Hey fags. Currently a 18 m, that has no reason to live...

hey fags. Currently a 18 m, that has no reason to live. I´m a fucking vegetable 7 months after i got operated and will probably be so for the rest of my life. I have no gun, so i think about either hanging or jumping infront of a train.

Funny, I normally don't hang my vegetables, I prefer to put them on a shelf in the fridge

errr, what do you mean vegetable?

My definition of vegetable is very little knowledge of whats going on, i.e.e not being able to post on Cred Forums

sharpie in pooper

But all jokes aside, OP, figure out a way to get a lot of money, then wait 20 years. Bet you could become a cyborg vegetable.


My vegetables don't do much jumping either

My life is just a fucking joke. Im currently in be about 20-22hours a day.

On the bright side, I would have thought that spine would have eliminated your ability to jump.

Train is pretty selfish. The poor driver could he traumatised. Hanging is probably the cleanest way. Wear an adult diaper so your family doesn't have to clean your shit off the floor.

I'm shocked you can even jump

Im half vegetable then :((
Just everything physical is realy painfull and i have to lay down nearly all day.

Tell me what happened.

>fucking vegetable

>either hanging or jumping infront of a train.

a vegetable cant do either of those things.

good advice here

Started with me getting beat up by 8 immigrants. I went to the doctor, i broke 2 fingers and i had alot of pain in my back. He says i have scoliosis and its nothing to worry about. About 2 years later my back is fucked up and i need a operation. After operation a nerve or some shit got stuck so i have to live with pain every fucking day.

Helium exit bag has a lot of fans, I'm considering that or pentobarbital myself.

lol, fuck off nimble america fag

Sounds operable?

nerves can get unstuck

So the surgery made you worse than before. Isn't that something you can sue over? I'm sure there are some lawyers out there that would love to take your side.

And the body is pretty good at healing itself given time and the right environment/circumstances. It won't be easy, and I can't guarantee it is even possible, but there is a chance that you can get better.

But if you don't want to deal with the pain any longer I can understand that too.

Have you seen mad max fury road? Do you remember the terribly compacted midget at the beginning? That guy has to be forty or so. He didn't kill himself and he's way worse off than you. Get over yourself.

I was going to call you a double google just because, but this sucks, OP, I'm truly sorry to hear this. I'll keep you in my prayers tonight.

You're holding in a big fart.

Hookers and herion.

/r/ing the image of the train driver who is the reaper of souls

kill self now and its over

wait for possible treatment (see other docs) and actually have a life at some point.

You gotta believe things will get better, The fact that you can sit/lie down and use the Internet means you can do something with your life.

Learn to do something computer based. Learn a new language and translate. Learn to programme and create software/games.

Life is what you put in.

Sounds easy me saying it (shit I have my fair share of problems myself) but just do what you can.

>so i think about either hanging or jumping infront of a train.
go all out, hang yourself in front of a train


There should be a sticky. Summon mook

are you not set for life because of disability benefits?

If I never *had* to work again Id be happy as fuck

Well my life is not that bad either. Im on my laptop all day. Its just when its at the end of the day and think about my life, i get fucking depressed. Im a drag on my family and will be for the rest of my life. I will never get a wife, kids anything. Im senteced to be in my bed for the rest of my life

>Take up World of Warcraft
>Stream it on Twitch
>People like watching crippled vegetables nerd out
>Become PVP legend
>Two chicks chow down on your lima beans

In some years our science and technology might advance enough to help you out and make your life less miserable. Don't give up right now OP

do you not get all the opiates you ask for?

Chronic pain and being bedridden are legit reasons to suicide. Everyone dies. I have chronic pain and spinal problems which give me insomnia. When sleep dep gets too much I'll suicide.

I will always remember you veggyman

>do you not get all the opiates you ask for?

Other chronic painfag here. Opiates are boring and don't always work at doses where you get to stay conscious.

bitch i had the exact same surgery for scoliosis except mine was all the way down. You're not a vegetable, you're gonna be fine. Enjoy the painkillers and watch some tv so you don't get depressed.

