Why do poor people actually think that the conservative economics model is good for them...

Why do poor people actually think that the conservative economics model is good for them? Low marginal tax rate and low social contract spending benefit the wealthy.
Velocity of money drives demand and that drives business far more than low marginal taxes for the wealthy.
Also, low spending tends to affect the largest item on most state budgets which is education. Conservatives want an uneducated populous because the uneducated tend to vote republican. They want vouchers for private religious schools that are far whiter and where they don't have to learn science and evolution.

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dont forget military spending is way out of control

Velocity of money? A completely idiotic statement. If "velocity of money" was a valid theory - why don't the government just make it a law that the rich must immediately spend their money? Why must it be stolen and given to others. Capital in excess of the business's current requirements are invested and more importantly LENT OUT by banks in a multiple of those deposits. The whole velocity of money theory is absurd, and just an elaborate attempt to rationalize theft.

go take an economics class.

its not education and poor people that bankrupt the country and hurt the economy. its vast tax cuts for wealthy and the amount of money spent on the military.
they dogwhistle about racism and taxes and gays to keep you distracted.

I'm seeing a ton of claims with no evidence.


> implying educated means intelligent

its not my job to do your research. go watch more fox news

It appears better in the short term. poor people only think in the short term, they don't understand long term savings, or thinking ahead for that matter

if you dont think there is a correlation then i feel sorry for you.

>this meme
military spending is like

prove it.... facts are hard arnt they. its widely available information on the internet

My thoughts exactly.

You don't really establish a base line. Some degree plans focus on nothing but their degree which in the case of art, doesn't really dive into anything besides that. Now an engineering or other STEM field has more involved as far as traditional education means.

This is discretionary spending. They cleverly removed ALL welfare spending from the budget. Fed budget is $3.8 Trillion. Military spending is about $650 billion, or 17. Welfare - which is considered MANDATORY is $2.3 trillion. Deduct this from the $3.8 Trillion, and there is $1.5 trillion. Of which the military takes about half. Stupid liberals trying to distort reality. Only very stupid people believe this nonsense.

a lot of people with degrees in the humanities are very intelligent and hardworking, some arnt, but they are still usually more intelligent than the average person who does nothing after highschool. that being said i agree with you that a stem focused career is a lot more valuable, but i dont diminish people who prefer a different path, unless they suck at it and dont realize that.

>FY2016 budget = 535 billion
>US 2016 GDP 18.558 trillion
[5.35×10^9 / (1.856 × 10^13)] × 100 = 2.883%

>Medicaid, medicare, CHIP, ACA = 938 Billion
>Social Security = 888 billion
>10% of the budge = other safety net programs = 350 billion
I won't even do the math. you can already tell welfare spending is much higher

Poor uneducated working class can be tricked to do anything as long as it's covered in a shroud of patriotism. It's like wrestling, the writers can make wrestlers loved or hated just by appealing to the working class' values. Apply that to politics and you have your modern day Fox News sheep.

>FY2016 budget is the DoD budget, which includes civillians and is not all 'military'

>Velocity of money drives demand

"Poor people spending every last dollar they posses as soon as they get it because they have to is the key to wealth."

no one said every last dollar, but the rich are far less likely to spend a bigger % of their budget.
Better purchasing power for the middle class drives the economy more than concentrating wealth and power in the hands of the rich.

I think it really comes down to the courses involved. Some core classes don't dive into more material than what a high school class does while some require higher levels.

Thy ALL suck at it and don't realize it. Liberal arts education hasn't been rigorous for decades. You have people with graduate degrees who don't know what a syllogism is and whose knowledge of fallacies is obtained from shitposting fedorafags on reddit. Magical thinking abounds. Non falsifiable hypotheses are everywhere. Inquiry is censored, and lazy fuckoffs pass so long as they regurgitate the professor's preferred narrative. Politocal science grads cannot describe the belief system of political parties they aren't in.

A recent poll indicated that most history students thought that the US was the only country to ever have slavery. (!)

It's all garbage. And it convinces the people who study it that they're REALLY super smart and educates.

the main argument was
> implying educated means intelligent
i think educated are usually more intelligent. there is a correlation, and that should be obvious, except to conservatives.

But there isn't a baseline like I stated. Are we going off of the generals or a specific course plan i.e. a person who is a media grad in that field or a person who is really good with math or a person who is really good with vehicles.

Seems like the "worst" educated were the smartest and did not vote for a terrorist

The thing to remember about the US is that Americans are taught from childhood about how anyone can make it, anyone can be successful, so poor Americans don't think of themselves as poor, they think of themselves as soon-to-be rich.

muh jerb creators

What's not taught is it takes a lot of hardwork to get there and a lot of luck as well.

Wrong. They think that because they are poor, but everyone here can be rich, there must be an outside reason why they are poor, which is why they despise China, Mexico, Japan etc, since they blame those countries for taking jobs and shit like that, when in reality it makes sense for rich people to move jobs over there. Poor people do realize they're poor, but they do not identify the reason why. They continue to wallow in the misery of the lies created by the wealthy.

In reality, most poor people probably aren't even conservatives. They just eat up whatever well off conservatives throw at them

This. This. This.
Poorer people by and large don't think. They just follow.

Which is why they're Democrats. Thinking and individual initiative, those attribites that would make their lives better, are discouraged.

Better to just scream for handouts and blame others, like toddlers.

Per pupil spending, even in Red States while less overall, can't be too drastic and the only source of economic shortcomings there. It goes hand in hand with other lousy institutions that are imbedded in the nature and psyche of the American south. Education in America has to stop getting the short end of the stick, we'll all be better for it.

A lot of the blaming thrown at foreign countries comes from 'conservatives' fam

Every budget issue eventually comes down to Public vs Private.
Governments could tax more and grow in size. But government is highly inefficient. If we were to set funding for a new federal program to help the homeless for example, too much of that money would be lost to unnecessary administration and other bullshit staff positions.
Private (companies and very wealthy individuals) tend to be more efficient with money. More bang for your buck. Unfortunately many people and companies are greedy. This is why trickle down economics doesn't work.

Trump wants to renegotiate the nato deals, paying for Germany's military is how they afford college.

There is actually no good evidence that private companies are more efficient than the government. What they tend to do well, however, is make a few people very wealthy, and these people can then use this money to "encourage" their countries' politicians to favor privatization.
