



Wait, can I do that? Not OP, but we all have her profile name, we should all report her to the police. We'd be doing a good thing. Not that Cred Forums hasn't in the past, but Anonymous isn't exactly famous for the good.

thanks brother

>dabing as a cover photo
welp time to ruin this bitches life

Seriously, DON'T.

REPORT, if she truly is a SJW then she in on that website to claim someone raped her...

>vietnam = europe

i love murrican education

I get it. you just dont want her to go all jessie slaughter cause you fed her to this swarm?

I kind of hope her dad beats her over it.


>implying i read what she said
>implying im american
stay triggered

willing to bet this is op

This has to be the best personal army request I have ever seen.

>updated HIS cover photo

Seriously this. A sjw bitch like her deserves the same treatment she does to others. Get the police involves and bring some social justice to her.

Well no one gives a fuck about what you think

why not? you cant stop us.


this is good



thought it was a girl. wtf.

so anyone got a plan? or just troll this faggot

>till she started shit, rumors, drama, tried to get me kicked out of all of the clubs/arts I was associated with
and you giving a shit about this proves that you bring this upon yourself.

what did you think was about to happen? now we ruin her forever. and you too if we find you.

>trans f to m

Jesus tap dancing Christ that's the most boney ass I've ever seen.

Why do most American women say they're only good at vapid skills like making people laugh, dancing, and baking sweets. Just once i'd like to see a girl who claims to be good at something that requires actual skill.

he didn't read the unhighlighted shit calm down

>Should I notify her parents? Or maybe report her?

How about just mind your own business?

>good at something that requires actual skill.
>skills like making people laugh
As a depressive faggot Id marry any bitch that can make me laugh.

if somene screenshot this thread put me in the screnshot

A.VH >_

>Why do most American women say they're only good at vapid skills
have you never looked at a girl outside of america because they're all like that

someone cap this thread, this shit if funny

Fuck this fucking fag

STFU faggot. you're no part of this anymore.