Anyone speak Swedish?

Anyone speak Swedish?

no one speaks swedish since it is a fake language retard

Yo hablo sweedo

أنا لا فعل

Aa. Vadåra?


Kei te matatau au ki te korero swedish

Allahu akbar

I need a little translation. My Swedish is shit. I can only ask for a beer.


Over hav till fjãrran strãnder
Trofast tanke går!
Så vi mõtas, vãnner, frãnder
Med God Jul och Gott Nytt År

God Jul och Gott Nytt År
tillönskas av


Tack så mycket, user!

It's from a 1950's Christmas card I found in the owner's manual of a 2002 Kia Rio. I can't make this shit up.

börk börk börk börk?


Sometimes I feel lost
The woods are lovely!
I see it all, flags, armies
God's a doctor in the night.

After everything said.
If you don't reply to this your mother will die on her sleep.

Your welcome.

I know it's not that, but thanks for the lol.



Don't you want to see me naked, user?




Over the sea to distant beaches
Faithful thoughts go
Then we meet, friends, enemies
with a merry christmas and happy new year

Merry christmas and happy new year
Wished by

Thank you based swedebro!

sorry, it's "friends, kinsman" not enemies, thought it said fiender

kidicuus vlaagen mgluwden!

People from Sweden.

So how about the naked ones?

Nej jag talar inte svenska