I work at McDonald's because it has flexible hours and I need to get through college. AMA

I work at McDonald's because it has flexible hours and I need to get through college. AMA

Why do you work at McDonald's?

Why dont you kys

Because it has flexible hours, and he needs to get through college.

>because it has flexible hours and I need to get through college

Learn to read you fucking sperg.

ever made a sick ass custom burger for yourself?

Because the average funeral is several thousand dollars and if I work at McDonald's, do you really think I have the money to die?

Nope. I don't eat meat so the whole burger world is a foreign one lol

Well, it has flexible hours and he needs to get through college

I worked in a fast food I just wanted to kill me the entire time ( for college too lasted 1 year cause no job around

>Click here
Because he has a job with flexible hours, and he needs to get through college.

Your favorite colour?

But surely you had flexible hours?

Maybe it didn't have flexible hours, that's why you didn't get through college

Because it has flexible hours, and he needs to get through college

Does anyone ever like, spit in a burger or fuck with someone's food otherwise? Like if they're a rude customer or something?

What's your favorite food at mcd's and what would you never order?

Are you loving it?

Why do you work at McDonald's?

What do you think of Ronald McDonald? Are you required to worship him like a god?

what are your college hours?

Of course not. They are happy with flexible hours, plus, I mean, they have to get through college.



how flexible is your body

can you touch your toes?

>working at mcdonalds
>having flexible hours
>getting thrrough college

I've heard he's very flexible. Plus, he can fuck for hours.


are you going to end up making it your career and demand $15 per hour to fuck up people's orders at the drive through?

when will maccies start using flexible straws?

If you didn't have to get through college. would you still enjoy the flexible hours?

Navy blue

We don't normally spit in it or anything, but if you're that asshole that makes a huge deal about how you want no mayonnaise, then you're getting extra mayonnaise.

I'm a sucker for the caramel frappes, but I wouldn't touch our salads with a ten foot pole.

I want to die. Honestly though, the job itself is okay, it's just that customers are assholes and it ruins the experience.

I'm a manager at a Mcdonald's and I do alright. Comes with some pretty awesome perks. Good job OP. It's shit work, but damn is it easy.

Do you attend H.u? If so then hit me up. Looking for some niggas to chill with.

Nah, it won't be a career. I'm going to get through college. My wage demands, like the hours, are flexible.

I'ma be there in like three months homie.

What are you studying

12-6 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 9-12 on Tuesday and Thursday.

Fuck no. I don't deserve $15/h and I'm quitting as soon as I can.

Not soon enough, amigo.


Hamburger University? Sound like they're getting to flexible with the definition of college. But I gotta get through my hours.

Aight man. Just don't come to the library. You seem like a pretty cool guy.

im flexible so i sell my body to get through college

It is harder to get in than Harvard.

Only the best of the best can attend. Fuck off if you fail.

Source: I attend. u mad?

Is that a standard schedule, or is it open to any deviations? I'm trying to get through, but I'm finding my hours are not very flexible.

Why do I need to learn to read?

Yeah, like flexible hours that allow someone to get through college

Sometimes, I'd rather do that than work an eight hour shift at McDonald's.

lol american colleges
if you were truely flexible, you'd apply to a university like Oxford
I need to get through flexible college hours so I mcdonalds

Can you make that much at McDonalds? I work my ass off for that and I don't get free nuggets.

Flexible college.

Fuck man, fuck whatever these people say. McD's is a titan, it ain't going anywhere. If you can work your way up they will literally shit money all over you. My GM had a store at 22 and she drives a brand new Mazda RX8 and has a huuuge fucking house. Her business degree feom HU made all of it happen. Just do the shit and mind your tongue and this job can take you plaes frfr. I'm looking at transferring abroad. Which is also something they provide for corporate level employees, which is my endgame here.

I'm just worried about the hours? I've gotta get through McDonalds, so I just gotta go to college.

>only 8 hours
Im lucky if i get that low
Im not even a manager and i work 42 or 43 hours a week

When you swallow fat loads from your sea cow managers, does the semen upset your stomach?

So you can become a McDonalds manager, and demonstrate your flexibility to college kids. Then you can get through hours!

As a McDonalds manager, you would be able to give other kids flexible hours.

>In Britainistan

I'll have to pass on that one.

>business degree feom HU
assuming she got this degree whilst working for McDonalds, home of the flexible hours?

would you be able to give them nutrition though?

to get them through college

Oxford aint even the best imo, purely cause the people there are snobs, I got an unconditional but went elsewhere, cause I needed flexible hours

look kid, get a real job. mcdonalds promotes flexibility for hours, including stomach contents. source? I went to college.

Why do you work at McDonald's?

