Sup faggs,
How does it feel to know I have sex with more women in a week than any of you virgins will in your lifetime?
Sup faggs,
How does it feel to know I have sex with more women in a week than any of you virgins will in your lifetime?
Go do some more Heroin.
lol at balding, hung over, neck tattoo old man.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Dude are you for real right now? You have got to be kidding me you fucking faggy piece of shit. I bet 1000 dollars you are a fucking liar. You fucking guido tool douchebag.
1. You are too young and shitty to even graduate from school
2. In case you did. How many blowjobs did you give to graduate?
3. Secret raids on Al-Quaeda? I bet you only sucked Osama's dick
4. 300 confirmed kills? I think you meant 300 confirmed anal sex with men
5. It's Guerrilla warfare, you fucking ass douchebag cunt
6. You think your cool for getting trolled for reading this?
7. I don't give a fuck if you come to my house with your spy bitches, I will beat the fuck out of you
8. Only with your bare hands? I bet you can only do handjobs, fag
9. The entire arsenal? you are a fucking faggot lier
10. If your SO badass, than why are you on Cred Forums?
11. You better watch yourself because I will fucking hunt you down myself.
is women another word for cellmates?
dunno if prostitutes count when trying to increase your tally
Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing Cred Forums. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the Cred Forums type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a "secret network of spies across the USA". Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody, make it more believable than "IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR". You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must have us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo
How does it feel to look like a discount Trevor from GTA?
Holy shit! It's Trevor from GTAIV
so you had sex with 1 woman last week, congrats?
and i bet they are disgusting old whores that smell like a dead fish
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you male pig? I'll have you know I graduated top of my Womyn's Studies class, and I've been involved in numerous demonstrations against oppression of womynkind, and I have over 300 signatures on my petition. I am trained in debate tactics and I'm the top speaker in the entire Feminist Frequency. You are nothing to me but just another cis scum. I will reeducate the fuck out of you with feminism the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, male oppressor. As we speak I am contacting my public network of activists across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, misogynist. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your worldview. You're fucking dead, nerd. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can disprove your biased theories in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with no preparation time. Not only am I extensively trained in rhetorics, but I have access to the entire funding of the Tropes vs Women in Video Games project and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable opinions off the face of the Internet, you rapist. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you godessdamn idiot. I will rain empowerment all over womyn and your cisprivilege will drown in it. Your rape culture is over, man.
What the fuck did you say about me, you cis rapist? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in gender studies, and I've been involved in numerous public raids on Cred Forums, and I have banned over 300 misogynist shits. I am trained in not citing my sources and I'm the top land whale in the entire Tumblr army. You're nothing to me but another trigger. I will ban you the fuck out with butthurt the likes of which have never been seen on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with raping me over the Internet? Think again, cis white boy. As we speak I'm contacting my secret network of landwhales all over #stopgamergate and your account is being rustled right now so you better prepare your jimmies, sexist pig. The media will biasly slander out the pathetic little thing you call a gender. You're fucking dead, rapist. I can be anywhere, anytime, and kill you with my massive fat folds, and that's just with my bare keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in being triggered, I have access to the entire arsenal of Tumblr, and I will use it to its full extent to send death threats to your family all over the fucking Internet, fucking patriarchal bitch. If only you could have know what raging hormone filled butthurt your little "clever" comment was about to bring down on you, maybe you would have circumcised yourself. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn PTSD inducing troll. I will shitpost all over you and you will choke on your own injustice. You're fucking dead, cis boy.
>I give my weekly paycheck to a $30 hooker
How does it feel to know Ive had sex with over 1000 women?
It feels fine cause all the bitches you fuck have Chlamydia. Have fun.
cool story bro
Inception bait....
Being STD free feels good, fam.
You look like you can't even count to 1000, have fun working at hot topic for the rest of your life fuckin faggot
u mad, virgins?
Shut up, Trevor.
How does it feel to know that this weekend alone Ive fucked 7 women and for me thats a quiet weekend.
were you on some AIDS victims dating app? you got the AIDS fam.
furious. actually im going to go cry now cuz of what user said to me.
no offense bro you look like a fucking 70 year old
Yeah, male pattern baldness and neck tatoos drive women wild. Oh, and rapes or other sex assaults don't get tabulated in the overall count, you ankle bracelet monitor wearing freak.
this seems like b8. we need a pic with timestamp
no decent woman would want to fuck an ugly old cave goblin like you
Just fine actually. My wallet doesn't get lighter when I fuck bitches. Dumb fuck. Meth wasn't involved either in my case so, as Charlie Sheen says , "I'm winning". Bitch made cuck.
I'm gay so I don't care.
Bro, real shit I want to fight you. I live in CO Springs, 719 area code. You close by?
Bro, real shit I want to look tough on the internet. I live in CO Springs, 719 area code. Enough for you to know the area but not exact enough that I can be a pussy. You close by?
Makes me feel bad.
Bad for your badly chafed cock.
Jesus, your junk must look like a chewed up pencil that's been sharpened on a rock.
You look like a central cali/ Arizona fag. Straight up... 37 years old, no real job, likes motorcross, tattoos, and fake blonde bitches with fake tits, meth, shitty beer, and half ass spring breaks on havasu.
I dunno. It probably burns and itches.
We would like to see the 7 girls you got with.
Because /b doesn't count Amputees, Hookers and crack whores.
So many virgins in here jelly over my pussy slaying skills, lol.
I bet I have more sex with one bitch at any given time than you do. Granted, it's not one bitch all the time, but all of the time, it's one bitch or another.
Hey, OP. Balding as well here. Also fuck mad bitches on the reg.
Why haven't you shaved your head?
confirmed virgin
OP got bullied by OP's own pic related and is embarrassing him over it by posting this
Stop falling for it
Idgaf about looking tough. My name is Seth Alan Guible. Born 5/13/1988. Go ahead and search my name in AZ public records. Fucking twat.
Chris Kyle I thought you were dead?!
You were always confident in yourself. how's Michael and Franklin?
>Chris Kyle I thought you were dead?!
I am. Death doesn't even slow me down.
Have 3 kids and hate rubbers. Want bitches that have no diseases...
really I don't think being a rapist running free in a retirement home counts in the pussy game, they're infertile and cant fight back without their skin tearing or bones breaking.
Where you at bro? You had all that shit to talk... how about sharing your name and date of birth you bitch made faggot fuck. I'll fucking eat your throat you faggot prick.
so much fuckin s fucking used bait
forcing your cousin to take your little pecker up his arse once a week after church isn't "having sex with a lot of women"
Straight up, if someone can get me a name and location for this fuck, I will give you $250 .
Hey fag, how bout we meet up and you can lick your fathers shit off my cock.
criminal damage, shoplifting, theft, public drinking, drugs
yep, typical white trash, bet he was beaten and raped by his dad as a kid, wouldn't even spit in his direction
>neck tattoos and meth skin
Eh...I don't get to have sex this week, you don't get to own your own car or home or have a future know...pretty much anything.
Not gonna lie bro, I very much enjoy fucking up the young dudes who think their shit doesn't stink. Makes me happier than any blowjob.
I get bitches everyday and catch pussy, yall mad?
>when OP posts his index finger as his middle finger
>when OP has no middle finger and has to act like a hardass to compensate
NYPA request denied.
He bust a loose one in your wife's cock holster OP? That sucks man...but you're going to have to deal with it. No one's going to ebin raid some meth head from Arizona.
No drugs you fucktard. Don't be an instigator via fals info. At least tell the truth. I know you see felony assault charges and escape on there too. May as well be the media with your biased bullshit.
I'm the guy from AZ and I am not op.