Can some rich fag buy me a 1 month Club Penguin membership?

Can some rich fag buy me a 1 month Club Penguin membership?

You fuckin' gay?

No. I just want a Club Penguin membership?

Club Penguin is the website with penguins ? Or not ? Fuck I'm high

Are you gonna buy me the membership or not?

Post your bank details and I'll transfer the money.

Yes. It's the website with the Penguins.

No thanks.

Man, penguins are so great, they're birds who can't fly, they're basically the animal kingdom saying "fuck you" to great ol' god

careful, if you want me to buy it for you you better not call me a fag

Definitely. Are you gonna buy me a membership or not fam?

You're great. Are you gonna buy it now?

sorry I don't believe in tips, I just believe in penguins

Still waiting on anyone to buy it for me.

fine i buy you one

Thanks user.
Email [email protected]

This is no OP.

Are you actually gonna buy me one? Contact me if so.

Emailed you, enjoy those Penguins.

Prove it with screen shot that you op
