If your arms get tired in school try this to strech your fingers

If your arms get tired in school try this to strech your fingers

Other urls found in this thread:


I do this all the time, really helps me

Gave me a fucking orgasm !
10/10 would suggest doing

I scored an A on a test using this technique. Thx Cred Forums!

wow, my arm is really relaxed! this shit works

actually just tried and this is great, thanks man

Jokes aside please can someone help, my left thumb is stuck and its painful how can i unjar it

i got 10 times more girls than before after starting using this technique, still 0

My wrist is kill


Hi guys my hands broken but it feels really relaxed, thanks

Fuck you guys!
why didn't you guys tell me this sooner?
This really helped my wrist pain.

God its like cracking all your bones at once.


trips don't lie

jar -xvf thumb.jar

Here you go, bro.

This also does wonders for masturbation induced arthritis!


I can't be the only one who tried this knowing nothing good would come of it.

Fucking hell. My thumb is stuvk


I feel alot better now, thanks user!

>all these people claiming it's orgasmic

It doesn't even do anything, feels kinda nice but nowhere near as good as people are suggesting.

trips of truth

rip in piss, wrist

Always be sure to do this for warmup, always helps when I play melee competitively!

I can't move my thumb, help


Oh my god for once OP is less of a faggot than usual. Thanks this helped for my vidya

ITT: Acute De-quervain's tenosynovitis



I'm trying but nothing happens, I don't feel nothing. I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or what...

Wow! I literally can't feel my hand!

ITT: People trying to cheat other people on doing stupid shit and people pretending that they did it.

You've become a sad, sad shadow of your former self, Cred Forums.

Quints don't like, give this technique a try :^)!



son of a bitch

There are quints in this bread how is no one freaking out?

Wtf this shit hurts


Are my four fingers supposed to be limp?

damn it works thanks

jesus is this a get thread now

It also helps with masturbation! Trips don't lie

I know this will fuck up my tendon, but quints don't lie... I guess I gotta do it.

Damn, that felt good
Almost too good

It did nothing for me i tried 30 times

Hol up

I knew this would dislocate my thumb, did it anyway

Wait, what the fuck just happened these last 45 minutes or so? Why was posting turned off?

So what exactly does this do?

I often wonder how people could think any advice on Cred Forums could be anything other than false or possibly dangerous.

Ahh well, going to go make me some sweet crystals.

Jokes aside, nothing bad or good rly happens

you might just teared your tendon, even if its partial its take many month to repair itself up.

holy fuckign shi i saw tihs thread and so i did it and it only tingled a little so i ignored the thread and my right hand started to hurt now my right hand is swollen what the fuck happened? do i need a doctor?

the joke is if you do it right, it fucking hurts and can fuck up your tendon really `bad


U need to do it the opposite way now

Well fuck you.
I tried this what can i do now?

My previus post disspeared for some reason so i hd to type that shit all out again hand fucking hirts so bad cant move thumb without so much pain


Do NOT do this, it makes chlorine gas!!!!!!!!

Thanks a bunch OP! Trips don't lie

is this supposed to hurt?
because it doesn't

forgot othr pic, dif angle

I'm no doctor but,

Ok guys im going to the er just to be safe, i rather not have a blood clot and die in my sleep, bye Cred Forums

Killing idiots with helpful infographics is a tradition as old as Cred Forums summerfag.

This will actually kill you.


Don't do this! Your fingers will turn into mustard gas!