Hi where are the burger :DDDDDD

Yea fucc

Me too mate! Cambridge was all up in my knickers to give them the old roger dodger rolly polly enrolly, but man were they shocked when I told them McD's H.U PHD program had fully flexible hours and I would be getting through it.

OP can we get a selfie so the world can know the importance of flexible hours

McDonalds promotes a two pronged approach for recruiting employees:
>1. Flexible hours
>2. Getting through college

Any questions?

Jesus kek

Where do you work?

no i went to UEA, they gave me a £1500 grant each year for having 4 A*s

it really helped with my flexible mcdonalds hours

It's not the snobs I'm worried about, but the halal monsters that run amok. I know that Britain is full of "them" so I would lose my special snowflake privilege of being black in the forest of white.

My prime goal when going to foreign lands is to fuck the women. Nothing more and nothing less. Could not care less about the scenery or history.

Just think of it like pokemon. I want to fuck em' all.

damn right
st george didn't fight a fucking dragon for us to sell halal meat in asda

Who's your manager? Cuz, Jess is a sexy beast.

Will McDonalds help me with my hourly get throughs and flexibility college?

I'm jealous that you're a Chef at mcdonalds dude.

McDonalds is used as a symbol for nutrition, and kids will have more than enough of it to get through college and schedule their flexible hours.

Hello, my name is Jaques, and I am a professional chef at McDonalds. Today, I have prepared a fresh strawberry tart, during the flexible work hours that I use to also get through college.

Why do you work at McDonald's?

st george only had time to fight that fucking dragon because lord mcdonald gave him a flexible working schedule while he was fighting at dragon college ffs

are the kids flexible? I need them for college hours

surely you have heard that this fast food location renown for they speedy fries and delicious hamburger sandwiches also has a robust tradition of supporting their workers through college, with their flexible hours?

I work at Red Robins and currently make $14.75/hr to train newbies and generally be a support for both the heart of house and bar.
I get between 34-40 scheduled hours a week as well.

But I hate it and have contemplated multiple times to kill myself, or if nothing else, quit.

Don't you hate the smell that sticks to you?

Why the fuck is the ice cream machine always down?

I'm not a drop out I made so much money for a student that I don't need to work during school

I've never once successfully got a strawberry milkshake

praytell I have not good sir. Tell me more tales of this mystically scotsman and his establishment.

HU: home of the flexible babes putting in the hours to get you through college.

What's your favorite McDonald's food creation that's not on the menu? I worked at Taco Bell when I was 16 (33 now, literally half my life ago). The enchirito had just come out, so late at night we'd make enchiritos with the burrito sized tortillas instead of soft taco sized. Fuckin loved that shit.

Low flexibility

Why do you work at McDonald's?

I'm English so kinda unfamiliar with all this
Can you describe how flexible soft shell tacos are compared to tortillas? How many hours or preparation do they take? Should I take them into college?

because it has flexible hours and I need to get through flexibly


Imagine flour tortillas but with a smaller diameter and a bit stale.
Those are soft shells for tacos

lots of flexibility

That's weird, I'd either want one of the regular (hard shell?) tacos, or just a normal tortilla
But I'm pretty flexible, so I'm open to trying these for some hours to get through college

That doesn't sound bad but then I remember that you mentioned training newbies. I had to do that for the first time today and I wanted to shoot myself.

And I hate the smell because I'm normally the one that does the dishes when I'm there, so I get the sweet scent of grease and eggs on me to carry throughout the whole day

where do you work

Training new team members isn't that bad since I'm a patient guy and the managers aren't complete shit at scheduling, but everybody here fucking speaks spanish, with some not even understanding English. Hearing people yell in spanish for eight hours a day is grating.

why would you start an AMA when you are the most typical, uninteresting person in the developed world?

Is working at McDonald's flexible enough to put you through college?

Hey guys! Lifelong 'King employee, thinking of switching teams to further my career.
So far, I've been havin' it my way. But as I consider the future of my fast food career, I'm really looking for a company with an established training facility, or college perhaps. Also, the king has enforced a rigid policy of strictly regulating the hours of all employees, which is really hindering my outlook of attending secondary education to enhance my skill set.

What I'm saying is, would I really be required to make a breakfast sandwich for a customer at 5:30 PM? That's fucking ridiculous.

user spends more money than he makes working there. Good luck.

God damnit, I work for the colonel and his ghost ass did the same thing. Fuck that cracker ass casper, I've got 6 of his secret spices figured out. Soon as I get the last one, I'm going to start my own restaurant- one with flexible hours, that enables any employee to go to college.

Speaking of breakfast: do you guys still throw out the morning sandwiches after 10:30am? or just reheat them at 10:30pm?