I know it sucks now, but I'd advise you to have the op. I had a 110 degree scoliosis / kyphosis. Spend 6 weeks in the hospital, contracted MRSA in my spinal fluid, 6 month recovery... That was in 1997. I'm still around to laugh at newfags and cumdumpsters.

whats your quality of life?

Its 7 months i have been in bed and the pain is near unbearable if im not laying down.
I also have heart problems that i was born with. They wont operate again, because i responded bad to the narcotics

do LOTS of drugs legal/illegal or research chemicals, i mean trash the fuck out of your mind, THEN and ONLY THEN do you an hero.

Steam or sautée is best way for vegetable

well i can walk around, own my own apartment, have 2 cats, a car...

I am however an alcoholic, have severe depression and social anxiety. Mostly that is due to pre-op abuse and continued ridicule i have to endure when I'm in public. I have cleidocranial dysplasia (same as the kid in Stranger things).

OP, I had the same operation you did on my scoliosis when I was in 8th grade... I am perfectly okay now... I sincerely feel sorry for you op, I know how back pain feels. But do not give up, Cred Forumsro. There is better things in life

No friends. Family is tired of me neating help (cannot even put a cup in dishwasher or wipe my own ass). I close to being slenderman, (2.01m tall and weigh 70kg).

I actually got hit with a jet ski when I was younger and completely fucked my back... I feel you with the pain aspect.

OP don't get the surgery, if it's going to have a high chance of ruining your ability to be mobile. I assume thats the case with you as this is what I was told. ("You can get surgery but theres a high chance it goes wrong, the spine is delicate, yadda yadda").

If you do get he surgery done, talk to your doctor about stem cells before... There was a huge a break through I think today or recently where a kid who had spinal damage went through stem cell treatment and has been slowly gaining function of his body back.. it's pretty wild.

Anyway best of luck OP. You will always be a faggot.

You could disscuss euthenasia with your family op tell them how you feel. They may talk you out of it but its up to you in the end or get someone to get you weed you wouldent even mind. Head high man.

OK I looked up that dysplasia. Does it mean you look funny? In 2016, people give you shit in public? I've literally never seen that before.
I'm sorry to hear about the abuse/alcohol problem. I'm a sober alcoholic and I go to AA meetings. They're a lot of fun and I always feel better when I go.

my sister has the same earbuds

Hey OP. I don't respond to this bs but today I want to for some reason.

If you are in serious pain, I'd just say OD on morphine or something. If you truly are a vegetable, I know you have access to meds. But since you are here asking like every other troll seeking attention I'm 90% sure you are a little faggot who is lying. For that 10% part of me....id say just fly to Hawaii and wheel yourself into a volcano you quitter.

this is actually kind of decent advice if your situation is already that bad

if you do heroic amounts of the right drugs, you would probably be able to move around without pain and feel almost normal. its quite amazing really how much of an effect drugs can have on mind and body perceptions. most of these things are illegal for one reason - they actually work. well, that, and insane profit margins.

sorry 'bout all that OP. try to keep in mind, that the mind is the most powerful thing in the reality we know, and without it nothing else can work or function or even 'be'. likewise, a strong will and true hope and belief in a better future is your best asset to attain that. the question really is, is how worth it it is to you? how much are you willing to endure before you come out above the water? trust nothing to luck. consciously choose the reality you want to be a part of. sometimes i really believe that we possess a power to semi-consciously choose or influence our position in the 5th dimension, asserting ourselves closer to the 4th dimensional timeline we prefer. some people call it the law of attraction, or use fancy names for it? but its not quite so complicated in the end. consciousness as a force is more powerful than any of us can imagine, i believe. we truly do create the world around us.

i may have went on a tangent there, but take that as it may be. the universe has a funny way of giving us what we need, the issue for us is that the universe also seems to prefer its ends to meet somewhere far above us, and as a result, our individual existences are subject to alot of turbulences and trouble whereas, bear with me, our higher-dimensional 'selves' reap the benefits of that.

i consider it a refinement process of sorts. cant become a god until you sift all the dirt back out into the river.

Sober alcoholic sounds just as stupid as dickless rapist, gentle murderer or clever woman.

My back is fucked up like that and it hurts as fuck. Still didn't kill myself.