Good evening sir, we got a report of possible dubs on your property...

Good evening sir, we got a report of possible dubs on your property, can we come in to ask you a few questions and see everything is okay?

no dubs here, sir

This is a setup. You put these dubs here.

I plead da fif

Officer, why are you holding dubs?!

I havent any dubs officer

I don't keep dubs in my house!

no officer i only have trips!

sure thing, I assure you there are none of those filthy dubs here

dark souls



dubs planted successfully! run for your lives

Feel free to come in officer, I promise, I find dubs morally repugnant! I would never in my life hold them, my father died that way!

You fucking liar

Why don't you take a look and investigate, officer?

Come on in officer, nothing to see here. Just a non dubs white male living his life. *officers wnter* feel free to grab some water and look around. I can re assure you there is not one single dub in sight.



Did you just assume my gender? Give me your badge number, I'd like to report a hate crime!



Those are not mine I'm telling you!!!

I know the poster 3 down is hiding dubs

Go get a warrant.

Wait a minute... You aren't a cop. You have dubs written all over you. Ima have to ask you to leave before OU spread dubs all over me. I will call the police if you don't leave. GET OUT YOU IMPOSTER

You lie

Nufin here but us singles

Good evening officer, but you are mistaken, there are no dubs here. Have a good night sir.

BLM nigger

No dubs here officer.

Heh. Nice

Aw fuck

come on in, mind if i smoke?

Officer! Over here! I found one!

you'll never catch me alive


Sure, come in!
Would you like a rip off my bong?

well well look who showed up looking like scum


No dubs here sir, I would never possess such a prohibited item such as dubs

are you f'ing kidding me. I posted in here twice and got dubs and trips

get da fuck outta here nigga

Then I'll assume I'm free to go.

having trips is punishable by death!

Im black

Come back with a fucking warrant


It's always the fucking kid cuisines

move along

no officer theres no dubs here

Awwww shhheeeeit nigga, grape soda watermellon fried chicken.

Translation for white people
You up standing melanin enriched brother are free to go about your way. Have a splendid day.

I'm sorry sir but I don't think I can allow you into my home. I'm a very private person you see. I could stand on the deck and answer some of your questions though.

Sorry officer, I only have trips and quads.

You fucking cops always think you can break the law and then arrest others for doing the same!


I'm arresting you for possession of illegal dubs

Oops, my video recorder accidentally fell to the ground...

I see you dropped a jar of spaghetti sauce

No dubs here officer.

Come quietly. you don't have to lose your dignity. until we rape you behind the denny's.

no dubs founds

Speak for yourself pig!



I plead the fourth and fifth. Come back with a warrant.


nigga all i got is food stamps i swear

No problem officer, just show me the warrant and I'll show you right in.

these dubs aint loyal

alright officer, but there aren't dubs in here

Never pleat the 5th. Pleading the 5th is admissible in court as evidence of evasion now. Instead, refuse to talk without your lawyer present.

Talk to eachother

No dubs here officer but your mom will die