Having a night in with the cat, a pizza, and a few drinks...

Having a night in with the cat, a pizza, and a few drinks. Going sit in my lounge chair in the study (pic related) and get super comfy. What are your plans for Saturday night, lads? Come join me.

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This is one of those staged houses.

Pizza on the way, FF14 downloading right now on PS4. It's supposed to be pretty comfy. Girlfriends at work all night so some much needed me time.

Nope. I just like to keep things tidy.

Doing the same. I was going to go out tonight, but had a few too many last night and just dont feel up to it. Need a night in.

Gonna jack off into my fan any minute here and then prolly play some crap game on the Xbox

>posts pic of everything op thinks is important

>no cat in pic


Oh man, That's one realy realy realy nice room.


Fuck I really wish I can invite some buddies over and smoke a bunch of weed but im at my parents house.

>What the fuck OP.
What is with that hipster ass 1950 am fm radio bullshit.
>It's cool as fuck

Nice mid century styles, OP

Having a lan party with my homies, everyones gfs watching a movie at my crib together, everyone prolly gonna awkwardly fuck when we go to sleep. Got a whole lotta snus and beer too

Also smoking a bowl, drinking some tea, and working on some quantum physics.

I worked last night and all day today, so I'm just chilling. Ate a pizza, drank some Pepsi, watching a couple of movies, playing a little Xbox. A nice quiet night at home.

Nice room bro

A vintage Crosley radio. Only does AM.

Just finished an easy-ass shift, stoned as fuck now, playing some Dragon Age. And I don't have to work tomorrow. Life is good.

Thanks anons


Only degenerates do this

probably play overwatch for the next 4 hours. put my phone on silent so GF leaves me alone. drink a shit load of beer. bitch input my job to my neighbor and then post on Cred Forums some more

how old is OP?

to old for Cred Forums

Cleaning my ar-15. put 100 rounds down range today

Trying this tonight not a bad beer

OP here. Probably too old for Cred Forums.

You in the wrong hood, boy

3... 2... 1...

Kek how?

We don't like your kind 'round these parts, boy.


Ok cool
Kek nah

what a faggot

why would anyone spend that much on a chair?

especially one that isnt even comfortable

I got off work about 1.5 hrs ago. Thought bf would be coming over soon so I made extravel ramen for him (not lame ramen. I mean, it had bok choy, eggs, ham, and mushrooms in it)
-no arrival yet. Drinking OJ+Rum. Watching a Star Wars movie on TV, feeling petty but still sad/pissed that he isn't here yet.
He's still at his friends house for his buddy's 29th bday party

I don't even like Star Wars.

I spent $75 on it. Is $75 an unreasonable amount for a comfy lounge chair? kek


i see, its a knockoff of an overpriced chair

good on you then

the chair it is aiming to copy is $3600

Yeah I was going to guess $2k+

It is a Plycraft. Not really a knockoff. Just a piece inspired by the Eames lounge. I've got 5 genuine Eames 670 lounges, but only paid 900 total for all of them along with a Noguchi table.


then you got an "inspired" one

not a true eames

they dont come lower than around $3000

*which is fine and actually preferred I should note right now

Its my birthday today, spending it relaxing at home.
My friends wanted to go barhopping but i didnt feel like it.
Gonna get breakfast with my sister tomorow morning, should be good.

I just finished watching Grandmas Boy and eating some steak i grilled earlier.
Only 930pm so im probably gonna watch another movie

Actually, your knock-off Eames Lounge chair, if it were real Herman Miller, and in that condition, it's at least 40 years old, and would value under $2000. If it were brand new, it would have a 5-star base and value at $2000 (for employees), have no idea, nor care, what you people pay for them.

That, however, is a fake Eames Lounge chair.

I wouldn't pay more than $500 at best for it, though I have seen them approaching $2000 at stores in Manhattan- sold as knock offs, mind you, and at flea markets for $400 in spotty condition.

Your Aeron is boring- those go for around $400 to employees direct, retail, new, from Michigan for what...$1200?

-HMI Employee

Um, no. I'm an expert in Mid-Century Modern furniture and art. I bought them from a government office and they were verified authentic by a Herman Miller rep. I've got numerous genuine designer pieces that I've picked up for next to nothing. You just have to know where to find them used.

This guy again...

Jesus. Are you retarded? Can you read? I said it is a Plycraft. It isn't a knockoff. It is an entirely different chair that was inspired by the look of the Eames 670.

>it's not a knockoff it's inspired!

I'm not the person you've been talking with, but
Jesus Christ you are such a faggot

I got the Aeron for $20. Buying retail is for suckers.

Knockoffs are, by definition, pieces that attempt to copy a design. There is a big difference between knockoffs and pieces that are inspired by another design. Take, for example, Adrian Pearsall's works. They were inspired by V. Kagan, but distinctly different.

prove it

take some pics now with timestamp

your chair is chinese back alley level knockoff


It isn't a knockoff. It is a George Mulhauser design. Completely different chair than an Eames lounge, though the design was inspired by the Eames. Nor is it Chinese. It was manufactured in the US in the 1960's.

As a design engineer, if I were to copy as closely as those two chairs, and claim "I was inspired" I doubt the patent attorneys would take my side

therefore it is a knockoff

chinese level knockoff

Look. I know you think you know what you are talking about, but knockoff has a specific definition. It is not a copy. It is a distinct design. And idiot with half a brain could figure this out.

op delivers and reks