Any med fags?

Any med fags?
Cut my finger on glass couple days ago, replaced bandages twice
Is it best to keep it bandaged or leave it open to scab? Cut is kinda deep, 2-3mm in the middle, bled like youve never seen
pic related

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iso alcohol

gnarly bro, you should probably stick a hot fire poker to it

dude, ngl i dont think i could handle the pain of putting alcohol into it, its a wide open fresh gouge


Not med fag, but medical student 6 months away from my MD.
I would suggest keep it bandaged with neosporin; if that sucker dries up that's a very mobile joint, it will keep cracking and shit.
It's also so big and open that I dont think you would want to be touching anything with it.

You need stiches for that shit, thats why it looks like that, if you dont want to have a big ass scar, go to a hospital to get stiches, otherwise it doesnt really matter at this point what you do to it, it will take long, but heal eventually

Fuck. Alright, ill shoot down to the ol e.d. and see what they reckon, im from NZ so hospital care is completely free at least, ill keep you posted

Get 2, 3 inch sticks (tongue sticks preffered)

And use it on the sides of your finger and tape at the top and bottom so you don't bend your finger and ruin the healing process.

Basically try and create a brace.

And use antiseptic spray/ cream and a bandage.

Clean once and repeat every 2-3 days. Should take around a week to heal.

take a swig of vodka, rub a little bit on the wound, wrap it up with a microfiber material

Listen to this to get you through it all

Isopropyl alcohol - clean
Self-adhering bandage
Change daily

it'll hurt worse if that shit gets infected newfag

bitch, hydrogen peroxide and a wrap, use something to keep that finger from bending to let it heal

Holy fuck what a fucking pussy, are you serious?

its just a shallow gouge, stop being a baby

>not wanting big ass scars
the fuck are you on about?

Salt and lemon that fucker up. Post results.

its not a matter of wanting scars or not, its more a matter of taking care of a wound like that properly, he might get an infection easily if its not closed with stiches.

He can have a scar if he wants for all i care.


That looks like a wide gash. Dont think stithes would really work tbh

admittedly, i don't think you're supposed to
just dab some on with a q-tip to kill any bad bacteria, then keep it clean as you keep it wrapped up. you could try a soothing gel or cream, but i still recommend using fire

smoke some weed after it all to help relieve the pain and reminisce in the baddassnes of your feats

sorry b/ro

You deserve what's coming to you then, bitch.

Clean that shit. And use cottong bandages is available.

They'll probably have to open it again, clean it, then stitch it

It looks nice and clean and you can see nice fresh pink growth so you should keep doin what you been doin - and keep it clean

But alcohol hurts WAHHHH! Would you prefer losing the finger you stupid shit? Bite down on something and YOLO some alcohol on it.

Its fine and its healing and dont need any stitches

there's only one way that gash is going to heal
the finger has to go

Cum on it. Post results.

It isnt that sort of wound. look at it