Ask a Californian moving to Seattle anything

Ask a Californian moving to Seattle anything

why are you moving to Seattle ?

i too am planning on moving to seattle(southern californian here)

what's your reason fam?

nirvana fan?

Why did you start this thread?

Are you white at least?

If you're a standard Californian, stay there. We don't want any more of your kind here.

Why would anyone give a fuck! Go to Reddit you cancerous hemorrhoid.

I'm in SD, I've been getting tons of callbacks from there vs local jobs so I've decided I'll go

White in a Hispanic sense

Are you a furry?

Olympia is better. Seattle has too much traffic for my taste. Especially the section on I-5 from Tukwila to Lynnwood.

Is it because half of California is burnt to Shit?

I was just playin. I'll tell you what though, it's hard to break the ice with people in the Puget sound area if you're used to California. Good luck. I'm still trying to get it.

Most my callbacks Are near seattle

define "standard" californian, cuz i feel like im not the typical 'gym/nature junkie" who's all about that entire farm2table holistic shit

im a Californian who already moved to Seattle. answer me anything.

what part of SD? I'm from mission valley.

also good luck to you man, I'm debating if i should move when i get my BS or just straight up move there with 5+ years banking experience

For a job or you just wanted to?

North Park

I've gotten shit callbacks locally, but have tons from Seattle, SF, & Phoenix

Why don't you stay in California? Why do you want to ruin this state as well?

You sound fine. We just already have enough hipsters, and no one likes bros/surfers.

LoL West Coast is the best Coast. Say Hi to all the homies for me.

Shut up ANDREW we all know its U!

Fuck off we're full.
Your kind is not welcome here, you have done enough damage already.

fucking cunts, stay away from Seattle. it's already overcapacity with faggots jacking up the rent, ruining whatever's left of its old culture and a bitch to get anywhere.

'Hispanic sense'

So basically a fucking wetback. Stay in your containment zone you worthless piece of garbage.

U Don't Think SF is fucked were coming for Seattle Olympia. Jack THAt Shit UP!

We don't want you.
I know our economy is good.
But you shit heads come here, make the housing prices go up, and bring your shitty driving and politics with you.

okay good to know.

is capitol hill worth living in that area?

Olympia is fine, stay away from Seattle

not anymore, it's been ruined by all the shitty people who have moved here.

Fuck off Pablo we don't want you here.

Can't wait to Illegally immigrate to your state

Why don't you stay home? Everywhere u people move you ruin it

Why don't we swap?

Like I said

Stay there OP.

Nobody even will make eye contact with
you in the winter... everyone becomes zombies for about 4 months due to lack of vitamin d and being wet all the fucking time. Its hell

I bet you kill yourself 2 weeks into winter. California is nearly the same price, way more sun and perfect weather. More tech jobs

Wtf are you even talking about? All of this info is wrong.

>California is nearly the same price

SoCal is wayyyyyy for expensive

I live in Lynnwood. My advice is move just outside of Seattle, where it gets cheaper. So much cool shit to do here, you can go to the Sound, the Cascades and the city all in one day, or the Ocean, the Olympics and Umi Sake House makes for a good day. Or you can just sit on your ass and watch Hulu all fucking day, that is acceptable here

Pic is of some fat shrooms i found on Mount Erie