Omg I literally love saying literally like literally all the time

Omg I literally love saying literally like literally all the time.

literally kill yourself

You are literally so mean

i literally have autism

This is literally my carecup right now \_/.
As you can literally see, it's empty.

Omg that cup is literally empty

You are literally special

dubs double-confirmed. check em'.

you know I don't literally mean it, but you see why I had to say it right?

How literally even literally millennial even are you literally even?

I am literally hurt. You literally hurt me.

I love saying literally too, like so much that literally literally loses its literal meaning!

I'm Rob Lowe. I approve this message.

Literally check'd

I literally know right?

Rob Lowe is literally a babe.

I am so literally sorry. It was literally satire

All your base are literally belong to us

Its literally okay. Im literally over it.

Literally /thread

that literally makes me so happy. Im so glad we literally got over this so quickly

Literally shut the fuck up. Im literally not over it, you literally just assume everything is ok. Im fucking literally hurting inside literally right now.

mmm, she your phone background?

Literally no

You literally just said you were alright. Like literally. I literally can't even understand what you want right now. Literally stop being like this

YOU LITERALLY MADE ME LIKE THIS. Im literally done. Like literally.

You literally say literally too much. Literally stop, you make the rest of us look literally stupid

You literally dont get to tell me what to literally do.

Umm that's lime literally racist?????????????smh tbh fam

I literally can and I'm literally telling you to go fuck yourself

You are literally so funny

How can you literally say that literally to me greg?

Thanks Bae remember to comment rate and subscribe and also watch my twitch steams where I do nothing but provide basic commentary accompanied by my dumb, gaping, face.

I will literally def watch and literally like.

You should literally see The Magnificent Seven.

Is it good? I was literally thinking of going to see it

I literally want too