But what if i want both of them to be purged from the face of the earth.

Desu vult

>implying it won't be a new, crazier religion that's even more cult like that wins the holy war
>implying they won't also start that holy war
>implying Muslims will even survive this one

But user, we must unite to defeat the Eastern Snake!

>excuse me doc, I'm hearing voices
>where is it coming from, user?
>Everywhere, he is fucking everywhere!! And he killed his son because he loves me!!

if it's one person prescribe anti psychotic meds. If it's a few million people, it's obviously correct.

Careful user!

I miss Wolfshiem.

Deus Vult

Deus Vult

Deus Vult

i challenge anyone to post rule 34 of christ-chan!

Deus Vult

Deus vult

Deus Vault

Deus Vult

Deus Vult

Deus vult

A V E  M A R I A 


Christ-chan is pure, not for sex

Deus Vult

Adolf Hitler vult.

Stupid Fucking Nazis


>mfw I can't find a woman not having sex as a priority in her life

I saw my ex a few days ago, for the first time in seven years. When we were together we had our first time, we were both virgins. She seems to like me more than the others because of that.

Now she's doing MDMA and coke, riding the cock carousel, talking to me about her "fuckboïs".

I pretend I don't give a fuck cause I get to fuck girls sometimes, but I can't just tell her I kinda miss her and I'm hurt seeing my princess willingly becoming a gross roastie.

She messages me sometimes, but I think she just wants me to fuck her again. Maybe just to get over me for good.


Is this real I want this to be real so bad

Wait... is that all the same guy?
Or do all white guys just look the same?

Deus Vult

Maybe she's being a nasty slut precisely because you don't care. Women can get fucked up like that. Did she have a present father figure in her life? Do you know if he was distant?

Anyway, the first fuck is important to girls in a whole different way that guys. Maybe your caring of her, or lack of it, is important to her because of that.

We all crave attention, but women have the available choice to be dirty sluts to get it. And sometimes they fall for it, who can blame them?

Just don't go around doing anime love-confession scenes for the love of christ.

As if that shit was so difficult to find.

The Fuhrer is amused. Kek.

desu vault



Deus Vult

She didn't had a mother and her father is a fat richfag who doesn't care and give her money when she says she needs it.
He gave her the family house. She owns a house. At 25.

After we saw each other the other day, we did hug a lot, she said I will always be the first and stuff. Still afterwards she posts her bitch face online with captions like "I don't need to be loved, I just need to get you out of my head".

If I fuck her again I think she might want us to come back together, but it sounds like a terrible idea 7 years later, plus if she doesn't I'll just get to pump her and be sad for the rest of the time, while she starts considering me as her new fuckboï. I don't want it to happen.

tl;dr do I fuck my ex from 7 years ago?


Praise Kek