Ask a doctor who prescribes any drug for money anything

Ask a doctor who prescribes any drug for money anything


I live somewhere in Germany

Damn. I could use some IV ketamine

Any indication of price?

How do I find a doctor like you?

We all could use some ketamine
I tend to keep my prices a little bit lower than black market, depends on the drug of course
They are not too common, but sometimes you find one, ask some friends who use drugs

>depends on the drug of course

You do more than Ketamine?

How do you get away with prescribing some of this shit to healthy young people?

Unless they die or end up in hospital, you're good to go. A happy customer is a returning one. Not a dead or complaining one.

are you that jewish doctor that sells me xanax without diagnosing if i give him some shekels on the side? if yes thx fam

As I mentioned in the original post, I pretty much prescribe you anything you want
- Benzos
- Dissos
- Opioids
- etc...
I tell them to not go to the same pharmacy too often, it's pretty easy to not get caught

Idk how Germany works, but wouldn't a pharmacist get suspicious if a bunch of 20ish yo tweakers came in with ketamine scripts all from the same doctor?

I actually need some drugs (sedative sleep med) but I hate the hassle of "convincing" a doctor. They give me weak ass shit that does nothing and I just don't go back. How do I get shit that actually works the first time I go in?

I am not, but it seems like your doc is a good one

What's YOUR favorite drug?

Say you've been to other docs before and the weak "shit" didn't work, works most of the time, or say your symptoms are more extreme than they actually are
Ketamine, LSD, Oxycodone
How about you?

Yeah but how can you trust a bunch of opioid seekers to show restraint and good judgment? All it takes is one to not listen and you're fucked.

The pharmacy will think they faked the script
But you're right, that's why I don't like giving out opioids

Cannabis..yea I'm boring

German pharmacy fag here, I call bullshit. The "Krankenkassen" would pretty soon get, whats going on. Too many BtM-receipts from one doctor? For Patients who have no fitting background? Ketamine in ambulant use? Suspicious as fuck.

I'm not sure if you're doing good or not.

We should work together.
What do you personally think of my actions?

Wait how can you prescribe any drug you want? I thought you could only prescribe drugs related to your field wtf fam


Are you considered an addict? Or recreational user.

Recreational user

Kannst du mir Ritalin verschreiben?

can you get me a medicinal marijuana card?

Most harmful drug you've prescribed to a patient for money?

How do you go about prescribing drugs for personal use(for yourself)?

What's the best way to get a script for adderall?

would you be willing to write me a prescription for medicinal marijuana?

I prescribe a friend something and that friends gives it to me
Opioids in general, I probably made a few people addicts
ADHD - just read about it a lot and then fail the test on purpose
not online, no

What's the most popular drug you prescribe? Are any of your colleagues suspicious of you?

BtM-drugs and Ketamine on Privatrezept? As a pharmacist in your area, I would probably think of it as suspicious, too. What if pharmacists in your vicinity get to talk about you? Or inform the authorities? Any investigation would probably fuck you up pretty fast, wouldnt it?

Im not against the "recreational use" of these substances, but only in an rrsponsible way. Also this would be way too risky for me.
Btw im not working in a public pharmacy. So no cooperation ;)

Wtfs wrong with my hand? It's itchy

I have no colleagues
Probably benzos, really, people really seem to need it, opioids a lot as well

Doctors r normally rich. So y u do this?

Can i has your phone #? for research purps onry, of course

They're usually in debt up to their eye balls!

> (You)
>They're usually in debt up to their eye balls!
The fuck?

Hey, I have a question, I got a prescription for diazepam once and I scanned it and printed it, to me, it looks very real, are there any more security features? It's a Privatrezept


I live in the state of CT can you recommend someone who will hook me up?

Chink fag detected

>Doctor is from Germany
>"I live in Connecticut, can you help?"


cats do this to my allergeezz guise quit posting this a it makes me itchy

always one qt3.14 in the thread

Wie alt ist das Rezept? Sind normalerweise nur ne Woche gültig. Ist die Dosierung unter 10mg? Dann ist es zumindest kein BTM-Rezept. Probieren würd ichs aber nicht. Es gibt zwar soweit ich weiß keine großartigen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, aber die Behörden verstehen da echt keinen Spaß. Ist dein Leben so abgefuckt, dass du mit ner Verurteilung wegen Urkundenfälschung leben kannst? Auf dem Rezept steht dein Name...

Si / des

nigwith jee blud detected

>obvious 4709

Ich bin ziemlich gut mit Photoshop, ich habe das Datum und den Namen einfach rausbearbeitet, kann da nun hinschreiben was ich will und es sieht echt aus. Wird das Papier irgendwie geprüft oder geht normales Papier?
Ich könnte ja einen falschen Namen angeben und falls etwas auffällt einfach rennen, oder?
Ich bin Benzoabhänig und habe bald kein Valium mehr

I live in The Netherlands. Can I buy something from you? If yes tell me please how to contact you.

hello mr officer

Whatever dude.

If you have bitcoins, why not
Add me on Wickr, it's a app, download it
username: wearerats

I do. I'll download it. Thanks

verdammt, kann ich irgendwie kontakt mit dir aufnehmen? benzos, opis wären malwieder schön


Die Privatretepte druckt die Praxis meist selber, auf normalem Papier. Kommt halt auf die PTA/Apotheker/in an und ob du abhängig wirkst, wie genau hingeschaut wird. Sobald die Unterschrift nicht echt/gedruckt aussieht, gibts Probleme. Aber im Notfall würde dich wahrscheinlich auch niemand aufhalten, wenn du einfach rennst. Ich würds nicht machen, bin aber gottseidank auch nicht abhängig.

I'll go to bed now, I will not reply anymore, if anyone wants something, add wearerats on Wickr, it's an app

ja, hab keine bitcoins die scheiße ist zu technologisch, bin von der alten schule

Dann kein Deal, alles andere wäre zu leicht nachzuverfolgen

question, mr "doctor". Best way to take Oxies? They're uncut, no Tylenol or other bullshit. Speaking not in terms of pain relief but in sheer "high", what gets you the highest?


>The doctor has left the Clinic, please come back tomorrow

How does someone go about asking you for these drugs?

>Male feminists

uhh, do you do the US? Because you're my dream come true

>somewhere in Germany

Then what fucking use are you to me?
